I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 223: [This is the legendary Zhang Huan? 】

New home.

A new day.

new environment.

In the morning, the sun was shining in from the spacious floor-to-ceiling windows. The new home was very well lit, and even if the curtains were pulled, the room was brightened. The furniture was all available. After Zhang Xin signed the contract last night, he checked in the bag, laid the sheets, bought the bed quilt, and slept until dawn.

It’s time to get up.

Zhang Yanyan enjoyed the sunshine, got up from the soft big bed, brushed his teeth, and waited for him to come out of the bathroom in the living room, and the phone rang.

"Hey, Teacher Zhang."

"Hello, who are you?"

"I am in the human resources department of our company. Is the thing over the plane finished?"

"I have already dealt with it, I am sorry to delay a day, then I am going now?"

"Okay, let's make a time, an hour later? I am waiting for you at the first floor lobby of the company."

"Cheng, I will definitely arrive in an hour, then let's meet and talk."

I took care of my head and combed my hair. Zhang Yan took a photo with satisfaction in the mirror. Then I picked up the bag and went out to the other side. It was very close. It was a 20-minute walk in the case of a traffic jam. .

Wei my company.

Not on the main street, but behind a commercial building.

The building is not high, the appearance of the four or five floors, but the area is large, covering a very wide area.

After getting off the taxi and seeing the headquarters of the company, Zhang Wei also knows the strength of the company here. It should be good. It is definitely not comparable to those of the Internet giant companies. Compared with the video TV websites of the same category, it is absolutely It is one of the best, and the funds are abundant.


Zhang Weijin went to see if he didn't see anyone, he would go to the front desk and ask.

However, someone in the rest area recognized him and smiled and walked up to reach out. This is a young man, about twenty years old, almost as big as Zhang Wei, and he is very good-natured. "You are Teacher Zhang? Oh, let's pass Hello, welcome, welcome."

Zhang Wei shook hands with him. "Hello."

"Let's go upstairs, I will show you first." Youth Road.

"Yes, trouble." Zhang Wei followed him away.

Along the way, the youth gave him a brief introduction of the location and general situation of the company's various departments. Finally, Zhang Wei came to an upstairs office.

Knocking on the door.

The inside person said that he was invited, and it was a woman’s voice.

When the young man went in, he said: "General Feng, this is Teacher Zhang Hao, I sent you to you." Turned to Zhang Weidao: "This is the company's vice president, and also serves as the director of the network television department."

Feng Guiqin reached out. "You can wait for a few days, you are a little Zhang."

Zhang Hao quickly stepped up to both hands and shook her. "Hello, Feng, I first came to see it. It was also the first time I was exposed to Internet TV. I will take care of it later." He knows that this woman will be his top boss in the future. The top leader in the TV department, she is the big and small thing.

Feng Guiqin looks like he is in his 40s. He is not very beautiful, but he is more easy-going. He seems to be an ordinary mother in the neighbors. "Xiao Sun, you have a contract with Xiao Zhang on the legal side."

The young man led the way and went out.

Feng Guiqin pressed his hand, "Sit down."

Zhang Wei is not polite, sit down and take out a resume, "This is my resume."

Feng Guiqin said with a smile: "Don't look at it. Since the company invites you to come, we have already understood your qualifications and achievements. This time, several new network hosts and program planners are all from Weihe and our company. The high-level personally passed the purpose, and we also watched your program. We are not strange to you. On the contrary, you may not know much about our company. Then I will simply say that our company is the first to get the qualification of Internet TV. Authorized certificates, the Internet TV industry has developed rapidly in recent years. Many video websites have obtained qualifications. Some TV stations and cable TV service providers have also come to grab this cake. The competition is fierce and more and more. White heat..."

Zhang Wei listened carefully.

“Internet TV started late, this industry is still very young, but it has a promising future. Although it seems to be a combination of some separate entertainment programs in the original video format, it is actually not so simple, individual and overall, itself. There is a conceptual difference. Resource integration is not a theoretical one plus one equals two, and sometimes equals three, not to mention the subsidy and tax exemption preferential policy issued by the state..." Feng Guiqin is a good lecturer. From the point to the point, the introduction of the Internet TV industry is very clear.

Zhang Wei is still listening seriously. Of course, it is just a matter of understanding. He can't take care of things in the general direction. He can't take care of it. How complicated this industry is and how big the competition is. Zhang Wei doesn't care. He The source of struggle is not for this industry, he even drives the company's overall online TV traffic. He doesn't care. What he has to do is just to make his own column and get fire. This is enough. Zhang Wei is not a person in this world. His thinking is also in the online entertainment mode of his world. That is the field he is familiar with. Although Feng Guiqin said that IPTV is different from the previous single video mode, it can be the same for Zhang Wei.

Give him a fixed time period, Zhang Wei to do the show, release, to attract the audience.

Nothing complicated, in fact, it's as simple as it is, serialized with online video, and broadcast on TV programs, it makes sense.

The contract is coming.

"Look first." Feng Guiqin said.

Zhang Hao turned over, no problem, regular contract.

Feng Guiqin said with a smile: "The salary requirements on our side are all raised by the employees themselves. This is the basic salary, and the bonuses and other subsidies are unified."

Zhang Yan said: "Really mention it yourself?"

When Victoria called him to invite him, it did.

Zhang Wei understands that people say that they let them talk casually, but this is definitely a matter of particularty. Do you open a monthly salary of 100,000? People don’t have to kick you out of the window to blame, so Zhang Wei doesn’t have a big lion’s mouth. “My ideal salary is probably... 20,000 a month?”

Feng Guiqin thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes."

Zhang Wei is not very famous in the host industry. He is generally the host of a local Taiwan star show. He is not too high.

All discussed well, Zhang Wei began to sign the contract.

Feng Guiqin said: "You adapt to the environment first, familiar with the work, sharpen the knife and cut the woodwork, are familiar with the good work, and the columns of our network TV are more casual, you can plan your own, or you can work with the department. The program planners discussed, of course, random is random, but the program must be reviewed by several leaders at the end, and finally I can make a network TV time before the game, the quality must pass."

Zhang Hao signed it, "Yes."

"Well, welcome to join." Feng Guiqin said: "You will be hired today, go directly to the Internet TV department to report." She called and called a person to take Zhang Yan.

The person who came is Wang Xiong. He is a middle-aged man. One of the deputy directors of the Internet TV department is also a leader. He seems to be very interested in Zhang Wei. When he comes over, he will look at him up and down. He must know the hijacking news. Look at what Zhang Wei has three heads and six arms. However, Zhang Wei’s appearance and temperament give people a very common feeling. Except for the brilliance of the eyes, except that the voice is very magnetic, it is very attractive. Other aspects are too common. I feel like pulling someone on the street. They are better than him.

"General Wang." Zhang Yi is a polite way.

Wang Xiong shot his shoulder. "Well, let's go." The two went downstairs. He said: "The office area of ​​the Internet TV is a floor. The recording and broadcasting studio is also the first floor. It is the largest department of our company. Independent, but there are things you can find me, my office is also on your floor."

Staircase corner.

On both sides of a long and narrow corridor, there are partitions of transparent glass, and then one of the densely-packed desks is laid out. For a cursory look, there are 140 people in this department, and there is a customer service area on the outermost side. The operator is busy, and there are many brands hanging from the ceiling of ten areas. The name of the column is obviously the office area of ​​each column group. In addition to several leading offices and conference rooms, there is almost no enclosed area in the office area, and the desks are all connected. It is clear at a glance.

The environment is good.

The scale is no worse than the TV station.

Zhang Wei silently observed, followed Wang Xiong into the inside.

Hey, Wang Xiong took a clap. "Everyone stops for half a minute and introduces you to a new colleague." He held Zhang Wei’s shoulder. "Zhang Wei, the famous host of the former capital city art station, is today from today. A member of the Internet TV department, everyone applauded and welcomed?"

The crowd applauded and the voice was not loud.

"Famous host?"

“Don’t dare to call it famous? Is the ratings high?”

"Hey, how am I familiar with the name of Zhang Wei?"

"I rely on me to think of the host of the Beijing Cultural Art Museum? Zhang Wei? Isn't that the anti-hijacking hero in the news? The one that drove the plane"

"Ah? Is that really him?"

"Where did I go, how did he come here?"

"Is it different, can you be so ordinary in the host?"

As soon as several people said that everyone knows who this person is, they pick it up.

In the past two days, they have heard the name more than once in the news and on the Internet. In other units, they may not be so concerned. Zhang Wei is a former TV presenter, and they are also an industry. However, a peer is so coquettish that it is such a large passenger plane to come back and land, this will of course attract their hot discussion, but also very curious about Zhang Wei.

But at first glance, many people are very disappointed.

Wang Xiong ignored it and pointed to the innermost place. "Xiao Zhang, there is your desk, there are a few empty positions, you can choose whatever you want."

"Okay." Zhang Hao took things and passed.

Wang Xiong did not say much. After asking an old employee about the situation of a show today, he went out of the office and returned to his own office.

Everyone is still looking in the direction of Zhang Wei.

The legendary Zhang Huan?

The legendary **** man?

Is this too normal?

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