I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 213: [Man, how do I get to Hongqiao Airport? 】

In the cabin.

Zhang Ye's voice came from the communicator, "Please note that the aircraft has left the danger zone. Repeat, the aircraft has already left the danger zone."


"Look out the window"

"I can't see the sea anymore"

"It's really flying"

"This voice, is it the plane that Teacher Zhang Ye flew?"

Dong Shanshan, who was writing a suicide note with her mobile phone, was dumbfounded at that time

The passengers boiled, and many people were so excited that they screamed, expressing their joy in their hearts, "I'm saved, I'm saved, Teacher Zhang is bursting"

Can write songs?

Can write novels?

Will broadcast host?

Can write ads?

Can write poems, verses and couplets?

Can write articles and guide internet buzzwords?

Can Kung Fu?

Will unlock?

Will your mother fly a plane now?

Ah, how versatile are you? You

The four or five-year-old girl was the most excited, "Wow, mom, mom, superman, brother is great, superman really saved us"

In the cockpit.

Listening to the voices of the crowd outside, Zhang Ye was a little overwhelmed at the moment. While driving the plane, he waved his hand at the people behind him, and said boldly, "You all go out, leave it to me here."

The older stewardess asked uneasyly: "Can you?"

"Just kidding, who am I?" Zhang Ye blew up.

The young crew member was already convinced by Teacher Zhang Ye, and said, "We can't help, please don't disturb Teacher Zhang's operation. There are too many people in trouble."


"Teacher Zhang, please, please"

One after another, the people inside all went outside and returned to the cabin.

There was only Zhang Ye left in the cockpit, and he was humming the melody without being nervous.


Several flight attendants found a place to sit down.

The fat flight attendant said with emotion: "This Teacher Zhang is really amazing."

The older flight attendant asked in confusion: "Does he really know how to fly a plane?"

A little old lady next to him suddenly said, "By the way, I remember, isn't this guy the one who invoiced the airport lobby? The staff gave him the itinerary and he said that the invoice was fake because it was not scratched. The prize is that he can't be wrong. He was wearing sunglasses at the time, and I was behind him when I lined up


Scratch prize?

The stewardess almost fell to the ground

Think about those Zhang Ye's previous steps when stepping on the accelerator to put into gear. They even felt that Teacher Zhang was too unreliable. Flying? The few people who had just pressed the power unit just because of a blind cat and a dead mouse looked at the cockpit in horror. They only felt shocked. What kind of person did they let the plane fly? Is it the first time to fly in a plane? A person who wants to get a itinerary scratch prize? A master who shouts to put the plane on the accelerator and puts it in five gears, such a pure layman, holding the lives of all of them in his hand?

The old lady snorted and asked for remedy: "But this young man drank too much at the time, and he was talking about alcohol, so maybe... maybe he..."

The young crew member wiped his sweat and said, "I think I'd better go and see it again."

"I think so too." The elderly stewardess and others rushed into the cockpit.

The door opened.

The men filed in.

Zhang Ye turned around and said, "Why are you back again?"

The thin stewardess hurriedly asked: "Teacher Zhang, don't you joke with us. We all admire your mastery in hosting. No one can match your literary skills, but this is a passenger plane. Hundreds of lives, are you sure you can do it?"

Zhang Ye was confident, "Of course."

The older stewardess looked out the window, "Where are you driving now?"

Zhang Ye said confidently: "How do I know, just drive it first."

"Huh?" The crew was silly, "Go ahead? You don't even know which direction you are now, so you dare to let us all go out? I have never seen you who are bold and bold." See you before Zhang Ye's awe-inspiring performance of pulling back the plane, everyone was quite relieved, and when he saw him vowed to let everyone go, I thought that this guy had a good heart, but fortunately he came back to ask more, otherwise they won't die. Know how to die

"Isn't there a dashboard and display screen?" The fat flight attendant said innocently: "The flight routes are all fixed. You can get to the airport by following the flight route."

"Come, let's help together" the elderly flight attendant said.

Zhang Ye glanced at them and said, "No need to help, the two most important dashboards are broken, as is the co-pilot. They were hit during the fight just now."

The young crew member pointed and said, "Aren't there more dials?"

Zhang Ye looked at him and asked, "Do you know him?"

"...I don't know." The crew youth was dumb.

Zhang Ye nodded, "That's why I have to rely on me. You can't help."

"You know?" There was hope in the eyes of the crew youth.

Zhang Ye said: "Of course, I saw that the dial is not there. This number and the English symbol next to it are...Yes..." After a pause, he turned his head and drove his own plane, "Well, I don't even know.

Stewardess: "..."

Crew youth: "..."

Zhang Ye originally thought that he could operate the plane well after eating the experience book of piloting a passenger plane, but he didn't realize until after he drove up that there were hundreds of buttons and switches in the plane, and he knew more than a dozen. All of the display dials that can be read are broken, and he can't understand the rest. Only then did he understand that the knowledge of flying a plane is too deep. With his current knowledge of six experience books, it may just be a little bit of the door. It's not enough at all, otherwise, how can those pilots train for a few years 丨 a few years of internship, I am afraid that they will have to eat at least dozens of passenger aircraft driving skills books to catch up with them, and now the experience of six books is only half a hang.

But what can I do?

He only has this experience and can only use existing conditions

The elderly flight attendant whispered her lips: "The communication equipment is damaged, the instrument is damaged, and the location of the airport cannot be determined now. How do we land?"

The fat stewardess calmed down and asked, "Is there any open space nearby?"

The young crewman scratched his head and said: "I don’t know where it is now, the navigation signs are gone, and the open space is not good. The middle of this route is either the sea or the city. You can’t land in the city, right? Not only will we have to crash and die, There will be more casualties, and the airport must be found."

The fat flight attendant looked at his watch, "Actually, time should not be far from Shanghai now."

The older flight attendant said to the next flight attendant: "You continue to use your cell phone to contact the ground. If it is near the city, the signal will be very strong."

The stewardess answered and called again.

The elderly flight attendant continued, "Who can determine the location of the airport? Otherwise, look for it along the way when flying at low altitude? Is there enough fuel?"

"There is still oil, but not a lot."

"It's not possible at low altitude, we will have to crash when a bird hits us"

"Are there any instructions? See what the dial instructions do?"

The situation was urgent, and everyone came up with ideas, but the thinking was more solid and traditional.

Zhang Ye was still open-minded. When faintly saw a shadow flashing in front of him, he straightened his waist immediately, "Don't say quiet, I have a way."

"What's the solution?" Everyone saw it, but with the incidents of "stepping on the accelerator and shifting gears" and "scratching the reward in the itinerary", the crew already doubted what Teacher Zhang Ye said.

"Look at it" Zhang Ye pointed forward.

"What are you looking at?" Several people immediately looked up.

In the next second, the crew also saw an aircraft in the distance. Seeing its size, it was actually a passenger aircraft. Seeing the direction, it was on the same route as them. Shanghai is a first-tier city. Naturally, there are countless aircraft taking off and landing nearby. Their flight routes were chaotic in the crash just now, so it is not unusual to encounter a passenger plane head-on.

Zhang Ye seemed to have caught the savior and suddenly turned on the emergency contact frequency.Regardless of whether the pilot on the other party's plane could hear it or not, he came up and said a word that made many people vomit blood, only listening to Zhang Ye's particularly easy-going and affectionate response. He said: "Hey, buddy, ask me the way, how can I get to Hongqiao Airport?"

It feels as casual as asking for directions from an old man on the road, "Master, how do I get to the train station? Just go east and cross the intersection? Thank you."

However, the other airliner did not answer, and there was no contact at all.

The elderly stewardess said that even if the pilot of that flight heard this, he would have to vomit three liters of blood. Have you ever seen a plane asking for directions?

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