I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 226: [Be blocked in the women's toilet! 】

School flowers are in trouble

Actually forgot to bring a sanitary napkin

Zhang Wei, this is a sitting wax. He struggled for a long time before he sent a message to her: You wait to see if someone is not there, I am looking for someone.

Dong Shanshan: Ok.

Zhang Wei looked around and saw no one paying attention to him. He also lost his and Dong Shanshan’s table is a corner, so Zhang Wei will not move his body sideways, squatting his arms and slamming The bag on the table was taken over, opened, and a sanitary napkin was taken from inside, and a new napkin was taken. This put her bag back and put a sanitary napkin into her pocket.

Find someone?

How can I say?

This is a bit bad to deal with.

Zhang Wei thinks that this thing must not be let other male comrades know. After all, it is not very nice. People Dong Shanshan also wants to face it, and it is also a superfluous effect by himself to make this microphone, so we must consider each other. At least the female colleague did not dislike Dong Shanshan, and his mouth was strict. He wouldn’t be arrogant everywhere. “Dong’s anchor did not bring a sanitary napkin on the toilet.” Taking into account these factors, Zhang Wei began to look at his colleagues.

This woman? No, it’s a bit mean, it’s not good.

What about the woman? No, it’s a big mouth.

However, when Zhang Wei is not allowed to find someone, Wang Xiong, the deputy director, came over and followed a few people. "All lesbians, let everyone put a hand on the job, because there are too many people, so tomorrow. The medical examination was advanced, the car has arrived, and all go downstairs."


"Oh, I have eaten."

The women snorted a few times.

Wang Xiongdao: "It doesn't matter if you eat rice. It is mainly to check a few things like hearing vision. Come, Lao Chen, you organize a female compatriot and go."

A woman in the office stood up and called everyone down the stairs.

In just a few minutes, all women have gone a net.

Zhang Wei is stupid, I rely on it, not so smart? School flowers are still waiting for help.

He suddenly thought that this is not your mother's effect on the red line? What is marriage? Marriage is said to let two people who do not know each other through accidental knowledge, and then through some accidental events have a good impression on each other, others always say "the trick is really fate" is probably this meaning, the role of the red line is also like this? Caused some accidental events, so that the two people close, this is the so-called marriage? Otherwise, how to explain the situation in front of you, your sister, so you can leave me a female colleague, no one.


The text message is coming again.

Dong Shanshan: Still no one.

Zhang Wei: It’s no one, no one in the office area, and the women are going to the medical examination.

Dong Shanshan: ...I thank you first? You can send it for me, the toilet is me, you will not have something to come in, rest assured.

Zhang Wei: Otherwise, I will throw you a door?

Dong Shanshan: I have already flown a leg, and the skirts are not dare to let go. How do you let me go out?

Flowing a leg, this description is too picture-like, so that Zhang Wei's nosebleeds almost ran a face, sucking the nose and typing: Well.

Dong Shanshan: Don't let other people see it, thank you, go back and ask for dinner.

After collecting the mobile phone, Zhang Wei pretended to go to the toilet to stand up, go out, no woman, the office area is a little less than half, the men are also working, but no one pays attention to Zhang Wei.

The door of the toilet.

Going in is a mirror, the female toilet on the left and the male toilet on the right.

Zhang Wei cautiously went to the men's room and looked at it. He was afraid of someone inside. When he came out, he saw that he was paralyzed, so he had to check it. Well, no one, he came out with confidence, and then he moved forward several times. The women's restroom did not take the courage to come and coughed.


SMS: Are you there? Are you coughing?

Zhang Wei replied: It is here.

Dong Shanshan: Come in, the third door inside.

Zhang Wei bit his teeth and looked back at the back. After confirming that no one had hardened his scalp into the women's toilet, he quickly walked to the middle of the partition.

The third door?

Here are two rows, which is the third door?

"Where are you with?" Zhang Wei whispered.

"Here..." Dong Shanshan’s voice came from behind a door.

"Oh, come here." Zhang Hao hurryed past.

Then, with a bang, the partition door was carefully opened with a gap. From the crack in the door, one leg of Dong Shanshan could be seen, the lower half was wrapped in black stockings, and the other side of the thigh was white flower. The romper stockings were taken off for a little while. "Don't look at it, give it to me."

One hand stretched out.

Zhang Wei does not look at it, or how to put things in her hands? Moreover, he couldn't see the eyes of Dong Shanshan in the door, and proved that the other side could not see his face. Naturally, he didn't know that he didn't see it. Zhang Hao was naturally not polite. He blinked at the inside and looked at it. Very tempting, but it is not very clear, and I can't see much, one leg, black stockings hanging, one high heel, no more. Zhang Wei took out the sanitary napkin and napkin and gently placed it on the hand that was covered with crystal nails.

"Okay." Zhang Yidao.

"Thank you." Dong Shanshan said.

But at this moment, a footstep sounded from the door, and as soon as I heard it, it was the sound of the high heels, and the footsteps came very quickly to the women’s toilet.

Zhang Yan’s pores are open, I rely on you, don’t make trouble, you are going to make trouble, you have his face white, if you are hit by people, you still don’t know what to say, Zhang Did the teacher steal the female toilet? Teacher Dong and Teacher Zhang’s women’s toilet meeting? Zhang Wei knows that his reputation has never been good, but there has never been such a wretched deed, and it is also about the reputation of Dong Shanshan.

"Dong Dong?"

"Dong Dong, are you in the toilet?"

The woman shouted twice and was already coming in.

At the beginning of the millennium, the third partition door of the toilet suddenly opened. There was a hand that grabbed Zhang Hao and took him in.

Zhang Hao stumbled and didn't know what was going on, he went inside.

With a bang, the door was closed, and the lock was up from the inside.

On the side of Zhang Wei, his eyes met with Dong Shanshan, who was sitting there, taking a breath, and then his face was red. Dong Shanshan may also be a little embarrassed, not blushing, but took a small movement to lick the hair of the horns to cover up.


See also the toilet

The two people on the plane have met this situation in the toilet, now come again? What is the feng shui treasure? How old is your mother tossing with it?

However, 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 骂 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨 烨Throwing a **** sanitary napkin in the sputum, and then watching Dong Shanshan, because it was in a squatting posture, the buttocks and thighs were added together, and immediately squeezed her plump meat hips more plump, white flowers came out Most of the time, the dark blue short skirt was mentioned on the waist, and it did not play a role in hiding. The black pantyhose between the two legs faded to the thigh half, like a wall, blocking it from letting Zhang Wei see it. The view to the inside.

Both of them are bungee jumping.

Dong Shanshan continued to cough and clear the throat.

Zhang Wei hurriedly reacted and twisted his head to the side.

"Mr. Dong, is that you?" The woman came in.

"It's me, are you... Zhang Han?" Dong Shanshan said to the outside.

The woman smiled and said: "Can this be heard? It is a teacher who is engaged in broadcasting work. The memory of the sound is very good. Right, you should hurry up. The medical examination is advanced to this day. Everyone is waiting in line to get on the bus. A few people are gone, the leader came over and asked me to find you."

Dong Shanshan said: "I don't feel well, or else don't wait for me."

"Don't, you have to have a physical examination. If you don't go to the next day, you have to go there yourself. It's too much trouble to reimburse anything. It's okay, but it's not too anxious. I am waiting for you." The woman stood outside and did not move.

Dong Shanshan immediately said: "You don't have to wait for me, go first, I will arrive soon."

"It doesn't matter, it's all colleagues, this is afraid of anything."

Zhang Hao is almost stunned, and my heart says that you will not come late this time. Come on, you are a minute earlier, the buddy will not enter the women’s toilet, just give it to you, think of it, Zhang Wei Subconsciously, I looked back at Dong Shanshan, but I saw that I shouldn’t have seen it. I quickly twisted my neck.

Zhang Han also chatted with her. "Is that teacher Zhang Hao is your classmate?"

"Well, a class." Dong Shanshan responded.

Zhang Handao: "He is so famous with the capital? I can't see it. He doesn't even look like a host. I have seen such a scooping host for the first time."

I rely on

Blocked my door

Are you still arranging me?

Zhang Hao endured, could not bear it, people under the eaves, and still a little arrogant eaves, the taste inside the partition is really not good news, although it is mixed with some Dong Shanshan perfume.

Dong Shanshan glared at her: "Zhang Yu is a true temperament. I dare to say anything. I dare to do anything. When I was in school, I never had so much in my heart, so everyone who likes him is special. I like people who hate him, and they hate it."

Zhang Yiyi looked up, the original school flower is this evaluation for me? Really understand me

"Yeah, I really didn't see it." Zhang Han said, then it seems to be holding his nose, because the business is a bit strange, "I still go to the toilet door waiting for you, is it alright?"

"almost done."


The footsteps drifted away and stopped at the toilet door.

People didn't go, Zhang Hao didn't dare to go out, whispered: "What should I do?"

"I will go out first, wait for us to leave, and then come out." Dong Shanshan whispered, hey, he heard the sound of pulling things away. It should be taken out of the sanitary napkin. "You consciously, don't look back."

"Yeah." Zhang Wei replied.

Later, I learned about Soso, and it was constantly moving.

There is the sound of high-heeled shoes moving, and there is the sound of sanitary napkins.

About half a minute passed, and the later Dong Shanshan said: "Okay."

Zhang Wei looked back and saw that Dong Shanshan was pulling the blue skirt short, and then pressed a switch and rushed into the water.

The atmosphere is too heavy.

Zhang Wei looked at her and really wanted to squat in the past, but did not dare.

Dong Shanshan’s charming eyes aimed at him. “I will withdraw first, and you should be careful.”

"Good." Wang Dongshan opened the partition door and went out. Zhang Hao sucked his nose again. He was afraid that blood would flow out. He saw too much today.

"Long waited, Zhang Han."

"Nothing, Teacher Dong will go."

"Okay, hey, your clothes are pretty, where do you buy them?"

"Oh, is it? My boyfriend just sent me last week."

"Then you are really happy, my other half still don't know if life is born."

The voice and footsteps of the two disappeared.

Zhang Hao exhaled, this probed the brain to look outside, quickly slipped out of the women's toilet, and returned to his office area to work.

Red line

You almost want me to die.

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