I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 208: [Zhang Wei debut! 】


Small bathroom.

Zhang Jian, who had no urine and light weight, took a deep breath and his waist was straight. He felt like he was alive. "Let me, I will go out."

The little boy inside said: "Don't open the door."

A weak girl also said: "Just hide inside."

"Yeah, if the gangsters want to kill," the other girl was tearful.

Zhang Hao squeezed out, but he couldn’t get out of it. He was squeezed by several people. He couldn’t help but say, “What’s the use of this? If the gangsters really kill, you think other passengers will help you in front. Yes, I ran to the end. The toilet was at the forefront of the economy class. When everyone ran, it was vacated, and you were left a few. When the gangsters came over and blocked the door, you ran. If you can't open this small door, you can open it with your feet. It's just as simple as catching you."


"It really is"

"Rely, let's go out too."

"It makes sense to say that it is really dangerous."

Now everyone is in a state of panic and no idea, all the grass and the soldiers, listening to the wind is rain, and then ran out of the toilet door and ran out several times.

Zhang Wei also squeezed out.

When Dong Shanshan saw it, after rubbing the urine on his thigh, he poured the high heels again, poured out the dirty water in the shoe pit, and wiped it with a napkin. This time, the scalp was put on the shoes. I also went out into the cabin together to check the situation outside.

The fighting sound has disappeared.

The passengers in the cabin are silent

I saw the two gangsters standing in front of the cockpit and standing in front of the cockpit. They were sneer at the entrance. There was no more person in front of them. There was a little blood on the ground, but not much. The passengers who rushed up before the eighty-nine were lying down. Lying down, fainting, screaming, shouting, all injured, was carried back by other passengers, the leading Yan Hui was the most injured, there was a knife on the shoulder, and the arm was also drawn There was blood flowing out, but he still kept his wounds and did not back down. He stared at the two hijackers.

"Thai boxing master?" Yan Hui glared at him.

A gangster stared at him. "Do you practice karate? It's still tender."

There was almost no suspense in the wrestling. The passengers thought that the people were more powerful. However, so many people went up to the other side and even hit them back without hurt. The two men first used weapons and then used their fists to see. Come out, that's all master, Muay Thai master

Muay Thai - This is a legendary fighting skill, known for its strength and agility. The main use of the human body's fists, legs, knees, elbows and limbs as eight weapons to attack, punching the legs, making the knees elbow force smooth and smooth, the power is extremely abundant, the attack power is sharp

Yan Hui may have practiced karate, but he is not an opponent at all.

Another gangster shouted: "I saw them. They just warned you that they just ended, but if you don't listen to it, don't blame us for killing." In the case of the case, there are still people who still resist, which makes them very It was annoyed. In order to shock the people, they were going to kill the chickens and monkeys and kill a few people. They immediately left their companions in the cockpit door. He himself took a big step. "First kill you, you send them yourself." Or am I going to find you? Haha, I am very sad.

"You dare" Yan Hui is angry and wants to go up, but he has too much injury on his body, his feet are shaking, and one is not standing still and almost falls.

"You can't go, don't go." The medical doctor of the internal medicine helped him.

The old medical professor behind me said loudly: "Take him to the back to stop the blood."

The two flight attendants also pulled Yu Hui from the left and left to let him go to death. The passengers behind him also let a road open for Yan Hui to treat the wound.

This time, no one has stopped in front.

The elderly women and children squeezed in economy class are exposed to the gangsters.

The gangsters squatted on the simple knife in their hands and walked step by step toward the crowd.

"do not come"


"It's over, let's finish."

"Help him come over"

The passengers ran back and forth again in a crazy way, but the space behind them was limited, and there were so many people. After ten meters, there was no way to squeeze back.

One of the crew members said: "I have been fighting with them." He was also one of those who had just rushed up and was injured. However, as a crew member, he has the responsibility and obligation to protect the safety of passengers. The thin stewardess who bandaged him next to him

The old surgeon said: "Give me a seat"

The thin stewardess also hurriedly said: "If you go, you will die."

The crew of the crew bit their teeth: "But now, no one can beat them."

One of the oldest flight attendants, biting the back molars, looked at other passengers helplessly and asked for help: "Is there anyone who can help everyone? Can anyone help everyone?"

The thin stewardess cried: "Block them."

A woman with her child shivered: "There are many old people and children here."

Many people are crying for help, watching the knife-handed gangsters who are close by step, they have no way.

"I beg you to help everyone." The gangsters are only a few meters away from them. The fat flight attendant looked desperate and finally shouted, "Is there a master?"

Suddenly, a young man in the crowd spoke. "Who is calling me?"

The fat flight attendant glanced at the passengers and looked at them in the wrong way. "Is it you?"

This person is of course Zhang Hao, he is already crowding over there, "Let me pass"

Dong Shanshan also stunned, and quickly grabbed him. "Zhang Wei, what are you crazy about? You are a hero at this time, don't go."

Zhang Yan said indifferently: "I try."

"You try you," this time, the **** school flower has no image.

Zhang Wei knows that she cares about herself, but she hasn't listened. The crowd in front has already made a foolish way, Zhang Xiao smiled and went out.

"Zhang Wei" Dong Shanshan

The fat flight attendant said: "You, aren't you the first one to run?"

Zhang Hao laughed and said, "What are you running, I am taking a pee, you have to let me solve it first."

The fat flight attendant and the previous few people who looked down on Zhang Wei knew that people were not daring to run to the toilet to hide.

Yan Hui looked at him and sighed with pain in his arms: "Please, brother."

Zhang Wei is also very fond of him. "Thank you for a friend, dragging me for so long, now I have handed it over to me, rest assured."

Yan Hui nodded slightly, "everything is careful."

Zhang Xiao smiled. "You should say to the gangsters."

Everyone looks at each other and says that this person is too confident.

"It is Teacher Zhang"

"Hey, Teacher Zhang Wei"

"Which is it?"

"Can there be a lecturer and moderator of the "100 Forums"?"

"Moderator? That's not all about playing the game."

The gangster was also mad, and Zhang Yan said that he stood up: "Well, is there anyone who dares to come out? Then I can't help it, I will take you to the knife."

After one step, he has already killed Zhang Wei.

Dong Shanshan called out: "Zhang classmates, don't make trouble."

The dagger on his hand has already smashed into the belly of Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei knows that the most powerful thing is Taijiquan, and he wants to use it. At this critical moment, sometimes there is no Taijiquan that can’t be played anymore. He has to use the basic footwork of Taekwondo to step back and at the same time There was no sign of a kick, and he kicked it on the gangster's wrist unexpectedly.


The simple knife was kicked and flew off the ground.

The gangster is also a fire, "Taekwondo?" He thought it was a soft persimmon, and he didn't pay much attention to it, but he ate a small loss.

"it is good"


"Mr. Zhang is mighty"

"Mr. Zhang Wei, you are handsome,"

When many passengers saw it, they all cheered up.

The gangster’s face was black and rushed again. Without a knife, the Muay Thai in his hand was also hit. This is bigger than the knife threat, because this is his killer.

Zhang Wei has also changed at this time. His Taijiquan may be eating too few skill books, or there may be no internal and external repairs, because I remember that the landlord aunt once said that the national skills are not the same as those of foreigners, but From the inside out, first of all, self-cultivation and self-cultivation, and Zhang Wei is directly eating this skill, and has not repaired it, which leads to defects that are sometimes absent. However, when the weather is cold, Tai Chi will come out without warning. For example, Zhang Wei is now being held by nearly 100 passengers and the crew. He also stepped forward to meet the gangsters. This step is even two feet. It should be divided into real and false, and the rise and fall is like a cat line. It is the basic footwork of Tai Chi.

Can use

The gangster who had practiced Muay Thai obviously also understood the routine of Taekwondo, punching the key and neutral of Zhang Wei, and preparing the foot.

But when I saw Zhang Wei, I suddenly changed the number of roads. The hand was blocked, and the palm of my hand was stuck on the gangster’s wrist. It seemed to have drawn a semicircle in the air. The gangster’s strength was suddenly removed, and the figure was stunned. There is no way to kick out his foot on the foot, and the center of gravity is unstable.

Zhang Yi machine broke his foot and directly dumped the gangster to the ground and followed it.

The gangster was shocked. I rely on you not just taekwondo. How do you change your tactics? What is your mother's effort? He hurriedly rolled away from Zhang’s foot and said, “Come on, help me, I can’t beat him.”

The stewardess and the passengers are listening.

Can't beat him? The gangster said that he couldn’t beat Zhang Wei?

Dong Shanshan also called me. "When is this grandson so powerful?"

The gangsters at the back also saw Zhang Hao’s powerfulness. In his heart, this master obviously couldn’t deal with a stick. He threw away the iron bar in his hand and pasted Zhang’s body.



Three people are playing together

Zhang Wei, two

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