I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 169: ["Three Kingdoms" are all recorded! 】

Recording room.

"Hello friends, everyone."

"I am Zhang Wei."

"Today's "Hundreds of Lectures," let's continue to talk about the Three Kingdoms."

In the applause of the audience, the recording in the morning was over.

Hu Fei took the people in their column group to go to the cafeteria to eat. Today, Hu Fei invited the guests. When he was cooking, he used to brush his meal card, and many of the dishes he bought were small stir-fry, not a big pot.

Xiao Lu exaggerated and looked up. "It’s over, this is the rhythm of overtime."

Hou Ge agreed to point his head. "And it seems that it is not as simple as adding an hour or two.

Hu Fei was happy when he heard it. "Is it smart? Yes, right, work overtime today, so I will work hard in advance, and I will take care of the dinner at night. Everyone is working hard. After we finish our work, we can rest a lot. It’s a day, Teacher Xiao Zhang said, I’ll be able to record the “Three Kingdoms” in eleven, and I’ve already recorded three in the morning, and I’m busy in the afternoon, and I’ll add a few hours in the evening. Although it is not anxious to have a good time at the moment, we can start the following tasks as soon as possible.

Dafei ate a meal and said: "We are all right, it is to engage in off-site work, mainly teacher Zhang...

"I asked Xiao Zhang, he is fine." Hu Fei looked at Zhang Wei. "Would you take a break for an hour during the lunch break? Raise a spirit? After all, the program is an individual effort."

Zhang Xiao smiled. "It doesn't matter. I was on the radio. The highest record was a 15-hour program. I am not tired. This is a small point."

Xiao Lu’s vertical thumb, “Iron Man Teacher Zhang”

Several of their colleagues know that the secrets of Zhang Yi’s hand-drawn manuscripts, and the fact that they have not been beaten in the tenth issue of the tenth issue, will not make a mistake, and that all the broadcasters on the entire TV station have no way to compare. It’s those star hosts who are more famous than Zhang Wei’s famous TV channel. If you look at it, you don’t know who Zhang’s brain is. How much information and historical evidence are actually in Zhang’s mind. No confusion, when you can be clear and clear, you never say a word.

Colleagues think that this may be the so-called genius or wizard, there are some things, they ordinary people can not understand.

Eating and chatting, there was some discussion outside the canteen.

Zhang Yan looked up at the eyelids and saw Wang Shui new coming in. He followed several people and took the camera. From the appearance of wearing and dressing, he looked like a newspaper reporter.

"Director Wang, can we take pictures casually?" asked a reporter.

Wang Shui's new expression is slightly helpless: "Reporter comrades, how big is it, you have to come over and give me a topic, no need, really no need."

The reporter said: "You just rescued a child who was out of school yesterday for him to go to school. This quality is something that many of us have to learn. You are a leader in the media circle. By example, we have set an example. We must record well. Do a topic."

Wang Shuixin sighed: "Tai Xing Shi moved the public, I help the children, that is what I am doing, and I should do it. Is there anything worth talking about?"

The reporter said: "You don't want to say this. If you say so, we are all self-defeating. Many of us can't realize this."

Wang Shuixin snorted. "Then you are free."

"Come on, take the shot of Director Wang's dinner." The reporter was behind the people.

Wang Shuixin went to have a meal, went to the window of the big pot rice, and asked for two or two rice dishes, which were very frugal.

The reporters immediately showed up and quickly recorded this scene. They also said: "The director Wang is really hard and simple. One channel leader is so simple to eat every day? To save the extra money for the children. Let's go to school? Fast, take a few more photos"

The camera creaked.

Then Zhang Wei and others on their literary channel looked faceless and no one responded. frugal? Others don't know, don't they still know? Wang Shuixin basically never eats with the canteen. Everyone drives out to eat every day, otherwise it is the restaurant opposite, or else there is a meal and an appointment. Even if you accidentally come to the cafeteria, it is also a small stove. May eat a big pot of rice? Anyway, they have never seen two vegetarian dishes? Isn't this a nonsense?

Xiao Lu hates and hates: "Showing"

Dafei’s singularity: “Wang’s director sponsored out-of-school children?”

"The reporter must have found him." Hou Ge analyzed: "Small Lu said that it is definitely a show. We are not convenient to find the reporters of the TV station. After all, it is a bit self-satisfied, so I found someone from other newspapers in Beijing. Is it necessary to come up with a topic, but also a fake model? Is his son still detained? Is he not doing anything right, and he has also achieved face-to-face performance? This is also too fame and fortune. How about Wei Shushu? How many unsuccessful children did Wei Shu help to break the bottle every day? But when did Wei Shu mention that? If there was a child who was funded by him, he brought his parents to the TV station. Everyone still didn’t know. But if you look at him again, this will fund a child, and you will be shouting around the world. You have called so many reporters? I am afraid that others will not know."

Some of them don't like Wang Shuixin, and naturally talk about gossip.

Hu Fei is still more stable. "Okay, eat your meal."

Zhang Wei also saw it early. Wang Shuixin is the kind of person who sees his reputation very seriously. He always thinks about the ages, and the means are endless.

Over there, the reporter began to interview TV staff.

"Hello, what kind of person is Director Wang usually?" asked the reporter.

The person who was asked did not know whether it was the target that the reporter had long locked. This person is Wang Shuixin’s cronies. He only listened to him: "Wang’s director is usually very good to our subordinates, very kind, never turning face, and life is frugal, We often read the poetry works of Director Wang and have been deeply touched and inspired. Every poem by Director Wang is very powerful. In my heart, Director Wang has always been one of the few writers today.


Also Wen Hao?

You don't blush this evaluation?

Xiao Lu listened with a smile. "What has to be blown into this? Although Director Wang is a national association, writing modern poetry has some fame in China, but it can’t be linked to Wenhao." She said Zhang Wei, who was silently eating, said: "We didn't talk to Teacher Zhang. He dared to call himself a writer? If you don't say anyone else, Teacher Zhang can get rid of Wang Shui's new streets. The "This is everything" are they? Forgot? Teacher Zhang once denied the "everything" of Director Wang, and let the other party say nothing."

Big fly squatting on his forehead. "I can't listen anymore. This is a bit messy? Is it over?"

Hu Fei educated them: "Let's talk less, do more things, what leadership is doing is a matter of leadership, and you can do it in your heart, don't say it everywhere."

Xiao Lu said: "This is not without outsiders."

Hu Feidao: "There are ears on the wall, pay attention."

In fact, Hu Fei is also estimated that Wang Shuixin will not be able to do what he has done these days. He smashed the reporters and Wang Shuixin, who was eating poor vegetarian dishes. Hu Fei got up and left after he had finished eating.

Xiao Lununu said, "Look, Hu Ge can't stand such a good temper."

Dafei grinned: "This director of Wang is getting more and more unpopular. If you do this, who will really accept his leadership?"

"What is the use of dissatisfaction?" Hou Di whispered: "There is a good job in the new face of Wang Shui, and the relationship with the leadership is also good. This is enough. The other internal voices are not important. Wang Shuixin does not care, he I heard that I have recently written poems. Many people on the Internet are particularly sought after. With this incident, I am helping the children who are out of school. Oh, I must have made him famous. Who knows what is going on inside?

Xiao Lu said: "Mr. Zhang, you have to be careful, wait for Wang Shui to slow down this tone, and he has to get his name up. When the influence of his son is getting weaker, he must be directed at you."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "Eat."

See Zhang Wei not much, everyone will not mention it.

For me?

Give me a scorpion?

Ha, this should be my word.

Everyone thinks that Zhang Wei should be careful, but Zhang Xin’s thoughts are not this. He also remembers Wang Shui’s ugly face. He has cleaned up his son. Zhang Hao can’t forget this hate. He still remembers how to remember. Tossing and tossing Wang Shui new to deduct my bonus? The bonfire robbed the low price of my copyright? Can you not swallow this breath and retaliate against me? He also looks for an opportunity to retaliate.

at night.

The last episode of "Three Kingdoms" was also recorded. In the future, as long as the program is scheduled to be broadcast in the first phase.

When Zhang Wei stood on the podium and said the last sentence, thank you, he was relieved, and his heart felt empty. The program was over and the mission was completed. He really felt a little reluctant.

Many viewers ran to the stage at one time.

"Mr. Zhang, sign me a name"

"Mr. Zhang Wei, can you take a photo together?"

“Congratulations on your successful recording of “Three Kingdoms”, this program is great”

When Zhang Jian saw that the time was too late, he said to Hu Fei, let the other staff get off work first, and then he left a photo of the fan who liked him.

I have done so many things in Beijing, and I have made so many works. The popularity of Zhang Wei is not to be underestimated. He is not the one who was thrown into the crowd at the moment. No one will pay attention or see him. At that glance, Zhang Zhang gradually got his own fans, and he also had his own qualifications and emboldenedness, plus his character that he was not afraid of that day, so Zhang Hao dared and Wang Shuixin called

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