I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 193: [Played with the monk! 】

Outer suburbs.

The sunset is close to the west.

The car of the crew traveled for a long time, and it was parked under a hillside. A small car with three props was about 30 people.

The official record of this mountain does not have any official written name. The locals call it Xiaoqingshan because there is a Qingshan Temple on the mountain. The scenery of the capital is a little worse, certainly not comparable to the beautiful scenery of the South, but Xiaoqingshan is an exception, the scenery is pleasant, the temple incense is also very prosperous, many people come here every year to burn incense and worship Buddha, of course, there are more More like a crew like them come here to film.

This is not the usual place.

Xiaoqingshan is very famous. Qingshan Temple is also very famous.

Which one is the highest mountain here? The locals will definitely point to a place - um, Xiangshan, a few kilometers away.

Which one is the most popular temple in the incense? The locals will certainly point to a place—well, Xiangshan Zhaomiao, a few kilometers away.

What is the relationship between Xiaoqingshan and Xiangshan?

What is the relationship between Qingshan Temple and Zhaomiao?

Well, in fact, there are no links between these places, and I will change the topic.

The starring did not come. Today, they didn’t have their play. They went back to rest early. Director Jiang walked in front and talked with several important supporting actors. The assistant director was carrying the props. The drama is the busiest in a crew. Not only do you have to prepare for things before you get busy, pick up people, take lunch, and be a driver. Like this close-changing, they have to move things, piles of equipment from The car was carried down by several dramas and staff members, and then moved on the mountain, not to mention other guns and sticks, and said that the cameras were not light.

The steps are very high, and the appearance of a hundred meters stretches and bends.

"Xiao Zhang, fast, help your brother" Yao Jiancai just went on a dozen steps and panted, and the big belly was upside down, it was very difficult.

Zhang Wei helped him. "You can't do this."

Yao Jiancai said: "I want your old brother and I are the representatives of the physical education class. I am not in the state today. I took a day of play, or I climbed a few hundred meters in one go. It was like a play." He said: "Don't say me, just look at the few martial arts that you played, which is worse than me."

Zhang Xiaoxiao did not speak, nor explained.

Halfway up the mountain, Director Jiang shouted and shouted: "Stop, first place the machine here, the props will send it."

Everyone is busy. There is a shot on the mountainside, obviously ready to shoot here, this scene is exactly the "Chen Shaoxia" played by Zhang Wei.

The deputy director came over and asked, "Mr. Zhang, can't you?"

Zhang Wei can say no, and firmly: "I have no problem, I can shoot at any time." He did not take off his costume, took the sword from the props, and prepared.

The martial arts director also stood by his side. "What are you doing? You haven't gotten the standard for that action. Hey, you haven't booted yet, you practice again, and you open the machine for a while, and a shot is a shot. If you are not happy, you will have to change people." He is cold-hearted, and although he always says that Zhang Wei can't do this, he still spares no effort to help him.

Zhang Wei began to practice.

"Mr. Zhang, come on."

"Yes, it’s better to practice more, it’s not difficult."

Several Beijing people who knew Zhang Wei gave him a boost.

In their hearts, Zhang Wei is a very powerful person. In the field of literature, it is a fierce person who kills the invincible hand in the capital. Hehe is in Pingyang, and Zhang Wei was blocked by the TV station. He had no choice but to shoot a movie or shoot a martial art. In their view, this is obviously Zhang Jian's short board. Looking at Zhang Wei, although he has gradually grown up, he is still not very beautiful. Several people know that it is difficult for Teacher Zhang. They have a pen for literature work. Let him dance with a knife, this is really a little difficult.

But there is also a lack of Zhang Wei in the crew.

"If you don't have that diamond, don't take that porcelain."

"It will definitely waste a lot of shots in a while, hehe."

"Is this not a delay? Waiting for the stop to work, he is so wrong, I don't know what time to take today."

"Forget it, it is not easy to say a few words less."

After a while, several machines were debugged, and all was fine.

Director Jiang sat next to the No. 1 plane. "Okay, start."

The opposite side of the game with Zhang Wei came up, carrying the sword and standing in a fixed position.

Zhang Wei took a deep breath and walked over. He stood by the martial arts director and told him where he was.

Director Chiang’s order, boot

"Chen Shaoxia?" The anti-supporting role list is vigilant.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said the line: "My surname is Chen, and Shaoxia does not dare to act."

After a few words, the two started the battle. Zhang Wei’s role is a helper of the protagonist’s camp. Here is a direct recording fight. There should be Chen Shaoxia’s paving shot before, but it seems that it is necessary to shoot again later. It is rarely followed in the order of the story.


Knife sword

Originally, this play was taken from the enemy’s life in Zhang’s ten strokes.

However, it was just the second move. After Zhang Jian blocked the sword according to the established action, he also designed a kick according to the action of the martial arts. As a result, this foot was a bit too accurate. No way, Zhang Wei would work hard. The skill book that I ate was deeply ingrained. It was not so easy to reverse. One foot slammed into the life of the villain. This was almost a movement of Zhang Wei’s conditional reflex. He also knew bad after he went out, and quickly deliberately shifted. It also reduced the intensity, and the result was that the counter-sword had already been swung over and "cut" on Zhang Wei’s shoulder.

"Stop" Jiang director airway.

The deputy director also said: "Why don't you follow the action?"

The villain supporting the mouth whispered: "Mr. Zhang, you should kick some kicks down, and then you can take advantage of the short body, how can I cut it?"

Zhang Xinxin said that if I don’t force this foot, you will be kicked by your buddy as soon as possible. Can you let me cut me? That is not a nonsense, but he did not say anything, because this is not a real knife fight, just filming, it is indeed Zhang Hao action did not do.

Then, it turned on again.



three times……

Zhang Wei came here according to the action, but he always felt that the movements were too awkward, and they couldn’t make any effort. The hands and feet were soft and they were not satisfied with their looks. Director Jiang would naturally not use this. Lens

“What is it?” Director Jiang’s temper is not small, he’s annoyed. “Would you like to fight? Isn’t it so good? Is it difficult?”

My grass

Are you talking to me?

The two thieves who are holding the knife and desperate for me have let me go under my arm. I won’t fight?

Zhang Yan’s eyes are on him, and everyone who knows him knows that this stupid temper can be stinky more than Director Chiang’s.

The deputy director went to the round field. "Mr. Zhang is a cultural person, and it must be worse in the play."

Director Jiang thought that this person was recommended by Zhang Yuanqi, and he sighed. "Try again."

However, many people in the crew have a lot of opinions. This Zhang Hao is too wasteful. There are still a few scenes behind it. I have to go up the mountain. When will this be photographed?

At this time, suddenly, four or five people came down from the mountain.

"who are you?"

"Who will let you gather here?"

"Please leave your temple in a clean place"

There are several monks without hair, wearing robes, and holding long sticks in their hands.

The scene has been set on the scene, and the view is very clear. The deputy director sighed. "Several little masters, we have greeted your abbot a month ago. This month, we will come to film, sponsorship fees and related contracts. It’s ready, you know your abbot.”

Everyone also refused to despise Zhang Huan’s hand, but he looked at several monks.

A small monk is cold-faced and holds the stickman tightly: "After half a month, our abbot has changed for any noisy people, etc."

Zhang Wei was speechless.

Hosted a change? When the monk temple was also engaged in competition, was it?

Deputy director Emei said: "But we have already decided, this scene is very important, and the scenes here are indispensable. Let's take a day and leave tomorrow."

The little monk crosses: "I can't leave immediately in an hour."

The latter few monks walked an encirclement and surrounded the direction of the mountain road.

Yao Jiancai said: "Where is your abbot? You call him down, we talk to him."

"The abbot is not convenient to see in the meditation." The little monk did not enter the oil and salt, and his expression was very arrogant. He did not put them in his eyes. "Give you ten seconds to go."

Ten seconds?

I can’t move things when I move things.

Director Chiang is also on fire. "Take me to see your abbot."

The little monk stared at him: "I said you didn't hear it? The abbot is meditating. There are still six seconds. You don't leave? We will help you."

Is the monk so horizontal?

What is this monk?

The crew of the crew are angry.

"Where is it so horizontal, we will not leave now."

"What are you doing? Is it a hit with a stick?"

"Through so many temples, I haven't seen you so unreasonable monks. You hit me and try to see how you can help us."

Ten seconds has arrived

The little monk didn’t say anything, and the stick went down. He slammed the light that was halfway up the mountainside, and the light shelf fell down. He rolled down the mountain and almost lost it in the middle. Zhang Hao who provoked him, almost picked him up

Zhang Hao’s face is cold

Other crew members are also angry, "What are you doing?"

Another younger 20-year-old monk is also a stick.

At this moment, the martial arts director stood out, holding a sword in the props to meet, hey, and he touched his stick, but just wait for the martial arts guidance to make a move, the young monk’s stick hits, and then I got on the belly of the martial arts guide and took him out.

"Ah" martial arts coach rolls down the steps

An actor and two dramas happen to be underneath, and hurriedly catch him. This allows the martial arts guidance to stabilize. Otherwise, if it falls, there will be only half life without death. Below is the tens of meters.

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