I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 171: [The whole society's attention! 】


Everyone is immersed in grief.

Not only the people of the literary channel, but also the people of other channels and departments. They all know that the editors of Wei have learned that many people on the whole stage have been favored by Wei. Several veteran comrades familiar with Wei’s editors also specially took time off, went to Wei’s editorial house to help, and helped the cooking there. They were also afraid that Wei’s only daughter could not stand the blow, they were not at ease. .


"Hundreds of Lectures" column group.

A young man who didn't know Zhang Hao came in. He saw Zhang Hao first after entering the house, and then he was not too polite to Hu Feidao: "Hu is supervised, and the Taiwan leader will let you go."

Hu Fei looked up and followed him away.

Xiao Lu Yiyi, "This person is not our art channel."

"Taiwan leader? The leader of the TV station is looking for Hu Ge?" Dafei also felt that it was not very good.

Sure enough, after more than ten minutes, Hu Fei came back alone, and Zhang said: "Taily said that you insulted and threatened colleagues in public, gave you a demerit, deducted your three-month bonus, and suspended for a week."

Zhang Wei’s face does not matter.

Hou Ge is not good, "Why do they give Zhang a punishment?"

"Is it given by the Taiwan leadership?" Xiao Lu said: "How come you are alarmed?"

Big Flying Road: "Would you still ask, it must be reported by Wang Shuixin, he told me"

Everyone can see that Zhang Yigang has beaten Wang Shui's son and sent his son to the detention center. It is Wang Shui's new son who has problems first, so the storm has not passed. Now Wang Shuixin is not doing well with Zhang Wei, but today Zhang Wei took his secretary, it was a new thing. Wang Shuixin naturally found the head, but still did not want to fall into the name of a public affair after Wei’s death. So he greeted the above and the punishment was also In the middle of it, I can see that there is a good relationship between Taiwan’s leaders and Wang Shui.

Zhang Hao got up and got up. "Then I went back to Hu Ge."

"Just stop for a week, come back next week, nothing." Hu Fei comforted.

Zhang Wei greeted his colleague and took things out. When he left, he took a deep look at the office area where Wei edited and worked, and turned down the stairs.

In the car.

Zhang Wei gave a call to Wang Xiaomei, a former radio colleague. "Hey, Xiaomei teacher, are you busy? Is it inconvenient for the speaker?"

Wang Xiaomei said faintly: "It is convenient to record the program."

"A little bit of asking for you, people on the other side of the news frequency, are you familiar?" Zhang asked.

"I can't talk about familiarity, but I know each other, what happened?" Wang Xiaomei said.

Zhang Weidao: "I have a news material here. I want to expose it. It is an old editor on our TV station. It is Wei Jianguo, he..." Zhang Wei spent five minutes, from beginning to end. The ins and outs have been told to Wang Xiaomei. "Do you think you can get the news on our radio?"

Wang Xiaomei thought for a moment. "You said that your literary and art channel leader's public opinion has made Wei editors alive and dead, and certainly can't report it. After all, we belong to the Beijing TV station. The radio station has merged with them. The leaders will not promise this kind of thing. But the deeds of Wei’s editor alone can definitely be reported.”

Zhang Wei had to say: "Okay, then report this."

"Let's go, I will contact you for help." Wang Xiaomei promised.

"That would be more thank you, please ask for dinner the next day." Zhang Hao said that he hung up.

Wang Xiaomei is still very reliable, and she is the pillar of Beijing Radio Station. It has a big face. It is about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. It is in the column of the live broadcast of the news, and there must be The reporter went to the detailed investigation and found it very clearly.

"Wei Jianguo - an ordinary name, an ordinary person, but when he heard his deeds, I think no one would think that he is ordinary. In the past 20 years, he only used his own meager income to save money. Even on the rest day, I went to the street and smashed it. I used this money to support a total of 159 children who were out of school. The sick children had a total of 159 abandoned orphans. Of course, this is only The situation we learned from Wei Jianguo people, as for the specific figures, may only be known to Wei Shushu alone, and we may not know it all the time, because last night, Wei Shushu’s heart attack caused by fatigue, Longevity

"Let's take a few interviews."

The radio station made this topic a special topic, not a simple report.

"Hello, we are radio reporters. Are you a child funded by Uncle Wei? What kind of person is Wei Shushu?"


"Little sister, you are sad, we are sorry about Wei’s business."

"Wei... Wei Dad is a good person. He is a good person. He is against us... Hey... It’s all about the birth of a child... Wei Dad helps us, we... We all think that Wei Dad is the big boss. ... thought he was very rich... but... I later learned that Wei Dad was just an ordinary employee... his money was all his salary and the broken bottle was changed... but they gave us Once... I was ill, Wei Dad didn’t know how to know... I came to the hospital to see me. The doctor said that I needed to have a minor operation... Hey... Wei’s father didn’t say anything to pay the money...呜Uh... Later I realized that the money I paid for the surgery was the university tuition that Wei’s biological daughter had to pay the next day.”

The reporter in the radio recording seemed to be moving too, silently.

I only listened to the child crying constantly. "Why, the teacher and the teacher have been telling us that we have to be a good person, a good person, a long life, but why Wei Dad is gone. Reporter Auntie... They said Wei Dad was overworked. The heart disease is not that we killed Wei Dad? Wei Dad is to help us ... to go to the bottle, to go to work every day, is it that we killed Wei Dad?"

The child’s questioning has suddenly hit many people’s hearts.

The reporter in charge of the interview did not know how to answer

Then, another interview with the second person, then the third, fourth

"Big sister, are you a neighbor of Wei Dad? What kind of person is he in your eyes?"

"The old Wei people are so good. What is wrong with our neighbors? He has helped people to be especially good. So good people say how to leave and leave."

“Do you know that he has funded so many children in these years?”

"I don't know, no one knows. We know that Wei Wei is working on TV. When he was an editor, he never heard that he had subsidized his children. He knew that their living conditions were not very good. His daughter went to college, even the tuition fees. Can't afford to pay, I heard that it was Lao Wei who later died and asked for school leadership, so that the school promised to delay for a while. He is such a person. He does not like to say anything, he does not like to hang on his mouth. Once, there was no one in my family. My son was at home and had a high fever. My son ran to the old Wei family. Lao Wei took my son and went to see a doctor. Afterwards, he told me that I would not let me put my heart on my heart. But I later asked my son to know that our hutong is very long, there are many cars inside, and the ambulance can't get in. The old Wei is holding these things for a full kilometer before my son rushes to the hospital. He mentions Did not mention a sentence ah"

Once the news was reported, it immediately aroused the attention of the whole society.

In fact, not only the Beijing Radio Station, but also several newspapers and media in Beijing have reported at the same time. Even the Jinghua Times has placed a photo of Wei’s editor in the second edition of the excellent position. You don’t have to ask, you must know the Beijing TV station. The editors of Wei’s editors broke out. It’s not that Zhang Yi knows people alone. Everyone is engaged in media work. Who has few contacts and friends and classmates who know each other? And this thing does have a news condition that can cause widespread concern, so Wei’s deeds spread throughout the capital on the day of his death.

A broadcast media, seven or eight newspapers reported in the media

This incident has suddenly been heated up, and people in other parts of the country have also paid attention.

Especially on the Internet, this kind of open communication channel has caused a lot of heat.

"Good guys"

"How come there are such kind people in the world?"

"I was moved in front of Wei Dad, I am really self-defeating."

"Yeah, those who are charitable, those who have become self-proclaimed as national moral models, many people have done nothing to let the world know, let people know what they have done, let people worship They praised them for their nobleness. This is noble. I used to think so, but now I don’t think so. I have a deeper understanding of Wei’s deeds. Goodness is a deeper thing from the heart. It is a matter of conscience. A kind of human nature does not necessarily need people to know, not to shout out."

“It’s good to say upstairs”

"Yesterday was also their TV station. It seems that Wang Shuxin, the famous poet who wrote "Everything", is also the channel manager of the TV station. Didn't it help a child who was out of school? The result was that this newspaper was all this yesterday, everyone is online too. I praised him. I also made a comment at the time. I think that this kind of thing as a TV station is advocated and affirmed. It is done very well, but now I think about it. Compared with Wei Dad, what is this? ”


"Wei Dad, we will always remember you"

"Hey, I heard that Wei Dad is offending people and being killed by people."

"What? How come?"

"I also heard that I didn't know whether it was true or not. Anyway, I heard that he was offending someone in the station. Then he was asked to work overtime all day. It wasn't Wei Dad who volunteered to work overtime because there was no overtime pay and bonuses for overtime. Will be found by the head to deduct"

"Is it a rumor?"

"Is there still this? No?"

"If it is true, my grass is too hateful."

"I am not sure, anyway, I will say it, you can do it as soon as you hear it."

However, this post posted on the forum was quickly deleted.

Zhang Wei just turned to this post and watched it again, but when he turned the page, the defendant’s post was deleted or not existed, and the heart was a sink.

What do you mean?

The answer is already obvious

This is how similar Zhang’s state of public opinion was when he was arrested at that time.

At the end of the day, Beijing TV station estimated that it had to talk, so it also broadcasted the story of Wei’s editor in the HT News Channel of Beijing. They also said that they did not know it before, but now they have heard that they are proud of having such a colleague. - This is a pure and crap, how may you have never heard of it?

Including them, all other media reports, but only limited to the deeds of Wei editor, as for his situation in the unit and other things, simply do not mention, a word is not revealed, even those small newspapers have no gossip I don't know if I care about the big media of Beijing TV Station, or give Wang Shui a new face. Otherwise, according to the news reports that Wei editor was "killed", many newspapers should rush to report. Whether it is the truth or the grandstanding, this is a topic, no one can remember.

The facts are obvious

Zhang Wei is also engaged in media work. If he doesn’t understand it, then he will live.

This time, behind the scenes, someone is manipulating the direction of public opinion, letting the people only stare at the brilliance of Wei’s editor, ignoring the death of Wei’s editor.

A good Wang Shuixin

You are such a trick, right?

Zhang Hao’s eyes suddenly became more and more firm. Well, since no one has uncovered this matter, since no one dares to report this matter...

Then I am coming

I spelled this host improperly.

I didn’t go to the TV station after I spelled it.

My mother is going to give you a new look.

If it is a normal language, Zhang Wei does not have this ability, and even without the energy of this discourse, even if he publicizes Wang Shui's new face, others may not believe it. Secondly, he may not pay much attention to it. After all, he is not What a famous star, but not speaking lightly, does not mean that Zhang Wei has no other way, he also has a means that everyone will scruple - his poem

Zhang Wei’s words are limited in strength, but Zhang Wei’s poems have been receiving a wide range of attention, just as he entered the police station and relied on two poems.

This is actually the charm of literary works.

Or the charm of an excellent literary work

Some people may say that it is useless to speak, can writing poetry attract attention?

In the case of Zhang Wei, this is really the case. For example, there are so many innocent students who have died in history. Who knows their names? Who will remember? There are few, but one of them, Liu Hezhen’s female student, is in the world of Zhang Wei. Almost everyone remembers why? Just because Lu Xun once wrote an article, called "Remember Liu Hezhen Jun"

Literature, only literature, may have this power

Zhang Hao has already had his own plans and ideas.

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