I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 227: [The first person in the world talk show? 】


One unit is designated outside the hospital.

The people of our company have come out one after another. There are men and women. In the afternoon, when the female colleagues walked for more than half an hour, the male comrades were also pulled by the bus and carried out various physical examinations. Although Zhang Wei has not been in the business for a day, it is no exception. It may be that the physical examination of the lesbians is more troublesome, and the project is one or two more, so everyone is similar when they come out.

As soon as he came out, Zhang Wei saw Dong Shanshan, and the red line on the feet of the two men was tied together. It didn't expire so quickly. However, considering the scene of the women's toilet in the afternoon, Zhang Hao didn't mean to say hello to her.

"Dong Dong." A colleague walked out, it was the colleague A Qian who was not far from Zhang Wei.

Dong Shanshan smiled back and said: "A thousand."

A thousand asked, "Are you finished checking?"

"Yeah, just finished." Dong Shanshan said.

"Let's go, I will show you the house." A thousand roads.

"Okay, then I invite you to have dinner, thank you." Dong Shanshan said.

A thousand quickly said: "You came yesterday, or I will ask you, next time you ask me again, huh, huh."

Dong Shanshan and A Qian left, but Zhang Wei saw that the school flower saw the female colleague named Zhang Han who came to the toilet in the afternoon when he was in the Aqian taxi. He immediately greeted him and talked a few times. After the sentence, it may be Dong Shanshan’s invitation, and Zhang Han went with it.

The monks took a taxi and disappeared nearby.

Zhang Jian saw that his colleagues did not talk to him, and he took a car and returned to his home.

Near the Bund.

In a high-end residential area.

Walking through the fountains and rockeries, Zhang Hao is pleasing to the eye and seeing the scenery of the community. It seems that the fatigue of the day is gone. Living in this layered environment, Zhang Wei only feels that he has changed and become a status. The stinking stream...the upper class

at home.

The temperature is a bit cold.

Shanghai does not have heating, can only open the air conditioner by himself. After opening the air conditioner and warm air, Zhang Hao went to take a shower, then went to the main bedroom and sat in front of the desk to go online. This is his daily habit. It is indispensable to watch the news on the Internet. Now Even more on the Internet TV station, it is more concerned.

Wei my video.

Internet TV channel zone.

The banner above affixed a photo of Zhang Wei, followed by a slogan - Welcome to Zhang Wei to join the network TV channel. This advertisement should be newly launched today. Yesterday, 80% was Dong Shanshan’s joining information, and it should be hanging for one day. Well, if it is the promotion of other people, maybe everyone will not care so much. After all, they can come to be the web host. They are rarely famous before. Otherwise, the authoritative department of TV station is the first choice of broadcasters. Zhang Wei is different. He just went to CCTV news two days ago. The child’s popularity and popularity have not gone too far, so this small publicity banner has also been noticed by many people.

Forums, post it, on Weibo, there are people who have taken screenshots.

"The latest news has already confirmed that Teacher Zhang Wei went to the Internet TV channel." A Weibo user named "Professional broke the news for 20 years" posted a message.

"Wow, I finally got a message from Teacher Zhang. It’s so good, I can watch the show again."

"I have been waiting for a long time. I really look forward to what column Zhang will come up with, or is it a historical lecture? A copy of "The Preaching Forum"?"

"No, this is IPTV."

"Yes, the historical programs here are not delicious."

"I thought Zhang Hao went to Shanghai TV Station. How come to Internet TV? Now the mode of fixed video recording is very hot. Is it not suitable for Zhang Wei? I am not optimistic about him anyway. He is a historical one. People who talk about history are not doing their own lives on the webcast? They are all young people. You have a limited number of people who talk about history. People are entertainment programs. How do you compare with others? Well, if you Broadcasting variety shows, forcing a field that you are not good at, it is even worse."

"Yeah, I am a bit worried."

"What will happen in the end?"

"It should be known in a few days."

Many fans are worried and see the difficulties Zhang Wei faces.

Of course, there are also black and white inside.

"Zhang Wei is not good, he has done his best, and can't get a good show."

"Yes, he also said that the three countries are still okay, the others will not work, waiting to see the jokes, Wei video is also a relatively large company in the industry, how can I ask Zhang Hao to come? This move is too bad Zhang I don’t have a face, I have a mouth that can be said, what is the use of it? How about a mouth, how can it suit the environment of Internet TV? Another partner of their website, Dong Shanshan, is very good, beautiful, sexy. This is a good chess. She should have no problem in making a show. What can Zhang Yan have?"

"How come so much black teacher?" A fan of Zhang Wei.

He posted a fan group's one person: "When can Zhang Yi teacher use common sense? You are too naive, I am very much looking forward to Teacher Zhang's new column, I believe will not be disappointed."

The same girl who posted a fan group was annoyed: "Is it just a mouth? Yes, Teacher Zhang Wei is not so handsome, not so good, but what happened? Zhang Yi started from the debut. One mouth, it used to be, and you are waiting to see it later. See how teacher Zhang Wei took a mouthful of fire all over the country. I see who you dare to put a fart again."

Before the black Zhang Wei’s humanity: “Upstairs brain powder”

The girl said: "I am Zhang's brain powder, you bite me."

There are also some news reports on the Internet that Zhang Wei has changed jobs. There are some local news media in Shanghai.

Zhang Wei joins me to video, and whether the myth can continue. The report is written in this way: In Beijing, Zhang Wei created a listening myth on the radio station, broke the history of the late night column, and quit the Beijing TV station. The new column has once again broken the ratings and ratings of similar historical lectures on local stations. It seems that no matter what the program of Zhang Wei is, it seems to be far superior to similar programs. It can even be said that no one of them can compete with him. Competition, the gap is very different, this time he jumped to the video I guess is to be a web host, I can't help but ask, can his myth continue?

Some people think it will.

Most people don't think so.

The posts of several news articles are very intense.

After watching it online for more than an hour, Zhang Wei took a cigarette and smoked it. The expectations and encouragement of the fans made him very stressed. Those who questioned him who denied him, Zhang Hao can actually understand everyone's ideas. Still shallow, not so many dazzling achievements, "Deep Night Ghost Story" is dazzling? "Hundreds of Lectures" is very good? Can't say no, compared with those long-time anchor hosts, he is much worse. The famous hosts, one person has said that they have done six or seven stalls, and the ratings are one more than one. Gao is still in the place where the national signal is covered by the TV. Zhang Hao’s achievement is still not a good thing, so many people don’t think he can still be so lucky, don’t think he can make any good programs. And his previous two columns are indeed more limited, ghost stories, history lectures, and ultimately, are not so popular.

What is the new column to choose?

This is a problem that Zhang Wei has always had a headache.

This program has to meet the requirements of the aging of Internet TV, but also has a lot of entertainment factors, to the public, the number of periods should be long to ensure the broadcast continues.

I want to think about it, it seems that only one type of program meets these elements - talk show

This is a form of entertainment culture spread from foreign countries. The late-night talk show has been in existence for more than 60 years. In foreign countries, talk shows are usually in the form of interviews and small-mouth and comedy sessions. Politics, governance, and **** are not suitable for the national conditions of the Republic. Therefore, the domestic talk show in Zhangye’s world also has a Chinese characteristic, forming a new model suitable for national conditions and ideology, but its core There is still no difference between the talk show in Europe and America.

Both are TaIT.

a host and a mouth

However, Zhang Wei has not made up his mind to talk about talk shows. It is not that he does not have this strength, but that he does not think that he can say better than the talk show master of the world. If he takes out the section of his world, there is a part of it. However, there are many paragraphs about current affairs or movies or specific novels. For example, he said, "Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway." Who can you understand? He definitely wants to delete part of it, because there are no such works and allusions at all. The paragraphs are naturally not able to laugh, and it will be a little more troublesome to do. The world also has jokes and paragraphs of the world. He believes that he can’t follow. Those who have already matured the talk show host competition, after all, Zhang Wei has not been familiar with many things in this world.

Check it out first.

Let's take a look at the show of the talk show masters here.

Zhang Wei searched for the word "talk show" in the attitude of learning, and then ... and then he stopped, the search results actually did not have the word. He did not believe in the search for TaIT, only the word was found. Chinese translation, or a separate translation of TaIk and T

After ten minutes of searching, Zhang Yucai was shocked to discover the fact that whether it is domestic or foreign, the world has not yet appeared in the form of entertainment such as talk show, online search does not have this search, nor People know what a talk show is.

Zhang Xiaole

Great, this is a big deal.

He also worried that there are too many talk show masters to compete. Now, at first glance, there is no such concern. If he created this art form, it is the Republic... No... the first person in the world talk show.


It’s it

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