I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 195: [Zhang Wei and the monk on Zen! 】

"Xiao Zhang, you are a cow, a macho." Yao Jiancai laughed happily. There was no steady weight of the 40-year-old comrades. He went up and grabbed Zhang Wei’s shoulder. "You are too arrogant."

The actress who was rescued returned to thank God at this time, "Mr. Zhang, thank you."

Zhang Hao waved his hand and took down the hand that Lao Yao put on his shoulder.

The martial arts coach has been slowed down, and the injury is not heavy, and he looks at Zhang Wei’s expression. At this moment, there is only shock. “Xiao Zhang... Teacher, you, are you not going to work hard? You are not so few. Isn’t it easy to play simple martial arts? Is it just...”

Zhang Wei has no words: "martial arts action?"

Your martial arts action called shit

The villain actor who played against him also said: "Yeah, since you are so powerful, why aren’t those simple actions still bad? Have you just played the game, have you been teasing me?" He realized that Opposite, this is a waste of several shots that have been ignored by him. It turned out to be a hidden master who just trained, but why didn’t you see it?

Zhang Wei did not explain.

The stuntman who was also injured has already gotten up. Zhang Wei doesn't say it, but he sees it. "Don't you see it? Teacher Zhang Wei is really hardworking. Our martial arts that make movies can't be done at all. Calling martial arts is just a flower rack. What Zhang is playing is the real national skill. Let's let a teacher who has already trained the national art into the bones and the body has already been able to play the martial arts. It’s a good thing to blame. The real national skill is the technique of self-cultivation. Then the practice is the technique of making the enemy. It’s not like playing with the audience to watch the audience.” His master is also practicing the national art. He is 18 years old. After learning with the master, I have passed the best martial arts age. How to practice is a little fur, so I have to be a stuntman. I have not gone on the road of national art, but I know a lot, so I can see at a glance. I understand.

"National surgery?"

"Mr. Zhang really will work hard?"

"Is it really hard? I will see you for the first time."

"Too handsome, Teacher Zhang, teach me clearly."

Everyone has a thumbs up.

After the martial arts guidance, there is no accident. He has also seen many national masters. For example, there are several martial arts stars and martial arts directors and even avatars in the industry. They have all trained in national art. Some artificial cockroaches are still very high, but he However, I never imagined that this teacher, who seemed to be soft and weak and had few muscles, was actually a national practicing technique, and it was not a beginner at first glance, and it was extinguished when he met. One punch and one punch must have been practiced for many years. Master

Frog at the bottom of the well

It’s really a frog at the bottom of the well.

Wushu guidance and a lot of people who had previously complained that Zhang Wei did not play well had some old faces, only to understand that they are not playing well, but that they are humiliating, so I really want to say it, people Zhang Wei This is the teacher’s martial arts.

Wushu coached a fist, "I couldn't help it before."

Zhang Hao waved his hand. "There is nothing to behold."

The deputy director’s heart has a lingering voice: “Thanks to Xiao Zhang, otherwise we can suffer a lot of damage, Xiaoyan is almost beaten, this gang of vultures”

The other crew members listened and followed them.


"What monk?"

"Can't just forget it."

Yao Jiancai was also very angry. In the past, he kicked a little monk who was lying on the ground and was stunned by Zhang Wei. As a result, the other party seemed to move and woke up. Scared Yao Jiancai hurriedly backed back and stood behind Zhang Hao, which only picked up the monk.

"Director Jiang."

"Jiang Gui, what should I do?"

Director Jiang came over and looked at the few who had passed out and asked Zhang Wei. "How is the person? Is it dangerous?"

Zhang Wei said faintly: "There is no danger, that is, a few teeth are lost. Maybe the chin is also dislocated. Others are fine. Skin injuries, I have no hands."

For the first time, Director Jiang looked at him with a look of importance. "What do you think should be done now?"

"Going up the mountain." Zhang Yili said of course: "Looking for them to discuss a statement can't just let our people hit the equipment and they have to pay for it."

Director Jiang: "..."

The deputy director wiped the sweat: "The people are going up and calling people. They still don't know how many monks there are. If you guard more than a dozen, let's..."

Zhang Wei said coldly: "Come one, I will play one, ten, I will play ten."

The martial arts director called a good saying: "Let me be one"

"I am also going up the mountain with them." An actor is also excited.

I have seen Zhang Wei’s martial arts. Some of them are suddenly full of enthusiasm and nothing is wrong. There is such a big master around, who is afraid of who?

Of course, the **** people are just a few people. Most of them are still a look of laughter and laughter. Those who know Zhang’s deeds think of this person’s **** temper. In fact, they did not believe it at the beginning, thinking it was rumored. After all, a broadcast host who is engaged in literature, how can a **** be a bastard? However, today, if this is the case, there is nothing wrong with the rumors. This is a place where the main temple is not afraid of fear. That is the place to be protected than the less-number-min-family. Seeing that you are going to marry the temple?

"Don't be impulsive."

"Come calm down"

"Don't go to the mountains, let's talk about it."

"Right, those monks are also stunned. They are not playing very lightly. They are also looking back. I will call the police first, and then go down the mountain."

Everyone is arguing and there is no result.

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Wei has already taken the lead on the road. They can’t get on Zhang Huan, he can’t swallow this breath anyway.


"Teacher Zhang"

"Small Zhang, why are you going?"

Zhang Yiyi went up the mountain, martial arts coach and several stuntmen and two actors also followed, and Yao Jiancai did not shrug, holding his sleeves to the end.

Director Jiang has actually gone out of breath. People beat them two people. They just scratched and smashed a lighting device. It didn’t cost much, but they put down the four monks. Now several people haven’t woken up yet. As the general director, he still cares about the overall situation. Although he hates it, he still lifts up the little monks and goes up the mountain together. He has not left the monks.

The top of the mountain.

The temple, which was just black and lacquered, was brightly lit.

It’s not like a torch, the temple has lights, and it’s now using electricity.

The crew of the crew just came up and saw a group of seven hundred and eighty-eight monks on the head. Not many people were armed, sticks with sticks, and some saw the guys in the temple, holding a big long The spoon came out, all of them were full of anger, and they stared at Zhang Wei, but no one dared to go up. The younger brother who came back has already told them the situation. From the description, even the other party’s effort has not been seen. It can only be determined to be a national skill. The estimates of these people are also clear. If they follow these descriptions, they Even if it is estimated that it is not the opponent of that person, so they are standing there, but no one dares to rush in the first

"My younger brother?"

"Do you dare to beat your family?"

"It’s too much to deceive."

"Do you have abbot? Call the abbot."

The staff of the following several crews struggling to bring several young monks up the mountain to see Director Jiang. After seeing him nod, they sent several monks to the group. One of them was already awake, and he walked over. .


"Senior brother"

"How are you?"

The monks hurried to rescue and swear.

After a while, the little monk who was beaten woke up, barely stood up, did not hurt too much, just talked a little leaky, and the tooth fell.

"Amitabha" is awkward. An old monk came out from the backyard. He first looked at the injuries of several disciples and then got up and faced the crew.


"They beat people"

The waking young monk sues first.

The "closed" abbot snorted. "Are you first to start?"

The young monk was silent, and several other monks also bowed their heads and did not speak.

The abbot was heartbroken: "There is a compassion for the bereaved family, you are hurting, and this end is also self-sufficient and resentful."

Yao Jiancai said: "You still have reason to be here, so let's talk."

Director Jiang took some resentment: "The abbot, the crew sent people to contact with your previous abbot before, and discussed the filming work. You are now going back, and we are also hitting our people, licking our equipment, I think What do you mean by this question? Fortunately, there is a master in our group, or is it still necessary to be killed by you today?"

The abbot looks very calm and speaks very calmly. "We will not accept the crew in the future."

Director Jiang said: "If you don't accept it, why don't you say it early? Why do you want to beat someone?"

"I am sitting in Zen, the outside things are not known. If I know, I will not let them do this." The abbot held his hands together and said Amitabha. "Several disciples have been taught by you, and the donors please come back." , don't send."

Shirk responsibility?

I am finished without knowing it?

Still not sent? So blunt?

I just thought that I met a reasonable person, but I didn’t expect it to be a monk.

Zhang Wei went up. He moved, and the little monks took a step back in horror.

The abbot knew at a glance that this person must have been the master of the national art who had beaten his disciples. "This donor, what do you have?" He did not fear, nor did he know whether he had practiced Kung Fu.

Zhang Wei looked at him and said: "This is not to say clearly, we can't go."

"There is something going on, my meditation has not yet finished." The abbot did not take care of him, and he would turn with his disciples.

"Sit meditation? At this time, still sitting on the meditation?" Zhang Hao was suffocated again, looking at the back of the abbot to leave, directly throwing out a Buddhist Zen language of his world master Hui Neng, and said: "Being born and not lying If you die, you don’t sit down, you have a stinky bone. What is your homework?"

The abbot stopped and suddenly turned back

These little monks also looked at each other and looked at Zhang Wei one by one.

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