I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 176: [The police station does not dare to catch Zhang Wei! 】

five minutes later.

The crowd of people in the memorial hall finally dispersed.

Wang Shuixin was lying there with a bruised face and a swollen face. The face was full of shoe prints. It looked like a miserable lie, lying there screaming



"Wang Director"

“How about feeding you? How are you?”

Wang Shui's new secretary and several TV station staff close to him rushed up. Two people helped him up. One person checked him for injuries. Fortunately, there was no fracture, it was skin trauma, and his body was blue and purple. It’s the shoes kicked out, but even if there is no fracture, this injury is enough for Wang Shui’s new ah, at least it hurts. The leader of this TV station wants to come to a high position. Where has it been like this? In addition, there has always been a lack of exercise in the office, and naturally it is much worse than other people.

The secretary glared at hundreds of children and parents around him. "Who is who is calling me to stand up? Are you too much and there is no king?"

The children did not speak.

Zhang Wei stood up. "You **** with the child, shouting, you shouting with me."

When I saw Zhang Wei, the secretary was angry, but he still took a step back subconsciously. After today’s events, many of them once again re-recognized Zhang Hao, knowing how stinky this man’s temper is. .

Zhang Wei looked at him and said: "Nobody has beaten him. No one has touched him. But just so many people are huddled together. I am also being squeezed. I accidentally stepped on the director Wang’s feet. Accidents, accidents, and reluctance can only be regarded as a stampede accident."

Wang Shui newly pointed at Zhang Wei, "that is, he kicked"

Zhang Wei said innocently: "Director Wang, you can't squint at the leader of a TV station. What have I kicked you? I have accidentally encountered it, and you have touched me."


"I testify"

"I also testify is an accident"

Hundreds of children and parents immediately testified

Wang Shui's new gas is almost overwhelmed, "...alarm"

Hu Fei’s eyes were cold. At this moment, he was completely disappointed with Wang Shuixin’s leadership.

The leaders of several TV stations glanced at each other. Some people frowned, some shook their heads slightly. Finally, the TV departments and leaders of the several TV stations went away and did not stop here. This is the funeral of others. This is Babaoshan. The place where the deceased rest in peace, what if you want to do it again, afterwards, at least you have to let the family finish the memorial service. After the cremation of the body, put the ashes back and say it? But what do you care about for your own desires? Originally, some Taiwanese leaders had a good impression of Wang Shuixin. He was very good at relationship, and his ability to work was very strong. So, what happened to his son, they all glanced at it, but Zhang’s poem Out, several Taiwanese leaders and Yubu knew it. Wang Shuixin... It is estimated that no one can keep it. The "some people" wrote too much. They are all engaged in media journalism. I know this one. How much shock will the poetry cause?

If other people yell at the live broadcast, Da Yu Wang Shui new, at most it is a chaos, is a farce, this is okay. However, Zhang Wei is too wicked, and with such an endless poem, the chaos that caused this is not so good.

However, if they really want to protect Wang Shuixin, there is no chance at all. But when Wang Shuixin called out the alarm, several leaders of the Taiwanese have a few hearts. This kind of person may not be worth it. They have maintained it, look at the reactions of the masses, and see the reaction of the TV station colleagues. Even the employees of your own channel can see the expression of your face being happy. Your position as a leader may be the first. It is. To blame, Zhang Wei’s "some people", sometimes a poem, a simple literary work, can really make a person notorious, no one can save it.

People have gone a bit, and the memorial will continue.

The Taiwanese leader went back, the camera was withdrawn, and the secretary helped Wang Shuixin to go out, and the unsightly people were all gone.

Wei Ying looked at Zhang Wei and strode over and stood in front of him. He suddenly became very embarrassed. "Mr. Zhang, thank you, there is you for my father called Qu Shenxi, there is your "some people", my father died. I am also very eye-catching. If he knows that you have given him such a famous poem, he will be very happy."

Zhang Xiao smiled, "Wei Shu will not value these."

Wei Ying and Wei Jia’s people all understand that there are multiple weights in this poem. Wei Jianguo was unknown in his lifetime, and even suffered unfair treatment in the unit. Although he caused a lot of social attention when he died, you all know that this It’s just a moment. After a few months, in a few days, everyone may have forgotten this person, but now that there is Zhang Wei’s work, the situation is completely different. A poem that is so great and strong will definitely be passed down. It has been known to generations from generation to generation. It is also true that Wei Jianguo’s name is also remembered. He was remembered after his death and was remembered after his death. This may be the greatest comfort and commemoration of Wei Dad.

a poem

This "some people" talked about value, it is really incalculable, and there is no way to measure it with money, but Zhang Wei did not give it to others, but gave Wei Jianguo. As the only daughter of Wei Jianguo, Wei Ying naturally wants to express her heartfelt thanks and she even guessed that Zhang Wei’s poem sent during the live broadcast was a price for Zhang Wei to make her father and let more people I know that, too, he also broke his back. His work must have been lost. No leader can endure this kind of time bomb. In the unit, Zhang Wei is using all his own and has cast all his reputation. Go with the rice bowl to help her father

Not thank you?

Not worth it?

Wei Ying couldn't even express her gratitude in her heart, and she didn't know how to express it. She could only use these things in the most situation. Thank you, Zhang Wei.

To the eulogy...

Cremation of the body...

Place the casket...

After the program is finished, everyone is out.

Zhang Wei walked behind, comforting Wei Ying, and together with Wei's family, he went to the front from the place where the casket was placed in Babaoshan, ready to go down the mountain.

But at this time, several police officers wearing police uniforms came.

"Who called the police?"

"It's us"

"Which do you say? What is the situation?"

"On that person, when he was chasing the meeting, he came up and wounded him."

Wang Shui’s new secretary rushed to the police station to report the situation and was very excited.

A police officer at the police station listened. A young policeman at the back looked at it and suddenly felt familiar. This scene... Hey, it’s not just seen on the HT News Channel. The person who was beaten still sang on TV. The young man who is pointing at the secretary is not Zhang Wei? He just watched TV when he had just had a lunch break, so he understood it all at once.

The old policeman in front checked Wang Shui's new injury. The other party's injury was not too heavy, but it was not too light to sit on the ground and sweat. "How did you call an ambulance?"

"We are afraid that people will run away," said Wang Shui's new secretary. "If you finish the people, we will go to the hospital."

A parent came forward, "Mr. Zhang did not beat people"

"When everyone squeezes together and accidentally hits you, kicks you?" A child said.

For a time, hundreds of children and parents gave Zhang Wei a testimony. "Who saw Zhang teacher hit you? Who saw it?"

Secretary sighs: "I saw it"

"You see a lot of people, how can you see what, but also for perjury?" Dozens of parents listened to this and went up and surrounded them.

The old policeman was also shocked. I rely on, how many people, hundreds of witnesses? Still giving testimony to that person? Hey, how is this person familiar?

"Feng." The young policeman whispered to him.

The old policeman turned back. "How do I know that person?"

The young policeman couldn’t help but laugh: "That is... Zhang Wei"

"After a while, the big police station, Zhang Wei?" The old policeman said wrongly.

Another accompanying female police officer also wiped the sweat from his forehead. "It is him, certainly not wrong. My parents watch his "100 lectures" every day."

Wang Shui's new urgency: "Hurry to catch people."

Wang Shui’s new secretary is also afraid that they will beat people again. “Police comrades, what are you doing?”

The old policeman was originally planning to bring people back. But when he heard that the other person was Zhang Hao, he looked at Wang Shuixin. "I see your injury. It’s no big deal. Skin trauma, it’s fine, how big? Something, you can mediate yourself, do you play l10?"

Wang Shui is on fire, "He hit people."

The old policeman grinned and said: "But hundreds of witnesses have testified to him. Are you mistaken? With so many people, we can’t catch people, it’s not a procedure, and you go. I am going to see a doctor in the hospital. I feel a little hurt. I don’t want to find any police people crowded. It’s easy to happen when I step on the accident. What is this?” Turning back the opponent: “Go, get the team”

Wang Shui's new face is green, "You..."

The secretary also called: "Is there any Wang Fa? Is there any Wang Fa?"

A young policeman knew the inside story and took a sip. "So good Wei Dad has been killed by you. Do you have any Wang Fa?"

The police came in a circle and left.

When Zhang Wei saw them, they also passed by Wang Shuixin, who was sitting on the ground. When he went home, he went back to work and returned to work.


You should be beaten

Several literary channel staff are stunned

Only leaving Wang Shui new squatting there, called every day should not be called the ground is not working, when did he receive such treatment? Never before has it been clearly that someone has been beaten and no one is in charge? The police ignored them? Once upon a time, these things happened to Wang Shuixin who did not look good. Zhang Wei beat his son. He packed up Zhang Wei. Wei edited his son. He packed up Wei’s editor. As long as others were unhappy, he Whoever wants to do it, who knows the public security port, secondly, Wang Shuixin is also the leader of the media industry. It is easy to manipulate public opinion. Now, this kind of thing happened to him Wang Shuixin, who knows Zhang Wei Deliberately hit him, but he lost his heart early, no one stood up to help him talk, the rebellious

it is good

You are waiting for me.

Wang Shui Xin Xin shouted a sentence, but he himself knows how weak his current sentence is. The leader of Taiwan has long since left. Wang Shuixin also looked at his eyes from the leadership of Taiwan, and caught a trace of bad feelings. After Zhang Qiuqiu’s account has been settled, he has now been unable to protect Zhang Hao’s way of doing the same thing. He really forced Wang Shuixin to the road.

Under the mountain.

On the police car.

The female policeman felt that it was not appropriate: "Feng Director, are we really not arresting people?"

The young policeman snorted. "Who is it? It’s not good to catch the Wang Shui new. Wei Dad is killing him. You just didn't watch TV?"

The female policeman hesitated: "But we are all out of the police, at least we have to bring people back to investigate it? After all, someone reported the police and was injured."

The deputy director Feng took the lead and said, "If you want to take someone to walk, you can do it. You can take the Zhangye away. Where do you want to take him? Wherever you go, don't come to our police station."

The female policeman said: "Why?"

The young policeman said: "You don't know that Zhang Hao?"

"Know, isn't he the show host?" the policeman said.

The young policeman said without a word: "You are too backward in this news. There was a police station in the past to arrest Zhang Wei. Later, it proved to be a bit jealous of him. As a result, Zhang Wei and the police station read a poem and wrote a song. Poetry, I will be able to toss the chicken and fly the dog. Finally, even the Municipal Bureau of Discipline Inspection was almost involved in the investigation of the director of the police station. I almost dismissed the director and investigated it. I still remember a few poems, what kind of **** bayonet? The door that opened for the dog, it is a sentence than a sentence, you grab Zhang Hao? You still don’t think that we are not chaotic. When he arrives, if he writes a **** bayonet with it, he is not afraid of torture. Accepted you?"

The female policeman said: "I heard that this is what the ugly person got out of it? Unlike him, he looks very delicate."

Deputy Director Feng also grinned: "It’s a show of arrogance. It’s a stream of people who love to catch who to catch it. Anyway, don’t get it, we can’t stand it, and you can’t help but toss a revolutionary poem. Whoever is eternal in the fire?"

The young police added: "Before watching TV live broadcast of Wei Dad's memorial service, did the "some people" listen? The mischievous Wang Shuixin was miserable. I see that this surname Wang is hard to turn over in this life. There is such a poem on the body, he has to be reviled all his life, you say that Zhang Hao’s mouth is so powerful, this person can make a poem casually, each one is also an earth-shattering anti-defense what

Deputy Director Feng said: "Whoever cares about who is in charge of this matter, let us not care."

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