I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 197: [Give words! 】

Zhang Wei finished.

Quietly around the moment

What is a linden tree? This is a large tree of the genus Moraceae. It is attached to other trees when it is young, up to 1526 meters, with a DBH of 3-0 cm. The bark is gray, the leaves are leathery, triangular-ovate, and the capsules are spherical to oblate. When mature, red, male flowers, silk flowers and female peanuts are on the inner wall of the same capsule; the ovary is smooth and spherical. The style is slender and the stigma is narrow... Of course, this is just a word...this is just an official introduction to plants.

Keke, um, serious.

Bodhi has no trees? Although there are linden trees in the world, the Bodhi tree in the Buddha family is often not a plant. The meaning is a symbol and a memorial. Bodhi also represents the great wisdom of a Buddhist family. Where is there a tree; station? It’s like the two high-ranking debates that Zhang Wei just said. At that time, it was just a mirror of his own. It was just a heart, a thought, and what was there?

No linden tree

There is no mirror station

Why is it dusty?

Including the abbot, several monks are asking themselves, asking Zhang Wei’s proverb himself, where is it? Yeah, where is the dust?

The abbot was convinced that his hands were together, "Amitabha."

Then, the ten monks behind him also brushed together, "Amitabha."

The gang of the crew was also stunned by Zhang Yi’s slang. They didn’t understand Buddhism and did not study meditation. It’s like Zhang Wei’s previous abbot with the Aoyama Temple. They basically listened. It’s a lively one. I only know that Zhang Wei’s is very arrogant, but I don’t know it well. But this slang is different. Don’t say those monks, they are not “family people” who are not family members. Clearly, the slang that they saw the abbot still felt good, but when Zhang Wei’s “Bodhi has no tree” came out, the talents were shocked to be heavenly, and they suddenly knew the abbot and teacher Zhang’s slang. Gap

I am afraid of contrast in everything.

Comparing the two, if the teacher Zhang Yi is a sorghum, then the abbot is just getting started, and may not even step into the threshold of entry.


"Mr. Zhang, you are handsome,"

"A good bodhi tree without a tree is not a mirror."

"Yeah, there is no dust coming from anything. Teacher Zhang’s proverb is absolutely perfect, but the monks are in the same position."

"This proverb is big."

“How do I feel that I have met a scene that has been passed down through the ages?” Xiaoqingshan on Zen?”

"You said that if a few hundred years later, later generations mentioned the classic proverb of Teacher Zhang, would there be any in that allusion?"

"It will definitely be, ha, we are also famous for the ages."

"Have you recorded it?"


"I also recorded, Teacher Zhang is fierce."

"They can talk to the monk about Zen, they are speechless."

What is a face?

This is called a face

What is the force?

This is called loading.

Yao Jiancai opened his eyes and smiled. The more he saw Zhang Yan, the more pleasing his eyes. Lao Yao thought that if he had Zhang Hao’s ability to force it, then he still got it? The girl didn’t rush to him in front of him.

Many people in the crew know Zhang Yi’s literary skills. Even if there are still many people who don’t know Zhang Wei before, they can’t stand someone who knows Zhang Wei’s propaganda. So I’ve learned about Zhang’s skills, but now They feel that they still underestimated Zhang Huan's literary accomplishment. They started to be arrogant and arrogant, because they thought that Zhang Wei should not lose. This is Zhang's old line. However, after all, this is a literary form that is more literary than slang, which belongs to literature but is not quite the same as conventional meaning. Compared with poetry, slang is more philosophical or dialectical, so they did not want Zhang. I will win such a raging fire. This is an overwhelming advantage. The dozens of monks, including the other’s abbot, are not even directly called by Zhang Wei.

Especially the last narration of the Bodhi tree

Proverbs are a language of deaf people. They are not couplets, but they are not affiliated.

But who wants Zhang Huan to treat each other’s proverbs as a couplet to the slang of the word-bearing swearing to the abbot. A total negation and negation makes people have nothing to say and say this slang. It’s basically that even the evaluation is not used, and people who don’t understand it can see it clearly.

The abbot looked deeply at Zhang Huan and resumed his peace. He closed his eyes and chewed it. He slowly opened his eyes. "The old man sat for more than 30 years and devoted himself to the Buddha. The previous day he realized the proverb, Ben. I thought that the Dharma had been a step further, and thought that the future practice would be a new level." He said with a bitter smile. "I didn't want to compare with the donor. The old man did not even step into the threshold of Zen, hehe, Hey."



A few young monks are a little worried.

The abbot shook his hand and said to Zhang: "The donor is a six unclean secular person, but he has great wisdom and morality. He has Huigen more than the people I have left. Today, the old man is willing to go down the wind and loses his conviction. If you are a monk With one heart to the Buddha, the achievements of the Dharma in the future will be a hundred times higher than that of me."

Zhang Yi listened and immediately waved his hand. "Don't tell me, I have a good life, but I can't think of it. I still want to be my laity, and the layman is very good."

The abbot regrets: "It's a pity, but unfortunately."

The abbot admitted to the loss, and the monks who were beaten by several parties were depressed.

Who is this in front of you? Wu’s slogan is not enough to give people a way to live.

Of course, they said that Zhang Hao was used. Zhang Wei used the slang of his world master Hui Neng, and it was the "Nothing to Know" that no one knows no one knows. It’s a mouthful, but this is nonsense, but one is not nonsense, that is, Zhang Wei has eaten a lot of charm fruits (sounds), which is a kind of enchanting charm attached to the voice, naturally put him The words carried out some kind of inexpressible bonus, so all of a sudden shocked everyone, there are reasons.

The outcome has been divided.

The people on the side of the crew were victorious and they finally got angry.

After this breath was earned, the winner was always tolerant. He saw that the abbot had taken the initiative to admit that he was very indecisive. Several people also turned his impressions on him and comforted a few words.

"The abbot, you should not compare with Teacher Zhang."

“Yes, Teacher Zhang Wei is in Beijing, but a famous writer writes poems and writes articles. Every work is a classic. You don’t watch TV often when you look at it?”

I used to hear about it, but today I saw Zhang Wei’s poems written on the scene. Their mood is still exciting, because those proverbs are too addictive.

Said for a moment.

The abbot suddenly said to several young monks: "Let the backyard vacate a few houses and settle down the donors."

A few young monks had nothing to say. They immediately arranged in the past. They had already taken a conviction on Zhang Wei at this time. They had won the respect of many monks because of the fact that there was no tree in Bodhi. People can't look at each other, the sea can't fight, Zhang Huan looks like a flat character and even a bit of stinky, but in Buddhism, but does not look at the flesh, Zhang Wei can tell the kind of screaming words, indicating the understanding of Buddhism and Huigen It’s more than one of them, and it deserves the greatest respect. It’s not about the other, it’s just a teacher.

Director Jiang was surprised and said: "The abbot, are you not waiting for the crew in the future?"

The abbot smiled and said: "I have benefited a lot from Zhang Yi’s teacher about Zen. I used to be too involved. Oh, there is nothing, and where is the dust?"

It’s too late today. Director Chiang’s director has not shot a lot of shots. Look at the sky, maybe tomorrow, and come back tomorrow tomorrow. Not enough to toss, so he did not quit, accepted the kindness of the temple, and the crew of the crew was ready to stay.

Zhang Wei is also unintentional, and he wants to leave the air. He did not expect the temple to change his attitude. Instead, he treated them as a guest, which made Zhang Wei feel a little embarrassed.


There are more than a dozen rooms here, very quiet, and there are flowers and plants in the courtyard.

A little monk said: "Master, the room has been packed."

"Well, everyone, please rest." The abbot waited for director Jiang.

Director Jiang said: "Thank you, there was a misunderstanding before. Well, are the injuries of your little monks not in the way?" After counting, they also broke a light and injured two people, but the other person was injured. Four, the wounds are heavier than theirs, and they didn't eat any losses. But the other party lost a lot of money, lost, and lost, and it was lost. It was not cheap.

The abbot's tone was steady and steady. He said: "I have checked it. There is no serious problem. Zhang Shizhu did not have a heavy hand. In fact, there is no misunderstanding. It is the old saying that misleading the disciples. This has caused trouble. Amitabha, everyone. The donor also please forgive me, it is my disciple who is abrupt, let Zhang Shizhu learn the lesson and teach them, and they can get the help of Zhang. It may be a few blessings for them."

Obviously it is a monk.

Now it has become a point of dialing?

The crew of the crew looked at Zhang Wei and knew that Teacher Zhang was forced to dress up today, but they also made them more aware of Zhang Wei’s ability. In writing poetry and writing, there are really few dare to say in the whole capital. I’m so talented, this person is too talented.

Director Jiang greeted everyone: "Let's rest, go to bed early, continue shooting tomorrow."

Everyone was smashed, and many people were tired. They went to sleep in each room.

Zhang Wei also wanted to leave, but he was stopped by the abbot behind him. "Zhang Shizhu, please stay."

"Hey, is there something?" Zhang Huan turned back and blinked.

"The old man has a ruthless invitation." The abbot pointed at the stone in the front yard with a smile. "Can you ask Zhang Shizhu to give a word? I want to engrave your new slang for the disciples." Learn."

Zhang Wei coughed: "Is it inappropriate?"

“What is wrong with it?” The abbot did not feel anything. “Please complete.”

Those little monks also looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei thought for a long time, still promised, write down the pen.

On the night of the night, the abbot ordered the character of Zhang Wei to be engraved on the stone tablet, and did not erase his own four slang words, but placed it there as a backdrop.

Stone tablet stunned

As a bodhi tree, the heart is like a mirror, always diligently wiped, do not make dust.

Bodhi has no trees, and the mirror is not Taiwan. There is no such thing. Where is it dust?

Zhang Hao, the world, Shenxiu and the six masters of Huineng’s "Nothing", appeared so wonderfully in this world, but the two masters who used to talk in words are not in this world now, and have changed. The protagonist became a certain abbot of Zhangye and Qingshan Temple.

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