I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 189: [Hid it caught by a group of reporters? 】

late at night.

Zhang Wei’s thief did not change and hesitated.

On the wall next to it, suddenly there was a buzzing sound.

"Ah...oh... my god... I can't do it... I can't do it."

This broken hotel hotel is relatively old, the sound insulation effect is not perfect, I do not know how the people in the next room toss up in the middle of the night, called Zhang Wei upset, and then look at the skirt and the face that Zhang Yuanqi exposed The **** thigh of white flower, he has no hesitation

Zhang Hao reached out.

Suddenly, after opening the eyes, Xu was awakened by the sound of the call. "Why?"

Zhang Wei’s hand has reached over her thigh, but she did not stop, but grabbed the quilt directly and covered her thigh. “What is it? This is not afraid of you freezing, autumn, cold at night, no It’s not good to cover the quilt. Don’t expose your feet and save your cold.”

Zhang Yuanqi sighed.

Zhang Wei looked at her face and gave her a rational quilt.

Zhang Yuanqi turned over and turned his back to him and went to sleep.

Zhang Wei secretly wiped the sweat, really dangerous, almost got caught, but fortunately, the buddy responded quickly, call, don't think about it, hurry to sleep.

The next morning.

It’s about nine o'clock.

Because I had a late rest, I lay down in the early hours of the morning, and Zhang Hao was still asleep, but I was woken up again by the snoring. This time it was the voice of the opposite door.




One louder than one

Zhang Hao woke up, almost stunned, what about the day?

Zhang Yuanqi is estimated to be a little earlier than Zhang Huan’s, and has already leaned on the bedside, holding Zhang’s mobile phone to browse the webpage. The expression looks like it has not been affected by the sound of the next.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Are you awake?"

"Yeah." The faintness of the day should be a sentence.

"Don't sleep well? Look at your eyes are black." Zhang Yidao.

"Make it." The queen commanded: "Look at the people downstairs."

When Zhang Hao got out of bed and pulled the curtain slightly, he said helplessly: "It’s still dozens of people. The reporters in that wave seem to be changing people. If you have to take over, don’t you go out today?"

"First eat." Zhang Yuanqi.

Zhang Wei is also hungry. "Call a takeaway? OK, let me see."

He checked the Internet and made a few phone calls. As a result, no one shop was willing to deliver food. The local area was a bit biased, and even the fast food restaurants did not send it. In desperation, Zhang Hao had to call the front desk of the Express Hotel. "Hey, what are we eating here? Bread? Instant noodles? Cakes are on the line, give me two copies each, and come back with a bottle of Coke a bottle of mineral water... Trouble to help me send the room, thank you."

After the days, I put on the sunglasses. "Don't let people come in."

"I understand." Zhang Wei approved a coat and went to the door to wait.

For a moment, the cleaning aunt who sent the things came, and when the door opened, she handed over the things. "The money is in the deposit, yes, are you checking out today?"

Zhang Wei deliberately messed up the hair and didn't recognize it, but obviously it was all over again. Even if the face was exposed, the cleaning aunt would definitely not know him. Zhang Wei thought for a moment and said: "I don't retire today, live another day.

Cleaning Auntie said: "Then go to the downstairs to pay."

Zhang Wei busy said: "I am too lazy to go down, I will give you the money."

"Let's do it." Auntie Aunt took the money and counted it. "Would you clean the room?"

"No need to use." Zhang Wei can not let people enter the house, "Right, how is the air conditioner gone? Strange cold, this day is still cloudy, began to cool down."

Auntie Jie explained: "The outlet of the air conditioner has electricity only after 9 pm, not during the day." Obviously, in order to save electricity, after cleaning, the cleaning will go downstairs.

After returning to the house, Zhang Wei put the food on the bed. "Which one do you eat?"

Zhang Yuanqi looked at it and pointed the box of instant noodles with his fingers.

Zhang Hao, she went to make a pot of boiling water, then opened the instant noodles and put it on the bedside table. She pulled a piece of bread and ate it with hot water. "I see it hanging during the day, definitely If you can't find this opportunity to leave, if you have something to do today, take my mobile phone and call your agent first?"

After dinner, I looked down and said that I didn’t like it, but I was still eating. "Take your cell phone? Tell her how I am with you at the Express Hotel?"

Zhang Yiyi, only to think that her agent has his own phone number, a dozen hits, this kind of thing must not be known, even if they are all right.

After dinner.

It’s almost noon.

The two had nothing to do and they didn’t have it.

Zhang Wei opened the old screen TV set, and there were more than 20 sets. Each set was still snowflake. It is estimated that the contact is not good and there is no way to see it. After a day, holding her shoulders and lying in the bed, Zhang Wei’s collection of this article has been seen twice. There are not many words, and I haven’t looked at it anymore. Zhang Hao turned off the TV set, it was a bit cold, and it looked like it was going to rain. He licked his hand and rushed out yesterday. He didn’t wear much.

A silence.

Zhang Wei is not going to work either. "Do I go to bed?"

Zhang Yuanqi did not look at him, no words.

Zhang Wei did not care, the slippers went to bed, and some quilts were pulled from the back of the body. Well, this was a lot of warmth, and the temperature of Zhang Yuanqi was still under the bed. Lying down to sleep last night was a last resort. There was nothing I could do. Today, the two of them were still lying in a bed. Zhang Wei felt a little cramped. He always felt that the atmosphere was very awkward, like a couple.

"Mobile phone." The day went out.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yan eyes.

Zhang Yuanqi did not explain, just repeat it, "Mobile."

"Give." Zhang licked and threw it at her.

Zhang Yuanqi began to dial the phone, recalled for a long time, only dialed a number, the expression is also like a face, and suddenly smiled, "Hey, Jiang guide?"

There is a young voice over there, "Hey, is Zhang Jie?"

"Well, I really can hear it, huh, huh." Zhang Yuanqi.

Director Jiang said: "I grew up listening to your songs. Can't you tell me your voice? Right, now I say you are at the hotel, what's the matter?"

Zhang Yuanqi smiled. "The company is speculating. I am at home, but I have too many calls. I will handle the organs. I will use your friend’s mobile phone to give you a call. There is something, the new movie you shot, not Are you killing? I heard that there are a few shots and scenes to change? Need an actor? I recommend one to you, Zhang Wei, I don’t know if you know it or not, and I still have some fame in Beijing."

"Zhang Wei? The one who wrote the song to you?" Director Jiang thought for a moment. "I know him, I feel a bit like it. It seems that writing poetry is very powerful."

Zhang Yuanqi said: "Give him a supporting role."

Director Jiang hesitated: "I am a martial arts movie, the role of words..."

"My song, owes him a human condition, martial arts is not martial arts, I don't care, you have to give this person back to me, huh, huh, set it." Zhang Yuanqi laughed.

Director Jiang smiled bitterly. "Let's go, your face will definitely be given to you, then we will discuss it, then..."

Zhang Yuanqi said: "Don't be late, I will let him go to your crew to report tomorrow. That's it. You will have a play next time. I will give you a guest character."

"Haha, that's a good daring, it's awkward, it's fixed." Director Jiang did not complain at the time.

The phone hangs, the phone is thrown back, Zhang Hao catches, immediately said: "Thank you, Zhang Jie." He did not expect to get it so quickly.

When the mobile phone was broken, Zhang Yuanqi smiled and smiled, and suddenly changed her original bad character. She held her shoulders silently. After a while, she said: "I have to find a way to go out at night, tomorrow I am in Hong Kong. There is an activity in Taiwan, and the plane in the afternoon cannot be pushed."

Zhang Wei thought hard, "How can I go?"

"You think of a way." After that, Zhang Yuanqi lie down and take a nap.

Zhang Wei lie down and think, it is a rack of brains, and at the end, he also fell asleep.

at night.

One o'clock.

Zhang Hao put on his clothes, and Zhang Yuanqi also stepped on the high heels. After the two people ate a little something, Zhang Xiaola took a look at the following. There were fewer people, and there were not many fans. After all, no one This time is silly waiting, except for those reporters who are idle and not knowing, they are not the TV stations and newspapers. They change two or three shifts, stay there and do not move, and some hide in the dark, such as cars. In the community corridor, for example, holding a camera and a telescope at any time, and playing a long-term battle.

The main entrance breakthrough - impossible.

Zhang Hao sighed. "You are waiting here, I will go down and see."

"What plan?" Zhang Yuanqi.

"Let's take a step and see one step." Zhang Wei already had an idea, but did not dare to tell Tianhou first, he was afraid that he couldn't wipe his face after the day, and he went to explore the road first.

In order to insure, Zhang Zhang took a note of Zhang Yuanqi’s inattention, and found an “archive crystal” from the inventory of the game ring in his hand. Two “archives”, one “lucky bread”, this is Zhang. The inventory in the inventory column was drawn long before the lottery. Zhang Wei knows that this matter is of great importance, and he is not sloppy, not vague, so he crushed the archived crystal in his hand.


[Progress has been saved]

[Archive records are kept for 30 minutes]

When Zhang Hao opened the door, he went out with a light hand. It was in the early hours of the morning. There was no one in the corridor. When Zhang Wei was alert, he walked quickly to the safety ladder. The elevator must not work, it was too closed, not sure. There are too many factors. But when he just walked to the safety ladder, the door of the next room suddenly opened without warning. The middle door was a middle-aged man with a camera. There were three or four young people in the house.

Zhang Hao was busy walking forward, paralyzed, and there was still an ambush.

The middle-aged man came out when he heard the sound. He wanted to see who passed it. Many of these reporters were still outside during the day, but many people checked out at noon. They naturally opened the room and came in. He didn’t think When he pushed the door, he found the news. He glanced at it and felt that the person was familiar with it. Then he thought about it and was excited. "Is Zhang Zhang, how are you here? Is it with Tianhou?"

He chased.

Zhang Wei walks.

The man hurriedly took pictures

A few reporters in the house heard that they also had big news. Tianhou and Zhang Wei had cooperated. Both of them appeared in this express hotel? Definitely unusual

Those people also chased it out

Zhang Wei has already descended from the safe passage, from the third floor to the second floor. From the first to the second floor, there is a reporter. It is estimated that the people upstairs are not a group. The person is smoking in the corridor. However, Zhang Hao couldn't see it, and there was no sight in the corridor. He heard that there was no movement and went out. As a result, he was playing a pair with the reporter in the distance. You look at me, I look at you.

"Ah, Zhang Wei," the thin reporter is also excited.

Zhang Wei turned his head and went downstairs, but there were more people on the first floor. There were reporters sitting on the stairs reading newspapers, and reporters who were sleeping on the wall. This road has been sealed, and the elevator is the same. There should be people staring at it.

The gang also saw Zhang Wei. Many people didn’t recognize it. Maybe they didn’t know him. But some people knew it. When they called Zhang’s name, everyone’s eyes were bright.

Zhang Wei folded back to the second floor. The reporters on the upper floor had already chased them down. The downstairs were also catching up, but Zhang Xiaoran ignored them. No matter how they took pictures, Zhang Hao went so coldly on the second floor. Turning a corner, one is to find out the location of all reporters, and the second is to look at the route.

About twenty minutes later.

A group of reporters have surrounded Zhang Wei, and many reporters in the courtyard have also come in, including many fans of Zhang Yuanqi. All day and night, most of the fans have gone, but there are still some hard-core fans who are really idle.

"Zhang Yu teacher?"

"How are you?"

"Mr. Zhang, how are you here?"

"What is your relationship with Zhang Jie?"

"Where is the day? Is it in your room? Can you explain it to us?"

"I was a person who went to date with the hotel and then dated by the hotel? This...this...when did you start with the day?"

"Mr. Zhang, please answer us."

It’s a flash of light, it’s like a press conference.

If you have to ask questions, or you have to take pictures, this has already been messed up. After many people saw Zhang Jian, the first reaction was to be unbelievable.

Zhang Wei and Zhang Yuanqi?

Is there anything wrong? This is too bad.

Zhang Wei knew that his explanation was unclear. He didn't need to explain it. He smiled calmly and looked at the dense reporters who were surrounded by him. He said something inexplicable and said, "I will tell you, you. I don’t know anything about the next moment."


"What do you mean?"

"Mr. Zhang, please answer positively"

"Why did you appear here with the days of the future? There are no such clever things."

Zhang Wei is not nervous at all. He is not calm. He doesn’t care about these people. Instead, he opens his game interface and pops up the virtual screen. His finger is slightly above it.


[Reading the record...]

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