I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 212: [Mr. Zhang, you really will fly! 】

Aircraft height is falling

The alarm sound in the cabin sounded up

The crew and some enthusiastic passengers still worked hard in the cockpit, and the dead horse became a live horse doctor, experimenting with the above buttons one by one. As a result, the plane was a little faster than the speed just dropped, and the door was almost opened, of course. There is insurance lock, there is no way to open it before opening the insurance, but it is also very dangerous. The layman is a layman, this is not a matter of luck.

Cabin left and right

Zhang Hao did not help, and returned to the cabin with a blank face.

The passengers are aware of the current situation, and some people have begun to write a suicide note.

"Mom, hey, are we going to die?" said a four- or five-year-old girl.

"No children, certainly someone will save them." The mother clung to her daughter.

The little girl surprised: "Really? Ah, isn't Superman Uncle coming to save me?" The world also has Superman, but it is not an anime movie image of Zhang Wei, but a new artistic image.

The mother silently shed tears. "Yes, it will be, you are so cute, Superman will definitely come."

"Too good." The little ponytail girl turned her head and said to other passengers: "Don't be afraid, Superman Uncle will come soon."

A conversation between a mother and a child makes everyone feel so sad. Watching the child naively laugh and laugh, no one breaks, only the heart is sad.

Zhang Wei’s such a heartless son was also beaten by this conversation. He was a fist, and now he is not giving up, he is paralyzed, there must be a way.


Airplane driving?

Zhang Hao suddenly thought that he might have a little hope, because his game inventory is still lying at the moment, he has already drawn a lottery, but he has not been willing to use the items that have been kept for a long time - lucky bread and his total reputation. Value, there are still 600,000 points left.


Is death, a live gamble

Ten times the difficulty of the game, there are still more than 20 minutes remaining, and the rest of the time will be over. When the time is up, Zhang Hao and all the passengers have already died in the fuselage. At this time, waiting for rescue or expecting others is already very ridiculous. Things happened, so Zhang Hao hesitated and did not open the game ring, chose to buy a lottery, do not hesitate, because he only has this choice

The draw is open

Add five notes directly to all reputation values.

At the same moment, Zhang Hao found the last remaining lucky bread in the inventory, and ate it with a big mouth, 咕噜

[System prompt: Countdown starts]

[Lucky bread takes effect, lasts for five minutes]

The plane is still falling, Zhang Hao anxiously shouted: Hurry up, hurry up.

The pointer stopped and stopped in the skill area. When Zhang Hao came to the point, he took out the six treasure chests (small) that were drawn and opened the cover.

Item out

[Aircraft Driving Skills Experience Book 6 - Read to learn. 】

Seeing this, Zhang Hao can’t wait to scream in the sky, hahahahaha, it’s a road to heaven. Lucky Bread really lets him take out the experience book of six passenger planes. Where is the nonsense, Zhang Wei’s decisive turn Opened a book of experience


Three books

Six books

Eat all in one breath

This experience book is too timely, what is really missing?

"Zhang Wei." Dong Shanshan smirked a few seats and walked to the old classmates. "Did you write a suicide note? I haven't thought about writing anything."

Zhang Weidao: "What is the suicide note?"

There is no Shinto in the eyes of Dong Shanshan: "You still can't see it? In this case, we can't live without one."

Zhang glanced at her. "What if I live? Let's make a bet, I promise everyone is safe."

Dong Shanshan found a position to sit down, listless, and absent-mindedly said: "Okay, gamble, if you can live to land, I will let you kiss"

"Ah." Zhang Yan said: "Where is it?"

Pointing to his **** red lips, Dong Shanshan said: "Do you?"

"Well, that can be said in a word." Zhang Wei actually has no confidence. With this bet, he is actually cheering himself.

When Dong Shanshan said nothing, he used his mobile phone to type, as if he was writing a suicide note. In fact, this kind of suicide note is also for himself. If the plane crashes, the mobile phone can basically not be innocent. Now everyone's behavior is just a sort of finishing and thinking about their own lives before they die.


The little girl looked forward to: "How can the Superman uncle not come?"

Zhang Hao heard it, and took the seat and walked over, touching the little girl's head. "Don't be afraid of baby, my brother will save you."

The little girl is happy, "Is my brother a superman?"

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "Of course, I am."

The little girl screamed: "But why didn't you change?"

"You said that my superman costume?" Zhang said: "I didn't wash my underwear yesterday, so I didn't wear my pants outside. Today, Superman's brother is wearing a plainclothes."

That mother: "..."

The little girl clapped her hand: "Superman brother saves us"

"Do not worry, give it to me." Zhang Hao went straight to the cockpit.

The little girl greeted her innocently, "I am saved."

Other passengers did not know what Zhang Wei was doing, and did not look at him.

"Mom, my son is not filial, sorry, can't take care of you."

"What do you say is that the mother is not good, if I have to take you to Shanghai, we will not meet this kind of thing, hey, it is the mother who killed you."

"Mom, don't tell me, don't blame you."

A conversation between a mother and a child has caused many people to cry.


The communication device of the cockpit can only communicate with the interior of the cabin. It only listens to the bleak voice of the older flight attendant. "Every passenger, I am apologizing to all the members of the crew. I am sorry, it is the negligence of our work that led to the hijacking. In the accident, we have already seen the sea below. We have done our best and the plane will crash into the sea after two minutes. I am sorry."

The cabin is silent.

I don’t know who brought the head, almost everyone cried out.

I’ve been fighting with the gangsters for so long, I’m thinking about it, who wants to end up with such a result.

In the cockpit, the crew and a few passengers did not say a word.

Zhang Wei came in. When I saw everyone like this, he wouldn’t be angry with one place, and he said with anger: "Give me the chance to open a crash and I will open it."

The fat stewardess wiped her tears and said: "Forget it."

"Count your sister, you have enough, I haven't lived enough yet." Zhang Yan said, went up and stretched out the arm of the crew on the driver's seat. He sat up and raised his hand and pressed it into the cabin. The inside call can be heard by everyone on the plane. "You don't have to pay attention to the time when you haven't gotten into the plane. Now, I want you to find the seat at the fastest speed, sit down and fasten the seat belt, drive now. Work is taken over by me"

The crew youth lost their souls: "We have tried for a long time."

Zhang Weihuo said: "Give me out and don't mess with me."

"Now I have to drive manually, without years of professional training and internship training! People are impossible..." The older flight attendant has not finished.

Zhang Wei gave himself a courageous saying: "No, I can't do it." Does he do? How could he know but can only fight now?

The sea outside the glass is getting closer and closer, and the soaring seagulls can see it. If the birds hit the aircraft engine, they are also dead. The low-altitude flight itself is extremely dangerous, but it is good for Zhang Jian’s lucky bread time. No, there is still a minute left, so really a bird and a seagull have not hit

There is only one minute left in the crash.

Zhang Hao is tight all over the body. He doesn't know that the lucky effect of Lucky Bread is high. He is still a ten-footer. He no longer considers the problems he can't understand. He needs it now. All I have done is to pull the plane up to my best.

The dial and the button are broken a lot

But some are good

Zhang Wei’s index finger, immediately spread a button on the control unit with the index finger, then pressed a button that nobody knew, and then he heard a bang, as if there were some changes inside the plane, what it looks like No change. These knowledge are all six skills experience books directly added to the mind, the body also subconsciously made the move, after the completion of Zhang Yi consciously thinking, only to understand what these buttons represent from the mind.

The fat flight attendant hurriedly said: "What do you press?"

The thin stewardess panicked: "You, don't mess things up."

Only the older flight attendant had the most experience and was surprised. He exclaimed: "The pressure in the cabin is really relieved.

Of course, it is necessary to relieve pressure. The cockpit has been completely unrecognizable after the fight. There are wires that are on Mars, and then fall sharply with the high altitude. If the aircraft is not safely released, the aircraft may not explode and may explode internally. It is necessary to avoid this possibility. Zhang Wei did not care about the gaze of others, and once again reached out and pressed a few buttons that everyone could not understand, and finally pushed a thing.

The plane trembled

The speed is suddenly a quick

This is the throttle of the plane, not the foot, but the hand control.

The crew asked for the power button that they hadn't found for a long time, and Zhang Hao opened it.

The crew kept their breath for a while, and looked at Zhang Wei, who was operating the plane, and the atmosphere didn’t dare to breathe. This...this...

Eight hundred meters

Six hundred meters

Four hundred meters

The trend of the aircraft is still falling, but the speed has slowed down more and more slowly under the advancement of power. When the plane dropped to a dangerous height of 300 meters, it felt that the waves below the sea were even close at hand, and the passenger plane finally reversed. The situation was pulled up by Zhang Wei

"Give me up" Zhang Weidao

Five hundred meters

One kilometer

One thousand five hundred meters

Out of danger, high speed

The passenger plane flew back in the sky

At this moment, the people in the cockpit were almost crazy. Several air hostesses burst out with cheers from the cabin. Everyone excitedly hugged each other and burst into tears.

"Flying up"

"God, I am not dreaming?"

"We are fine, we are fine."

The crew youth are also too excited to be themselves. "Mr. Zhang really has you, really have you."

Then, the eyes of several flight attendants looking at Zhang Wei have all changed. You are the soul attached to you. You **** really will fly you?

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