I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 224: [School flower is also in a company? 】




The eyes of a group of colleagues were pressed from all sides, and they were all staring at Zhang Wei. Some people also pointed and pointed out that only a small number of people did not pay much attention and continued to bow their heads.

If the average person is faced with so many complicated eyes, they will not be able to eat it. Even if they don't look at them, at least they will be uncomfortable. They are staring at the pandas and whispering. Who can bear it? However, Zhang Wei is not an ordinary person. There is no pressure at all. I want to be at the Daming Lake... I don’t think it’s right. I wanted to be with the radio. He was hidden by the countless colleagues as a star. I wanted to be with the TV station. He was stared at by many peers as a **** of death, and he got used to it.

Moreover, this time is different from the past.

He used to be notorious with his peers.

But this time, he was an anti-hijacking hero, but he saved a hundred people. What is his twist? Just look at it when you love it.

Put your own things, Zhang Wei opened the company's computer and began to get familiar with the environment.

There were two people over there who seemed to want to come over and talk to Zhang Wei, but the **** just got up and hesitated and sat down again.

The first person who came in contact with Zhang Wei was not the person in their department, but the staff of a human resources department who came in from outside. This person Zhang Wei had never seen it, not the young man who picked him up in the hall, but one The 17-year-old man holds some forms of documents in his hand.

"Which is Zhang Wei?" said the man.

The first woman pointed to the back and continued to be busy with herself.

Zhang Wei also heard, "I am."

The man went up and took out a form. "You fill in this, mobile phone number and address, etc., you have to enter the library, easy to contact, and some troubles such as file insurance, you have to do it next week."

"Good." Zhang Wei took out the pen and began to write.

The man did not leave, laughing and chatting with a few people not far away, "A Qian, Xiao Yu, the beauty that came yesterday, you have not bullied people?"

Xiao Yudao: "How come."

A thousand smiles, "We are still too late to hold it."

The man smiled and said: "You are not married, you can chase."

A thousand turned white and said: "Get it, people are so beautiful, they don't deserve it."

The man happily said: "If you don't chase, you may be started by other colleagues. I have a file of company-wide personnel. I can tell you with certainty that we don't have such a beautiful girl in the whole company, Internet TV. The department can come to such a big beauty, you are really blessed, unlike our lesbians, we are all face-to-face, oh, don’t mention it."

Zhang Wei put down the pen and looked up: "My buddy, finished."

"Cheng, let me see." The man came back and swept his cousin, frowning: "I have to fill in, what is the empty column of your English name?"

Zhang Weidao: "I don't have an English name."

"Nothing has to be written." The man said.

Zhang Wei looked at him. "Nothing to write?"

The man whispered, "I can't do it alone? Pete, David."

Zhang Wei is still very calm. "Still forget it. It really won't be such a name. It's not important information. Others will fill it out."

The man was a little annoyed. "How is it not important? The company stipulates that everyone must write."

Generally, foreign companies have this rule, but here is not a foreign company? Also have to get the English name?

Zhang Wei thought about it, took the form and wrote it in the above column - ANGYB

The man stopped him. "Why are you, Chinese pinyin is not English, you can just start one, you are not, everyone is not like this? You can't think of it, I want you to think of one."

The movement here has attracted many people to look at it.

Zhang Hao finally couldn't stand it. He slammed the form on the table and said, "I said that I don't have an English name. You can't hear it. You are willing to worship yourself. Don't pull me on. I'm a good end." Chinese people, I am the English name of your big-ye-I am sick, do you name me? Who are you, my name is only one of my parents gave me"

Man is stupid

Everyone in the office area is stupid.

"You swear?" The man's face is green.

Zhang Wei looked at him and said: "I don't care about you. You are still not finished. I have heard for the first time that I have forced someone to change my name. I don't have an English name. What are you doing?"

"You...you..." The man pointed at him straight.

As a native of Beijing, in a city that once suffered from the wars of the Eight Kingdoms, Zhang Wei also inherited the fine tradition of the Beijing people - angry youth. In fact, he is not an irrational national cynic. For foreign culture and part of ideology, Zhang Wei can accept it. He will also watch American TV dramas, watch anime, and also like steak and pizza. But for these, Zhang Wei from Not proud of

From a foreign name?

This has exceeded the bottom line of Zhang Wei

As a newcomer, a newcomer who has just arrived in the company for less than an hour, Zhang Hao certainly does not want to conflict with his colleagues. Although it is not a department, the impact is also very bad, so he has been very calm and patiently at first. The man said this, he really can't make a foreign name that is not yin and yang, but he doesn't listen to it, but he still has a fire with Zhang. Where can he endure? Go to you - mom -

Wang Xiong came out of the office and apparently heard the noise. "What happened?"

The man of human resources can find someone, and he is angry and angry: "Wang, the new Zhang Wei does not write the English name, I let him fill it, saying that it is a company regulation, he still yells at me."

Wang Xiong said without words: "So is this something?"

The man was anxious: "He is actually awkward"

Zhang Hao, "I said that I don't have an English name. You have to give me a name. How old are you, do you get your name for me? I am you."

Wang Xiong boarded his face, "What is Xiao Zhang?"

The man pointed at the other side: "General Wang, look, you look"

I read? What do I look at and tell me? Wang Xiong knows this person and knows that he does not speak very much. Indeed, the company has regulations to write English names, but it is also said that if you don’t write, you will not write, and he glanced at the ground that fell on the ground. A form, the above is not written EANGYF, but also written in English letters, almost on the line, where is the use of such a lift? Do you want to give someone a name? People are good at you, you can’t talk much, what kind of name is it for you?

Wang Xiong will wave his hand. "I know, the form is not filled out? If there is no space, just enter the file. There is something to discuss, what is the yelling?"

"But he..." The man is not, and his face will not come up and down.

Wang Xiong’s voice sank. “Here is the work area, what are you making?”

The man knows that the deputy director of Wang is to be short-sighted, but he has no choice but to take the form of Zhang Wei.

As soon as he left, Wang Xiong said to Zhang Xiaodao: "Xiao Zhang, this is a company. It is normal to have differences in work between colleagues. You can't swear."

Zhang Wei’s attitude is also very good. “I can’t help you, Mr. Wang, I will pay attention next time.”

Wang Xiong did not blame him for anything. After a sigh, he went back.

Things have subsided, but the people in the office area have no meaning at all.

I rely on

Are you really embarrassed?

What kind of temper are you?

All the people in the Internet TV department did not think that under such circumstances, Zhang Xin’s newcomer would dare to point to the comrades of human resources, but anyone with a little experience in the workplace could not have such a thing. But Zhang Wei is embarrassed, and afterwards you look at it, and the old gods are still playing on the computer in the ground, it is called a calm, it is a calm, it is not a matter of the roots, everyone will know at a glance, This is definitely not the first time Zhang Wei, or it will never be so leisurely.

I go

They are a colleague who came here.

Before, everyone still felt disappointed. What do you think is the ability of such an ordinary young person? How could it be as brave as the TV on the TV? But now, they understand, this is your mother is a wolf in sheep's clothing, it is definitely a bad friend.

Suddenly, a nice female voice squeezed in.

"What happened? Just heard a snoring? What happened?" A **** woman walked into the office area with her documents, her face, her body, and she was amazing.

"Dr. Dong is back?"

"Hey, just a man of humanity asked a new colleague to write an English name, and the result was picked up. Wang always gave me an alarm."

A few people explained to her, they were very enthusiastic.

The woman blinked: "Can this still pick up?"

Zhang Wei, who was looking down at the computer, suddenly felt that the voice was familiar and too familiar. So he looked up and couldn’t help but hold it, "Dong Shanshan?"

The woman also glanced at him and said to him: "Zhang Wei?"

Zhang Xiaole, "Hey, how are you here?"

Dong Shanshan also laughed. "I still want to ask, how are you... I know, if you come to Shanghai, you are going to work for our company?"

Zhang Weidao: "You also come here as a web host?"

Your sister, aren't you going to make a movie? Are you not making a TV show? You are too out of mouth.

However, many things are also understood at this moment. It is obviously not a coincidence that they met on the plane. Originally, our company not only invited Zhang Wei, but also invited Dong Shanshan. It is estimated that Dong Shanshan was invited before him. Otherwise, the plane ticket will not be so urgent. The next day, Zhang Wei will be on the plane. It is obviously a matter of saving my company’s map. I have booked the two tickets, and this is the meeting on the plane. .

Everyone can see that they stay together and they know each other?

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Is it just your jealous person?"

Zhang Yiyi, "I am not forced to start my English name. I am not good at it."

When I think of something, Dong Shanshan can’t help it. “Hehehe, when you are like college, it’s still so angry. Although it’s been three or four years, I still remember the English class, the teacher gave the whole class. Everyone has an English name, and they will call us so in the future. Everyone has started. As a result, you are good. For the reason why a Chinese person wants to have an English name, he is smashing half a lesson with an English teacher. At the end of the day, the English teacher gave up the class and dropped the lecture. Hahaha, how are you still the same?"

Zhang Yili said of course: "Principles, can't regress."

The conversation between the two people made them realize that Zhang Wei and Dong Damei are college students. They are all graduated from the Communication University.

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