I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 209: [Zhang Yu teacher, I love you! 】

Two people

Zhang Hao feels the pressure

Once on Xiaoqingshan, Zhang Wei was a dozen, and the little monks also had some hands and feet. They were also the basic skills of practicing from an early age. It’s not the same. Those little monks practiced only basic skills, that is, There are not many moves in the boxing and kicking out of the club. It is not a practice of martial arts, and they have been eating Zhai Nian Buddha all the year round. Where has the experience of fighting? Therefore, Zhang Wei was so smooth that he lost four of his own, but now it is different. Two people are obviously good at Muay Thai. They dare to hijack this kind of thing. Eighty percent are also guys who have fought in battle. The little monk of the door is not the same as the Japanese


Zhang Wei

Legs come

Zhang Wei sideways hiding

In a blink of an eye, the three have already fought eight or nine rounds.

Zhang Wei can't help them, they can only resist the defense. They have already resisted a few times. His Taijiquan is still ineffective. When he is not working, Zhang Hao has to use Taekwondo to force a trick, but his Taekwondo skills. The book eats too little, obviously not the opponents of the two, so the most can only rely on Tai Chi - this is the biggest card on his martial arts, but your mother is not listening to it, if you meet the skill To put it bluntly, if you meet a good skill, you will expose a major flaw. If you use it for a while, it will be useless. This will be a life-threatening. Zhang Wei has made up his mind. If this time he can live alive, he must have eaten it dozens of times. This taiji skill, otherwise he will not be able to cope with this crisis.

Zhang Wei can't help

But the two gangsters also have no way to take Zhang Wei.

The two of them were watching each other with horror, and they were only a hundred people in the plane. When they came up, they planned everything, but they didn’t expect the passengers to actually hide the dragon and the tiger. Such a master, they both take the other party?

Never thought

Ah ah ah ah ah

However, after all, it is two-on-one. Regardless of physical strength or number of people, it is relatively dominant, and the cabin space is so narrow, which also brings Zhang Yi some inconvenience. The two gangsters believe that after twenty strokes, they Should be more and more advantageous, definitely can take him down

The scene is deadlocked

"Zhang Yu refueling"

"Mr. Zhang is jealous of him."

"Mr. Zhang kicked his pants and kicked."

"When you waste his legs, we will see you."

The passengers have toss and cheer for Zhang Wei, and the shouts are heard.

But Zhang Wei himself understands that the scene is not good for himself. He is already unable to stand up and can't keep up with his physical strength. He is no better than those who have practiced martial arts since childhood, but he is completely out of the way. His physical quality is his flaw. Not to mention that the other party is still two people.

Nowadays, Zhang Hao has had a trick. He is entangled in each other and then yells at the back: "Brothers and sisters copy the guys and yell at them." Two dozen ones are more people? We can have a hundred people on your side here. Zhang Wei is poisonous. I am lacking in morality. "I am entangled in them. You are taking things to them. The more you are, the better the grass. I still don't believe that they will die."

Yan Hui also saw that the crisis of the situation has come, "Help Zhang teacher quickly"

The old lady who had stood there once handed the crutches to the son around me. "Xiao Wei, you unite me."

The middle-aged man also had a crutches, but he still groaned and almost rushed up with his eyes closed. "I am **** with you."

Zhang Wei scared: "Big brother, you look at me, don't miss the wrong person, you"

Another young man who just didn't dare to stand up came forward. "Mahjong gives me a guy with weapons. I also fight."

A flight attendant handed him a kettle.

The young man picked up the kettle and screamed.

A lot of passengers have also taken down their suitcases, no matter who their suitcases, and they open the things and hand them to the people around them.

"There is a mobile phone here."

"The phone is too small"

"This is Big Brother, comparable to bricks."

"I rely on, when is there still someone who uses Big Brother? Good for me."

"Also give me one, is there any guy who has a pickpocket? I am going to the big sister, you give a pack of sanitary napkins. Is this going to cause blindness on the eyes of the gangsters?"


In the fight, Zhang Hao suddenly took a step and, by the basic footwork of his Tai Chi, suddenly climbed behind the two people, moved to the cockpit door, and exposed their position to the passengers.


"Look at them"

"Yu 丫 hybrid grass"

Kettle Big Brother's small mirror, small cosmetic bottles, sanitary napkins, etc... What are the weird things, all of them to the two

A gangster’s neck was smashed by the big brother, “哎呦”

Zhang Chao’s chaos was on the door of the man’s face. Hey, the man’s nose was bleeding at the time, and he stepped back two steps and fell to the ground. As a result, he was behind the old lady’s cane. The middle-aged man, the middle-aged man was also very fierce. He started to lick the stick on his body. His other companion just wanted to help him. He didn’t pay attention. He was stunned by a kettle that didn’t know where to fly. At that time, he stopped his movements and looked back at the young man who threw the kettle. He watched for two seconds, then fainted and stunned the gangster who was beaten by a stick. Zhang Wei Going up and slashing, it’s a kick on the man’s face.

"Ah," the gangster turned his eyes and fainted.

Both gangsters have been accounted for there, but the crowded passengers have not let them go. At this time, there are more people coming up, everyone is too courageous, the past is a violent temper, and it is alive and faint. People wake up, then... stunned again

Zhang Wei wiped the sweat: "Don't fight, tie them first."

"Right, listen to Teacher Zhang, listen to Teacher Zhang's" older flight attendant.

When everyone is in danger, Zhang Wei comes forward and blocks a two gangsters to save everyone from the fire. At this point, Zhang Wei will certainly listen.

After calming down, everyone has a heart and a sigh of relief. If it’s not Zhang Wei, the two people really want to kill, they can...

"Thank you Teacher Zhang"

"You are a master?"

"Mr. Zhang, idol"

"You just got handsome and stayed with me... When you are thin and have a waist, can you marry me?" A very fat girl is crazy.

Even Dong Shanshan was smashed up, looking at the past, reaching out to touch the **** lips and throwing a kiss to the past. "Mr. Zhang Wei, I love you too."

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