I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 206: [game difficulty adjustment! 】


The sky is blue and the clouds are at your fingertips.

Dong Shanshan on the side of his body has already slept with his head.

Zhang Yu looked at the window and narrowed his eyes. He was very emotional. This is a city where he lived for 20 years. Of course, there will be disappointment, but what can I do? The artist's road is destined to be lonely, the height is not cold, the height is not cold. He endures the itch that is drawn by her hair on the neck, looks at her cleavage later, looks at her legs for a while, and looks at the window later. The scenery, the old **** is very well, there is such a school's first school flower accompanied, the road is not alone.

More than halfway through.

The flight attendant pushed the car over and sent the water. Hey, the economy class is treated like this.

Zhang Wei did not let the flight attendant disturb Dong Shanshan, knowing that the school flower was tired, so she gave her a cup of juice on the baffle, and she wanted a cola and drank a cup.


What about it?

I think that my trip to Shanghai is definitely a bumpy road. There is no better place than the capital. Zhang Wei’s reputation is not eye-catching at the end. It is estimated that he will not wear sunglasses and walk on the street. There is no one in a thousand people who can know him. This is a new position, everything has to start from the beginning, so Zhang Hao also naturally needs the help of the game ring, so that he is a blockbuster in the new post of the network host.

Take a prize.

A look at the total reputation, 700,000 points.

Zhang Yan sighed, this reputation is too pitiful, even the Taijiquan skills book can not afford, but these are also the reputation of his Zhang Jianwen collection and movie propaganda in the past few days, of course, it may There are still "Ghost Blowing Lights" that are still being sold, and the "Hundreds of Lectures" videos that have been hanging on the Internet. Although those works have been around for a long time, the classics are classics, and the energy source continues to contribute to Zhang Wei. Because every day, new friends who don’t know him come in, um, it’s getting less and less.

The lottery interface came out.

He clicked on the purchase, and he didn't have much to look forward to. He just played it. He didn't care if he didn't need it. If he could get some useful items or skills, he would make a big profit.


Start of the lottery

Pointer swivels quickly

Zhang Wei stared at several areas on the compass and watched it. Of course, I hoped that I could shake it into a special category area, but it was just a dream. I just slammed into the Tai Chi Chuan purchase right ago. Eighty percent is not so lucky.

The pointer stopped.

Parked in the area of ​​consumable items.

Zhang Wei does not like not to be sad, try to reduce the range of motion so as not to attract people's attention, slowly take the treasure chest out of the inventory, open it

Inside is a small dice

Six faces, almost like a normal dice

[Difficulty Adjusting Dice]: Effective after shaking, it can randomly adjust the difficulty for the player, and the duration is random.

Zhang Yiyi, how difficult is it to adjust? He has never been familiar with the game, like those stand-alone games. After entering, it will usually let you choose the difficulty, what is simple, difficult, and so on. Is this dice the same effect? Just just taking chances? If you really shake the difficulty of a "vr-", and the time limit is random enough to last for a year, then will your work this year be a lot more than usual? Will the difficulty be reduced? Zhang Wei looked at the big school flowers on the side, and it might not be a dream to push the school flowers by himself.

Good thing

This is a heavenly artifact.

Zhang Wei quickly took the dice out of the treasure chest, the items were taken out, and the treasure chest automatically disappeared into a light spot. Zhang Wei pinched the coloring matter and looked over it. Each of the six faces on the top was written. The words are: reduce the difficulty of ten times, reduce the difficulty of five times, reduce the difficulty of double, double the difficulty, increase the difficulty of five times, increase the difficulty of ten times. The first one should be the "vr-r" difficulty in those games, and you can pick up your wallet with your eyes closed. The last difficulty, eight achievements is the legendary "change-state" difficulty, the deadly people do not pay for life.



The difficulty and the difficulty of increasing it are one to one. They all have a 50% chance. Zhang Hao wants to make his luck not so bad, so he wants to pinch the dice without thinking, and gently throws it up. The child draws a beautiful arc in the air, flies, flies, stops, and slowly falls.

The dice landed

After rolling a few times on the plane, the dice steadily lie down, and Zhang Wei looked at it with excitement. The front of the "difficulty adjustment dice" was written with a few words.

Increase ten times difficulty

Zhang Yan’s eyes are black, and a bit of old blood is almost sprayed out.

I am going to you, can you stop, can’t you make trouble, can’t you bother?

The game system prompts: [The difficulty has been adjusted, increase the difficulty of ten times, the duration is fifty-two minutes]

Time is also random for more than 50 minutes? Zhang Hao soul is scared to fly, he feels that he is not unlucky today, but fell eight years of blood mold.

I owe it to me.

The hand is too owed

What do you say when I am full of support? What should I do now? Will buddies have a heart attack? Or will the luggage rack suddenly fall down and kill the buddies?

‖Timing begins. 】



Zhang Wei suddenly got alert, more than 50 minutes, this is a dangerous time, no, he can't drink water, what if he is killed?

But after waiting for about a dozen seconds, nothing happened.

The plane was still floating there, the passengers were all different, Dong Shanshan was sleeping, everything was normal.

Zhang Wei suspiciously blinked his eyes, not right, did not feel where the difficulty increased, still ten times? I have not noticed twice.

Drinking more water

The wine is also drunk too much.

Zhang Hao suddenly had the feeling of going to the bathroom. In fact, it didn't have much distance. It should be coming soon, but he couldn't help it. He had to untie the seat belt and get out.

"Well?" Dong Shanshan was woken up and looked at him with a sleepy look. "Go out?"

Zhang Yan pointed his head and said, "Go to the bathroom."

Dong Shanshan yawned and received two beautiful legs, let Zhang Hao go, her half-sleeping and awake look is also very charming, the whole body is tempting, not the kind of momentum, more is the body instinct A charm, the physical condition and appearance, too much damage to men.

Next to the aisle, sitting next to a grandmother, also slowly one leg, give way to Zhang Hao.

"Thank you." Courtesy, Zhang Hao rushed to find the toilet, and the bathroom on the plane was just a few.

Going back, the rest of the toilet was there, stopped and waited, and I didn’t see anyone coming out. He went to the front of the economy class. As a result, there was someone in the bathroom. He took a breath and took another breath. After a few seconds, no one came out, and he knocked on the door very unscrupulously.

"Someone." Inside is the voice of a youth.

I am going to go this is the legendary "change-state difficulty"?

The tenth difficulty of the increase is to let yourself not find the toilet, and then live to death? How can this **** difficulty dice be so wicked?

Zhang Hao did not squat, turned around and went straight to the direction of the business class.

There is a flight attendant-only seat in the aisle where the economy class and business class are handed over. A little fat flight attendant is resting there. Seeing Zhang Hao coming over, she got up and said, "Sir, what's the matter?"

Zhang Hao hurriedly said: "I am going."

This fat stewardess said: "The business class is there."

"I know, but the toilet is full," Zhang said.

The stewardess took the lead and said, "Go to the bathroom? Wait a minute, it should be very fast."

Zhang Yan annoyed: "Is it a plane, how can I still pass?" He really couldn't help himself.

The stewardess smiled and said: "I don't mean that. Well, you go, it's all gone." After that, she stretched out the curtain and let him in.

Zhang Xinxin said that this is still about the same.

But the curtain just opened, Zhang Hao and the fat flight attendant were both shocked.

This small plane has no first class. The business class at the end of the aisle is the cockpit. There is also a curtain that can not hear the rear door. The sound of the door opening can be heard faintly. I don’t know if the driver or the first officer came out. I don’t know if I want to go to the bathroom or find someone to say something. Anyway, Zhang Wei and the fat flight attendant saw a middle-aged man with a big beard rushing out from the outermost seat. He was in the front row, three. It took two steps, and the bearded man opened the curtain and confronted the security officer who was there. This person Zhang Hao actually saw it. It was the middle-aged man who slammed into the airport when Zhang Hao just entered the airport and yelled at it. Later he took a mysterious phone call and nervously took a knife in his hand. It's not made of steel, but a kind of simple knife that has been reported on TV. It is usually a business card. It can be turned into a sharp non-steel dagger with a few folds. Resilience is not big, but still very sharp

"What are you?" The security officer did not have time to react.

"Give me away" Beard is very good, as if practicing.

The security officer yelled: "Don't close the door, don't let him..."

The beard and he only played two tricks, and they smashed on the safety officer’s stomach.

The driver who just came out was also shocked. He quickly turned back and tried to close the cockpit door. The bearded man was faster. He took out the knife and gave the driver a knife. Then he quickly slammed into the cockpit and touched the ground. The hatch is closed, and a series of movements are flowing, apparently long-planned

The fat flight attendant is stupid, and looks back at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Yan swallowed a sip of Baba, squinting his eyes and looking at the fat flight attendant. "What, in fact, I think I can stay for a while."

Fat stewardess: "..."

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