I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 198: [You still believe in Zhang Wei’s words? 】

The next day.

Early in the morning.

It’s noisy outside.

"Yes, the expression is good, too."

"Director, let's have another one. I just jumped like a corner of my mouth, not very satisfied."

"In fact, it's already very good, it's OK, then come one more, pay attention to each side, start"

In a wing of the backyard of Qingshan Temple, Zhang Huan woke up from the fire. I don’t know whether it was awakened or frozen. The fire is just a name. It didn’t burn the fire yesterday, and the temperature difference on the mountain is relatively large. He also couldn’t help but squatted and sat up from the bed. He found that Yao Jiancai and the two actor who were lying next to him had no trace. He was alone in the house.

Dressing, Zhang Hao went out.

The front yard is filming and the camera is up.

"Hey, Teacher Zhang woke up?" The actress named Xiaoyan smiled and said hello.

"Wake up, how can anyone call me? Everyone is up, I still sleep late, it is not suitable." Zhang Wei is not very embarrassed, in fact, he was lying down at one o'clock in the morning last night, nothing, it is the abbot is too wicked In the middle of the night, Zhang Wei went to his side to talk about Buddhism, but Zhang Hao could only go. He was stinky with the old monk and was released to sleep in the house, so he also got up. so late.

The deputy director smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, if you don't come to your show, take the shot first."

Although Zhang Wei helped the crew to be busy yesterday, but did not support it, he immediately found a sword. "Well, then I will practice again after working hard, and I will definitely shoot it today."

"Don't, no." The assistant director stopped him.

The martial arts coach also came up. "Jiang Gui said, change your movements, you know that you are a real trainer. These actions are not suitable for you, so we need to change the set and use new actions." "This is actually equal to Zhang Jian's change of the script."

Zhang Weidao: "How much trouble?"

"No trouble." The assistant director said: "You should have breakfast first."

When Zhang Wei saw that there were still a few lunch boxes that were not open, they used to eat. They were all vegetarian. They didn’t even have an egg. It should be considered in the temple, just sent in the morning. While eating, Zhang Wei looked at the scene not far away, Yao Jiancai went up, Lao Yaozheng played a Taoist, fighting with several monks, one of the monks was the actor who the crew found, the remaining two Actually, it was a small monk of Qingshan Temple. Zhang Hao had seen it yesterday. He didn’t expect the abbot to let the monk in the temple go to the stage to perform a group performance. It seems that his sentence “has nothing to be dusty”. He touched a lot, and changed from a Zen meditation to a Buddhism concept led by epiphany.

That monument is also standing in front.

Many of the crew members talked about it with gusto, pointing fingers, and then taking pictures. Some of the new staff and actors who are coming today are unknown. Others who were present last night gave them directions pointing to Zhang Hao who was eating early and told them about it.

When a few people who just came over heard it, they were shocked.

After the filming was finished, the scene was changed again to the halfway up the mountain last night.

"Xiao Zhang, you are ready." Director Jiang said to Zhang Wei.

"Get it right." Zhang Yiyi should go and talk to the martial arts.

Sure enough, this time the movements are not so big and big, but it is in line with Zhang Wei’s actual action, fast, steady, awkward, and a lot less fancy.

Zhang Jian has been practicing a few times and it’s almost gone. "Yes."

"That's good, ready to start." Director Jiang sat behind the number one camera.

However, Zhang Hao was in a good position, but the actor who played against him was sitting on the wax. He also shot the martial arts for several years. The action is also the kind of whistling thing. Zhang Hao is playing, he has to follow. Then hit, the results will not match. He has been able to adapt to more than 20 minutes, which can barely keep up with the rhythm of Zhang Wei. In the end, Director Jiang has reached out and this one has passed.

Zhang Hao hit a sweat, and then went to take a shot, this is his last appearance, because he was killed by a villain.

An hour later, Zhang Wei’s play was killed.

"Mr. Zhang, I have worked hard." A drama handed a towel.

"Thank you." Zhang Wei took it and wiped the sweat, then took off the props and put on his clothes.

The crew didn't have his business. Zhang Wei and Jiang director and Yao Jiancai and others told him a word. He turned and left. It is worth mentioning that, knowing that Zhang Wei is leaving, Director Jiang did not say anything, only told him that he would Opportunity to cooperate again, but Yao Jiancai is very enthusiastic about Zhang Wei, and he has to send him down the mountain. The two have become obsessed with each other after a day of mutual contact. They are very tempered to each other, and then the abbot of Qingshan Temple, he is today. I didn't meditate, but I sent Zhang Xiao to Xiaoqingshan all the way. I also talked with him about Zen.

at the same time.

There was a video suddenly appearing on the Internet. I don’t know what’s going on, it’s on fire, and the amount of hits climbs up, as if I can’t stop forever.

"Being born to sit still, dead to sit down, a stinky bone, what is the homework?"


“Does the Lord know Zen?”

"So let's talk about Zen?"

"The wind blows the flag, do you say it is the wind or the flag is moving?"

"Of course the wind is moving."

"Is the flag moving?"

"What is moving? The world is moving?"

"Your heart is moving"

"One flower and one world, one grass and one heaven, one wood and one life, one leaf is like one, one sand and one bliss, one side is pure land, one smiles and one dusty edge, one thought and one quiet."

"You are not afraid of going to hell?"

"I don't go to **** who goes to hell?"

"Bodhi has no trees"

"Spiegel is not Taiwan"

"There is nothing in the world."

“Where is the dust?”

The video clearly smashed several pictures, that is, the people in the crew or some unsightly shots, but the overall situation has not changed. The events of last night were all recorded. At first glance, the "Great Martial Arts" crew was sent online. The name of the video is called "Xiao Qingshan on Zen".


“It’s really enjoyable”

"The top video is too fake and true?"

“A secular person actually said so many monks?”

"Hey, wait a minute, this person... How is it like Teacher Zhang?"

"What is it like, is it Zhang Huan? I rely on it. How did he go to the "Great Martial Arts" crew? Is this going to make a movie? Is it changing?"

"Ha ha ha, Zhang teacher Wen Cai is still too embarrassed."

"The monks are also unlucky. Whoever talks about Zen is not good with Mr. Zhang. This is notoriously a bad mouth. You look at those proverbs and fight too hard, especially the last sentence, 'Bodhi No trees, I heard it, my hair is standing up."

"I sweat, teacher Zhang still knows Buddhism?"

"What do you know about Zhang Huan? Almighty Zhang is not white."

"I think it should be called Zhang Zhang Zhang bold, playing monk at the door of the temple, hitting people first, then hitting the face, this is much bolder, huh, but others may not dare, Teacher Zhang still has no pressure, Teacher Zhang Wei’s courage is big.”

"Classic, Zhang Wei's proverb is too classic."

"Speaking so busy, who is Zhang Wei?"

"Search upstairs on your own, don't bother to explain it. If you look at it, you are not in the capital. In the capital area, no one knows how to beat his face."

"Always support the face"

"Always support Zhang bold"

"Mr. Zhang, I love you too much."

The video was pushed higher and higher, and at the end of the day, many Buddhist researchers and sorghums were alarmed.

A Buddhist scholar completely denied Zhang Huan's proverb. "A layman, a laity who knows nothing, dare to scatter in the clear place of the temple? There are so many people who are squatting and singing songs? What is this mentality?" I have also read these slang words. I can't say bad things. I can't say no, but it's just a direction of Zen. Is there anything right or wrong? You have held that Zhang Hao too high. I really don't believe this. Those who are arrogant and arrogant can have a deep understanding of Buddhism, and they are pleasing to the public."

"Upstairs, I bought a watch last year."

"We can all hear the bulls, can't you hear?"

"Is it still a Buddhist researcher? You have studied a fart for so many years, but we don't understand it? You know it? You know how many slang you have to listen to."

"Just because Teacher Zhang is not a monk, so you have to say something wrong. If these proverbs are a Buddhist master, would you still fart? You must hold and say, what, I have seen you through this. 'Expert, too!'

A lot of people have fallen on, and every piece of Zhang Wei’s work has come out. I can’t help but invite many experts and scholars who know whether they really understand or fake. They have come to criticize the education. These pictures are already annoying. It turns out that Many of Zhang’s works are recognized and loved by the public.

At this time, a master stood up.

This master has some status in the field of Buddhism today. It is not the so-called expert, and he is really a high-ranking person.

I saw that the monk also replied with meagerness. "Zhang Shizhu is a great man, I am not as good as it is."


“Does the masters say that is better?”

"Is Teacher Zhang really so fierce?"

"The masters have let go of the words, saying that Teacher Zhang has a great wisdom, and I see who still questions."

"Zhang Hao, this is going to be against the sky. I know this master. You see Weibo certification, but this is a good thing."

Nowadays, the information society, the monks are also advancing with the times and having access to the Internet. It is not a strange thing. After the master finished, I saw that many Buddhist disciples had forwarded and praised.

At last.

Someone laughed and commented.

"A few days ago, when Teacher Zhang left the TV station, the reporter interviewed him. He didn't say a poem. What did he hide into a small building, and he was in charge of his winter and summer and spring and autumn. What do you hide from the shit? The teacher has come up with something again? Why didn’t my mother see something that means winter and summer and spring and autumn?”

"Ha ha ha, Zhang Yi teacher's words, you also believe?"

"Khan, too."

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