I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 207: [Get a school flower! 】

The crisis is coming too soon

Soon everyone didn't react



"Someone hijacked the plane"

The business class passenger screamed

The crew of the flight were all blindfolded, and no one expected such an emergency situation to happen.A few beautiful flight attendants were eclipsed and hurried up to check the injuries of the safety officer and the driver. The safety officer was okay, although he was stabbed. When he got to his stomach, he was still conscious, but the driver's situation was not so good.He was stabbed to the side of his body, and the person was lying there and passed out, and the ground was full of blood.

"Brother Zhou, wake up"

"Old Liu hold on"

"Hold on, hold on"

"Xiao Min, quickly get the first aid kit"

A thin flight attendant cried anxiously, covering her mouth and crying

It's messed up, the pot is fried in the cabin, and it's a mess of porridge

The passengers didn’t know what to do, they were all crying, right? The hijacking was caught by yourself? This is too unlucky

Probably only Zhang Ye knows what's going on. First, it may be that this bearded man is really brewing hijacking. Second, it is also caused by the difficulty adjustment dice. The current situation is ten times more difficult. Your mother is really ten times more difficult. He only now understands that the dice is not a lie. Wanting to suffocate Zhang Ye with a pee is not ten times more difficult than a hijacking. This is to put them to death.

"What should I do"

"It's over, we're all dead"

"Woo, mom, mom I'm scared"

Just when the passengers were at a loss, a young man stood up. He was probably in his twenties, and he was the same age as Zhang Ye, and his figure was not that strong, a little thinner. Yan Hui said: "Don't panic, calm down. Bring the wounded to the back first. Are there doctors and nurses in the passengers? Are there doctors?"

Someone answered after shouting several times.

A middle-aged woman in her forties gritted her teeth, but she stepped forward and said nervously: "I am a doctor, but I am in internal medicine, and I don't know how to surgery."

A boy held the woman next to him, "Mom, don't go"

The middle-aged woman looked at her son and touched his head. "Mom is a doctor. It is my duty to save the dead and heal the wounded. You hide behind and don't come over."

"Mom" his son is not leaving, he is very worried, who knows if there is any gangster's companion in the cabin?

"Go and leave me alone." The middle-aged woman scowled. She didn't look good, but at this moment, the passengers thought she was the most beautiful.

Behind, a little old man walked over from the economy class, his body was weak, trembling every step, "Xiaojuan has grown up."

When the woman turned her head, she was stunned, "Professor, why are you also on the plane?"

The little old man has walked up to the wounded, "It’s too late to talk nonsense, you stop the bleeding, I will treat the wound

The woman was pleasantly surprised: "It's easy to handle with you."

The thin flight attendant cried, "Please save them"

Some children and timid women were already crying, but some male compatriots stabilized their emotions under the command of the crew and helped to carry the injured to the back.

Two doctors began to rescue

Over there, the sound of fighting came from the cockpit, ding ding dong dong

Yan Hui, the young man who stood up first, grabbed a stewardess and "opened the door."

However, as soon as the voice fell, two big guys suddenly appeared in the front seat of the business class. One big guy had a very dark face, and he could not see the expression clearly with a hat. Only the one in his hand was exactly the same as the previous beard. Knife, the other big guy didn't know if he had removed the suitcase, and he also had a steel rod that was neither long nor short. It should be hidden in his luggage and brought over.

Is an associate

There are three people who hijacked the plane

"Go away" The big man on the left swung a steel rod and hit the neck of the passenger closest to him

The passenger clutched his neck and yelled, was knocked to the ground, and hurried back on his stomach

"If you warn any of you not to come and die, just get away." Another big man took off his hat, revealing a vicious face and scars.



"They still have people"

The passengers screamed again

With a scream, almost all the passengers who were still in the business class ran to the economy class, and they could not wait to get to the tail of the plane. They wanted to stay as far away as possible.


Crowded, even stepped on

The business class was almost emptied, but there was still a man left, the young man named Yan Hui.

Just listen to Yan Hui sternly shouting to the back: "Why are you running? They are only two people behind. The wounded, the women, the old, and the children. Who will protect them after you ran? Just stand up for me and don't fucking. So many of us are still afraid of them? The steel rod is a blunt weapon, it's not enough to prove that the knife is simple and its lethality is limited. I can deal with the other person with the knife. I can't take care of the need for help."

No one came out.

The fat stewardess yelled, "Are there any other men?"

An old lady suddenly came out from the crowd squeezed in the rear of the cabin. She threw her crutches to the ground angrily, "No one will come to me."

An old man

An old lady came forward

Many men's faces are blushing and feel shame

"I come"

"I'll help you"

"Crossly count me"

"I'm the **** thing too"

"They hijacked the plane and don't know why we can't just sit back and grab the cockpit or all of us won't survive."


"Don't be afraid of them"

For a time, eight or nine men stood up

This angered the two big guys. They sneered, and the two sides were on the verge of getting up, and they clinked.

Of course there is no Zhang Ye inside. Zhang Ye is squeezing backwards at this time, "Let me pass first."

The fat stewardess who had fought with Zhang Ye and coughed just now saw this and immediately looked down on him. The other passengers looked down on him and looked down on him.

"Isn't this Teacher Zhang?"

"Ah yes, that one on TV"

"Ms. Zhang, where are you running back?"

"They are all fighting. If it's a man, go and help."

"Don't tell me, who is not afraid of death, take care of yourself."

Zhang Ye didn't hear it, and he didn't even see the look of those people around him that looked down upon him.He had only one thought at the moment - to go to the toilet.

Urine is still holding back

He can't even stand steady, help me

Of course Zhang Ye was also anxious, so he had to solve his physical problems first, so he squeezed around and finally reached the toilet door, opened the door, and the door was locked.

"Open the door" Zhang Ye shouted

A soft female said: "Who are you?"

"I'm a passenger, open the door" Zhang Ye's face turned green with suffocation

The female voice said timidly: "No, who knows if you are a gangster"

There seemed to be a lot of people inside. The next moment I heard Dong Shanshan's voice, "Open the lock, this person is my old classmate, I know."

A few seconds passed.

The door opened with a creak.

Seven or eight people, two children of four women, and an old man were hiding in a small bathroom. They dare to hide here for fear of gangsters coming.

Zhang Ye didn't care, opened the door and flushed in, "I'm going to the toilet"

"Oh, don't squeeze, you can't hold so many people" a girl called.

A little boy was startled and said: "Close the door, close the door"

The old man, who was squeezed against the sink in a difficult position, closed the door.

Squeezing one, and two, Zhang Ye finally got to the toilet, with Dong Shanshan next to him. His old classmate is really vigilant. Seeing her standing in this way, 80% of the time she sees danger The first one to hide in.

The small toilet is stuffy and airtight.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Ye asked concerned.

Dong Shanshan said bitterly: "It's okay, I don't know how to encounter such a thing."

Zhang Ye stood in front of the toilet. After finally stretching his legs and standing still, he looked around, slightly embarrassed. There were too many women around, "This..."

Dong Shanshan whispered: "Hurry up."

The few girls squeezed in the bathroom were all thinking outside, one by one like a frightened deer, of course they didn't care about Zhang Ye.

The old man and the child were not interested in seeing him either.

Zhang Ye felt more relieved, so he unbuttoned his pants and it became more convenient.

In fact, Dong Shanshan's legs were almost entangled with Zhang Ye, very close, she moved her head away and looked at the ceiling.

But suddenly, there was a scream from the sound of fighting outside, which scared a young girl. It was the person behind Zhang Ye. She shivered so much that her arm just hit Zhang Ye's waist, and Zhang Ye couldn't help but shook herself. , The urine coquettishly flicked, and it got Dong Shanshan's two slender and **** legs, and even her red short skirt got a drop and it was soaked.

"I'm sorry someone touched me behind that didn't mean it," Zhang Ye explained quickly, flushing.

Dong Shanshan: "..."

Zhang Ye's urine spilled a lot on her thighs, flowing down her thighs to knees, and down her knees to her calves. Finally, some of it was eaten into the skin of those beautiful legs and hung, and some of the excess was ticking. The ground flowed from the feet and ankles to the pits of her high heels.

Dong Shanshan didn't know what his expression was, anyway, wearing sunglasses, she subconsciously glanced under Zhang Ye, and then moved away.

Zhang Ye resolved it and quickly lifted his pants.

Dong Shanshan just held the nose with the back of the hand lightly with one hand, it might not smell very good, and then touched the napkin with the other hand, leaned slightly and rubbed her thigh. One piece of paper was not enough. As soon as she wiped the top of her thigh, the paper was soaked. She dropped the ball of paper with one hand against her nose and took a few more. Here she moved, because she was squeezed next to people, and her body was entangled with Zhang Ye.


Zhang Ye didn't move his hand, but Colonel Hua's buttocks were pushed up, where the soft flesh almost submerged Zhang Ye's palm.

With his hand away, Zhang Ye took it off her ass, "Mistakenly."

Dong Shanshan is very generous. "It's okay in a very period of time. It's good to be alive this time."

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