I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 231: [My name is Zhang Wei, I speak for myself! 】


Unit canteen.

At the time of eating, people in the Internet TV department of twos and threes sat down to eat together, during which time they discussed the topic of Zhang Xin’s new column.

"Hey, have you heard that?"

"What have you heard?"

"What is Zhang Xin’s new column?"

"Hey, I want to say it, I heard it."

"What is the situation? What happened to the new teacher Zhang?"

"He submitted a new column plan. You know, he is different from the general host. It is the leader who approves that he can plan the column himself. As a result, you guess what column he made? Don't guess, you must guess No, because the country... No, because there are no such columns in the world, Zhang Wei has made a thing called a talk show, that is, a person speaking on the stage to the audience, I am wondering, this kind of As long as the program is an IQ person, you know that you won’t look at it if you don’t look good. Even those interviews, at least, there must be a guest. He seems to have not set up the guest, he said.

"Get it, don't swear."

"How is it? It is true."

"The "Hundreds of Lectures" is Zhang Wei's participation in the planning? The quality of the program is very good, an experienced old planner, how can you make such a low-level mistake?"

"You still don't believe?"

"Lao Zhang, I testify, that's true."

"Yeah, many people now know the so-called talk show, and it is incredible that the leadership has actually approved it. It seems that Zhang Wei tried it once. If the click rate is not enough, it will be cut. It’s strange leadership. How can I be allowed to be so mad?"

"Just let him try one, this shows the attitude of the leadership, they are certainly not optimistic, or at least have to broadcast a dozen or so, not so fast cut the column."

"Oh, I don't know what Zhang Jian thinks."

"He is finished. When the show comes out, the reputation accumulated in the past is completely ruined."

"Yes, what else is it to keep the myth of viewing? This show is broadcast, I think he can't even keep the job."

"I saw that he was a slap in the face, nothing really."

The discussion continued, and everyone used the word "talk show" as a discussion after a meal.


Zhang Wei is back for dinner.

Dong Shanshan had already sat at her desk. After seeing the old classmates, she looked up and said immediately: "What do you really want to get that talk show?"

Zhang Yiyi, "Of course."

A Qian also pays attention to it, and laughs and laughs: "Mr. Zhang, what is your column? Too... too innovative?" He said it was more euphemistic.

Zhang Wei has answered this question too many times today, and has not explained it again. Hehe smiled: "You will know when you look at it."

Dong Shanshan asked: "Is the program fixed?"

Zhang Weidao: "It will be fixed, I will record it next week, and I will hand in the venue requirements."

A Qian and Xiao Yu looked at each other and did not say much. They are actually not optimistic about Zhang Wei’s column, talk show? What is that

Dong Shanshan yelled at him, "Zhang Wei, look at the Internet."

"Online? What do you mean?" Zhang Wei asked.

"You will know when you go up." Dong Shanshan pointed to his computer screen.

Zhang Wei sat in front of his computer and moved the mouse. He realized that he did not know who revealed the internal news. There were several online reports from the media.

Zhang Wei, a man who has been stunned by arrogance

"We have taken a step of stinking chess, Zhang Wei took a step back."

"It's a pity that I have always been very optimistic about Zhang Wei, but according to internal news, Zhang Wei's new program turned out to be a unique column - talk show. As for the talk show, I don't know the truth, listen to the source. Zhang Wei’s column is that a person tells a joke on the stage. The audience listens. I can’t help but ask, what happened to Zhang Wei? Is the past performance making him too bloated? How can there be such a bizarre idea? Is there anyone to watch the show? Is it still going to be broadcast next week?"

When a few news came out, people who were concerned about Zhang Wei suddenly became stunned.

"No way?"

"Is it fake news?"

"So many people have broken the news, it must be true."

"I rely on it, history is OK, how can Zhang Wei go to tell jokes?"

"I can see it. Zhang Wei is famous for his luck. He doesn't understand anything at all. He is finished, and his reputation is completely ruined."

"It's still too young."

"Not only young, but also arrogant"

"There are no such similar columns in the world. Do you have to do it? You are not funny, you are smart, others are fools? Really, if there are good programs, no one will do it?"

One side of the Internet is full of buzz and doubt

Even the voice inside the Zhangye fan group appeared.

A new person who just joined the fan group: "You left to play, I retired. I was joke on the joke website. Would you like to hear from you?"

The other is also a newcomer. "What is Zhang Zhang doing? I have retired."

"What can I tell you about a joke? Is there a separate program? Isn't this necessary? Teacher Zhang, I still support you, can you change a show?" A fan.

A small bar owner is very unsatisfied: "Mr. Zhang must have his own ideas."

The man replied: "Is there any idea, this program is completely boring, I don't want to watch it, talk show? I am speechless."

a piece of geology

There are still some people who have been black and stunned. They are not free to take the opportunity to jump out and open the shackles.

Turning off the webpage, Zhang Wei laughed, maybe he didn't say the true value of the talk show, tell jokes? To be so simple, the talk show is not likely to be popular in his world. How could it be so simple, but Zhang Wei did not explain it. It is useless to say anything now. What he has to do is to produce a score and answer sheet. Tell them all about the charm of talk show

Dong Shanshan turned too far. "Is the pressure so great?"

"Pressure?" Zhang Wei spread his hands. "I don't think at all. They are willing to swear, I don't want to explain, let's talk on the show."

Dong Shanshan blinked: "Is there such confidence?"

Zhang Xiaoxiao does not speak, the answer is certainly yes.

Is "Hundreds of Lectures" good? Is the program excellent? One of the satellite channels of CCTV is broadcast nationwide. The highest rating of the first phase is about 00. Because of the wide coverage, it is definitely not the same as the local audience. The national coverage of TV channel 06 is already a comparison. Amazing ratings, but compared to his talk show in the world, the ratings of the "100 Lectures" are simply not available, ranking the top two talk shows in the country, the top ranked talk show on average The rate is nearly double the highest rating of the "Hundreds of Lectures". The second-ranked talk show, the highest ratings of the "Baizhu Forum" can also be compared with the average ratings of the program. Can barely reach

A big difference

Since the 100 forums can be fired in this world, what are the reasons for the talk show to be unsuccessful? In this regard, Zhang Wei has never had any doubts.


A woman walked in. "Mr. Zhang Wei, Teacher Dong Shanshan, your program has been set. The leader has ordered you to record a publicity video for you today, about twenty seconds. Let's go first."

Dong Shanshan said, "Okay."

A thousand words: "I will go too."

Xiao Yu volunteered, "I also help."

Zhang Wei and the past, "Promo film? The show has not been done, how to make a film?"

"You may not know." Xiao Yu explained: "The most important thing about our network TV promo is to introduce the anchor, and then mention the name of the program. Let everyone know the anchor and know the broadcast. Time, not as detailed as the TV station, in general, the video will be broadcast after some of our website's Internet TV section. In accordance with the usual practice, we will invite several webmasters of our department to record the video together, then Broadcasting behind their programs is also a gesture. If the popularity is good, please invite all the network hosts of our company. Our industry is responsible for this."

Zhang Yiyi said, "Is it still necessary to be popular?"

Xiao Yu smiled, "Yeah, because they are all free promotional videos, basically friendship endorsements, so if the popularity is not good, there will be fewer people who may help endorsements."

Zhang Wei knows that he has a bad relationship and he has not expected it.

There are not many people in the company who care about him. Now there is a questioning and buzzing on the Internet and inside the company. They are not optimistic about his new column. Who will help him endorse it?

Passing through two young people on the road, they are very handsome.

"Hey? Shanshan teacher, what is this going to?" A young man smiled.

Dong Shanshan showed a **** smile and said: "Han teacher, teacher Gong, just came back to eat? I am going to record the promo, it seems to be done today."

Teacher Gong glanced, then smiled. "Hey, then you don't tell us early, it's okay, it's not too late, we will help you to advocate."

Dong Shanshan said: "Is it too much trouble for you?"

Zhang Yiyi knows that the two are also the company's web host.

The teacher Han also waved: "No trouble, no effort, you are sure to help you, you don't care, I will call a few other host friends, I will definitely give you a favor."

Dong Shanshan gratefully said: "That's a thank you, I am doing this."

Teacher Gong laughed happily. "Don't worry, our department can rarely host newcomers, and they are still hosted by beautiful women. You are all willing to help you speak for you."

Beauty is a good person.

basement one.

Studio area.

For better sound insulation, studios such as recording and broadcasting are built underground.

In the entry-number recording area, Zhang Wei found that there is no difference between the facilities here and the TV station. It is very luxurious, professional and equipped.

The middle-aged woman may be a professional promotional film in the department. After calling everyone in, he gave Dong Shanshan a copy of the manuscript, "Do you record first?"

"Well, I will follow this and say it?" Dong Shanshan said.

The middle-aged woman smiled and said: "Yes, it is some propaganda."

After Gong and Han’s teacher came in, they might have made a few phone calls. Then, there were three or four network hosts, three men and one woman, all of whom were in an office area, but the seats were not squatting. Zhang Hao has also seen them, no stranger.

Dong Shanshan quickly thanked him.

"You're welcome, little things."

"Yes, Dong’s busyness is of course busy."

"It’s all colleagues, it’s okay to take care of each other. When I first came, I also helped everyone to promote, family."

The three web hosts are very beautiful.

There are seven or eight staff members in the room, some are lighting, and some are playing with cameras.

The middle-aged women met the staff and they all said, "Let's get started."

A girl used to make makeup for Dong Shanshan, and then she began to record her promo. I first said a paragraph and said about my own column. Then the network hosts went up one by one. Some people introduced Dong Shanshan, some praised it, and others praised her program. In fact, the program has not been recorded yet. Where can I see the effect of the program? However, if you endorse publicity, you have to say it well.

It took an hour to get it done.

The sweat of Dong Shanshan’s body is very hot. “Thank you all. At night, Zhang and I will treat you for dinner. You must have a face.”

Zhang Wei?

You and him treat you?

Then Dong Shanshan said in a timely manner: "Mr. Zhang Wei is a college student, a class, and has always had a very good relationship. Zhang Wei has to record a promotional film this time. Can you give him a speech?"

Zhang Yucai understands that school flowers are knowing that their popularity is not good, please don’t come, and want to help yourself. It’s also very moving.

Others also know why Dong Shanshan said that she and Zhang Wei have been treated together, but Zhang Wei is busy, they really don’t want to help, no, or can’t help them to hear about the talk show, if Without this, it would be nothing to give Dong Shanshan and Zhang Wei a face. After all, it is a colleague of a unit. What happened to help? However, the talk show has long been evaluated as a junk program. Now all the people in the unit and even the people on the Internet can be jealous. At this time, let them come to endorse Zhang Wei? Boast him? Praise his show? This is not to dig the pits and let them jump. They are all afraid to bury themselves in it. When the Zhangye talk show is aired, they don’t even have to wait for the broadcast. The snoring may spread to themselves, who will let them Endorsement

Teacher Gong hesitated: "This, I still have a job. I have been dragging it for an hour. I have to go back. I am still catching up with the new issue today."

"me too."

"No need to treat, little busy, I will go first."

"Mr. Zhang, I am sorry, I am working a little bit over there."

Several people have euphemistically rejected.

The middle-aged women in charge of this piece looked at them with a sly look. "Several teachers, would you like to help? If you don't speak, you can't record it?"

A few people did not say anything.

Dong Shanshan had no choice but to look at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei smiled at her, then turned to the woman and said: "Big sister, I don't have to speak for others." Then strode to the light, no makeup, directly said: "Start recording."

Women stunned: "Do you record yourself?"

Zhang Hao nodded. "Yes, no endorsement."

At this time, outside Wang Xiong came in, probably came to inspect, just heard Zhang Hao's words, can not help but push the door in with interest.


"General Wang."

"Director Wang."

Eight or nine people have said hello.

Wang Xiong smiled and said: "Busy you, I will take a look."

The woman looked at Zhang Wei again, and the gaze of the inquiry took a bitter smile until she was surely confirmed from Zhang Yan’s eyes. She had to go to the camera: "That, get ready to boot."

Dong Shanshan is somewhat worried.

Other network hosts did not leave, waiting to see how he recorded this convention is a propaganda film that people want to endorse, have been smashed into this, and no one will give you endorsement propaganda, how do you do the show?

Zhang Wei has no anger, but it seems very indifferent, colleagues are hiding from him? I feel that my program is very poor and I dare not take this drowning? Netizens are jealous of him? He is young, he is going to finish, he will not be anything? I think he will break the blood because of the talk show? For questioning, Zhang Wei has not spoken before, but I don’t respond, obviously not his style.

"Three ... two ... one ... start" women's road.

As for the endorsement?

Also your endorsement?

I am using you?

Zhang Wei swept his eyes to the colleague, looking at the camera, squinting and whispering: "You only smell my perfume, but I don't see my sweat, you have your rules, I have my choice, you Denying my present, I decide my future, you laugh at me with nothing, I pity you always wait, you can despise our youth, we will prove who this is, the dream is destined for a lonely journey, and there is no doubt on the road. Laughing, but what about it, even if it’s all over the body, it’s beautiful.”

Everyone is stunned

Dong Shanshan stayed, Wang Xiongyi, the women and several other network hosts were also heard by this paragraph.

Zhang Yizheng is just his own tie.

"My name is Zhang Wei"

"I speak for myself"

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