I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 182: [Zhang Wei has to publish a book! 】

More than two o'clock.

Chen Chen had to sleep in the afternoon, Zhang Hao was driven out of the house by Rao Aimin.

Anyway, I have enough to eat and drink, and this is delicious and full of sorrow. I sneaked back to my home, and I almost digested most of my stomach. Zhang Wei changed her sportswear, no shoes, only canvas shoes. He was so brittle that he learned Rao Aimin to go out for a run.

a circle...

Three laps...

Run around the community and keep fit.

Zhang Wei thought that his Taijiquan could not be played out, and it might not be related to physical conditions. Just like the skills of Taekwondo, there is no experience and effort in the brain, but there is no way to maximize its strength. Not enough, the reaction is not enough, and there is no endurance. It is like fighting with Wang Shui's new son Wang Hao. In technology, Zhang Hao, who has eaten a lot of Taekwondo skills books, is obviously better than Wang Hao's skill. Even if it is not much higher, then The level is similar, but Zhang Hao has suffered a loss when he is fighting. Instead, he has been at a disadvantage. Finally, the consumption items from the lottery of the blood bottle have unexpectedly reversed the situation. This has already given Zhang Lessons learned

It’s hard to work hard.

Have to have physical fitness

Like Tai Chi, if he ate a thousand skills books of Tai Chi in the future, if the strength is still the same now, don’t say a thousand books, that is, eat 10,000 copies, he will not be able to fight for the rest of his life. The knife cuts the scissors


This must be gradual and progressive

In the future, it seems that I have to run and do push-ups every day.

After running for more than an hour, Zhang Wei walked back and sweated back home. He just entered the door and the phone rang in his pocket. A phone call came.

"Hey, which one?" Zhang Hao snorted with a gasping.

"Hello, Teacher Zhang Wei, we are the North China Children's Publishing House." There is a voice of a middle-aged man, a bit hoarse.

When Zhang Yi heard it, he went to the toilet and grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat. He rubbed it and said: "Oh, sorry, my domestic publishing copyright for fairy tales has been sold."

The middle-aged man glanced and smiled: "We are not for the copyright of fairy tales. Some of your fairy tales have been made into a single book or an album by the Beijing Education Publishing House. We all know that I am looking for you, I want to talk to you. Let's talk about other publishing matters. As far as we know, your articles and modern poetry have not been published yet. If copyright is not in your hands, then I haven't seen any genuine sales on the market."

Zhang smashed and dropped the towel: "My poem?"

"Yes, we want to be your collection, the name is called Zhang Wei's Anthology", including all your articles and poems, including couplets." Middle-aged humanity: "Let's talk out? Or go to our publishing house?"

This thing, Zhang Wei is very interested, he is still at noon how to maintain his popularity in this difficult period of no work and no exposure, good things are delivered to the door. In fact, Zhang Wei did not have the idea of ​​publishing a collection of poems before, but he knew that it was difficult. Those who could really publish the collection of poetry anthologies were not masters? Of course, there are some people who are not famous people who have published an anthology, maybe they bought it, maybe they depend on the relationship, but the sales are too bad. It is not as good as it is. This will not be said.

Zhang Wei always thought that the biggest difficulty he wanted to publish a collection of poems was that he debuted too late, just a few months. So the poems and literary works created are so many dozens. What is the concept of a dozen poems? Even if the font is placed at the maximum, and a page fills a poem, it is only a dozen pages. Don’t say that the book is out, and a booklet is too thin. Zhang Hao himself is not willing to take him in one breath. The classic poems of the world are all taken out, but the one with one less one has to stay on the blade, so he thought about publishing the poetry and then did not hit the idea again. Unexpectedly, someone actually took the initiative to come to the door.

"Well, I am going."

"I see you panting, just coming home?"

"It’s always at home, huh, I’ve just run.”

"Or else I am going to your home? The place you pick, mainly depends on you."

"It doesn't matter, I want to go to your publishing house to see it, you give me an address, I drive."

Hanging up the phone, the phone also received the address sent by the other party, Zhang Hao simply took a shower and rushed to the smell of sweat on his body, and drove to find it.

North China Children's Publishing House.

The headquarters is in the capital, but the address is a bit biased, not in the city's eight districts.

When I was waiting for the red light on the road, Zhang Wei also took the mobile phone to check the situation of the publishing house. It is known that there are many children’s publishing houses in the country, but none of them publish children’s books, and even some Called the Children's Publishing House, even the children's books are not published, all of which are to do some traditional novels or even online novels, which is not related to "children".

In the yard.

Zhang Wei found the main building and walked in.

Just entering the front desk area, Zhang Wei was recognized by a little girl at the front desk, only to listen to the little girl: "Mr. Zhang Wei, are you here? I will take you upstairs."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Thank you."

"You are welcome." The little girl led Zhang Wei to the third floor.

Knocking on the door, the girl at the front desk pushed in. "Zhang Zong, editor Zhang Yu came."

The man got up and greeted him and smiled and reached out. "Hello teacher Zhang, we are the family, I am also surnamed Zhang, Zhang Lu, and I have long been famous." Listening to the voice, it was the middle-aged man who just called him.

Zhang Wei shook hands with him. "It's all bad names."

Listening to his self-deprecating, Zhang Ludao: "Where, if you help Wei Dad to seek justice, whoever has to read a thumbs up, but also fired you?" Zhang Lu said with a smile, "They put you like this one." It’s ridiculous that Baoshan doesn’t.” This is the truth, but also Zhang Lu’s heart. If Zhang Wei is in their publishing house, don’t say that the live broadcast of Zhang Wei’s intention is kind, it is to provoke a big mess, they The publishing house will also arrest Zhang Hao, and he will definitely not let him go, because they have heard about the horrible sales of "Ghost Blowing Lights" and several fairy tales of his, such a Baoshan, a cash cow, Who doesn't want it?

Of course, words can't be said, things can't be compared. After all, publishers and TV stations still have a big difference. Now the publishers are paying attention to profitability, political publishing is much less, and TV stations are making money. In terms of earning advertising and advertising sponsorship, it is more political, and the industry is different.

There are still people in the house, probably three or four.

Zhang Lu introduced Zhang Wei one by one. There are men and women, all of whom are staff members of the publishing house.

After I got to know it, Zhang Wei also sat down. "I don't know much about the collection, I don't know how you want to publish it. Isn't the page count enough?"

Zhang Lu smiled and said: "Enough, with illustrations."

“Illustration?” Zhang Yihan said: “Isn’t that enough?”

"There are translations and word analysis. A poem has three or four pages. One page is an illustration, one page is a text, and another page or two pages are parsing. Of course, we can't write this analysis, even if we can write us. I dare not write, no one dares to say that you can fully understand your work. These are still the original authors. The same is true for the couplets, three pages or two pages. In this case, make a book. There is no problem." Zhang Ludao.

Zhang Yan milled a bit, "The analysis is no problem, but ... is it too little gold?" How to listen to how it feels a bit of a page number.

Behind a youth road: "There are a lot of things, your work, just take out a poem to make a booklet, no one will gossip, not to mention the collection of so many works in the collection, "Haiyan" and " "Bai Yang Li Zan", the font size is seven or eight pages after the enlargement is a small meaning."

How big is this font?

However, Zhang Wei himself also wants to publish an anthology, one is for fame, the other is to maintain popularity, the third is, the money is good, the value of the game is worth it, and it can earn extra money.

Finally, the price is close.

Copyright buyout, a price of 400,000

This is already quite high. After all, the anthology is not a novel. There is no popular book like the novel. So the public, that is, some Wenqing will buy a few books, so the price is naturally not comparable to the "Ghost Blowing Light", and it is flush with the fairy tale. Only. But if you don't compare it with the novel, you can compare it with other pure literary works or other authors' essays. The copyright price of Zhang Wei's anthology can be much higher than them.

No why

It’s really that every piece of Zhang Wei’s work is too hot.

Things are good, the contract is ready, Zhang Lu and Zhang Wei shake hands again. "Cooperation is good, thank you for trusting our publishing house, publishing and propaganda are handed over to us. With your fame and popularity in Beijing, sales are definitely not It will be low." A little bit, he said: "It is the thing that analyzes the verse..."

Zhang Weidao: "Go back to me and write to you tomorrow."

Zhang Lu likes Zhang Wei's happiness very much, and the efficiency of the work is too high. "Yes, then you have worked hard. In fact, it will be done within a month. After all, the amount of analysis is not small. Well, there is, we may Need a sequence, or a wedge, or a collection of poems like the preface."

Zhang blinked, "Preface?"

Zhang Lu nodded. "Yes, what do you want to write? It is better to echo the contents of the collection. Otherwise, the first page is the text of the collection. What is the difference? What do you say?"

“Yeah.” Zhang Wei asked: “Is there a pen?”

Zhang Lu’s eyes lit up. “Do you write now? Of course, there are.”

The latter men and women also know that Zhang Wei’s work is not fortunate to be seen by anyone on the spot. He is very interested and excited. “Would you like to take a brush? In this case, you can directly use your words to make a cover. Or preface, tastes better than regular computer fonts."

Zhang Lu agreed: "Yes, good idea, I heard that Teacher Zhang’s words are very good."

"Also." Zhang Wei does not care.

A young man quickly went to work. When he came back in a minute, he took the pen and ink, and took the initiative to give Zhang Yan a grinding.

"I came to take pictures." A woman took out the camera, took a few side and front faces, and shot the editor-in-chief Zhang Lu. They could be used for publicity and promotion, and then the woman pointed at the camera. Waiting for the teacher Zhang Yi to write.


Want to match the content?

I must also enter my own thoughts and values.

Thinking about the death written in "My Confessions" and "Prisoner Songs", I think about the survival written in "One Generation" and "White Poplars"...

Zhang Wei raised the brush and wrote a line on the rice paper.

"Life is like the glory of summer flowers, and death is like the beauty of autumn leaves - Zhang Wei."

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