I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 230: [Nobody is optimistic! 】

Wang Xiong read the rest of the planning case.

Sitting opposite Zhang Weidao: "The talk show is the transliteration of TaIT. As for why it is called this, um, it is the name I just casually. The form is just a fusion of current events to make some paragraphs for the audience, such as songs, such as Movies, such as some of the hot news in the community, can be used to make some interesting paragraphs and laugh at the audience. Well, that's the way it is."

Wang Xiong looked at him and seemed to confirm whether he was joking with himself. When he saw Zhang’s serious eyes, he said without words: "Isn’t that a lecture program? At most, it’s added news. Attributes, adding some current events to the audience?"

Zhang Hao waved his hand and knew that he still didn't understand. "It's not a lecture, it's not news. In fact, the core selling point of this column is funny. It is the main purpose for everyone to relax and relax. As for the current news used in the talk show, the authenticity is actually It doesn't matter, online rumors can even be taken casually, catching the wind and catching shadows, twisting history, you can care, it is funny."

"That is similar to the variety show? Several hosts invited the guests to continue to spoof the spit? To achieve a funny effect?" Wang Xiong asked.

Zhang Hao shook his head. "No, I am a moderator. It is different from the traditional variety show that you said. I don't even need to invite guests. I don't need any help from outsiders. Just give me dozens of viewers. Don't spoof, don't play games, just listen to me."

"you alone?"


"Listen to your jokes?"


"Isn't that a stand-up comedy?"

"It's not the same. Stand-up comics have a theme. The talk show is basically not very thematic, and it is also a kind of directional theme. It is not clear, and there is no head or tail, that is, the paragraph is stitched up, with The stand-up crosstalk is very different."

Zhang Wei, a famous talk show artist in the world, once said that when he first started a talk show, the cross talks did not fall, but he could go back and say that the cross talk was performed because he was familiar with the talk show. Later, he adjusted and found the trick, and then he could talk about talk shows and talks, so it can be seen here that the two art forms are not a concept at all.

Wang Xiongdao: "It may be my eyes. I have never heard of such a program. Is there a new form of this kind in foreign countries?"

Zhang Wei replied: "Not yet."

"What do you mean by your own creation?" Wang Xiong touched his forehead.

Zhang Hao nodded. "Yes, I am confident that I will do this program well."

Wang Xiong looked down at the planning case again and silenced it for a long time before he said to him: "Xiao Zhang, I don't believe in your level, but this kind of program is too different, too. You think the audience can accept it. Anyway, I look at the plan like this, I can't accept it, countless jokes, these can hold up a column? Impossible, there are some stories in the past, and there are some story columns, telling a story, telling a joke, but the facts It proves that the limitations of such programs are too big to hold the audience. There is no such attraction. It is ok to tell jokes, but it is good to talk about it occasionally like a variety show. But all the time, all the time is telling jokes, the whole column. They are all piled up in jokes. How do you let others see it? You have to be impatient when you look at the half-time."

Zhang Wei smiled bitterly. "Leader, I said, talk show is not just a joke, but has his own art form and artistic charm."

"I can't approve this column plan." Wang Xiong vetoed.

Zhang Wei immediately said: "I have really been preparing for a long time, I have the confidence and ability to take it..."

Wang Xiong interrupted. He confirmed his judgment and said: "If this kind of program is not as good as you go to talk about history, even if the audience has some limitations in age, at least it will not go to the sword. You are now calling this. Show, too far from the door, can't fire."

Zhang Wei said: "Affirmation of fire"

Wang Xiong looked at him. "Change another one?"

"I insist on this column." Zhang Wei is very determined. "You may feel that the audience in the form of a talk show may not accept it. It doesn't matter. I can try a few times. Let's see the effect of the program. If it doesn't work, the audience will not. If you buy it, you can cut it off."

Wang Xiong frowns, "You are so confident?"

"Yes." Zhang Wei calmly said: "I have never been so confident."

Wang Xiong has seen a lot of moderators or column planners who have been rejected. They have made a column plan, they are definitely what they like and they think they can be popular, so they are submitted. Every time Wang Xiong vetoes, the other party will be reasonable. Strive for, the mood will not be very good, will continue to tell Wang Xiong how good their new column, how excited, and anxious, belongs to the authorities. However, Zhang Wei’s reaction made Wang Xiong more look at him, because he was not so excited, and even seemed calm, but simply told Wang Xiong that his program would definitely be.

The hand patted the planning case, Wang Xiong gently said: "This way, you are not a newcomer in the column and advertising planning, but also made a very dazzling achievement, so the company dared to let you develop the column yourself, if you don't I am willing, I can send the plan to the above, you go back and wait for the news."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Wang." Zhang Wei did not say much, opened the door.

When he left, Wang Xiong took the documents directly to find the top leader. The core of the Internet TV department is the network column, which is the most important part of their department. Therefore, especially the new columns are determined and approved. Responsible.


Zhang Wei did not go back to the office area, but went to the bathroom first, took a few faces with cold water, and took photos in the mirror, a little tangled.

What if they don't pass?

What if they think that the talk show is not working?

A brand new column, many people are not courage to do, because they will think, if such programs can be fired, why did other TV stations not think why not do it? Ideological consciousness is very conservative, so instinctively has a resistance to new things. The more people work, the more conservative people are. But this world is probably only known to Zhang Yi. The art form of talk show is really fire, and it is a big fire. Special fire, killing at home and abroad, some people can't sleep without watching a talk show on weekend nights.

How can I tell them?

Tell them that they are another world, my world talk show is very hot? This art form has been confirmed by the market?

Who is trusting?

Can't say that?

Ten minutes later, Zhang Hao came out of the bathroom and returned to the office area.

On the face of A Qian, I saw Zhang Yan and said: "Mr. Zhang, I am looking for you. Just the Secretary of the Secretary told you to go upstairs to her office. It may be a program."

"Good." Zhang Wei went.

Outside the door, he knocked on the door.

There was Feng Guiqin’s voice inside, "Please come in."

When Zhang Hao pushed the door into the house, I saw that there were four or five people on the sofa. They were surrounded by a table to see Zhang Wei’s plan. There was a director Feng Guiqin’s director, and Wang Xiong, and several other people, Zhang Wei. I have seen it before, but it should also be the department leader.

"Xiao Zhang, you are also sitting." Feng Guiqin pointed to the small sofa next to him, then shook his hand in the file, "This is your new column?"

Zhang Wei sits firm, "Yes."

Feng Guiqin observed the people on both sides. "Do you see it?"

A middle-aged humanity: "I am very disappointed with the truth. What is this so-called disguise? I don't see a bit of core selling points and attractiveness. Hiring Zhang Hao over a high salary is actually focusing on his column planning ability and eloquence, but this one. Planning is very boring, I see that it is not necessary."

Wang Xiong said to Zhang Wei, "Old Gu, not as bad as you said, just not too good."

The leader of Lao Gu said: "It can be far from what I expected. "Hundreds of Lectures," but I have seen the best history lectures."

Another man in his thirties pushed his glasses and threw down the plan in his hand. He said: "The bigger the expectation, the bigger the disappointment. I am not optimistic about this talk show. What can a joke column mean? Some people may feel good at a glance, but it is impossible to maintain long-term attention. Even many viewers will not look at it. Isn't it a plagiarism on the Internet? What technical content can this be? Copyright is also a problem. In case, if the people identify us to plagiarize and then go to court, what should the negative impact be?"

Zhang Wei explained: "It is not plagiarism. My paragraphs must be new."

Old Gudao: "How many new paragraphs can you make alone? How many periods can you support? And even if you don't say this, your program itself is flawed."

The man in his thirties said: "The most important thing is where is the attraction of this show? No guys, no beauty, you don’t need to be jokes. Are you jokes on the Internet? Why are you coming to listen to you? Program? I am right, Zhang Hao?"

Still right?

For you - big-ye

The two of you, my sentence, are all negative.

Finally, the man said: "We are right?"

Zhang Wei was annoyed and took out a very deep sentence in memory. It was the words of Feng Xiaogang’s director who directed the review of the show’s mouthful criticism during the Spring Festival evening. Zhang Wei said to the two people: “Leader’s I will definitely listen and affirmatively, but if you don’t let me say that you can’t say this, you can’t deny the basic judgment of an art worker.”

Old Gu frowned, "You are not convinced?"

"Okay, I don't say a few words." Feng Guiqin said: "I am not optimistic about this kind of column that has never preceded the precedent, but the reason is that I can't judge whether the column is good or bad, because it is the first case, the whole world. I don’t have any experience in this kind of column. I can see this. I can try it out, but only for one issue. I will record it for the first time. If the viewing rate is not even 500,000, then If you don't live, the column must be cut off."

Old Gudao: "Director, no need to try it?"

The man said: "And it's also a waste of resources. The venue layout and advertising are all worth the money."

Feng Guiqin said: "So I will try one, always give some opportunities for young people who dare to innovate. Just set it, Xiao Zhang, are we waiting to see your achievements?"

Zhang Xin was moved. He didn't expect the top leader to actually agree. "You can rest assured that I won't let you down."


As long as he dares to let him go up, he can let everyone look at it with a big eye. What is a talk show?

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