I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 190: [The escape of the prophet! 】

The surrounding scene is suddenly blurred

The noisy voices of those reporters are gone forever -

18 rooms.

When Zhang Wei’s line of sight recovered, the feeling of dizziness disappeared. He looked around and he had returned to the familiar room, just at the moment he had just archived it.

"Not yet?" Zhang Yuanqi is behind.

Zhang Wei turned back and said: "Let's go out together."

Zhang Yuanqi Emei, "Are you not going to explore the road first?"

"No, let's go, the sooner the better." Zhang Wei has already finished the journey, only in a day and a time that everyone does not know.

Zhang Yuanqi did not say anything, followed by.

"Your shoes." Zhang Wei looked down at her pair of very beautiful red heels with high heels. "This can't be worn, the sound is too big, hold it?"

Zhang Yuanqi bowed his head and took off the high heel.

"After I open the door, you don't move, then look at my gestures." After Zhang Hao finished, he opened the door, but did not go out first, but took a coin from his pocket, and the fingers shook a little and the coins were far away. The ground bounced out, oh, oh, the coins fell on the carpet in the hallway and made a sound, as if walking.

I just had to ask after the day, and I didn’t seem to know what he was.

In the next second, a room door next to the safety ladder suddenly opened. It was the first middle-aged reporter who found Zhang Wei before. He came out and looked around. He didn’t find anyone. He couldn’t help but wonder. I had to close the door and go back.

Sound insulation is not good, and you can hear the dialogue inside.

"What happened to Shao Ge?"

"Nothing, I thought someone."

"In the middle of the night, I am definitely not playing today."

"Yeah, I don't expect it to be here anymore, the chances are too small."

"The little ones have to keep an eye on it. If it is discovered, isn't that big news?"

When they were talking, Zhang Hao gave a gesture to Tianhou. The two walked into the corridor. Zhang Hao pressed his hand and gestured to Zhang Yuanqiu. After all, there was a door mirror on the door. Insurance.


Ten steps

The two went to the stairs and walked downstairs.

After the day, wearing high heels and bare feet wearing stockings, the stockings on the feet are dirty, gray, "How do you know that there are reporters staring at the house?"

Zhang Hao was busy making a gesture, "嘘"

Zhang Yuanqi questioned, but still did not say anything.

Zhang Wei did not speak, quietly and afternoon waited at the corner of the second floor of the stairs, and did not show his head, nor did he mean to go forward.

It took about a minute.

I thought that the empty corridor on the second floor was suddenly sounding. It was the muffled sound of the cigarette butt, and then a cough from a young man came and touched. At the end, the door was closed and the door was gone.

Zhang Yuanqi accidentally looked at Zhang Zhang, perhaps not knowing how he knew someone in the corridor.

Of course, Zhang Wei would not answer. He saw that he would go downstairs to the first floor. He immediately grabbed her arm and shook his head. There was no way to go. They were all human. Zhang Wei led the way in front and walked into the right hand side of the second floor. When Zhang Yuanqi saw it, he had to keep up with him.

On the left is a room, the elevator and the main entrance are in the direction of the other side.

But on the right? There was only one room, where the sign was read, the work room was written, it was the place of the staff, and there was a basket and a basket of unwashed sheets.

"Where are you here?"

Zhang Weidao: "Open the door."

"How to open?" asked the day.

"You can listen to me." Zhang Yidao.

Zhang Wei walked to the window. The window here is still the old iron screen. He has unloaded several wires from the top, and tied his hand to make a fulcrum. His fingers are fast. Jumping, the wire was made into the arc and length he wanted, and then walked over and broke into the door of the work room. At the beginning, Zhang Wei had eaten a few books on unlocking skills. It was really learned to use it. It was also a technique that didn’t press it. I didn’t expect this critical moment to be used again. The other rooms in the Express Hotel are all door card brushes. They belong to high-tech, and the locks are also electronic locks. The locks can not be opened with Zhang Shu’s several unlocking skills books, but the lock between employees may be In order to facilitate the use of employees, they are all traditional lock cylinders and key-inserted.


The door opened without any effort.

There is a lamp in the house, and he naturally will not turn on the light, concealing the first.

Zhang Hao had already inspected the terrain. He knew that there was no one inside. He was a storage room. He walked through the road and went straight to the door and gently closed the door.

Zhang Yuanqi looked at him, "Are you skilled?"

Zhang Yihan said: "Where there is."

Zhang Yuanqi said: "I don't think you are the first time."

"Oh, I am a versatile person, and you don't know." Zhang Hao snorted and went to the bed to open the curtain. "Go."

Zhang Yuanqi blinked, "How come?"

Zhang Wei told her about the plan at this time. "One floor can't go, there are reporters on the stairs, the door is even worse. There are people at the elevator. So we want to leave. We can only jump in the window. This is the second floor. The distance is not. High, and the room under our feet is also a working room. No one will not be found from here. The window is facing the back of the hotel. There is an iron fence on the other side. It is sealed. The reporter will not enter. Come, going out from here is the safest choice, and no one can think of going to the back, because no one will think that the famous day will jump out of the window and escape. In their consciousness, this is impossible. ""

Zhang Yuanqi frowned: "Jumping the window?"

Zhang Wei said with relief: "You can rest assured that there will be no danger. I will go down first, then follow you, you will climb down slowly, I will protect you safely."

Zhang Yuanqi has shaken his head.

"Come on, you don't have a chance to go now, where is your face?" Zhang Wei advised: "I will definitely catch you."

Zhang Yuanqi will look at him suspiciously.

In fact, Zhang Wei has no confidence in this. He is not fat, but he is not the kind of thin body. And he is tall and his weight is not too light. Zhang Wei thinks about his strength and is really a bit Hanging, but things can only be done now.

Zhang Yiyi pulled the window and did not ask for the consent of the queen. When he jumped on the window, he stood up and looked at the ground that was not very tall. He turned his back and squatted, and his hand slammed the window. Drop the body a little bit, and then wait for the body to unfold, he let go.


People have landed

Zhang Wei did not stand still, fell a bit, his legs also felt a little pain, slowed up for a long time before getting up, some shameful old face red.

Zhang Yuanqi saw Zhang Wei’s wolf howling, but he did not move in the window. He just sneered, and it seems to be saying: Are you a big man who jumps hard and makes me a **** jump?

Zhang Wei whispered, "Come on, I will continue"

Tian Houdao: "Think of other ways."

Zhang Yiyi pondered, letting a woman jump like this is really not a success. There is no such power, and there is no courage. After all, people are Tianhou, and they don’t fall like Zhang Hao’s big and old. After thinking for a moment, Zhang Wei had another idea. He looked at the work room on the first floor. He walked over his hand and stood on the window sill. The window was unlocked and it was just a hand. Hold on, then look up at the heavens on the top: "Sister Zhang, you are coming down a little bit, I am dragging you, this is definitely no problem."

It sank for a few seconds.

Finally, the figure of Zhang Yuanqi was revealed. Apparently she also had a decision. Her hand extended from the second floor window and handed down a pair of high heels.

Zhang rubbed his toes hard enough, grabbed the high heels and lowered his head.

Zhang Yuanqi has been on the window sill, the action is not as neat as Zhang Wei, but as a female compatriot, it is still very brisk, there is no hesitation, Zhang Yuanqi and Zhang Wei before an action, carrying the window sill to her two wrapped The legs of the stockings were put down.

Zhang Wei grabbed her one foot.

Getting started is the slipperyness of the stockings. Although there are some dirt on the feet, it is not too clean, but Zhang Wei is still a heart, feels very good.

The beautiful feet suddenly

It seems that the above did not hold steady

Zhang Hao was busy picking up her mind and quickly slid her one foot down, leading her foot to her shoulder, and then grabbing another beautiful stocking of the queen, letting it step on her own another shoulder.

At this time, the shape of the queen was completely stabilized and there was support.

But the one who suffers is Zhang Wei, and he is desperately supporting it. It’s really a bit heavy after the day.

However, when Zhang Yi looked up and wanted to direct the next action in the day after tomorrow, he was refreshed and a little tired, because he saw a picture of blood spurting, Zhang Yuanqi stood on his shoulder, and the skirt was also It was on top of Zhang's head, and the things in the skirt were unobstructed at the moment. It was tens of times clearer than Zhang Wei’s last night. The thin stockings covered, the brown **** were near. In close proximity

For Popeye, spinach is the source of his life.

For Zhang Wei, underwear is undoubtedly his driving force.

"You slowly squat down, and then go down." Zhang Wei whispered to her, and he also held his hands on the feet of the queen. "You still have to, I will help you."

The legs slowly bent down.

Suddenly, the queen lost a little bit of gravity, and the man suddenly swayed.

Zhang Wei also refused to take care of it. He hurriedly put his hand up and held the window with one hand and held the waist of the queen to help her balance.

The balance of Zhang Yuanqi is stable, but the stockings on the feet are slipping on Zhang’s shoulders, and she suddenly sat on the neck of Zhang’s neck with her skirt and hips.

Zhang Yan’s foot fell and almost fell. The waist had a feeling of being broken, but felt the warmth of the brown **** that came from the neck, and felt the delicate plump legs tightly on both sides of his ears. , and the taste of the body in the skirt that hit his neck and the back of the head, he still clenched his teeth and held the window himself. The process was simple, but it was quite difficult, if not for him. I insist on exercising every day, but I don’t really have to eat it. In this case, he is also panting.

"Good..." Zhang Hao was tired.

Zhang Yuanqi grabbed a window on the first floor, lifted one leg, took it off Zhang Jian's shoulder and face, stood on the window sill, and then another beautiful leg.

The stockings are also textured. It may be because the clips are too tight. Zhang Yan’s face and ears are also printed with some lines of print on the legs of Zhang Yuan’s legs. Especially on the back of the neck, even after a stroke, Xu was pulled up when the second leg was put down. The pattern on her underwear was a raised pattern, and the pattern was very hard. There are raw edges, which only scratched Zhang’s neck.

No pain, after all, it is cloth, it is a bit cool.

The two have been separated.

Zhang Huan missed the temperature and scent of the neck, and then let Zhang Yuanqi help, jumped out of the window first, then reached out to pull her.

He scolded him in the day and gave him his arm.

Zhang Hao did not dare to pull her hand, pinching her arm and leading her down.

It was safe to land in the days after, and the skirt was a little faded. The dark trousers of the stockings were exposed from the thighs, and some were off the wire, I don’t know when it was scraped. She took care of it and pulled the skirt down, putting on high heels.

Zhang Yan, her face, did not see anything different, but he himself, his face is a little hot, this is the first time he is so close to Zhang Yuanqi.

What is zero distance?

This is called zero distance.

Behind the hotel is the outskirts of the community. It is a small, remote garden with grass.

Zhang Hao did not need to unlock the lock. When I saw that the iron fence door had not been rusted for many years, he just pushed hard and the rusty lock collapsed.

"You go out first, I wander around the community and pick you up later."

Zhang Wei said, put on sunglasses, and went around from here to the door of the community. At first glance, there were many people squatting at the door of the hotel, and did not notice the people coming from behind. They obviously didn't think that the sky would jump from the back window, and they used an "archive" prop for the sake of nothing. Wait, wait. Regardless of them, Zhang Hao went to the parking lot and drove his own car. When he slipped away, he did not raise any idea. Even if someone saw his car, he would not know it. Zhang Wei is not as famous as Zhang Yuanqi. As for the degree of being stared under the microscope.


In the middle of the night, there are no pedestrians on the road.

Zhang Kai opened the past and saw the Zhang Yuanqi waiting in the bush at a glance. He leaned over and the car quickly stepped on the car, touched and closed the door.


Finally got out

Zhang Wei was relieved, "Don't hurt?"


"where are you going?"

"North City, just let me stop the water bridge, someone will pick me up."

Zhang Yuanqi is also estimated to be tired, closing his eyes and swearing, and she and Zhang Wei are both embarrassed these two days.

The place is here.

In the days after, I had contacted the company’s people on the mobile phone with Zhang Hao’s fast and no electricity. When the car stopped, she also got off the bus and sat down on a bench on the side of the road.

Zhang Wei did not leave, but waited for her to leave safely not far away, otherwise he would not be assured.

About a few minutes later, a luxury car in the world that Zhang Hao had seen but could not name was parked in front of Zhang Yuanqi, and he got up and stooped over the company's car. Looking at the glass, there seemed to be two women in the car. When I saw the day, I got up, and I couldn’t help but laugh and cry. It seemed to be very anxious. However, Zhang Yuanqi smiled and talked to them very peacefully.

I can't hear it, I don't know what it is.

Only when Zhang Weigang wanted to drive away, he suddenly saw Zhang Zhongyuan in the back seat of the luxury car raised his hand. She did not look back and could only see the back of the head, but the hand was obviously in the direction. After shaking it, I took it down and did not attract the attention of two female assistants.

Is this goodbye to say goodbye to me?

Zhang Yi smiled. He felt that his relationship with Zhang Yuanqi was more and more complicated. Perhaps it was a step closer. At least two of them could be friends.

Blocked together, in the same room, in the same bed, sleeping together, running away, riding the neck, and almost anecdote.

These pictures are intertwined in front of Zhang Wei’s eyes. After the tension, my heart has a warm atmosphere. Especially the last wave of Zhang Yuanqi’s beckoning is like a farewell to the two-day partner who has been fighting together. I feel that the temper that is not hot or cold in the days of the day seems to be less irritating.

good temper?

Bad temper?

A lot of people hate Zhang Huan, and they all scream that his temper is too stinking like a rogue. You can really understand Zhang Hao’s understanding of Zhang Wei, but he may not think that he has a bad temper.

The angle is different.

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