I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 199: [The signing of "Zhang Yu Wen Ji"! 】

Two days later.

Xidan, the book building.

Before a long table, Zhang Wei sat with a pen and a pen to smile, surrounded by staff of the publishing house and the library building, some selling books, and some maintaining order. The banner is very conspicuous, and the signing of the Zhangye New Book Zhangye Collection will be hotly opened. Of course, the hot is an adjective, and it is also a slogan. In fact, there are not so many people, but many of them are right.

"Teacher Zhang"

"Sign me a name"

"Let's make a photo together"

"Ah, you can see real people today."

"Yeah, look better than on TV"

"Mr. Zhang, I am your **** fan."

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, I will come first, I will sign first."

This activity was held by his publishing house in contact with the book building. This morning, as long as you buy Zhang Wei’s anthology, Zhang Wei will sign them in the queue. This is all too busy. Thank you, thank you for your support. "The first time I was so close to the fans, Zhang Wei was also very excited. Once upon a time, I could only look at someone else in the distance and sign it. I watched other stars be crowded in public, and now Zhang Wei is waiting." When this opportunity was reached, he finally got to the position where he could sit and sign the man. He couldn’t help but feel awkward. Everything was like a dream.

"Mr. Zhang, give me a sign for clothes." A young man dressed in a otaku looks very fond of Zhang Wei, even wearing a long gown with a poem printed on it - if you don't leave, I will die. Dependent. This is the slogan of the Zhang Wei fan group, it seems that he is also one of them.

Zhang Wei has no words. For those fans who have always supported themselves, he is grateful, and he changed his watercolor pen and signed the young man on the back.

Later, a lot of fans put forward a variety of strange requirements.

There is a hand on the sign.

There is a sign on the neck after the sign.

Someone actually asked Zhang Wei to sign on his chest clothes.

It was a woman in her twenties who looked very ordinary, but she was very hot. She estimated that she was coming with friends. There were still a few girls around me who were laughing and laughing. I saw the woman with excellent figure facing Zhang Wei. He blinked his eyes and pointed to his chest.

Zhang Wei almost spurted

Big, too big.

The big breasted woman came over and pointed to the chest. "Mr. Zhang, please sign here."

The people in the publishing house are also crying and laughing, but they have done too much for this kind of activity. This situation has been met many times. It is not unexpected, and there are fans.

Zhang Wei is not vague, pick up the watercolor pen and stand up, but of course, I don’t mean to sign her chest. It is signed in the position of the collarbone. This is still very important to affect. After all, so many people look at it, but Rao This is the case, it is still a little lost, the female fan's chest is so big, it is difficult to grasp the distance, and finally, when the word "烨" is finished, the vertical is pulled down, Zhang Wei is shaking, and the vertical is Then I reached the big chest of the female fan, snoring, and the nib obviously felt trapped in a piece of meat and toot.

"Thank you." The female fans were very happy, showing off their clothes and girlfriends.


The signing sale will be over.

Zhang Hao drove back to his parents' home and felt that he was all sweaty. This morning, it was like a war, but he was tired, but the only thing that is gratifying is that the sales of books seem to be good, and he is worthy of the publishing house. The buyout price, and today I have seen so many fans who are passionate about themselves, not on the Internet, but just chatting face to face, this feeling is very good.

Go home.

After taking a shower, he took care of the meal.

My mom came out with the dishes. "Eat and eat, see my son hungry, and their publishing house is really, you are so busy for a long time, no matter what?"

Zhang Hao grabbed a **** and slammed it. "They are also busy. It is estimated that they will be able to go back in the afternoon."

"Look at your eating phase." Mom laughed: "It's all big stars, you can make a signing sale. You pay attention to the image, you have the star's grace and style, don't understand?"

Dad said: "What star celebrity, what kind of garlic is still in the house."

Mom gave him a blank eye. "You know a fart, the stars are all out."

Dad educated his son and said, "Don't listen to her, don't be overwhelmed by fame and fortune. What it looks like, don't look back."

"Dad, I understand." Zhang Hao certainly understands.

My mother snorted and ignored her husband. She sat down and gave her son a dish. "Let's eat more."

Hey, someone knocked at the door.

"Who?" Mom opened the door.

It turned out to be the neighbor Liu Dazhao. She smiled and said: "My wife said that when I saw the corner, I saw your family come back. Hey, how can you eat?"

Zhang Wei put down the chopsticks, "Liu Dazhao."

"He just came back, there is a signing sale in the morning." Mom is proud.

Liu Dazhao smiled, "I am doing this, my husband and I like to write. You all know, he, especially like Xiaoyan's poem, he is embarrassed to come, so I asked, is there any collection?" ”

"Yes, there are more." Mom said to her son.

Liu Dawei said: "That's a good thing, right, Xiaoxi has to sign a name for us. This book has to be collected."

Of course, Zhang Wei did not say anything, and he did not eat it. In the past, he took a copy of Zhang Wei’s anthology and signed it. He sent Liu Dawei, and then he went back to dinner.

Mom is very proud. "Look at my son, I am more angry."

Dad turned on the TV. "That is my education. If the child learns from you, I don't know what it is."

"Hey, you are getting better, what have you taught you, from childhood to the study of older children, aren't they all caught?" The mother cried, and said to Zhang: "Son, how many books do you have?" Ah? I’ve left my mom back and signed the name. I’ve got a few neighbors in the past few days. I’m sure I have to send them a few books. I have to give some to my colleagues. How much do you give me? Don't hide."

"Know it." Zhang Wei is full.

Today's signing ceremony, let Zhang Hao taste the sweetness of the star, and want to become the world H. l The star's ideal is more determined, Zhang Wei's anthology is hot sales, and the movie "Da Wuxia" is also completely smashed. It is being promoted. There are several propaganda pictures in which there are Zhang Wei's costume characters in the corner of the poster, the list of actors. His name was also hung up, and the video of "Little Qingshan on Zen" was hot. His exposure in these days has risen again and again, and his popularity in the past few days has finally stabilized.

But it is only stable, this is not enough.

Zhang Wei does not want to stay in place. He has to find some tricks that can make his popularity last longer and continue to increase. This is already imminent.

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