I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 194: [Zhang Ye Tai Chi one pick four! 】

On the small green hill.

All the crew scolded

"You hit people?"

"Smash our things?"

"You monks are going crazy?"

"Isn't this a society under the rule of law?"

"You are a temple, we respect you, and we have discussed the shooting task with you. Now you say that if you turn your face, you turn your face? Are you still beating people?"

"This is too unreasonable"

"Who are all of them, are they still called monks?"

"Aren't you monks being compassionate? Ah? If someone fell just now, they would definitely fall to death. You still beat them to death?"

Hoop, a lot of people went up

A few young monks looked at those people and looked indifferent: "I have let you go right away. Don't blame us if you don't listen."

Another young monk said, "Say again, are you going? Huh?" His face was full of ugly expressions.

A stuntman took a step forward, "Why don't you go"

Before his words fell, a little monk had already attacked and swiped a stick on the man's face. Hey, the stuntman flew out sideways, showing how powerful the stick is.

"Little Zhao"

"My Grass"

"This bunch of bald donkeys"

This stick made everyone in the crew see that this group of monks are just hard and soft bastards, they don't listen to your nonsense, and they don't have the word law in their eyes. If they want to beat you, they will beat you and let everyone understand. The point is that they don’t think there are 20 or 30 people on the scene, but they are not the opponents of those monks at all.At first, they thought that most of their group had practiced a few hands, and they had been in martial arts all year round. The drama and Kung Fu should be good. Isn't it the same as Bai Jian to deal with a few monks? But the facts have proved that these martial arts actors are all ostentatious, and the martial arts instructor couldn't stand two tricks and was beaten into the air. The Xiao Zhao who had been a stand-in for more than ten years was even more useless and lost. Of course there is that. The little monk’s relatively despicable sneak attack made him fail to react, but even if he fought head-on, the other monks were more powerful than the other. Unlike the gang of actors used to film the show, the few monks are the real swords. The martial arts of the gun, at first glance, I have practiced it in the temple since I was young

Flower shelf meets hard shelf

This fight, the result can be imagined

Director Jiang didn't take care of the equipment, but nervously ran to the side of the fallen double, "Xiao Zhao, how about you? Is there anything wrong?"

Xiao Zhao bitterly vomited the blood in his mouth, "It's okay"

The deputy director panicked: "Director Jiang, heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, let's..."

Director Jiang gritted his teeth, hesitated for a moment, and was about to order everyone to go down the mountain, but the little monks did not even wait for this time, and moved the camera with a stick.

The actress who was looking for Zhang Ye to take a picture with him happened to be nearby. She didn't know where the courage came from, so she stood up and blocked the camera, "Smash me first."

"Little Rock"

"Sister Rock"

"Xiaoyan, come back"

"Is the machine important and the man important?"

"Stop hitting even women? Are you still human?"

The actress was not afraid, just staring at the monks.

The little monk hesitated, but said: "There is no distinction between men and women in the eyes of monks." After finishing speaking, his face became cruel, and the actress went down with a stick.


"Sister Rock"

"You're so **** crazy"

The crew yelled with horror on their faces. It's good for Xiao Zhao, the substitute, and the martial arts instructor. They are more trained, have good physical fitness, and are still men, but the actress is a weak lesbian. People can't be disabled by them?

Xiaoyan's face is green too, but she still stands up and doesn't hide, she is willing to go

Howling long sticks

Ten centimeters

Five centimeters

Just when the long stick was about to fall on Xiaoyan's shoulder, when everyone in the crew was roaring, a figure did not know when to stand behind Xiaoyan

It's Zhang Ye

Everyone was stunned

"Teacher Zhang?"

"Why are you going?"

"You can't even learn a few martial arts moves, these monks are..."

But in the next second, an action by Zhang Ye made everyone present dumbfounded

Before Zhang Ye was playing with the villain actors, countless times he wanted to use his own Tai Chi to show the elegant posture and make the lens effect better, but he tried many times and couldn't use it. He wanted to learn from the movies. You can't get the taste even if you hit a dozen moves. But now, seeing so many devices in the crew being smashed and so many people being beaten, even the actress who took a photo with him and liked him so cruelly killed him, Zhang Ye's emotions have exploded, and his footsteps moved. If he shoots, he knows that he can use Tai Chi at this moment

The hand accurately squeezed the fallen long stick, and when the wrist tilted, the long stick immediately deviated from the position, slid down diagonally, and rubbed Xiaoyan's shoulder and hit the ground with a sound.

The little monk was startled.

Before he could recover, Zhang Ye raised his wrist to take advantage of the situation, and didn't see how much he used, but it seemed that the back of his hand suddenly flipped through a rebound when he fell to a certain extent through the hand that had just blocked the long stick. The little monk's chin, there was a crisp sound. The little monk spurted blood. His upper and lower teeth slammed together, and at least five blood teeth flew out of his mouth.

"Puff" the little monk was beaten up

Zhang Ye didn't let him go. He lifted and twisted with one hand, walked around behind the little monk, fell heavily, and patted the back of the little monk's neck with a bump.

The little monk's figure suddenly fell, Zhang Ye's upper body was slapped to the ground with a palm of his body, his head was knocked on a step, and he passed out without a hum.


"Junior Wuyan"

Several young monks called the man's law name in horror

Xiao Yan had long been stunned, and looked at Zhang Ye stupidly, and then at the little monk who fainted on the ground with blood and broken teeth in his mouth.



"You're looking for death." The monk who attacked the stand-in for their crew just now rushed towards Zhang Ye in three steps and two steps, and several other people also killed them, with hatred in their eyes.

court death?

Is this what the monk said?

If you want to kill us, we deserve it. If I beat you alone, I have to die?

Zhang Ye's face was cold, and he didn't even mean to retreat. Instead, he strode forward and greeted them. He was really irritated this time if he had eaten the Taekwondo skill books. Zhang Ye estimated that it might be very difficult to single out one of them. These monks are not deep, but they are not bad. They are all real kung fu. Zhang Ye is not sure about using Taekwondo, but now his Tai Chi is inexplicably Excited, Zhang Ye didn't worry at all with the fight with that little monk just now.

One person first

Stick shadow is here

Zhang Ye repeated the old trick, holding the long stick with his hand, but didn't stupidly resist it, but twisted his hand as soon as he touched it.

The monk didn't know what was going on, he only felt that the strength of his hand was as heavy as Mount Tai, but the room was removed, and the stick was strayed, not under his control, and hit the ground. He just saw Xiao The monk was stunned and didn't understand the situation. He didn't know why his junior was not the opponent of the person in front of him, but at this moment he finally understood, but it was already a little late.

Zhang Ye flipped his hand and hit his chin

The monk vomited blood and teeth just like the last person

Zhang Ye pressed his hand on the back of his neck, and the second monk fell to the ground and fell unconscious.

The two monks who came up from behind were shocked at first glance, looked at each other, and said in unison: "Go up together

Two sticks and shadows were killed together

Zhang Ye ate fresh food all over the sky with one move, supported the long stick on the left with one hand, and the long stick on the right with the other, and then saw the monk on the left staggering, worse than the two before, so Zhang Ye changed the stick. With strength and direction, he couldn't control himself with a heavy blow. The stick in his hand took off and flew out, and the person shook his feet. The chassis did not stand firmly, and Zhang Ye lifted it up. The kick hit the door. This kick was a taekwondo move. It was not as soft as Tai Chi, but it was extremely powerful. The monk fell on his back, groaned a few times on the ground, his head tilted and passed out. Then, the monk on the right followed in the footsteps of the first few people.He thought he was very clever and didn't drop the stick from the top, because the people before him all walked away, but he sticks out the stick sideways, and it is Zhang Ye. However, Zhang Ye's waist was still supported by Zhang Ye. With a move of his foot and a turn of his waist, the stick hit Zhang Ye's waist, but it seemed that there was no strength at all, and it was all used by Zhang Ye's hands and waist. What method was it to relieve his strength out of thin air, and also let Zhang Ye get close to his body, hitting his chin with the back of his hand, and then hitting the back of his heart with a palm


"...Ah" that person also fainted

It's just a short ten seconds, just a few simple encounters, four of the five monks have been knocked out on the ground

The last little monk saw that he was so stupid that he didn't dare to rush forward. He knew that a few of them met a master today. A very tall master looked down at the senior brothers and brothers, and turned around. Ran up the mountain in a panic



"Oh no"

The little monk shouted heartbreaking

Zhang Ye looked at the actress, "Is it all right?"

"Ah, no, it's okay." Xiaoyan was so shocked that he couldn't stop talking.

"How are others?" Zhang Ye asked Wushu to instruct them, "Did you hurt your bones?"

But those people did not reply, but one person stared at Zhang Ye's face in shock than the other, as if looking at an alien.

Yao Jian is stupid

Director Jiang is blinded

The assistant director and other crew members also stared

Too fierce, your mother is too fierce

Who said Teacher Zhang Ye was a pen?

Who said before that Teacher Zhang Ye had no power to bind a chicken?

Your sister, the martial arts instructor and the substitute Xiao Zhao, can't make a single move under the hands of others, can it result? But these monks can't do a good job under your hands? One hand is dizzy and the other is like dancing? I rely on you, how strong is this fighting power, you

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