I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 211: [Who will fly? 】

Locked open

Cheer in the cabin

Looking at the teacher who is more versatile than the terrorists, everyone sent the warmest admiration and the admiration of the river.

Zhang Wei is also a bitter smile. When I first got this experience book on unlocking skills, Zhang Wei still felt that it was a junk skill. It was too cumbersome and could not be used at all. But I couldn’t think of this unlocking skill that only ate a few. It turned out to be the most used of all his skills, helped him several times, then the landlord Auntie recruited the thief, that time, with the Zhang Yuanqi to hide the reporter running, and this time, his mother is unlocked Professional households

However, Zhang Wei was also stunned. The feeling of being praised and admired was quite good. He said: "Small meaning, everyone holds..."

Just saying, Dong Shanshan in the distance suddenly shouted: "Be careful"

"Be careful behind" a woman passenger also screamed.

In the crack of the door, a simple knife with blood was suddenly found. Zhang Hao was almost tied, and hurriedly flew to the ground, and then escaped.

Still others?

There are gangsters in the cabin.

Zhang Wei remembered this, and stood up from the ground and looked at it. It was the big beard of the hijacking. When the door opened, he came out to block the door.

In the world of Zhangye, after two or two years, many airlines have installed the new passenger aircraft with internal locks to prevent hijacking. It is the kind that the driver can only drive from the inside. The world seems to be similar. The old plane has not yet This kind of lock, otherwise a card from the inside, even if there is a key outside, it will not open the door. Not installing a new lock also helped Zhang Hao of their greatness. The bearded man can only leave from the driver's seat and want to close the door again.

But how can everyone let him do it?

Especially the master of Zhang Wei is here, this is also very brave, rushing up, punching and kicking, the gangster’s arm and head suddenly smashed Zhang Jian’s fists.

"Come and help pull the door and don't let him close the gangster." The fat stewardess didn't dare to help, afraid of being hurt, shouting behind him.

Seeing the fierce performance of Zhang Wei, the gangsters have been restricted. The male passengers will be vague and screaming. Three or five young adults will embrace themselves, lick their hair, smash their clothes, and cooperate with Zhang Wei’s movements. Pulling out the inside of this gangster does not seem to be Muay Thai, but there are some basic martial arts skills, not the two men’s skills, so they are quickly subdued.

"beat him"

"Son of a bitch"


Everyone is surrounded by a fat meal

Some old people and women also gave him a few troubles.

The gangsters didn’t even release the fart, they were stunned by the crowds.

There, several flight attendants did not participate in the fight, but rushed into the cockpit when the gangsters were thrown out, and took the co-pilot from the inside. "The doctor came to the doctor."

The old doctor had passed, "Come on."

The first officer was also very hurt, and there were many stab wounds on his body, but fortunately there was still a breath. He was still breathing in the fainting, not dead.

Many people are relieved


"Finally solved"

"It’s alive, it’s out of danger.”

"Haha, unity is power."

Both the passengers and the crew had a feeling of robbing the rest of their lives, but at the same time, everyone felt that something was wrong, as if they had forgotten what was the most important thing.

At this time, some people speak amazingly

The older flight attendant looked at everyone with a tight look. "Who, who will fly?"

I rely on


Everyone was stunned. At this time, I thought of this key question. Is your sister, the co-pilot, not aware of it, what about the plane?

Then, a picture of more fueled on the fire appeared.

The crowd suddenly felt that the plane was sinking more and more, the speed seemed to be extremely slow, and the interior of the cabin began to shake sharply. Everyone’s body began to tilt toward the nose. It was probably what the plane had encountered when the gangster came out. Out of control, this is going to crash.

The crew youth was shocked, "I am going to drive autopilot"

The older flight attendant said: "Will you?"

"I see Zhou Ge used once." The crew youth ran into the cockpit.

Several flight attendants flew past to help, Zhang Wei and two passengers also followed.

But it seems that they must be absolutely stunned. When they first entered the cockpit, they took a breath of air. The cabin obviously went through a fierce battle. At least three dashboards were broken, and some mechanical buttons of the buttons were turned over. There are still some lines that don’t know what’s going on, a mess

The young man of the crew didn't think much about it. He immediately pressed a few keys and pulled a thing. He couldn't see it. He panicked and repeated the action just now, and then he said: "Autopilot is broken. Can't quickly press the contact with the ground command center. "Call the command center call command center here is Air China CA1883, please answer." There is no sound, and the contact device is broken.

The plane is again a violent wave

Many people did not stand firm and fell to the ground.

Zhang Wei’s shoulder hit the door and hurt his mouth.

Dong Shanshan, who was wearing high-heeled shoes, was also planted. After climbing up, he quickly took a seat back and did not dare to wear high heels.

It can be seen through the cockpit glass that the plane is falling down at a slight angle of 30 degrees, and the speed is extremely fast. If they go on like this, they will fall into the sea.

The fat stewardess screamed: "Let's think of a way."

The crew youth said: "I only drive autopilot. Now the autopilot function has been damaged. It can only be operated manually, except for the driver."

The fat stewardess fell to the ground and was "completed"

One passenger was shocked: "Can the two drivers still get up?"

The old doctor heard it. "Impossible, they have lost too much blood. They must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible. Don't stand up, it's hard to wake up."

The older flight attendant cried: "Who knows what to do now? Do passengers know how to drive a passenger plane? Can anyone help me?"

Zhang Hao screamed in a hurry. "Now the speed of the plane is too slow, so the power can't keep falling."

The crew youth and several flight attendants all had their eyes bright and looked forward to it: "Do you understand the aircraft?" But it is not that the power is not enough now, so the aircraft can’t keep moving forward, but it starts with gravity.

Everyone looks at Zhang Wei

Zhang Wei is very professional: "Of course I understand that I can step on the gas pedal and hang up the file. I will open the plane in five gears."


Hanging files?

The crew youth and flight attendants heard the words almost fell off the plane and stepped on the gas pedal? Hanging five files? Your sister, your mother, thought it was driving.

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