I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 228: [Cohabited with the schoolgirl! 】

The format of the show is set.

Which program to use?

foreign? On domestic TV? Or on the Internet?

There are too many talk show columns in Zhang Ye's world, especially in the years before the world was revised. These kinds of programs are too popular, and there are many options. However, due to content issues, scale issues and audience population issues, they are optional. There are very few. He wants to be suitable for the broadcast form of online video, and considering that he will be the first person to propose a talk show, so he should try to first throw out one that is suitable for the country and has a more traditional taste of talk show. , And you can’t choose those pseudo talk shows to do this pioneering, then, there seems to be only one best choice.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ye has opened the interface of the game ring, and after looking at his total reputation, he said that fortunately, he had drawn the "difficulty adjustment dice" before and used these reputation points in the lottery. Now it finally comes in handy. , He bought all the remaining prestige "memory search capsules", plus the prestige that has been paid in these two days, he bought a total of ten capsules, and wanted to remember more in one breath

Throw the capsule into your mouth.

Let's start, memory search.

Zhang Ye recalled the date and time when he watched the program, and his mind and consciousness returned to that time naturally with the help of the capsule.

Phase One...


20th issue...

Why should I remember so much all at once?

The reason is that many specific allusions and paragraphs about his world cannot be used, only some general-purpose paragraphs can be used, so I must not follow the order over there, delete some and add some, so keep in mind. There is always no harm in several episodes. When the first episode is not enough, the later episodes can be added at any time. As long as the preparation is good, there will be no sense of abruptness.

Eight forty.

It's almost nine o'clock.

Zhang Ye's memory search capsule ran out, and he recovered his sobriety. He tried it in his head. Um, he memorized a total of more than 20 columns, and he didn't leave a word. Clearly, all of it was printed in his mind. Even if he was turned upside down, he could not miss a word.


The belly cried.

Zhang Ye covered his stomach, and then he felt hungry. After coming back at night, he hadn't eaten yet. During the physical examination with the hospital, he had taken blood and tossed for a long time. In addition, the program was fixed, and his body and spirit were relaxed. So the hunger becomes more obvious, and there is not much food at home. Should I go out to eat? Hey, wait, what happened to the red line? Zhang Ye looked down for his shoes and was going to go downstairs, only to see the red line on his ankle slowly changing its direction.He had been pointing to the west before. Obviously Dong Shanshan was looking at the house and renting a house in that direction, but now, the red line is unexpectedly. Point directly below yourself, because the red line can penetrate, you can see it submerged into the floor of the home

Means below?

What does this mean?

Immediately, the red line changed again, leaning a little to the east, and then slowly raising it. After a while, the red line was parallel to the floor and pointed to the doorway.

Ding dong.

Ding dong.

The doorbell was rang.

Zhang Ye walked over to the door in confusion, "Ah, Dong Shanshan?"

The one standing outside the door turned out to be a school girl, the same clothes as today, but behind him was still pulling two suitcases from Zhang Ye and her who had seen her on the plane.

Dong Shanshan plucked her hair charmingly, "What's the matter? I haven't seen you in two or three hours? Have such big eyes? You don't even know your old classmates?"

Zhang Ye said, "No, I wonder why you are here? Do you know my address?"

Dong Shanshan blinked and said, "Didn't you enter your address and phone number with the company? I have a better memory. I scanned it before it was classified and encrypted, and I remembered it." Then, she patted her suitcase. "Why? Just let the old classmate stand at the door? Don't you invite me in?"

"Please come in." Zhang Ye turned to her.

Dong Shanshan walked into the house and looked around, "Hey, is your house big enough?"

Zhang Ye also helped her take a piece of luggage into the house, "It's okay, it's a normal two-bedroom apartment."

"The city center is so good, the house is so big, at least more than 10,000 yuan a month, ha ha, you still have money." Dong Shanshan praised him.

Zhang Ye still didn't understand, "Didn't you go looking for a house?"

"I didn't see a good one." Dong Shanshan sighed and said: "The ones near the company are too expensive, and they don't have one bedroom. The cheapest two bedrooms are eight or nine thousand, and there are four or five thousand. I have to share with others. I also saw a house farther away. One-bedroom is OK, three or four thousand, but it is too far. If there is a traffic jam, it may take more than an hour or even two hours to and from work. It’s inevitable for us to work overtime at night. If we don’t get off work until night, how can we go home? It’s not safe to have a car, so it’s definitely not possible."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Are you still short of money?"

Dong Shanshan gave him a glance, pulled a napkin and wiped the fine fragrance of sweat on his forehead, dragging the box along the way may be tired, "I'm really bad money, I saved some money when I was in Xishan province, and I gave it to me. Mom and Dad, let them live a better life as much as possible, so I didn't bring many in Shanghai this time. How can it be compared to your big money? Well, you should know the family conditions of our family?"

Zhang Ye had heard about it when she was in school. She knew that her family's conditions were average and should be similar to her own, not a wealthy family, but she shouldn't be hungry. "Why don't you get some from me first?"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "You know that I borrow money from no matter how much money I spend. I always follow this rule, but... I really have to ask you something."

"What do you say." Zhang Ye said nothing.

Dong Shanshan sneered slightly, referring to his luggage, "I stayed at the express hotel yesterday, but the express hotel near here is also quite expensive, more than 300 a night, I did not renew my room when I came to work, and the luggage was stored at the front desk. When I went back after seeing the house just now, I wanted to stay for another night. As a result, there were no rooms. I was booked. I went out for a long time and didn't see any cheap hotels. Well, I can only come to harass you." She stood up and took a look at this luxuriously decorated home, "Originally, I thought I would disturb you all night, but your home is really good, the decoration and area are very good, you live alone, living in more than two bedrooms. Waste?"

Zhang Ye was stunned for a moment, "Huh? Ah, it's a waste."

Dong Shanshan's **** lips showed a smile, "Then let's take a mate, do you mind if your old classmates live here? Of course, I'm definitely not living in vain. How much is your rent? The agency fee is also flat. "

Zhang Ye subconsciously said, "Twelve thousand a month."

"It's so expensive?" Dong Shanshan smacked his lips. "Well, I'll pay four thousand. Um, all your clothes will be thrown to me in the future. I'll wash them for you."

Zhang Ye immediately said: "Where can you go, live if you want to live, this is nothing, you don't need to wash your clothes, and you don't need to pay."

Dong Shanshan made a stern face, "Then I can go?"

"Hey, look at you, what?" Zhang Ye said helplessly.

Dong Shanshan insisted: "I know you are kind, but..."

Zhang Ye also insisted, "How old are you, why are you polite with me? Anyway, I definitely can't ask for your money." Knowing that school flowers may be a little tight now, of course he has to help, and Zhang Ye is eager for Dong Shanshan is here to live, this is living with a beautiful woman

Dong Shanshan frowned, "You are boring."

"It's you who are boring." Zhang Ye brought her luggage and moved her to the second bedroom.

"This is definitely not possible." Dong Shanshan thought for a while, and Yu Sui said: "Well, I am not very rich recently. My dad is in the hospital and is seeing a doctor. I will not give you the money, but all your clothes will belong to me. , And then every day I buy groceries, I pay for the groceries, and I cook and clean the dishes, otherwise I will never accept it."

Zhang Ye raised his eyebrows with joy, "Can you still cook?"

Dong Shanshan was amused, "Look at me? Then I'll make you a taste."

"That's okay, I'm hungry and didn't eat tonight." Zhang Ye also accepted her suggestion of washing, cooking, and buying vegetables, but of course he didn't really plan to let her do the laundry.

"Okay, what do you want to eat?"

"Stuttering is fine, I am not picky."

"Then you carry my luggage, and I will go to the supermarket downstairs to buy some food."

nine thirty.

Dong Shanshan didn't change clothes when she came back from buying vegetables. He pulled out an apron from the suitcase and put it on, went straight to the kitchen and closed the door. When she came out again, she had two dishes in her hand, one of which was fried. The chicken wings were sprinkled with pepper sprouts. One plate was stuffed with prawns. There was no water in it. They were braised in oil. They smelled particularly fragrant and looked very beautiful in color.

"Try it." Dong Shanshan believes.

Zhang Ye was so gluttonous, he picked up his chopsticks and ate, "Uh, uh, it's delicious"

The bell rang, Dong Shanshan's phone rang, and she turned her head to Zhang Ye and said, "Don't talk." Then she picked up and smiled: "Hey, mom."

Mother Dong over there said: "Are you asleep?"

Dong Shanshan said: "Did not sleep, how is my dad?"

"I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, it is pneumonia, nothing is wrong." Dong's mother said: "Did you work well with there? Have you found a place to live?"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said, "I found it. It's near the Bund, very close to the company."

Mother Dong said in surprise: "The house prices there are so expensive, why are you so lavish?"

Dong Shanshan pointed his finger at the fried chicken wings and motioned to Zhang Ye to try this dish. He said to his mobile phone, "No, I live in an old classmate's house, so I don't need to spend any money."

Mother Dong said with caution: "Men's and women's?"

"Of course it's a woman." Dong Shanshan said nonsense without drafting.

Mother Dong said, "That's good, remember to thank others."

Dong Shanshan said leisurely: "Thanks, our sisters are having supper. She is going to work early tomorrow, and she will go to bed early today. I won't talk about it now, mom.

Seeing that the phone was hung up there, Zhang Ye was embarrassed, and said to his heart that these beauties he met had a little mouth. , There is a lot of damage, and the mouth of the school flower is not a truth

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