I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 222: [The new home is set]

Red line?

good stuff

Zhang Wei is the one who refuses to come. He has been used for such a long time to let him know that some special items that are not too eye-catching often come in handy. For example, the experience of unlocking skills is that when he was drawn, he thought it was Garbage, what about the results? Saved his life, so Zhang Wei is not picky eaters at all. He wants everything, and the more things in the inventory are, the better.

Lucky draw

This time continue to raise one

The consumption class is the largest area, the pointer stops, and falls into this area, and suddenly, two treasure chests are opened.

Open the treasure chest, there is something in the shape of a dice.

[Difficulty adjustment dice] 2 is effective after the shake, which can randomly adjust the difficulty for the player, and the duration is random.

When I saw that I had drawn this item, I just said that I couldn’t help but Zhang Yi couldn’t help but swear a piece of grass. How was this broken thing? I also raised one of the two "difficult dice". "come out? Don't you make a trip? Where is the big brother, where are you going? Zhang Yi really wants to take these two dice out and throw them away. How far is it to throw, but when I think of throwing it, the dice will come into effect, and he throws it away. This thought, crying and laughing. For this thing, Zhang Wei’s psychological pressure is too great. If it is not difficult to make a metamorphosis, he will not encounter a hijacking incident. If there is a lucky bread pumping a skill book for a passenger plane driving, he can return it. not coming

This dice is a double-edged sword, and the pros and cons are equally large.

It’s better to say that if you get the disadvantages, it’s the end of the life.

It’s a lucky luck on the plane. It’s more than 50 minutes to increase the difficulty of ten times. If your mom is ten times more difficult, it’s a year... I’m still alive?

Going out of the car, I hit the car?

Is there a dog biting me in a circle?

Going downstairs, there are pots falling down and licking me?

I think that Zhang Wei is not chilling, you are going to kill the buddy, hello?

Zhang Wei was a snake bite for ten years, but he did not dare to repeat the same mistakes. Anyway, he would not use this dice, so he quickly took it out of the treasure chest, for fear of not. Carefully dropped on the ground to automatically evaluate the difficulty, and entered the inventory.

Forget it, don't smoke it.

The fortunes are not good today.

More than six o'clock in the evening.

In the past two days, the big fish and the big meat have eaten more. The airport and Air China’s old people have a dinner. Zhang Hao is not hungry. He excuses himself to have not finished eating with them. He walks out of the hotel and wears it. I put a big sunglasses on my face and I was afraid of people recognizing it. In fact, this is also a lot of thoughts. Although the hijacking incident has caused Zhang Wei to have a little popularity in the country, I know that what he looks like is still the fans of the capital. There is no "100 forums", online. At most, there are some photos of Zhang Wei. The people who don’t often watch his show, Zhang Wei, walk in the face of them and they can’t recognize them. There are still few people in Shanghai who can recognize him.

The street is brightly lit.

The neon lights are a little bit bright in the distance, very lively.

Zhang Wei did have something at this time. Instead of taking the subway, he reached out and stopped a taxi and drove to the city center. I have already got the address of the video company. I have a middle-aged person who contacted me this afternoon, but Zhang Wei certainly didn’t plan to go to the company. At this point, people are getting off work soon. He wants to rent near the company. A house, after all, has to stay for a few months, you have to arrange the accommodation first.

The Bund.

The sound of the water is floating, and there are some river smells in the wind.

Men and women are kneeling on the guardrail, or flirting, or watching the scenery, the atmosphere is leisurely, there are always yachts passing by on the river. Many hulls are sprayed with advertisements of various banks and insurance companies. It is a scene of a bit of awkward scenery, but overall Very charming place.

There are many people, but they are not chaotic, and the scenery is very quiet.

On the other side of the capital, I can't find such a place.

Zhang Wei deliberately let the rental master throw himself down here, strolled around the scenery, and then walked far away. After more than 20 minutes, he found a real estate agent with a big alley. The intermediary company is really not here. Much, unlike the real estate agent in the capital of Beijing, I looked at it, and it was quite big in front of me. When Zhang Hao saw the light, he went in.

"Hello, sir." The front desk was a pretty young woman, dressed in shirt trousers and hanging a badge, but the makeup was very thick and pretty.

"Hello, are you off work?"

"No, we only close at ten."

"I want to rent a house, it is best to stay today or tomorrow."

"Okay, then I will show you, please sit down, I will pour you a glass of water, what type of house do you need? Probably where? What price?"

Zhang Wei took off her sunglasses and sat in front of the computer with her. All of them were listed one by one. Sure enough, the people in the intermediary didn’t know him. “The price doesn’t matter, it’s mainly near this, the house is new, the decoration is good. Point, size doesn't matter, I live by myself."

The young woman began to find him. "Most of this is some high-end residential areas. If you don't ask the price, there are a lot of suitable houses. For example, if you look at this, two-bedroom, ninety-five flats, the decoration is last year. The location is a little farther, two kilometers away, you see?"

Zhang Wei looked at the map. Some of them are far away. His ideal residence is near the company. You can get a taxi for ten minutes. "Change one."

I saw a few more and were not satisfied.

It is not that the house decoration does not suit his appetite, that is, the traffic is too far.

Zhang Wei does not want to waste, "Is there a room? I am alone."

The young woman shook her head. "The basics are all high-end residential areas. The minimum is only two bedrooms. Otherwise, you can look at this set. The location is good, the apartment is good, the two houses, the decoration is also very good, definitely meet your requirements, but the house is sublet. The tenant had signed a one-year contract with the landlord, but he is now moving, and the contract is still about three or four months."

Three or four months?

Oh, that's not right?

Zhang Yi looked at the apartment and was very satisfied. "I don't live here too much. I can see this. It's okay for three or four months. Let's look at the house?"

"Well, I will take you there." The young woman is very happy.

"Can you stay today?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Yes, the other party has already moved out. I called him to let him come. If you can, you can sign the contract today, no problem." The young woman replied.

This is a high-end community.

The price of the Bund is there, except for some old houses decades ago. This neighborhood is a high-end residential area. You can see the decoration and greening of the community. There are also small artificial lakes and rockery fountains. Of course, the rent is also very expensive. This two-bedroom room is 90 square meters. The monthly rent is actually 11,000, and the agency fee is shared. It is 1223. It is not cheap.

After seeing the house, Zhang Wei was still tempted. He just took a million bonus from Air China. He is not bad for this money. After all, it is a celebrity now. Can’t live too shabby? If you squeeze in a small rental room, others think that he is not well-known, so this money must be drawn, even if it hurts, even if it is forced, Zhang Hao has to be generous.

Loading is a compulsory course for stars.

As a star, you are not embarrassed to say hello to people.

"Yes, let's get this, you get the contract, I go to the hotel to take the luggage." Zhang Hao was very happy to finalize, and then took a taxi back to the hotel to pack things.

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