I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 232: ["I speak for myself" promotion throughout the network! 】

In the studio.

Zhang Ye finished.

The cameraman looked at the indifferent Zhang Ye in the camera stupidly. Hearing the echo that seemed to be still lingering, he even stopped looking at the camera.

"I go"


"This endorsement..."

One second, ten seconds

Suddenly, Wang Xiong behind was the first to take the lead and slowly clapped his hands, then clapped faster and faster, "It's so beautiful."

Leading this clapping, the others also recovered. The middle-aged woman in charge of the task applauded, Dong Shanshan applauded, even several camera crews who were shooting applauded, and looked at Zhang under the light again. Teacher Ye, many people's eyes have changed

What a Zhang Ye

What an endorsement for myself

Regardless of whether Wang Xiong or the few network hosts present, Zhang Ye, a newcomer who has just arrived one day, obviously does not know what endorsements are. He was pulled over to drive ducks and put on shelves today. He would definitely not have thought that there was no one. He will help him record the endorsement promotion, so there is no doubt that Zhang Ye's speech just now was obviously improvised and blurted out. This kind of literary talent suddenly shocked everyone and they thought of those on the Internet who were familiar with Zhang Ye. His comments are not only a broadcast host, but also a literary work. Such a passionate endorsement. Of all the broadcast hosts in China, I am afraid that only Zhang Ye can tell. Others, let alone the host, are those. Those who engage in literature and professional planning can't tell

Zhang Ye nodded to the person who applauded him, "Thank you."

The middle-aged woman admired her with a thumbs up, "Teacher Zhang, I have been filming endorsements for so many years, and the propaganda you have just heard is one of the best I have heard." The original propaganda was her talent. The person in charge of finalizing and producing did not take the opinions of the network host too much into heart.She always believed that in this regard, she and her team were the most professional propaganda producers in the industry, but after listening to Zhang Ye's ``I ``Spoken for yourself'', the middle-aged woman is really convinced, and she is indeed an invaluable scholar under the prestige. This Zhang Ye is really as talented as the rumors. With this propaganda, she estimates that she will not be able to do this in her life. Equal

Compare with her previous promotion?

It's really a different concept than that

The middle-aged woman looked at Wang Xiong and said, "Mr. Wang, is that so set?"

"Wait." Wang Xiong unexpectedly didn't agree. "Let's let it go first, you can wait for me." After speaking, he turned and went out, as if he was upstairs.


Isn't such a good propaganda okay?

Everyone was confused, and it was not until Wang Xiong came back more than ten minutes later that they suddenly realized that Feng Guiqin, the leader of the Internet TV department, came along.

Feng Guiqin came in and said, "Where is Xiao Zhang's film? Let me take a look."

"Here." The middle-aged woman hurriedly let the camera go back and show it to the leader.

Feng Guiqin and Wang Xiong both leaned forward and watched it from beginning to end.

After the film, Wang Xiong smiled and said, "Director, is it okay?"

Feng Guiqin was silent for a few seconds, and also showed a satisfied smile. He looked at Zhang Ye kindly, "More than that? Very good" and then looked at the middle-aged woman, "You have to take care of Zhang Ye's promotional video. Production can’t be that simple. You always have to change clothes and backgrounds. It doesn’t matter if you increase your budget. Anyway, you must ensure the quality. It’s best to finish it within today."

The middle-aged woman was stunned, "What do you mean..."

Feng Guiqin smiled and said: "We are going to let Xiao Zhang’s "I speak for myself" not only in our internal network TV stations and video websites, but also to let it be linked to other video website partners as an advertisement for Zhang Ye. Promote its new column, and also promote it to our Internet TV station."

When several other web hosts heard it, they all cried.

Not to mention the site-wide publicity, but also to advertise for Zhang Ye to spend money on the entire network?

Viva video will definitely not be closed. It is often advertised in various places, including video advertisements, but most of them are promoted around the website. Very few are promoted to a single host, especially to Zhang Ye? Isn't his column dismissed by everyone? Don't even our people and leaders have any confidence? Why leave such good resources to Zhang Ye?

But after thinking about it, everyone understands that it's not that the leaders suddenly became interested and confident in Zhang Ye's inexplicable talk show, but that there are special topics about Zhang Ye, whether it is the plane hijacking or this time. Everyone on the Internet is talking about him. It is a topic. The curse also means exposure. Whether it is good or bad, it can increase attention and attract. So the leader made this decision, and The most important thing is Zhang Ye's slogan "I speak for myself". It is too passionate and even a strong response to all those who scold him and question him. If you put it on various websites for advertising, the effect Eighty percent will be good, and then there may be many people who pay attention to Zhang Ye and this passage of "I speak for myself" to pay attention to their VW network TV station. Under this situation, the value of this advertising will also be revealed to the greatest extent.

This is a good move

Even if Zhang Ye's talk show is completely defeated by then, it doesn't matter. The attention has already come, and the talk show is cut off, and other columns will benefit.

The middle-aged woman immediately said: "I understand"

Feng Guiqin said, "You can do it." She left.

After Wang Xiong gave a few instructions, he also left. After he went out, he caught up with Feng Guiqin. He regretted: "Xiao Zhang's talent is really good, but it's a pity that this new column, why would he want to make a show like this? ?"

Feng Guiqin smiled slightly, "I am a little bit looking forward to it now. Let's see what the talk show will be like."

Wang Xiong blinked, "Do you think it is feasible?"

"I don't think so." Feng Guiqin walked slowly, turning his head to Wang Xiong and said: "But I think this Xiao Zhang is very interesting. His character and style are simply incompatible with this circle, but he can walk step by step to today, and his reputation is getting better and better. Great, hehe, this is a very charismatic host, so some things he does cannot be judged by common sense, at least not by what we call common sense."

one afternoon.

Zhang Ye is recording a promotional video.

This advertising slogan is actually Zhang Ye’s ad for Jumei Youpin. The last sentence of "My name is Zhang Ye" is also "My name is Chen Ou"-the founder of Jumei Youpin. At that time, this advertisement It caused a lot of sensation in the industry, and even greater sensation on the Internet. Countless people reprinted and even revised the version. They created a Chen Ou Ti, and all versions of "I call XX and I speak for myself" appeared, and the publicity effect Surprisingly good, it can be a miracle in the advertising industry in the industry. It can be described as a famous and a milestone advertisement. So when he heard that no one was helping to endorse himself, Zhang Ye was the first to think of "I speak for myself. 》, I took it out and said it, but I did not expect it to get the company's investment promotion opportunity. This is a surprise

Originally, the talk show asked Zhang Ye to experiment with the first episode. Although he was confident, it was only the first episode. It was still a new program format that had never appeared in this world, so Zhang Ye was not sure whether the first episode could be recorded by everyone. Accepting art forms like talk shows, but if there is a company's full promotion, then it will definitely receive a lot of attention in the first phase, which is equivalent to adding a heavy insurance to Zhang Ye

After three or four hours, it was finally done.

The chief director is the middle-aged woman, and the supervisor of the promotional film has been handed over to Zhang Ye. Because everyone has given a high degree of recognition to Zhang Ye's ability in this area, everyone in the team no longer regards him as He became an ordinary host, but regarded Zhang Ye as a planner in the industry who was more experienced and capable than them. Many filmings also sought his opinion.

Zhang Ye had seen the original Jumeiyoupin advertisement and knew that the kind of advertisement for promoting the product was not suitable for the environment at the moment, but there were some things that he could learn from, so he put forward his opinions and implemented them. The quality of the film is very high. The finished product was watched by several leaders such as Feng Guiqin and Wang Xiong. They were all very satisfied. Even the leader shot the board at that time and started contacting and promoting today.


Because I want to use countless people on the Internet to curse Zhang Ye

Otherwise, wait for the curse to become cold, and wait for everyone to forget this, and then this "I speak for myself" will be meaningless.


It's almost off work.

Zhang Ye came back from outside as he untied his tie. As soon as he came in, a lot of envious or jealous glances came over. It is estimated that everyone also knows that the company is going to promote Zhang Ye's promotional video. However, no one except those particularly famous network hosts has the same treatment, and Zhang Ye is not yet a famous network host, which naturally caused a lot of criticism.

"Is he a leading relative?"

"I think it's like that the company supports him so much?"

"What do you support? If you really support him, can you let him pilot a program? It is also required that the first episode has at least 500,000 views? Our company's entire network TV station can have an average of 500,000 views in a single period. No more than seven columns. It's strange that he can do it. Then any talk show must be cut."

"Then how to promote the whole network?"

A female network anchor who watched the whole process in the recording room before said: "Oh, you will understand when you watch the promotional video by then. If others can make that level of publicity, the company will definitely have to promote it to him."


"So awesome?"

"What the **** is it? Not so?"

"It should be there tonight, let's take a look at that time, I really don't believe it"

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