I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 204: [A pair of familiar legs on the plane! 】



As soon as I arrived in the lobby, the phone rang.

It was Yao Jiancai, "Xiao Zhang, why don't you answer the phone all night?"

"Old Yao." Zhang Ye was precocious with him, and yelled casually, "Did you call me yesterday? Hi, I threw my mobile phone at home and didn't bring it with me."

Yao Jiancai said, "Where are you?"

"What about the airport?" Zhang Ye asked.

"The movie is over. Isn't this a celebration banquet today? Everyone gathers to have a meal. Now that everyone is almost there, you are missing. Are you going to the airport? There is a notice? Forget it, you come over and talk about it. , Anyway, we are not far away, and we are all in Shunyi." Yao Jiancai said: "You hurry up, everyone is waiting for you, Xiaoqingshan, if it wasn't for you to subdue the monks, this scene is estimated I have to shoot until next month, and I have to go to other temples in other provinces to view the scene. The flight back and forth will cause a lot of delay, so if you don’t have it, the deputy director asked me.”

Zhang Ye smacked his mouth and said, "I'm not going anymore? My plane in the afternoon."

"Isn't that the afternoon? It's early. Come here soon. That's it." Yao Jian just hung up.

Yes, Zhang Ye was so kind. He looked at the registration time, but he was very wealthy, so he had to call a car at the address sent by Yao's text message.

"Come on, Yu Cup"

"Teacher Xiao Zhang, drink it"

"Yes, let me go with Teacher Zhang"

"Zhang Ye, let's have a drink too. I didn't know you before. Last time I saw Xiao Qingshan. It's amazing. Let's stop. No wine left."

"Haha, let's have another cup together to celebrate the successful completion of "Great Martial Arts""

"If the box office exceeds 100 million, then there will be another formal celebration banquet, everyone will come"

in the afternoon.

Two nods.

The airport was crowded with people coming and going.

Zhang Ye, who came back from socializing, was walking in, and ran into a man facing him.

"Oh," Zhang Ye said in annoyance, "Why don't you know how to walk by walking?"

The man wore a brand-name suit, as if he was anxious to catch a plane, and babbled, "Did the wicked complain before you hit me?"

Zhang Ye stared: "You repeat who hit whom?"

At this time, the man's phone rang, and he felt a little nervous, and he answered in a low voice: "Hey...well, I'm on the plane right away...know, I know"

Zhang Ye also wanted to reason with him.

But after the man hung up the phone, he ignored him and hurried to the boarding gate.

Zhang Ye cursed at his back and said that he had no quality, and went to line up to get a boarding pass. The guy was already drunk, and his feet were swaying. He couldn't drink enough. Yao Jiancai and the others still poured themselves. After a while, Zhang Ye was really drunk, and he was full of alcohol. After Zhang Ye received the boarding pass with the staff at the counter of Air China, he went to the e-ticket service counter not far away.

He put the certificate on it and "issue an invoice for me."

The airport staff looked at him, brought it over and started processing, "Please collect your itinerary."

Zhang Ye wearing sunglasses was unhappy and said, "Do I need an itinerary? I want an invoice."

The staff member said silently: "This is the invoice from the airport and can be reimbursed with this voucher."

Zhang Ye said, "I don't even have a place to scratch the prize. Are you a fake invoice?"

"Scratch what prize?" The staff was silly.

Zhang Ye swept him at the corner of his eyes, "It's just a thin strip on the corner. How much is the winning prize? Or thank you for your patronage, you don't know this? Are you new here?"

The staff's eyes were black, "Big Brother, that is the invoice from the restaurant" Big Brother called out.

"Yes, there are restaurants, why don't you have an airport as big as yours?" Zhang Ye said more truthfully.

The staff doesn't know what to say anymore. They can't laugh or cry. They have been working in the airport for several years. He is really the first time he has met such a stubborn passenger, your sister, is it my newcomer? Have you ever seen a printed itinerary at an airport that can scratch prizes?


"Scratch prize?"

Several staff members next to the same counter almost fainted after hearing this.

Although this is Zhang Ye's first time flying by plane, he doesn't even lack this common sense. He mainly drank too much and drank too much.

This time it was a domestic short-haul flight, a small plane, no first class, only business class, only business class people first checked into the gate one after another, Zhang Ye also went to check the ticket, but the defendant was told that it was not business class, so he stopped him. . In a daze, Zhang Ye didn't know how he boarded the plane. As soon as he got on the plane and found his seat, but fortunately, it was near the window, he fell asleep on the window, still whispering in his mouth. It's obviously economy class here. What he said, "Such a big company is not even willing to buy a business class ticket, it's too picky"

Between the clouds.

The passengers were flying in the clouds.

I don't know how long it has passed. Zhang Ye woke up faintly. He only felt that his surroundings were not stable and swaying. The plane had obviously taken off long ago.

Someone pushed his head.

It turned out that he was woken up.

"Hey, wake up." It was a nice female voice.

It is estimated that after sleeping for an hour or two, Zhang Ye woke up most of the wine at the moment, and he was not drunk.Then the first memory was that he was in the airport lobby and the staff of the stewardess asked for the invoice to scrape the prize and was anxious with others. Ye only felt that the old face blushed and was a bit embarrassing, but he felt the toad glasses still on the bridge of his nose, and he sighed slightly.Fortunately, fortunately, wearing sunglasses was not recognized, otherwise if he was reported, he would later Why are you still mixed up? Alas, this wine is really not a good thing.


Why is the side of the head so soft?

Am I lying down? Can the economy class chair be lowered?

"You wake up" the female voice was a little angry, and Zhang Ye's head was pushed again.

"Why?" Zhang Ye was also angry, his own sleep was so sweet, why did you always push me, I provoke you, he opened his heavy eyelids and opened his eyes and looked forward. This didn't matter, Zhang Ye was stunned at the time, his eyes doubled as before, and his alcohol was gone in an instant, but his head seemed to be still drunk, a little confused, wondering if he was. Dreaming


Because what he saw when he opened his eyes was a pair of beautiful white legs, no stockings, no cover, the most important thing is to be close in front of him, how close are they? It is not an exaggeration to describe as "zero distance". Zhang Ye was lying on a girl's lap at the moment, and his posture was very difficult to hold. The direction of his legs was toward the front of the machine head, his body was inclined, and his head It was screwed, and it was facing the girl, even the mouth was kissed directly above the beautiful leg, and the touch on the lips was not to be mentioned. His right face was also slippery, it was the sensuality of the beautiful legs, and then just slightly raised his eyes, Zhang Ye followed the girl's rosy skirt and saw the scenery inside without any cover.

Light black lace panties

There are a little exposed white wings on the edge, obviously sanitary napkins

Zhang Ye took a breath of cold air when he saw it, and with this breath, a gas that was mainly composed of a woman's fragrance but still had a little complicated smell was attracted to Zhang Ye's lungs.It was neither good nor bad. Anyway, it floated from the skirt that was only ten centimeters away from him

"Why? You lied on my lap, did you say why?" The girl's angry voice pressed over, she was too close, and the breath from her mouth hit Zhang Ye's side face.

Zhang Ye's face turned pale. It was how embarrassing and embarrassing it was. He only now knows how serious the situation is. Your sister, why did he lie on her body? Dude is now a star. The famous host, this face is absolutely not ashamed. How fast is Zhang Ye's mind? He thought of countless ways in a flash, trying to find an idea that can alleviate the current embarrassing situation. People say liuqi

Play stupid?

Acting cute?

Pretending to be neurotic?

Pretend to know nothing?

If you follow this approach, it would be easy to solve. Zhang Ye only needs to raise his head in confusion and say a word to the girl-"Daddy, can you sing the little star?"

These words definitely allowed Zhang Ye to get out, but he didn't have the face to say it.

Zhang Ye didn't say anything. He quickly got up from the girl. Maybe it took too long to stick. When his face and mouth left those beautiful legs, they all stuck with the **** skin on her beautiful legs. As soon as he took it away, there was a slight "hitting" feeling.

The girl wears a pair of sunglasses and can't see too many expressions. Although she is wearing a short skirt, her coat is a black trench coat. The whole hairstyle, dress, and figure are all very sexy.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Zhang Ye said embarrassedly.

Seeing him apologize, the girl waved, "Forget it."

Zhang Ye asked himself a supplement, "Uh, friend, why did I lie down?"

The girl pushed her sunglasses and said, "How do I know that when I came over, I saw you leaning against the window to fall asleep. I should also close my eyes and sleep, but after a while, there will be more people on my legs."

Zhang Ye said, "I drank too much before getting on the plane, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." The girl is reasonable. "It's inevitable to be out of the house, and be considerate of each other."

Zhang Ye was able to look at her face. Although the sunglasses blocked a lot, she still couldn't hide her beautiful face. It must be a beautiful woman, and it was not the ordinary beauty. There are not many in the entertainment circle, that is, Rao Aimin and Zhang Yuanqi.

So beautiful

Sexy beauty

And... why are you so familiar?

Zhang Ye blinked his eyes and stared at her, this man...

"What's wrong? See me?" The girl frowned.

Zhang Ye was taken aback, suddenly pointed at her and said, "Huh Dong Shanshan?"

The girl was stunned when she heard it, "I can recognize this? Have you watched my show? No, my show hasn't been broadcast in Beijing."

"What show? Have you been on the show?" Zhang Ye took off his sunglasses.

After seeing Zhang Ye, Dong Shanshan was amused, and pointed at him and said, "Zhang Ye?"

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