I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 175: [Wang Shuixin was smashed! 】

"The camera is off?"

"No, forget it."

"Close this, this is live."

"It’s too late, I’ve already broadcast it. Who knows that he suddenly grabbed the microphone?”

"What the **** is this Zhang Jian teacher doing, how can he feel uncomfortable when he arrives at this occasion every time?"

"What should we do now?"

"What can I do if I broadcast it out? I haven't done it."

The staff of the Beijing TV station responsible for the live broadcast work are in a mess.

But other people are silent, especially those who know the inside story, such as Hu Fei, such as Xiao Lu, such as their colleagues on the literary channel, all staring at Zhang Wei on the stage, there is nothing in the ear, only This first shocking poetry

After Zhang Shushi finished speaking, he paused for a few seconds. He gently said: "This poem is called "some people." Today I gave it to Wei Shu, this is my eulogy."


Are you jealous of this?

Wang Shui's new secretary almost fainted, you **** this is a swearing poem.

Wang Shuixin also blew up, and did not breathe in a breath. The back of this poem was so swaying that it was almost not standing on the stage.

Zhang Wei

You are going to die with me.

Wang Shui's new face is very pale. He thought that Zhang Wei didn't have this courage. He thought that Zhang Huan would have no problem even in peacetime. He would have his own concerns in the depths of his heart, such as work, such as the position of the lecturer and the host of the TV station, but Until now, Wang Shuixin understands that he still misunderstood Zhang Wei, or underestimated the work of this **** that is more than a stream of spleen.

Hu Fei and Xiao Lu also understood Zhang Wei’s decision in a flash, knowing that Teacher Zhang Wei is not planning to be in Beijing TV.

"Teacher Zhang"

"This little teacher Zhang"

Hu Fei sighed and his heart was very complicated.

In fact, when the first sentence came out, they wanted to stop Zhang Wei from saying it. They could hesitate for a long time. They still didn’t say anything because Hu Fei and Xiao Lu knew that this was Zhang Wei. The teacher’s own decision and judgment, all they can do is respect

In front of the TV.

The live signal has now been cut off.

The host in the live room also had a feeling of fainting. He quickly slammed the round: "There are some people, a very good poem, and my colleague Zhang Wei has created a great work, well, The live broadcast of the memorial service ends here." Then I entered the ad.

However, the audience does not have to forget this.

Who is more stupid than everyone, everyone sees what is going on.

On Weibo, Zhang Wei’s "some people" were rewritten in the first time, and then, below, the netizens suddenly screamed.

"very insider"

"My grass Wei father is really killed."

"Is that the person named Wang Shuixin?"

"It is his poem that Zhang Wei’s teacher has already made it very clear."

"Wang Shuixin, isn't this the same person who reported in the newspaper yesterday to fund a child who is out of school? He seems to be a poet too? I remember that when I was at school, there was his "everything" in the textbook."

"Everything" is a fart. You haven't heard of Teacher Zhang's "This is everything"? It is to refute Wang Shui's new one now."

"The "some people" wrote awesome"

"Yeah, listening to my mother is fun."

"Some people are alive, he is already dead, some people are dead, he is still alive? Classic is too classic, and Zhang Yi, a teacher of this literary level, can write such words."

"Supporting Zhang Hao's death of Wang Shuixin"

"Let Wang Shuixin step down and pursue his legal responsibility to pay for David's father."

"Yes, give Wei Dad a life to get this kind of person who rides on the people's head to make a fortune, and still find the newspaper to report his own financing of the child? Only after funding a person to spread the world, your surname Wang is so immortal. The ridiculous people will wrestle you. Teacher Zhang Wei’s poem is really just right. The contrast between Wei’s goodness and Wang Shui’s new ugliness is vivid.”

"There is no need for the people to wrestle him. Zhang Huan’s "some people" will write his reputation to stink who will mention "some people". Maybe many years later, everyone will read it from the textbook or from the book. This song will surely spread the poems of the ages, and will also remember this allusion, remembering two people, one is Wei Dad, the other is Wang Shuixin, his surname Wang still wants to be famous for thousands of ages?

"Wang Shuixin is not a good person to die"

"Yes, Teacher Zhang said that he is such a person who is alive and dead."

Against the backdrop of this great poem, Wang Shuixin provoked public anger, and everyone fought and attacked. The reason why everyone is so annoyed is that Wang Shuixin is really a jerk, but a larger part is because of Zhang Wei’s "Some people" is this great work that ignited the anger of the masses. Zhang Wei once quoted his world Nobel laureate Mo Yan as saying - the use of literature may be that it is useless.

"Some People" - This is the work of his world-class contemporary poet, Zang Kejia, which is included in the Chinese textbooks all year round. It is a lyric poem written to commemorate the thirteenth anniversary of Lu Xun's death. Through the comparison of the two kinds of poetry, the poetry expressed a high respect for Mr. Lu Xun; the people on the head of the Gaochun people were mercilessly exposed and showed full anger. The uniqueness of poetry is the expression of a philosophical theme: people live for the better of the majority.

Of course, this is the version of the Zucker family, which is what he wants to express.

Zhang Wei’s poem today is not a eulogy. The main purpose is not all praise and commemoration of Wei’s editor. The “some people” that he recited today, but the key expression is the resentment against Wang Shuixin. As many people on the scene understand, he is the same as the "Dead Water".

Post it.

Zhang Wei’s nest.

"Look at TV"

"It's all over, I have already seen it."

"I also accidentally broadcasted to the Beijing News Station. I didn't expect to see Zhang Wei's teacher fascinating. It is also a god-like work. It is similar to "Dead Water", "My Confessional Book" and "Prisoner Song". It’s a haunting hahaha that I am so cool.”

"Where? Where are you going to link?"

"Wait, the network is definitely coming out."

"Yes, this kind of big event is definitely unstoppable. I suggest that you first go to Weibo to see it. After a while, I will go to the video again. Now it’s already overwhelming."

Zhang Wei’s temper is not very good, and his personality is quite awkward. It’s not the kind of temperament that is particularly popular. Not to mention that he doesn’t have the level of superficial kung fu, so there are many people along the way. They are questioning him. This post is a fan group of Zhang Wei. It is a group of people who like Zhang Wei. Since they even like Zhang Wei, who sometimes do things like a bastard, they will like it. I am afraid that things that are not chaotic in the world, haven’t you seen them? The predecessor of Zhang Wei’s fan group is actually a group of water soldiers who are all over the place and have no trouble fighting everywhere. If the fan group of others is called the regular army, Zhang Wei’s fan group...maybe it is more suitable for bandits.

When I saw Zhang Hao and made a mistake, this group of people not only worried about Zhang Wei, but excitedly screamed.

"Zhang Yu teacher has another accident."

"Haha loves to see and hear"

"I have waited this day for a long time."

"Mr. Zhang just came out of the police station just a few days ago. How did it get into trouble after just coming out for a few days? Or is it damaging the live abusive leadership? But... I like wow haha."

"It’s time for our brothers to come to us."

"I heard that this Wang Shuixin is the father who was beaten by Zhang Wei before the teacher. It’s no wonder that the slogan was so serious. It was this ghost of Wang Shui’s new 那 折 折 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那The man is dead? The bastard"

"Walking the TV official website."

"My big knife is yet again and again, and again and again, I am hungry and thirsty."

"The big knife brother has also reached our strongest fighting power and they have gathered enough people to kill it."

This time, the Zhangye fan group did not fight alone. Many people from the Beijing Municipality spontaneously organized the killing of the Beijing TV station. The message areas were all new.

The post was deleted?

Deleted one, they sent a hundred

It’s really too much trouble at this time. It’s more than a few times when Zhang Wei was arrested. It’s normal. The Zhang’s thing was only triggered on the Internet, but this time it’s live on TV. Ah, HT News Channel, the entire capital city can receive it, and the number of people who pay attention naturally grows dozens of times.

Online chaos

The memorial service was also chaotic.

The more than 100 children and parents who had been helped by Wei Dad listened to Zhang Wei’s poems, and then contacted Wei’s father, who was called by Wei’s family, to be killed. All of them understood before. I don’t know what Wei’s father had suffered in the TV station. The TV station was broadcast live again, so I saw several staff members who pushed Wei’s family out and they didn’t respond.

Now, these people are furious at the moment.

Immediately, the children and the parents of the children have rushed to surround Wangshui’s new group.

That is a few hundred people, Wang Shuixin is scared, "What are you going to do?"

"Return my Wei Dad"

"You are a jerk"

"Why do you kill Wei Dad?"

Zhang Wei is also on the stage, not far from Wang Shuixin, and naturally crowded into the crowd.

Underneath, Wang Shui's new secretary and Wang Shui's new cronies in a lot of TV stations are busy rushing in, trying to save the director Wang. But there are too many people, they can't squeeze in, and they can't even see Wang Shui's new figure.



"You stop working"

"Give me a go"

The secretary and others can only scream at the periphery

Zhang Yuduo’s grandson, when I saw that this side almost blocked most of my sight, I shouted and moved to Wang Shuixin’s side. “Hey, don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze me, you guys.”

A few children next to me are very upset. I said that you would like to tell Wei Dad, we thank you for being too late, no one is squeezing you? Who dares to squeeze you?

Did you meet Teacher Zhang?

Or is someone stepping on Teacher Zhang’s foot?

A few children and parents around have quickly retired. For those who dare to speak to Wei Dad in the live broadcast, they are very respectful to the teachers that Wei Dad especially liked during his lifetime. What makes them stunned is that even if no one is close to Zhang Wei, this is actually stumbling and being squeezed into Wang Shuixin’s side. Then, Zhang Wei has made a move that makes them dumbfounded.

Wang Shuixin looked at the children and parents around him nervously and did not notice other places. "I told you to give me a letter or not, do you believe me?"

As a result, Zhang Wei seems to be not standing still. When he is a body, he smashes the past, and his feet are mixed with garlic. He touches the ground and mentions Wang Shui’s new legs.

What is the constitution of Wang Shuixin? That is to do the office all day long.

What is Zhang Jian's constitution? That’s a lot of experience in Taekwondo skills.

Wang Shui’s new screams screamed and fell to the ground.

"Don't squeeze me." Zhang Yan shouted again, and then he seemed to panic and want to stand still and keep his center of gravity, but a shoe stepped on Wang Shui's new face.

"Ah" Wang Shui new yell

Zhang Yan’s foot slipped, and it’s “not standing steady”, and he stepped on Wang Shui’s new stomach.

"Ah," Wang Shui's new bitterness almost spit out, and the painful eyes turned up.

When a boy saw it, he understood the intention of Teacher Zhang Wei. He shouted, "When he is going", he will play Wang Shuixin.

But as soon as he got out of his feet, Zhang Wei’s feet were lifted without moving, and he just removed the power from the boy’s feet just right, shaking his head slightly toward him.

When others saw it, they all understood

"Teacher Zhang"

"Zhang Yu teacher"

The children and parents are awe-inspiring. Teacher Zhang Wei does not let them do it. It is afraid that the police station will find them troubles in order to protect them to the maximum extent. Therefore, Teacher Zhang has taken all this dirty work. If someone really wants to investigate, I will only investigate Zhang Yi. At this moment, these children and parents finally understand why Wei Dad would like Zhang’s work so much during his lifetime, because both in his works and in his personality, Zhang Wei Teachers are a respectable person

Play tricks?

Sneak attacking?

This seems to be a bit lacking in the eyes of others. It should be despised and despised, but I don’t know why. In the eyes of these children and parents, they feel that Teacher Zhang is very great...

The angle is not tightly sealed, and some people have seen it.

Hu Fei and Xiao Lu Houge, where they are located, can clearly see Zhang Wei’s scene of being “squeezed out” and kicking in Wang Shuixin.

Xiao Lu almost vomiting blood

Hou Ge Dafei also turned his eyes

How is this teacher Zhang so wicked?

As for this, how can you still have a big poet? Where is the history of the lecturer as a teacher?

But when you think about it, they also want to laugh a little. Wang Shuixin really deserves to fight. It is really a crime for Zhang Yi to be a sin.

"Hu Ge." Xiao Lu looked at the leader with concern.

"Ah? Well?" Hu Fei apparently saw Zhang Xiao's little trick, but he turned his head in confusion, a pretense not knowing.

Xiao Lu said: "Cough, nothing, nothing."

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