I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 181: [Zhang Ye's Tai Chi! 】

one day

Three days

Five days

A week later, Zhang Ye Pins Three Kingdoms to a perfect ending.

"Pin Three Kingdoms is over, what to watch in the future."

"Yes, I won't have to watch the history column in the future."

"It's a pity for such a good program. I still hope that Teacher Zhang Ye can continue to talk about it. Even if you don't talk about the Three Kingdoms, you can talk about other things."

"Teacher Zhang has retired to the mountains and forests regardless of winter, summer, spring and autumn."

"I don't believe it, I am waiting for Teacher Zhang Ye to come out"

"Which TV station doesn't want Teacher Zhang, how can you come out again?"

The topic of Zhang Ye on the Internet has been silent for many days. With the end of "Pin Three Kingdoms", this discussion came out again.

At noon, after the last episode aired, my old colleague Xiao Lu called, "Teacher Zhang, the show is over, Brother Hu asked me to tell you."

Zhang Ye is watching TV boredly at home, "How's the ratings?"

"The latter period has also maintained a high level. Even from Monday to Friday, each issue has a rating of 60. On the weekend, it reached the highest B97. Although it did not break through nine in the end, it is a pity, but the history, science and education column It's relatively niche in itself, and it certainly can't be compared with those variety shows, so this audience rating is already very against the sky. It is the hottest new column of our Beijing TV Art Channel this year. Even if it is compared with the entire TV station, it is also ranked top "Xiao Lu told Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye said, "A new issue is scheduled?"

"It's all recorded." At this point, Xiao Lu was a little embarrassed, "You are gone, we have no choice but to hire a history professor. The next issue is about a poet in ancient times, from birth to him. When I passed away, I listened to it during the first episode, and it was OK."

"Ah?" Zhang Ye has already regarded "Hundred Schools of Forum" as his own child. In the final analysis, he even named the show, so he was very concerned.

Xiao Lu helplessly said: "Yes, it's definitely incomparable with you, I can only say that it is barely reluctant." After a pause, she asked: "How are you? Work..."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I haven't found it yet."

Xiao Lu said with qi: "Why, do they have eyes?"

"Why not? I haven't called me from a related industry for a week. I'm not in a hurry anymore. I just have a rest." Zhang Ye said a few words and hung up.

Not in a hurry?

That must be nonsense

As soon as "Pin Three Kingdoms" is over, he has no chance to show his face. The increase in the reputation of the game will definitely be minimal, and Zhang Ye, who wants to be the top star, knows that once the exposure rate is low, his popularity will be greatly affected. It will slowly disappear from the people's sight. Don't look at the netizens and many fans who used to call Zhang Ye's name every day, supporting him all his life, but if Zhang Ye is really silent for a month or two, it is estimated that many people can't even remember his name. It is not a momentary heat, but a long-term sustainable exposure under normal conditions, which is the core of maintaining or increasing popularity.

Check the star reference rating on the official website.

Zhang Ye is still a fifth-line artist level, but after the explosion and exposure a few days ago, he has reached the forefront of the fifth-line artist, ranking fourth. The one in front of him was a host of a variety show on a local channel, and his ratings were higher than Zhang Ye. The second in line is an actor. At the beginning, he acted in a TV series that was quite popular. There were many works. The main supporting roles were played. But that was all last year. This actor is actually from the level of a fourth-line artist. It fell to the fifth line, because there are no good works this year. The number one among the five-line artists is a lesbian, a little singer, and a newcomer. Recently, an album was released, and the sales are pretty good, and it seems to be acting in a movie.

If you squeeze them out, Zhang Ye will be able to enter the ranks of four-line artists.Although this type of four-line and five-line can't be completely divided in this way, the rating is only a reference, just a comprehensive evaluation of everyone's influence and popularity, but all Everyone recognizes this, whether it is official or private, so this is the most authoritative statistics. And looking at the values, it is obvious that it is impossible for Zhang Ye to squeeze them out now. At the end of "Pin Three Kingdoms", Zhang Ye's rating value has already fallen. Although it is very small, the trend is like this, reflecting Zhang Ye's popularity and popularity is about to decline.

Can he not worry?

Zhang Ye didn't think about how to go in the future for the time being. He just hopes that he can maintain the popularity he has now. He has to do something.

Have to do something

Something must be done

——This is Zhang Ye's first reaction.

Hungry, Zhang Ye looked at the prestige value in the game ring, and he gained more than two million prestige, which was obviously collected by "Pin Three Kingdoms" this week. With hundreds of thousands of spares left, Zhang Ye was still thinking about the Taijiquan skill book. Yu Cui went to the mall and spent two million to buy two more experience books.



He accepted the experience

But it was the same this time. Zhang Ye still didn't feel anything. He tried his best to remember, but still none of the Tai Chi moves appeared. Some were just the moves and movements of Taekwondo, side kicks, side kicks. But there is no Tai Chi, which makes him very depressed

Experience is definitely effective.

But there is no tactics, how to use it?

With too much brain movement, Zhang Ye was even more hungry. He didn't eat in the morning or at noon. He was mainly too lazy to go downstairs. Now he was really hungry, and Zhang Ye didn't have time to go downstairs and run two roads. I went out to eat ramen, but I could only repeat the same trick, and went out eagerly to the landlord’s aunt’s house.

Ding Dong, ring the doorbell.

It took a long time for the door to open, revealing Chenchen's small head. She was small, and she was obviously on tiptoe to reach the doorknob. After opening the door, she was a little out of breath.

Zhang Ye and Yan Yue said, "Chenchen, where is your aunt?"

Chenchen said blankly: "My aunt is not here, I'm going out for a run and exercise." He was about to close the door.

Zhang Ye walked in first, "It's better if she isn't here, I won't look for her." After entering the house, Zhang Ye went straight to the kitchen to stir up, and finally found two plates of leftovers in the refrigerator, one of which was stewed. Beef, the other plate is fried celery, he took it out without saying a word, and used a toothpick to make a few holes in the cling film for ventilation, then stuffed it into the microwave oven, turned it for two minutes, and it was steaming after taking it out

Chenchen said in amazement: "Why are you?"

Zhang Ye ignored the words, took a sip of the aroma, and went to the dinner table happily, finding a pair of chopsticks and eating it three times.

The key rings.

The door was opened from the outside.

Rao Aimin is in sportswear today. The top is a white hurdling vest with stripes. The pants are a pair of training pants, which are fatter. But at the moment, she was soaked with sweat, and sweat dripped from her hair. She looked mature and attractive with sweat dripping.

Zhang Ye already knew that Sister Rao was a martial artist, and maintaining physical fitness and physical strength was the most important thing, so I went for a run in the afternoon.

"Why did your kid come?" Although Rao Aimin was full of sweat, she didn't pant very much, her breath was still uniform, and she couldn't be tired.

Master Chenchen covered his forehead, "The devil has entered the village again"

Rao Aimin was amused by his niece, "What did the devil sweep up?"

"A plate of beef, a plate of fried celery, a bowl of rice." Chen Chenhui reported.

Zhang Ye was almost spitting out some of the rice in his mouth by their comments, "Who is the devil?" The two of these girls are worse than the other.

I graduated from the broadcasting department?

I think you two are from broadcasting majors

"I know Cengfan every day, and I don't know how to go out and find a job. You brat stayed with home for a week, right?" Rao Aimin glanced at him, "wash the bowl in a while."

Zhang Ye has finished eating, two plates and a bowl of rice, nothing is left, he hiccups on his stomach, his eyes can't help but glance at the landlord's aunt's wet vest, probably because he knows If you want to sweat, or feel uncomfortable or inconvenient, the landlord’s aunt doesn’t wear a bra, and you can see the traces from the outside, but even without underwear, Rao Aimin’s chest is still tall and tall.

Zhang Tianhou's big is full.

Rao Aimin is tall and straight.

Each has its own good, each has its own beauty.

Zhang Ye pretended to be dead when he was full and said, "I can't wash the bowl, I can't move it."

When Rao Aimin heard that she was taking off her shoes, she immediately flicked her leg, kicked out the sneakers on her slippery feet, and went straight to Zhang Ye, "Go!"


The shoes flew away at lightning speed

Zhang Ye didn't react at all, he saw something smashed towards him.At this moment, he didn't think about anything, but subconsciously bent his leg in a hurry to block it.As a result, the foot stretched out, but the movement on his leg was unconscious. The change, as if it was a conditioned reflex, Zhang Ye raised his legs and raised his toes, and unexpectedly caught up with the flying shoes, and then Zhang Ye didn't know how to shake his ankles, as if he was in A circle was drawn in midair, and the flying Rao Aimin's shoes were immediately relieved, but when Zhang Ye's feet flicked again, the shoes flew back the same way, and they fell on Rao Aimin's feet exactly. side

Rao Aimin said

Chenchen also looked at Zhang Ye in amazement

Zhang Ye himself was stupid, rely on me, what's the situation?

This set of actions is simply flowing water, Zhang Ye's feet seem to be dancing, kicking, pulling, and flicking, the shoes go back the same way.

This is... Tai Chi?

Did you really learn Tai Chi?

Chenchen didn't understand what trick Zhang Ye used, but it felt amazing and beautiful

The landlord’s aunt didn’t look at him after kicking out the shoes. Instead, she was changing slippers, so she didn’t see Zhang Ye’s movements, "Is the level of Taekwondo rising?"

Zhang Ye chuckled and didn't tell the truth, "That is, living with your sister Rao is a neighbor, and being nurtured by you as a martial arts master all the year round, you must make progress."

Rao Aimin smiled and said, "I love to hear that."

Chenchen exposed: "Smuggler, auntie, he just doesn't want to wash the bowl."

Zhang Ye: "..." This wicked child, she knows what I think.

In the end, Zhang Ye still brushed the bowls and chopsticks awkwardly. In fact, he just babbled a few words just now. It was not appropriate for him to have a meal with others and let them clean the dishes. So in order to better eat and drink next time, Zhang Ye still gave all the work at home.

He is working on his hands, but he in the kitchen is overwhelmed. Isn't the Tai Chi skill book ineffective? Just look at the action just now.

So handsome

So beautiful

Zhang Ye looked out of the kitchen and saw that Rao Aimin and Chenchen were not there, so he picked up a bowl and shook. He wanted to try again, but this time it was exactly the same as when Zhang Ye tried it several times. No, I almost dropped the bowl at the end. Is it because the skill of Tai Chi is too advanced for me now? So instead of using moves like Taekwondo skills? Can I use it only when I have a sudden inspiration and chance? I sweat, why does it sound like Duan Yu in Yongzi's novels? Kong has a six-channel magic sword, but I can't use it in normal times. Isn't it a delay?

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