I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 221: [Thank you at the airport! 】

Its daybreak.

At 7:00 in the morning.

Zhang Xiao slowly got up and washed his face. Looking at the watch, he put on a small jacket and went out to knock on the door of the old classmate.


No one is open.

Auntie Aunt pushed the car full of sheets and sheets and passed behind Zhang Wei. "Who are you looking for?"

Zhang Yi looked back and sighed and pointed to the door. "Is the girl in this house not?"

"Go, I checked out at half past six." Auntie cleaning is very clear, then the cart left.

Zhang Wei was helpless, and the school flower was quite anxious. Is this anxious to go to the company to talk about the contract? I didn’t say anything to my buddy. So, Zhang Hao had to go downstairs to the restaurant alone. He took the room card as a pass and he found the plate and started to take the buffet breakfast.

"Mr. Zhang, are you awake?"

"Go and walk, let's eat."

It was the fat stewardess and the thin stewardess. Both of them had a good meal, one with pizza and fried potatoes, and one with tea, eggs and soy milk.

The monks sat on a table and ate and talked.

"Do you come to Shanghai to work?" asked the thin stewardess.

Zhang Hao nodded, and there was nothing to squat. "Yeah, it is estimated that I have to live for a while."

The fat stewardess smiled. "You haven't gone to work yet. You are famous with Shanghai. You didn't know you before. After all, you are the host of the capital, but now, many people should know about you, and the work will definitely be a little bit. A little bit better." They are like this. They didn't know Zhang Wei at all. They just listened to a few people in the capital who said that this person is a famous local host. This is followed by Mr. Zhang, and then yesterday. After the celebration feast, they read the news, and they also saw the comments about Zhang Wei on the Internet. This is what they learned about him. I believe that other Shanghai... even people all over the country are paying attention to him.

Zhang Weidao: "Let you say goodbye, I hope it will be smooth."

This is actually a habit to go where it is, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't go well, as long as he can make him famous.

After dinner.

Zhang Wei was going to leave. As a result, several policemen came to the police. It seems that they are different from those of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau at the airport yesterday. They may be public security comrades in other departments. Xu is the Ministry of Public Security. Perhaps the following counter-terrorism department. Anyway, they found the passengers on the plane one by one, and once again began to understand the situation. Zhang Hao is naturally asked this question. After all, he is fighting and communicating with the gangsters. He knows more than others. Zhang Wei recorded another transcript, which was tossed at noon.

After a meal was finished, the people of Air China came again.

They drove the members of Zhang Wei and the heroic crew to the airport. There were also a few passengers who were brave enough to be brave. For example, the karate man named Yan Hui, who was not seriously injured, was discharged from the hospital and was free to move. .

A conference room at the airport.

Many reporters have been waiting for a long time.

Looking at the things like the honorary certificates held by the leaders of Air China, Zhang Wei understands that this is to thank them for their merits. There are not many rewards, and it is not as good as the amount of prizes after the similar events in Zhangye’s world, but it is also quite a lot. Several flight crews, such as the older flight attendants and the thin flight attendants, received a reward of 200,000 yuan for each person. Several passengers received 100,000 and Yan Hui received 300,000. Zhang Wei is naturally the most special. His credit is also the biggest. Not only has he won a bonus of one million yuan, but he also received a certificate of honor issued by Air China. This honor will be filed in the Air China system - as long as Zhang Hao rides Air China's aircraft is free for life.

The applause continued.

A lot of Air China staff are also present.

Thanks to the end of the ceremony, Zhang Wei was surrounded by dozens of reporters. Some people went to interview other passengers. Some people interviewed the crew, but more reporters were still most interested in Zhang Wei. The famous host of the former capital city art station added The anti-hijacking hero has added a mysterious aura to him.

"Teacher Zhang"

"Please say a few words"

"At the time, did you consider it dangerous?"

"Why is that situation, you come forward without hesitation?"

The reporters’ mouths are like a smashing bullet.

The older flight attendant smiled and gave Zhang Wei a comment: "Did you have seen the story of Teacher Zhang? I also learned it online yesterday. Before, he had a leukemia for a fan. Teacher Zhang Wei did not say all the savings. Even borrowing money from colleagues and relatives, but also selling the copyright of his works, ruining the family to treat the fans, such a good character, do you still need to ask why?"

This incident, many reporters really do not know, including those of Air China, the words have looked at Zhang Wei, and his eyes are a bit awe-inspiring.

in the afternoon.

It has been more than four o'clock back to the hotel.

Zhang Yiyi thought, and did not intend to leave today. Anyway, Air China added another room to his room. I will go to the video report tomorrow, and I will not worry.

Take a look at the internet.

The number of fans who posted their own fans has once again soared a lot.

The number of fans on Weibo has also reached an amazing 30 million today.

Everything is developing towards a good trend. The current fame and achievements can be said to be the most glorious moment since Zhang Dai’s birth. However, this is certainly not enough. Zhang Wei is far from satisfied with this achievement. Still better, but can climb higher

Well, I am going to the new unit tomorrow. If Zhang Wei thinks thoughtfully, he might have to prepare a hole in advance. Now, in the space of the game ring, there is only one "archive" left. Other things have long been He used up all the time, and he had to add something. This is his cuddling.

Zhang Wei opened the interface and saw the total reputation. Rao had already had some psychological preparations, and he was also whistled by the string of numbers.

One million one million reputation

Counted several times, not wrong

When I wanted him to go with the plane, I had already used the last point of reputation to light up the prize. It was almost zero, but one day, just one day, I even accounted for 11 million. At the beginning, he was tired and tired. Doing the "Hundreds of Lectures", such a fire show, can also harvest hundreds of thousands of reputations in the first phase, let alone broadcast on the radio "Ghost Blowing Lights", the first phase is only tens of thousands of prestige, and now...

One day

Even less than a day

Zhang Wei’s heart is like a mirror. This is a test of the power of CCTV news. Before he went to the TV, it was a local station. The number of viewers was limited to the Beijing area. But this time, CCTV news is basically all areas of the country. Can be received, even overseas can be seen, coverage is too big, even if many people are not used to watching CCTV news feel too boring, but yesterday, the network is also about the aircraft hijacking news, always will Some people pay attention to it, so that they know the name of Zhang Wei. This time it is not just those in the capital, but the eyes of all parts of the country. This is the reason why Zhang Wei can harvest so many prestige values ​​in less than one day. Maybe today. After that, this reputation will increase slowly, because it is known that he knows it, and he does not care about it, but even if the increase is slow, it will definitely increase a lot.

Zhang Hao is very happy. The aircraft consumes some prestige values ​​and items, but the return is extremely huge. All of this is back, and it is back ten times.


No, buy skills first

Zhang Wei’s face was bright, and he opened the mall option in the interface with enthusiasm. From the inside, he found the icon of “Tai Chi Skills Experience Book”, and the fight with the gangsters made Zhang Wei realize his weakness. Tai Chi is not a panacea. His skill experience is not enough. If there were so many passengers to help at the time, Zhang Wei would hang up and meet the hard work or hard work. For example, those young monks, Zhang Wei can pick one and four, and fight completely. There is no pressure, there is an absolute advantage, but when he meets those who will have a little effort and have fighting experience, let alone pick one, he is struggling with one fight, the effort is not at home, and he has to eat skills.

Zhang Wei is a relatively irritating character and a person who never knows how to compromise. Therefore, he can always meet some "special situations", so he will not be jealous of improving his own military value.


Eat another ten

With a sigh of relief, Zhang Wei spent a full 10 million reputation and bought a book of one million taiji skills, a total of ten books.

Open it...

Open again...

Ten experience books were instantly "eaten" by him.

Consolidating the shortcomings of the kung fu, Zhang Wei opened the lucky draw interface again, and did not want to draw the prize. He still has one million prestige, which is enough.

For the first time, Zhang Hao added a note and took two items of consumption - [⊥线]*.

How to use: Tied to the ankle of the player and the designated object, the red line is effective, and the marriage is in the same line.

Duration: According to the actual situation of both parties and the difficulty of marriage, the duration is not fixed, ranging from one second to one month.

Zhang Wei is confused and does not understand, red line? What is the marriage? That is to say, if you look at which woman, just tie this to the red line and the woman's lap, can their marriage be brought together? It may be close to each other under the effect of marriage, what happens? But not permanent? If the marriage between the two is too difficult, that is, the age of the family is too far apart, the red line may last for a short time, and can't hold it for a second. If the gap is not big, can it last for up to one month? I haven't tried it. Zhang Wei is so understanding. It can only be analyzed from the literal meaning. If you have to try it, you have to know it.

But it must be a good thing, right?

This stuff is similar to the "Peach Blossom Sachet" that was originally drawn, but the actual effect is different. The peach flower sachet is randomly produced, and it only lasts for five minutes and will not change, but the red line is Can specify the selected person, is uncertain in duration

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