I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 225: [Use the red line! 】

Everyone pricked their ears curiously. They are not surprised that the two are classmates, because most of the people who are engaged in broadcasting and hosting are actually alumni, and they know it normally. They are concerned about Zhang Ye's deeds, and when they were freshman, they angered the English teacher. gone? I sweat, this person is really different. No wonder the person from Human Resources was scolded away. It turns out that people have always had this character.

Is this really okay?

Can such a person really be a broadcast host?

Everyone was suspicious, because the temper and temperament of this new teacher Zhang Ye is really a wonderful flower in the industry.

"Fortunately, I didn't say hello to him just now."

"Yeah, this Teacher Ye doesn't seem to be very good at talking."

"This temper is really too bad."

"His show hasn't been decided yet. There is no one in the show group yet? I'm going, don't call me over."

They whispered to each other, and their first impression of Zhang Ye could only be described by the word "wonderful". There were a few people who originally wanted to say hello to Zhang Ye and talk to him, but they suddenly dismissed this idea.

After Dong Shanshan and Zhang Ye said a few words, she walked to a desk next to Zhang Ye, put down the papers, pulled the chair away, pressed her skirt back and sat down. Today, she wore a short skirt that was slightly darker than royal blue. It was quite mature, with trousers and black stockings and black high heels. It was estimated to be twelve centimeters high. The upper body was a small black lady's shirt with curly hair. Dress up in professional attire. If other beautiful women wear this dress, they can only be described as beautiful and mature and Yu Lian, but Dong Shanshan can add a "sexy" evaluation after these words, because of her figure, she Hold the clothes tightly, especially the skirt behind the hips and the black shirt on the chest. Under this condition, it is naturally a little more enchanting than others.

"Are you sitting here?" Zhang Ye said.

Dong Shanshan smiled, "Yes, the newcomers are all seats here."

Zhang Ye looked at the adjacent table, "You joined the job after you left yesterday morning?"

Dong Shanshan nodded, "I knew that you were invited too, so I came here together. It's good for the two of us. After talking on the plane for so long, I wondered if it belonged to the same unit."

Zhang Ye said silently: "Who makes you not have the truth in your mouth?"

Dong Shanshan glanced at him, "You didn't tell me you came to apply for a web host."

"You didn't ask me, it's okay, you should be busy." Seeing that the school clerk was about to work, Zhang Ye didn't chat any more, and bowed his head to his own business.


It's time for lunch and dinner.

Zhang Ye looked at the computer all morning, his eyes were a bit dizzy. After rubbing his eyes, he turned his head and wanted to go to the cafeteria for dinner with Dong Shanshan, but before he opened his mouth, several men showed up.

"Ms. Dong, shall we have dinner together?"

"Is it an honor to invite Teacher Dong to dinner?"

"Yes, let's just discuss the show."

"The show I planned for you is almost done, eat and talk?"

Once there were five or six people, tall, short, fat and thin, one more enthusiastic than the other.

Dong Shanshan smiled and looked at them, "Discuss the show? Then...well, let's go together." She went to the cafeteria with the few people.

Zhang Ye said heartily: Okay, buddy, eat it yourself.

After he got up, he actually didn't know where the cafeteria was. He wanted to find a colleague to go with him. By the way, he would chat and inquire about company affairs and interpersonal relationships, but when he was looking for someone, everyone there had already left. It seems to avoid Zhang Ye deliberately, and he can't help crying or laughing. Your sister, from the radio to the TV station to this network TV station, why is this guy so popular?

When he went out and found the cafeteria, Zhang Ye applied for a meal card, then simply ordered a portion of rice and stir-fry, then took the meal and returned to the office area to eat.

Not at all.

Dong Shanshan came back.

"Ms. Dong, where did you live yesterday?"

"I found a quick hotel nearby. I thought our company had staff dormitories."

"No, we all have to rent our own house here, um, you are not familiar with the place, or I will take you to the agency company after get off work at night."

"How much trouble you, Qian?"

"No trouble, no trouble, drop in."

"That's fine, thank you."

"Look at you, you are polite, please do it."

After an appointment to see the house, Aqian was very excited.

Xiao Yu, who was sitting next to him at the table next to him, looked at him enviously. In the morning, you said that you were not good enough for Teacher Dong. Why did you catch up in the afternoon? Double-handed

Dong Shanshan had no mood swings, so he sat back and was busy.

Zhang Ye has seen it, and he is very emotional. He can see that at least ten people in the entire office area have seen Dong Shanshan. Some people show it on their faces, while some people only show it on their faces. In my heart, I glanced at Dong Shanshan from time to time, but did not act.

"You are really welcome." Zhang Ye said with a smile in the voices of only two people. They were the two of them at their seat, and they were whispering and others could not hear.

Dong Shanshan looked at him, "Is there?"

Zhang Ye shrugged, "It's more popular than me anyway."

"Hehehe." Dong Shanshan was amused. "Who made you curse when you first joined the job, plus your previous deeds, you wrote poems and cursed people, and maliciously sabotaged the live broadcast. People probably think you are not easy to get along with? , How dare you to communicate more with you, um, they asked me about you just now during the meal. When I talked about you, do you know what their evaluations are? You are a strange flower in the industry."

You are amazing

Your whole family is amazing

Zhang Ye was speechless for a long time.

Thinking of something, Dong Shanshan said: "By the way, did you look for a house? Or else go together at night? I don't know you, I must live here forever."

Zhang Ye said, "I looked for it yesterday and I have moved in."

"So fast? Where?" Dong Shanshan asked strangely.

Zhang Ye smiled and said: "Just near the Bund, I forgot what the road is, let's be an ordinary two-bedroom apartment."

Dong Shanshan said, "The rent is expensive over there. It seems that you have saved a lot of money. Oh, yes, Air China’s bonus is only one million. Okay, look back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I have to eat you. Please."

"No problem." Zhang Ye raised his hand happily, but with this wave, his elbow knocked out a signature pen on his desk, and it just fell under Dong Shanshan's feet.

Dong Shanshan lowered his head to pick it up for him.

But Zhang Ye said: "Let me come, your skirt, it's not convenient."

Dong Shanshan was not polite to him either. He has been a four-year old classmate, coupled with the experience on the plane, and he was working in the same unit as a former friend from another country. The relationship between the two has also been drawn too much closer.

Zhang Ye bent over, and the beautiful legs wrapped in black stockings stood in front of him, his face getting closer and closer to them, very attractive. Zhang Ye's heart also moved suddenly for some reason, he thought of the two consumable items he had just drawn-the red thread. Although the explanation is clearer in the introduction, it has not been used, and Zhang Ye does not know the specific effect.


Must try

Dong Shanshan sorted out the papers on the desk indifferently.

Zhang Ye took the opportunity to open the game ring in his hand and grabbed a "red thread" from the inventory. While picking up the signature pen that he fell under her feet, he took the red thread at her in a thunderous manner. I made a circle around my ankle, and then pretended that I took off my hand for the first time and didn't pick up the pen. I moved my fingers quickly, and tied a knot with the red thread on my hand, and then tied it to Dong Shanshan's foot. .

Zhang Ye can see the red line as well.

However, Dong Shanshan couldn't see it. He didn't even feel it. He just looked down at Zhang Ye beside him in a weird manner, perhaps wondering why he had been so long.

Zhang Ye had already got up and sat back with a pen.

Dong Shanshan looked back and started typing on the computer.

Zhang Ye sighed, but fortunately he was not noticed, so he looked down at his feet. He lifted his leg up and raised his right foot, and then tied the red thread to his feet. The material of the red thread is very special.It is the kind that can be stretched at will.It originally has no length after being tied to Dong Shanshan's leg.However, when Zhang Ye pulled the red thread, he found that it can be stretched without limit. Tied to his lap. At the moment when the red thread was tied, Zhang Ye only felt his ankle numb, as if an ant had crawled and disappeared quickly. On his side of his head, he saw Dong Shanshan's eyebrows jump, and he bends over and scratched her ankle strangely.

【⊥Line effective】

[Marriage is connected]

Is this done? What effect will it have?

Zhang Ye was almost familiar with his work, and he was fine. Yu Sui waited patiently.

Ten minutes passed.

Still nothing has changed.

Zhang Ye looked at Dong Shanshan frequently, and didn't feel how the marriage between the two was connected.

At this time, Dong Shanshan suddenly put down the mouse and stood up, picked up the mobile phone and a small bag of napkins with only two left, and walked slowly outside. Looking in that direction, he must have gone to the bathroom.

After a long while, Dong Shanshan has not returned.

Zhang Ye looked at his watch and looked forward to getting off work early. The effect of the red line is estimated to be relatively slow, not as fast as the "Peach Blossom Sachet". It may not be tested today, right?

Just thinking about it, the phone shook

Zizi, it's a text message from the school flower

Dong Shanshan: Zhang Ye, are you busy?

Zhang Ye replied: No, what's wrong?

Dong Shanshan: Please, there is a pack of sanitary napkins in my schoolbag. You can help me take out one. I'm waiting to use it. I didn't expect it to leak.

Zhang Ye: Huh? has leaked?

Dong Shanshan: I didn't leak it completely, but I definitely can't walk anymore. It will flow as soon as I walk.

Zhang Ye: Khan, do you get some paper first? Block it? And then go back to the toilet to change it after taking it? Yours is a women's toilet, I can't give it to you

Dong Shanshan: I ran out of paper, and there was no other paper in the toilet. I waited for more than 20 minutes, and no women came to the bathroom. Otherwise, I would borrow it, but I would be surprised. Quite a lot. Why didn't a woman come to Zhang Ye for such a long time? I beg you, I'm waiting in a hurry, otherwise I will definitely not be able to get out. If it doesn't work, you can find a female colleague to send it to me.

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