I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 170: [Zhang Ye is angry! 】

It's late.

The time on the phone is twenty minutes past nine o'clock in the evening.

After Zhang Ye signed the fans in the recording room, several staff members left with the rest of the audience one after another. Zhang Ye had let Hu Fei and Xiao Lvhou go home from get off work long ago, and left the host to work. ,Fixed the straps, removed the scenes, and finally sorted out the work documents before getting off work.

Press the elevator.

Ding, the door opened.

"Huh, Uncle Wei?" Zhang Ye saw the people in the elevator.

Editor Wei was taken aback, "Mr. Zhang, why do you get off work so late?"

Zhang Ye said, "I worked overtime during the recording of the program today. Why didn't you leave just after finishing it?"

Editor Wei laughed and said: "I accompanied a few newspaper reporters to dinner." The reporters he said were obviously those who came to interview Wang Shuixin for his special topic in the afternoon. "Afterwards, the people were sent away. It was a little urgent for the time being. A few children lost a manuscript, and the director fined everyone to work overtime. I think that a few children are also having problems, and it was too late, so I let them go home. In fact, they can't help. Why are you busy? I'm not as fast as I am alone, ha ha."

Zhang Ye said, "It's almost half past nine."

"I'm not in a hurry, I'll leave after I'm done." Editor Wei smiled.

Zhang Ye volunteered: "You are so old, and you can't always think of young people, and the surname Wang asks you to work overtime every day? This is not in compliance with the rules and labor law. You can go through legal procedures." This Wang Shuixin is It's getting too much, Zhang Ye almost can't bear it, "What's more, how can your body stand it? Let's go, I'll be fine when I go back, I'll help you get it together."

Editor Wei shook his hand and said: "I don't need you, I can do it alone. From now on, it will be the world of your young people. I will do all these trivial things that I can do. If I can't do it, I will find you."

Zhang Ye cared: "Then you go back soon."

"Okay, I know." Editor Wei just about to leave, suddenly stood still and turned his head to stop him, "Teacher Xiao Zhang, can I ask you for a calligraphy someday, any modern poem will do."

Zhang Ye hurriedly said: "Don't ask, you want me to write you an article tomorrow, but my writing is just normal, but I can't be regarded as a calligraphy word."

Editor Wei was very happy, "Then thank you in advance."

"Look at your kind, trivial matter." Zhang Ye knew that he especially liked his poems.

Zhang Ye fell asleep when he got home.

The next morning, Zhang Ye didn't remember that it was so early. After recording the show yesterday, he had a lot of free time these days. He was going to rest and go to work in the afternoon.

But a phone call came and woke Zhang Ye up

It was Xiao Lu's number, and Zhang Ye picked it up in a daze, "Huh, Xiao Lu, what's the matter? Or else in the afternoon, I'll sleep a little longer."

Xiao Lu's voice was very hurried, even crying, "Ms. Zhang has an accident."

Zhang Ye immediately became sober and sat up from the bed, "What happened? Don't worry, speak slowly."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ye's face changed drastically, he didn't even care to brush his teeth, put on his clothes and drove downstairs.

TV station.

The floor of the art channel.

When Zhang Ye arrived, he heard crying in the corridor.

"Blame me, blame me"

"If I stay and work overtime, Uncle Wei won't have any trouble."

"Even if it's a heart attack, even if one of us was working overtime at the time, he could help take care of it, but now... Why am I leaving? I am leaving. I am."

A young man slapped his hand hard while crying, and slapped his face vigorously. Just two slaps, the entire right side of his face was swollen, showing how hard he hit himself.

"Xiaojun, don't do this, don't do this," someone beside him hurriedly pulled him.

A girl also fell to the ground in despair, and sobbed: "Uncle Wei was afraid that we were too hard to die and let us go. All the work was left to us... We are so damned, why are we leaving, why are we? I lost the manuscript."

"Don't blame you, don't blame yourself"

"It's our fault"

"Even if you don't lose your manuscript, Uncle Wei will definitely work overtime"

This is the point. Yes, it is true that the young people of them did not make a mistake yesterday, but according to Wang Shuixin's attitude towards Editor Wei, he does not treat him as a person at all. He will definitely not let Editor Wei be idle, the same. I will find a head to let editor Wei work overtime, and deliberately toss him so it has little to do with them. In other words, it was Wang Shuixin who squeezed editor Wei's labor almost every day, which led to the consequences today.

"Ms. Zhang" Xiao Lu rushed up with red eyes, apparently crying.

Zhang Ye also paled, "What the **** is going on? The people suddenly disappeared.

Yesterday, the two of us had something to say. Uncle Wei still cares about me asking for calligraphy."

Xiao Lu cried even harder after hearing this.

Da Fei was relatively calm, and said with anger: "Uncle Wei worked overtime again yesterday. In the end, he may be too tired at night. It was also because of staying up all year round. He suffered a sudden heart attack. But at that time, no one on our art channel was on duty. Yes, only editor Wei is alone. As a result... As a result, when we went to work this morning, we discovered that all the office doors were unlocked, and then we saw Uncle Wei lying on the ground in the corridor. We touched... people... …The person is already cold"

Zhang Ye said, "Where is the person?"

Brother Hou also came over, "The hospital has just pulled people away"

Can't you see the last side? Zhang Ye is in a bad mood, his entire chest is blocked

Everyone was standing in the corridor, all standing in the place where Editor Wei fell last. A good person just left, a good person who would rather pick up the rags by himself but also give the children to school is gone, and a good person who would rather be more than a little bit of work. The good guys who don’t want to work overtime and don’t want young people and children to endure hardship are gone. No one here is not sad. Editor Wei has been on TV for these years. Yu is more than anyone, but he earns less than anyone, but he has no complaints No regrets, I still stick to my post, I have never complained about being tired


Why do good people never live long?

At this time, Wang Shuixin’s secretary came over, and he raised his hand, “It’s all gone, let’s go back to work, don’t delay normal work”


Let us work at this time?

Uncle Wei just left, and one of our own colleagues and elders just left. You have no words of concern or condolences. Let us go to work when we come up? Many people are glaring at Wang Shuixin's secretary. Has your conscience been eaten by dogs? But no one dared to say anything, the top secretaries were still scrupulous and did not dare to contradict

But one person at the scene is an exception

There is one person who doesn't care about these at all-that is Zhang Ye

Zhang Ye was so angry that there was nowhere to send it, and he stared at Wang Shuixin's secretary at a glance, "Fuck you, you uncle, **** me."

Secretary Wang Shuixin was scolded stupidly, and pointed to Zhang Ye and said, "Are you scolding?"

Zhang Ye took a step forward, "I'm the one who the **** is scolding you, you can give me another try."

Xiao Lu hurriedly pulled Zhang Ye two, "Teacher Xiao Zhang"

"Okay." Wang Shuixin's secretary was furious, but put his hands down, and no longer pointed to Zhang Ye's nose, "Do you think you can be deceived by high ratings? Do you still have organizational discipline? Please follow the punishment in the station.” After he saw Zhang Ye take another step towards him, Secretary Wang Shuixin was taken aback and went away hurriedly, no longer daring to talk to Zhang Ye.

There is no way, he is a top secretary, he is afraid of no one on the whole channel, only two people, one is Wang Shuixin, needless to say, Wang Shuixin is the leader, the number one, and he must remain in awe. However, the second person he was afraid of was this Zhang Ye. This person was a **** who even Wang Shuixin's son dared to beat. Zhang Ye has also used couplets to curse with people from the Writers Association. Even the wicked curse on the Internet nowadays, five of the ten sentences are original Zhang Ye

This is a smelly stream

It's not cheap to carry with him

So Wang Shuixin's secretary hurried away. He was really afraid that Zhang Ye would do something with him, and then he would be beaten again. Will he still be mixed up in the future? Humph, if you don’t eat it

Over there, Hu Fei also came out of the office area with a sad expression. He heard Zhang Ye's curse, but this time, Hu Fei unexpectedly did not criticize Zhang Ye and said nothing.

The people on other art channels are also very relieved, and the scolding is so happy that they still have to look at Teacher Zhang Ye at the critical moment. This kind of **** has to scold like that.

A female colleague said angrily: "They don't have a good thing"

A young man also gritted his teeth and said: "Uncle Wei is gone, it means they worked overtime for two hundred days of the year they were forced to die for three hundred and sixty-five days without bonuses or salary increases. Is this something that people can do? Uncle Wei just made them so exhausted."

"I want to resign from this broken channel. I can't stay for a day. The leaders don't treat us as human beings all day long. They only know that they make them famous and make them famous on the newspaper and TV to earn a reputation. Uncle Wei is so good. give……"

"I don't want to take it anymore, it's boring"

"Don't be angry, what can I do? I still have to bear it."

"Endure? Endure? Uncle Wei endured all his hard work and resentment and became a Marco. What did it end up? The leader didn't even show his face and sent a secretary to let us continue to work. You can bear it. I am Can't bear it anymore"

"But what can I do?"

"People are gone, it's too late to say anything"

Everyone may have conflicts with each other before, and they also have their own small nine-nine, good and bad relationships, but the death of editor Wei has made almost everyone angry with each other.

Zhang Ye can't bear it anymore. He must expose Wang Shuixin's ugly face, let everyone take a look, and everyone in the world can take a look.

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