I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 229: [What is a talk show? 】


The alarm sounded and the sky was bright.

Zhang Hao kicked the soft down quilt and turned off the alarm. It was still a little sleepy. He turned over and continued to stay in bed, no matter whether he was late for work or not.

The bedroom door was knocked.

"Zhang Wei."


"It's time to get up, hurry up."

"Know it, sleep for a while."

The door is not locked, the outside Dong Shanshan came in, a professional attire, dressed up today is a white-collar OL style, but the heavy red lip gloss and face makeup, it seems that no matter what clothes, she shows all **** The shape of the route is very bumpy.

Dong Shanshan pushed him, "All breakfast is done."

There was a burst of aroma in the cracks in the door, as if it had been porridge.

Zhang Yan’s eyes screamed and sucked, sucking his nose. “So fragrant?”

"You can't afford to eat it." After that, Dong Shanshan went out of the house and closed the door to him.

Zhang Yiyi stretched out, quickly dressed and got out of bed, thinking that just Dong Shanshan called the bed... called him to get up, it felt like a little daughter-in-law called her husband, and Zhang Zhang also felt itchy in her heart, thinking that she would not be in the future. The alarm is ringing, waiting for the school flower to call the bed every day.

In the living room, Dong Shanshan is taking the dishes.

"Good morning." Zhang Hao said hello, went to the bathroom, he saw that there was a cup next to his brushing cylinder, a purple toothbrush was inserted inside, and the side of the head was covered with more towels. Three new ones, filled with some facial cleansing skin care products, such as Zhang Wei, did not know the gadgets, and even a pack of pink sanitary napkins also thrown beside the paper, are Dong Shanshan.

This is really a constant stay.

Very good, every day I can see the beauty of the eye-catching beauty walking around in front of me, and the beauty is still cooking and cooking, is there a happier than this?

Living with school flowers?

Now think about Zhang Wei, I still feel incredible.

After washing, Dong Shanshan has already begun to eat, and has not waited for him.

Zhang Hao opened the chair and sat down. When he thought about it, he got up and went to the bedroom to get something. When he came out, he had a key in his hand. "This is the key to the house, the spare one."

"Good." Dong Shanshan took it and put it in, "Come on."

"Well." Zhang Wei drank a porridge, and said that it was delicious, very supportive.

Dong Shanshan smiled very charmingly. "Look at your expression, do you want to be so exaggerated? Although I don't have a good meal, I don't have much to eat. It's just a few dishes."

Zhang Wei encouraged: "No, it is delicious."

Dong Shanshan was full. "Then I went to work first. Don't leave."

"I understand, let's go first." Zhang said. The two people living together must not let the unit colleagues know that the influence of the public is not good, and the wind is rumored.

When he left, Dong Shanshan waved his hand. "See you in a few moments. Right, when the tableware is finished, you throw it in the pool and come back to brush at night."

The door is closed and the people are gone.

Suddenly, Zhang Yan’s wrist was awkward. This feeling is very familiar. It was the feeling of paralysis when the red line was tied yesterday. It actually appeared again. He couldn’t help but look down and the bright red line on his foot suddenly trembled. The bar slammed and broke. The red line evaporated with the air, and it became a red glow. There was nothing left in the blink of an eye. The only thing left was the system ring of the game ring: [⊥ line has expired].

Fortunately, it lasted for a long time.

Zhang Wei is still very satisfied with this item on the red line. Although his marriage match with Dong Shanshan only keeps the red line for less than a day, but these times are all on the cutting edge. The marriage between the two is really true. Obviously squatting together, the toilet thing, coming to his house to stay, not only let him and the school flower psychologically close some relationship, but also close the distance in the living, it is separated by a living room, so 淙Looking at it, the effect of the red line is really too obvious. Zhang Wei believes that if he did not tie the marriage of the two people with the red line yesterday, Dong Shanshan would definitely not come to his house last night, and he would not live often. I am afraid I found the house early last night. After all, Shanghai is so big, there are so many houses, and it is definitely a good place to find a suitable and cost-effective place. Even if it can't be found in a short time, the hotel should be stored in Dongshan. They will not all be booked in the room, which is all about the effectiveness of red line manufacturing.

And there is another point. Even if the red line is broken now, it will be invalid, but the "war fruit" that has fallen before will not fail. Dong Shanshan must still live here.

Good thing

There is one left, use it later.

After eating a good meal, Zhang Hao closed the door and went to work.

Wei my headquarters.

Internet TV department office area.

Zhang Hao’s time for punching the card was exactly 8:55. He was late for a few minutes. When he walked to his seat, he heard someone talking to Dong Shanshan.

A thousand attentively said: "I will help you see the house at night."

"No, hehe, there is already a place to live, thank you." Dong Shanshan pulled out some special products from the bag and handed it to him. "I brought it from home, you take some."

A thousand was stunned: "That is not suitable."

"You are always looking at the house with me, and finally let you treat the meal, I am still embarrassed, just hold it, there is not much money." Dong Shanshan pushed him.

A thousand happy said: "Okay, yes, where are you living?"

"I am?" Dong Shanshan said when he opened his mouth. "Looking at the nearby rent is too expensive. It is inconvenient to go too far. I will live with my relatives."

Xiao Yu, who is next to the table, also came over. "You have relatives here?"

Dong Shanshan nodded. "Yeah, I am a cousin. I have been in Shanghai for several years."

The female colleague Zhang Handao said: "If you live in a relative's family, you can still take care of each other. Otherwise, it is all troublesome if you share the rent, and it is not safe. Shanshan, when you are not at home when your cousin is not at home, go to your house to be a guest?" Yesterday, when I went to the toilet to find Dong Shanshan, I also called Dong, who changed her name today. Obviously, the relationship is close. When I was looking for a house last night, Zhang Han was accompanying him.


Going home?

Zhang Yan’s foot was about to sit down, almost squatting.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "Well, what day, but certainly not in the near future, my sister rarely travels." This scorpion gave a far-off.

Working time is up.

Everyone is busy.

Zhang Wei’s work is already familiar with the situation, and no one has assigned him a task. He is sitting on the computer, but he is not idle. No one arranges things, he does it himself, so he is on the computer. I built a document and started to prepare the column plan.

What is the name?

What program name is right?

Knocking on the keyboard and thinking about it, Zhang Wei denied the names of several domestic talk shows in his world. What is the show after 8 o'clock tonight? What kind of show is in the week? Zhang Wei has criticized the orthodox talk show in Europe and America. Name, Zhang Yuxiu? It’s not good. After all, it’s the first talk show in the world. If you omit the words, others can’t understand what it means, or the full name.

It’s called Zhang Wei’s talk show.

Yes, this is good, at a glance

Because Zhang Wei is a talk show fan in his world, old-fashioned, and he is also a professional broadcaster, so he is very familiar with the talk show. It only took more than an hour to plan the column. However, including the layout of the venue, the size of the audience, equipment requirements, funding applications, and so on, he has listed them in detail, and they feel very beautiful.

Over there, A Qian came back from the outside. His position in the Internet TV department is a full-time column planning, including Xiao Yu. Many new columns are planned and produced.

A Qian first found Dong Shanshan, "Mr. Shanshan, the planning case we talked about yesterday, I showed it to the leader. He said yes, let us start preparations."

Dong Shanshan blinked: "The plan for the "Network Talent Show"?"

"Yes, that's it. The previous trick was not to discuss veto." A thousand.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "It’s good to approve it. Now this kind of program is quite hot. Let’s borrow a Dongfeng, but the implementation is still to be considered. Those who are not good enough to find it?”

Xiao Yuxiaohe said: "Looking for it, collecting it online, don't register too much, and it doesn't necessarily have to be a certain person. Some other funny things can be, like I know, someone Can put a dozen or so fars in a row, this is also considered a person, and it is very eye-catching, anyway, our network TV scale can be slightly larger, can be opened than the TV show."

Dong Shanshan nodded. "Well, then start preparing."

"Cheng, planning and implementation, you hand it over to us, team members, I will help you think about it." A Qian is very good.

"That will bother you." Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "When the show is made, I invite everyone to eat."

talent show?

Is there already here?

Zhang Wei is no stranger. Although he has never seen such programs in this world, it is obviously similar. His world has long had this type of column. Zhang Wei has some regrets. I thought about what kind of column is there in the world. After I finished the talk show, I can make a big impact. I moved all the programs on his side, but now I think... that’s what I want. Just thinking about it, some programs, the entertainment environment here has also appeared early, it is impossible to have nothing. After all, the humanities and society are almost the same, there will be no difference, Zhang Hao does not have too many such holes to drill, there are A talk show has not appeared in this social history. He has already hit the big luck and burned incense. Don't think about other things. Let's study it later. Moreover, there may be some columns in this world, even Zhang Wei, which the world does not have, so there are different things on both sides, and Zhang Yi needs to explore it step by step.

Don't want that much

Let's make the form of talk show bigger first.

Zhang Wei began typing and continued to modify the planning on the computer.

At this time, A Qian, who had finished talking with Dong Shanshan, hesitated to look at Zhang Wei, or came over and smiled: "Mr. Zhang, hello, I am the second group of our department planning, you call me Thousands are on the line." Regardless of income or social status, the bottom-level column planning like A Qian Xiaoyu is definitely a little lower than the host. The level of the job itself is not comparable, so it is very polite to speak to Zhang Wei. . Of course, there is another reason, that is, Zhang Wei’s temper that they seem to be “not easy to get along with”, and talking to Zhang Wei, A Qian is also a bit worried, afraid that if he doesn’t say a word, he will swear, he will do it. Planning work is definitely not a job of presiding, people are eating by mouth.

What about Zhang Wei? He is excited

Someone in the colleague finally talked to himself.

Zhang Wei almost burst into tears. In the department these days, except for the school flower, a colleague who talked to him did not, so that this feeling is to play a single game in your mother, so you can see Zhang Wei’s look. People can temporarily do not need anyone, even communication, but after all, people are still living in the society of animals, long-term loss of social activities and exchanges, it will kill people.

Zhang Yiyi grasped his hand. "Hello, A thousand."

A thousand shocked, I sweat, you are too enthusiastic, "Hey, hello." Seeing this scene, his attitude towards Zhang Wei has also changed a bit, not so empty, "just me Going to the office of the deputy director of the king to apply for the program to Mr. Shanshan, then the last leader asked me if there is any good idea in your column. I don’t know how to answer it. Later, the leader asked me to call you when I was eleven. After that, he will come back after the meeting."

Zhang Wei looked at the watch. "Also faster, Cheng, then I will go there."

A thousand 眨 巴 巴 巴, "Do you have any thoughts on the show? Originally I wanted to talk to you about the new column yesterday, but I heard people say that you are not the same as the teacher of Shanshan, the above is to plan the column to All the work done to the host is handed over to you alone?"

Zhang Yan said, "The contract says yes."

A thousand bitter smiles: "You are too enviable. Generally, new network hosts, even if they have some fame, will not let the host plan their own columns. They all have to discuss it, or simply Just looking for a suitable column from the planning case, you are so free, I really heard about it for the first time." After he paused, he said: "But it is not surprising, I have seen you specially. The "Hundreds of Lectures" is really great. I can combine historical knowledge and fun, and integrate so well. I heard that the column is what you planned. There is also a creative advertisement that saves electricity. You plan to supervise the system? You are a master in planning this, and it is much better than us. Otherwise, the leader can’t give me the responsibility of planning the column, so I didn’t dare to take the liberty yesterday. Dare to make a big axe." He rounded out and saw that he wanted to have a good relationship with Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei still remembers that the man who was taken away by his own human resources yesterday and A Qian, they knew each other, and talked with them about the sky, but now, looking at the status of A Qian, the relationship with that person is also the case. I can speak up, but it doesn't matter.

Zhang Wei was very beautiful. "You can't say that. I am professional and engaged in broadcasting. I am a ticket-player and can't compare with you."

Touting each other.

This is called chatting.

Xiaoyu saw that A Qian actually had more speculation with the spectacle in the line. He also sweated a bit and went through the opportunity. "Mr. Zhang, long-awaited your name, everyone called me Xiaoyu. Or call me the English name CA..." When he said that he suddenly remembered that Zhang Wei was an angry youth, he was busy changing his voice: "Call me to be a child, I am also a group planning person."

"Hello." Zhang Wei shook hands with him.

Both of them are also very young, and the monks should be about the same size.

The monks chatted, not long after, Dong Shanshan was busy with things and made up a mess, joined their idleness, talked about the atmosphere of laughter.

"Hey." Xiaoyu looked at the watch, "11 o'clock."

Zhang Hao got up. "Then I will go find the leader first. Right, how do I print it? I want to take the plan to the deputy director Wang to take a look."

A thousand surprised: "You are all done?"

Zhang Weidao: "Yes, I just got it."

"I sweat, so fast?" A Qian is a little dizzy, but there is no point, helping Zhang Wei to print out a copy of the computer.

Dong Shanshan and Xiao Yu also curiously came over and looked at them.

The other words are too small, they didn't see it clearly, but the title saw it.

Zhang Wei talk show? What is this? The monks sneaked without exception, did not respond, what to take off? What is this column? Dancing?

Deputy Director's Office.

Zhang Hao knocked on the door, "Leader."

"Come in." Wang Xiong seems to have just returned from the meeting. He is telling an employee to explain the task, see the person coming, smile, "Small Zhang, sit down." Wait until the account is good, the employee closes the door after leaving, Wang Xiong said: "I am looking for you to ask you about the new column. Although I know that a good column needs long-term planning and preparation, our current Internet TV traffic is not very optimistic. It has been falling for several months and lost. With less market share, you should be able to feel the clicks on the website programs, so you have dug you and Dong Shanshan, and want to make two new columns to compete with other Internet TV stations. It is also very urgent."

Zhang Wei from the channel: "Leader, I understand, so I took all the time to make a column plan, you passed the goal, give pointers." He took out a few sheets of paper.

Wang Xiong was very surprised. "Well? Are you all done? Good, very good." Before I saw Zhang Wei’s posture, I thought he didn’t work hard, and wanted to beat it. The result is that everyone wants to be so heart-warming. After finishing the planning, this kind of employee Wang Xiong is very fond of it. Compared with the kind of employee who has taken a stick to take a step forward, this kind of leader has not said that the other party has already prepared for the rainy day, naturally Flattering

"I look." Wang Xiong took it.

Zhang Wei is sitting in the mountains of Taishan.

Not looking at a few eyes, Wang Xiong is dumbfounded.

"Talk show?"


"What is a talk show?"

"It is TaIT."

"What is TaIT?"

"It's a talk show."

Wang Xiong: "..."

Your sister, I am telling you a tongue twister? ?

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