I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 203: [It is not enough to take advantage of it! 】


The landlord’s aunt’s house.

It’s almost half past ten, and Zhang Hao just woke up and looked at the side of the bed. There was no Rao Aimin in the bed. Only he was left alone. The bed left a white bathrobe and a pink color. Qiuyi Qiuku, it looks like new, washed without passing through, Bacheng is Rao Aimin to open the cabinet to change clothes when he gets up in the morning, the result is not suitable after wearing the autumn clothes, and take off other clothes, and Going a little anxious, I will be confiscated.

Why have you gone?

Oh, unfortunately, I didn’t see the scene of the landlord’s aunt changing clothes.

Zhang Wei can imagine that the landlord aunt should be at the bedside, just take off his bathrobe and wear the chest and outerwear behind him. Unfortunately, Zhang Wei was still asleep at that time, and he didn’t feel it at all, otherwise he took Zhang. Awkward temper, it’s a look at it.

Zhang Hao turned over and looked at his hand. He took the nose and smelled it beforehand. Well, it still has the taste of Rao Aimin’s clothes last night. It’s full of fragrance, immersed in the heart and soul, dreamlike, all things in the universe. The picture alternates in my mind, a kind of soul... I am not poor, a little hungry, I should get up.

finish dressing.

Brush your teeth.

I didn't see anyone downstairs, but he was one at home.

"Well? Why did the landlord aunt go?" Zhang Yi said to himself.

At this time, I heard the key opening the door, and then Rao Aimin took Chen Chen’s little hand into the room. Xiao Chenchen carried a schoolbag. Zhang Hao knew that the landlord’s aunt was going to pick up the children at school. Chenchen School organized a spring tour. Come back today.

Zhang Wei was in a good mood, smiled and reached out and greeted him, "Chen Chen."

Chen Chen looked at him, but also a small face like a big man like a big man, "Zhang Wei."

Zhang Wei is not true, and he looks at Rao Aimin. "Auntie, what do you eat?"

"No, eat on your own plane." Rao Ai Min.

"My plane is in the afternoon, I have a tube of dinner at the top." Zhang Yan licked his stomach. "I didn't eat much last night, I was really hungry."

Chen Chen said: "Reporting amnesty, I am also hungry."

Rao Aiming smiled and said: "You two people will know how to eat food all day long" and turned into the kitchen, "Xiao Zhang, you wash your hands for Chen Chen."

"Hey." Zhang Wei took Chen Chen to the bathroom, Chen Chen was short enough to reach the sink, Zhang Hao picked her up.

The little guy took the shelf and put his hand to the front. He could wash it himself, but she just didn't move.

Zhang Hao had to hold her with one hand and the other hand to open the faucet and wash her hands with soap. "You are still a grandfather, how? Is this okay?"

Chen Chen said: "Make it together."

"How is it still called?" Zhang asked.

Chen Chen grinned. "They are too naive. The safari saw a wild boar all the fuss, and several female students were scared."

Zhang Weidao: "The wild boar can be amazing, are you not afraid?"

Chen Chen said: "Sit on the bus, there is a protective net, the wild boar can not enter, and then, when I was five years old, my mother took me to climb the mountain, my mother held me, and slaughtered a wild boar with one hand. What's so scary? When I was six years old, I took me to the country to play, and I was surrounded by seven or eight wolves, but I stood there watching the wolves, the wolves. I didn’t dare to rush, and finally scared away."

Zhang Wei is crying and laughing. He said that you are not playing with your classmates. Who are you in this family? When you grow up with such a family, it is no wonder that Xiaochen Chen has developed such a character.

At the dinner table.

When I was sitting down, I started shouting at the kitchen.

"Hungry." Zhang Wei is listless.

Chen Chen also said: "Oh, is it alright?"

"I didn't eat anymore, I fainted." Zhang Hao called.

Chen Chen took the chopsticks and knocked on the bowl, "rice, rice, rice"

These two are coming, and the waves are rushing.

When the kitchen door opened, I saw Rao Aimin coming out with an apron and shouting: "I am urging me to rush? I don't have to come to help, I know that I am still eager to eat and I am not too poor."

The main fire was on, and the two of them quickly closed their mouths.

About ten minutes later, the dishes came up and the rice was also served.

Zhang Hao was hungry and hungry, and he took chopsticks to eat. Chen Chen also went to grab him. One big and one small wolf swallowed, and there was nothing to eat.

Rao Aimin blinked his eyes and said, "Chen Chen has let you bring it bad."

In the past, Chenchen didn't eat like this, but it was very calm and very lady. He usually chewed slowly, but Zhang Wei took the lead, and Chen Chen also rushed to eat, as if he was eating faster than anyone else. This is to be seen, Chen Chen is early maturity, in the final analysis, there are still children's heart.

After dinner.

Zhang Wei was full, and he was full of **** and desire. He happened to be sitting in a row with Rao Aimin. Chen Chen was opposite, so Zhang Wei sneaked his hand to the side. Rao Aimin went home and didn't change clothes. She went straight to the kitchen to cook, so now she wears a long skirt and gown that is very old and very suitable for her. The long skirt is on the calf. It is the kind of flower. pattern. Zhang Wei touched the aunt's thigh across the skirt, although Rao Aimin said something about it this time, but Zhang Wei certainly would not be serious.

Chen Chen couldn't see it, and squatted with a small stomach.

Rao Aimin jumped and jumped. "Xiao Zhang, your kid is going to brush the bowl."

"After a while, I brushed it later, I took it, I had to take a break." Zhang Wei didn't go, continued to touch her leg, and the touch on the flesh was different from the long skirt. Moreover, she has a long skirt under the sand, and there is a feeling of rubbing the fabric. It must be wearing stockings on her legs. Looking down at the beautiful feet of Rao Aimin’s nude-colored scoop shoes, sure enough, the feet are covered with a layer of shallow flesh-colored stockings. . Zhang Hao came to the interest, boldly took her hand and pulled her long skirt up, so that her two legs wrapped in stockings more and more.

At the end, the skirts faded to the knees.

Zhang Wei just let go, touched her stockings directly, the delicateness of one hand, sand and slippery, and the softness and elasticity of the small meat underneath.

Rao Aimin put down his hand and threw his hand away.

Zhang lingered, once again put it up and pinched.

Chen Chen spoke, "Zhang Wei, you will do my homework for a while."

“Do it yourself.” Rao Aimin was distracted and looked at Chen Chen’s excuse: “Is there any help in the homework? I want to have a good future.”

Chen Chen boss is reluctant to say: "Oh."

"I can't help you either, you Uncle Zhang left today and went to Shanghai." Zhang Yidao.

Chen Chen said: "Well? What are you going to?"

Zhang Yidao: "Work, my buddy has to earn money to support the family, where is it like you, how happy you are to go to school every day, and you don't have to worry about anything." Zhang Yiji touched a few of the landlord's thighs. And the hand was inserted into her skirt, and the thief was still trying to explore deeper. "What? When I heard that my uncle was leaving, is it particularly reluctant? It doesn't matter, I expect it to come back in a month or two."

Chen Chen aimed at him, his mouth twitched, "Oh."

Rao Aimin stood up at this moment, hey, almost all of the long skirts that Zhang Kai opened to the thigh roots fell down and restored to the original state. "Xiao Zhang, your kid came with me, I still have some unopened there. I will give it to you if you don’t need the daily necessities. You are ready to take it away."

Zhang Weidao: "No, I am ready."

"You come, I will take it for you." Rao Aiming smiled and went to the bedroom.

When I look at her, Zhang Wei knows that there is absolutely no good thing. When did the landlord aunt be so considerate, and still have to prepare daily necessities for himself? Let’s go, it’s definitely not good, this is to clean up the buddies. Zhang Hao naturally won’t be fooled. There is Chen Chen next to it. The landlord’s aunt is not very good, but if they go to the bedroom, they are both. Where is the cockroach still falling to the good fruit to eat.

"Don't, don't, I'm going to brush the bowl." Zhang Yili lost, quickly packed up the plates and chopsticks went to the kitchen, and squatted to work.

After I finished, Zhang Hao came out, "Auntie, Chen Chen, I am leaving, I should go to the airport."

Rao Aimin came over again. "Okay, I will send you."

Zhang Hao hurriedly raised his hand. "Keep the pace, stay fast, where can you dare to drive you, don't need it, just two boxes I can take it myself, Chen Chen alone no one at home, in case Then come in a few thieves, you are coming out soon, I am leaving. "I will not go out, and finally waved their hands with them and quickly closed the door to them. Zhang Hao was relieved."

Really dangerous

If you were given a meal by the landlord before leaving, it would be silly.

When I got home, Zhang Wei finally took a look at the place where I lived for a few months. I smiled and missed it. I turned and got two suitcases ready to go downstairs. Because I stayed at the landlord’s home last night. After a lot of good memories, Zhang Hao’s mood is very good, and there is no sadness to leave.

"Hey? Isn't this Teacher Zhang?" A female college student tenant is about to come out and dump the garbage. After seeing Zhang Wei, "What is your luggage?"

Her boyfriend also walked out of the house. "Mr. Zhang, are you on a business trip or a tourist?"

Zhang Yiyi is famous. The tenants of the landlord’s aunt also know that there is a star living here. Zhang Hao also knows them and always greets them.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "I am going to work in Shanghai."

"Ah? You are not in the capital?" The female college student was surprised.

Zhang Wei said with self-deprecating: "No one dares to ask me here. I can only transfer positions to other places."

The male college student said: "There is no eyesight for this TV station. Teacher Zhang, you can rest assured that we will all support you. You must be smooth this time."

Zhang Weidao: "Oh, then I will borrow your words."

Xu heard the voice, and several households came out, old and young.

Zhang Wei told everyone one by one. This is a very cute group of neighbors. Many of them don’t particularly appreciate Zhang Wei’s works, but every time they see Zhang Wei, all the words are appreciated and encouraged. In the days when Zhang Xiao’s poor money had been eaten, these lovely neighbors gave him a meal. The taste of the box of savory beef stew would not be forgotten in Zhang’s life.

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