I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 236: [Column title "I feed myself a bag of salt"! 】

Go to work the next day.

At the unit, the people are in seven or eight.

"Hey, Zhang Ye is here."

"Did you watch it yesterday?"

"Of course I saw it, it's really awesome."

"No wonder the company spent money to promote him, right? The traffic on our website last night increased by 8% compared to the same period."

"I now believe that he is really capable"

"But since he is so good in the field of planning, "Hundreds of Forums", public service advertisements, and "I speak for myself", why is the new column he prepared so unpopular? If you don't die, you won't die. Can't he make a good show? Why do you have to make some inexplicable talk show? Even if his promotion is popular, I still don't like his new column."

"Yeah, alas, such a good promotion is wasted"

"I see, it's better to promote that to other hosts"

"Hey, Zhang Ye is here, so keep your voice down, don't say anything."

Zhang Ye entered the office area.

"Mr. Zhang, early." Wang Bei, who was sitting in the central area, greeted him with a smile.

Aqian and Xiaoyu over there also said good morning to Zhang Ye.

Zhang Ye greeted them one by one, and then he nodded slightly with Dong Shanshan, who had been to the unit before he went out, and sat back in his seat.

Outside, Wang Xiong came in to find two people, explained their work to them, and severely criticized a host who was in a bad state during the recording yesterday. Finally, he went to Zhang Ye's side, "Xiao Zhang."

Zhang Ye got up, "Leader."

Wang Xiong patted him on the shoulder, and said with a friendly tone: "Well done, yesterday's advertising promotion effect is very good, your program has to hurry up, there are not a few days." Then, he gave him a list, "This It's the list of our staff. You are responsible for this column group. You can choose someone. After you choose, you will start work today. Prepare the scene layout, manuscripts, and column titles. Hurry up."

Zhang Ye nodded, "Okay."

When Wang Xiong left, Zhang Ye looked at the list.

All of them are names, followed by titles, such as copywriting, planning, choreographing, etc.

Zhang Ye saw that there were also the names of Aqian and Xiaoyu, and he also knew these two people, so he looked at them, "I want to start a column group, you?"

A Qianyo said, "I have already gone to Teacher Shanshan's group."

"Me too, I'm sorry, Teacher Zhang." Xiaoyu also apologized: "The preparations for the "Internet Talent Show" also started today, so..."

Zhang Ye smiled, "It doesn't matter, I will look for it again."

He said, looking at a name and said: "Is Xu Neng here?" This is a column director.

A young man heard it, got up and walked over, "I am."

Zhang Ye said: "My column team is preparing, if it's convenient for you..."

Xu Neng snorted, "Teacher Zhang, I'm sorry, I have already suspended the assistant directors of two sections. The workload is very heavy, and there is really no way to pick them up."

"That's it, it's okay." Zhang Ye looked at the list again and found an old comrade in his fifties. He hoped that there would be an old comrade in charge.

When I found someone, the old producer was obviously not interested, and he said coldly: "I haven't finished the work in my hand. You can find someone else."

I asked a few, but no time

Zhang Ye was very patient at first, but finally got bored

No time? A good column does not need to recruit people, and everyone will break their heads and rush into it, because when the last column ends the list, everyone’s name will appear on the screen. This is the reputation and qualifications. Have you ever been a producer or director for what kind of column? That's also emboldened. But now this group of people are all evasive, just because they have no confidence in his talk show column and don’t want to go to the muddy water.

Dong Shanshan gave him an idea, "You don't need to ask their opinions, just report the list to the leader, and they have to come if they don't come."

A Qian also agreed: "Yes, you are the highest person in charge of the column team."

Dong Shanshan's new column, the leader assigned to her is a director system of about 40 years old, and the members of the column group are also made by the director. Dong Shanshan only has the right to propose, not the right to decide, but Zhang Ye is different. In order to dig him, a person who is proficient in hosting and planning, the company gives him a very preferential contract, such as the right to speak freely and absolute leadership of the column, which are the treatment that ordinary newcomers cannot have. For TV stations, only those long-established web hosts may have the title of column director system.

Zhang Ye said, "No."

"Then what do you..." Xiao Yu asked.

Zhang Ye said, "No one wants to come, I will do it myself"

A Qian was stunned and said: "You yourself? The division of labor in that column group can be..."

Then, they were stunned to see that Zhang Ye had scribbled a few lines on the list of their column group, director Zhang Ye, chief director Zhang Ye, chief planner Zhang Ye, technical supervisor Zhang Ye, and scene designer Zhang Ye. The costume designer Zhang Ye wrote a series of densely, and then ignored the dumbfounded colleagues around him. Zhang Ye took the list directly and went to Wang Xiong's office and gave him the list.

Wang Xiong glanced down and almost fainted, "Xiao Zhang, what are you doing? Knowing that you are versatile, it doesn't stop there. Are they unwilling to enter your column group?" Here Wang Xiong also raised his face, "It's okay, you write down the list, I see who dare not come"

Zhang Ye's heart warmed and slowly said: "Leader, the twisted melon is not sweet, I'm no problem by myself, as long as I give me a few cameramen and lighting chores, I can do the show well."

Wang Xiong was worried, "In addition to these, I will find a few more people for you."

"Really okay leader, thank you. I can arrange my column better. Too many people will affect efficiency." Zhang Ye insisted.

Wang Xiong hesitated for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "Well, since you said it, then I will make arrangements. I will make arrangements for the camera and other personnel, and other departments will also cooperate with you. Clothing, filming and production, these are all Give priority to you and Dong Shanshan’s new column.” After that, give Zhang Ye a document, “You go to Recording Hall No. 7, from today to the first phase of your show, where it’s all from your column group. , No one will share with you, but also to let you run in the venue first. If your program is really passed, the sharing will be arranged when it is broadcast, and the setting of the column will be changed. After all, our recording studio They are not rich either, they are very nervous."

Zhang Ye said, "I understand."

"Give the file to Director Wang and he will arrange it for you." Wang Xiong said.


Everyone in the department heard an amazing news. Many people were reluctant to join Zhang Ye's column group. As a result, Zhang Ye was so angry that he wrote almost all the column group posts with his own name, and the leader finally gave it back. Approved, it made everyone dumbfounded. What kind of temper is your heart, if it is arranged by Wang Xiong, who will call and who dare not go? They certainly won't evade it. A new column definitely needs a complete column group, but who wants Zhang Ye to be so stubborn--you don't want to come? I'm **** unwilling to ask Zhang Ye to do it like this, but it makes many people in the office area sit on the wax a bit and feel unkind.

Wang Bei said silently: "Teacher Zhang, you can't do it by yourself"

A Qian also said: "Yes, you have one hand and one pair of feet, why do you do so much work, this... and there are many professional things in the job, you..."

Zhang Ye knew that they were kind, but he had decided, and there was not enough manpower? Then he will work a few more days, professional stuff? He has been working at the radio and television station for so long anyway, these things are not difficult for him, Zhang Ye can do it, "I am enough."

Dong Shanshan looked at him, "Will you choose clothes?"

Zhang Ye said: "Each issue is a suit and tie, and each issue changes to a different color."

Xiao Yuhan said: "What about the scene layout?"

Zhang Ye said: "In the planning case, I have already written the required scenes."

Dong Shanshan rolled his eyes, "You can't edit later by yourself, right?"

Zhang Ye took it for granted: "My column never needs to be edited. As long as the audience's shots and mine are allocated, there is no need for any deletion."

Other colleagues around heard it.

You can blow it

They certainly don't believe it, but if they are colleagues who have worked with Zhang Ye, such as Hu Fei, such as Xiao Lu Dafei, they must know that what Zhang Ye said is true. The columns he recorded really don't need any deletion, all the shots and The tempo of the broadcasting is just right, and there will be no extra shots of one second. Because the column that Zhang Ye broadcasts is already the finished product of his world, it is the essence after the professional editors of his world have deleted it. Zhang Ye just uses it, of course, there will be no problems.

Everyone is still persuading.

Zhang Ye was very stubborn and didn't listen at all. In fact, he was screaming with many people in his heart. Haha, don't you guys look good at me? OK, then I'll show you guys, even one person can do the column well. At that time, let me see who will talk nonsense with me

Before noon, Zhang Ye found Director Wang, and then came to this temporary recording and broadcasting room No. 7 of his own. The audience seats are all ready-made, and the lighting shelves are also set up. You can start recording as long as you set up the stage. Zhang Ye decided that he will be working here these days.

After lunch, Zhang Ye was not idle. All the work fell to him. He had no time to delay, so he started his first job, a job that should belong to the director or deputy director and propaganda planner. Er-the production of the title of the column.

Zhang Ye found a middle-aged woman who had filmed a promotional video for himself before. He now knows that the woman is called Sijie, because her husband is also in the Weiwei company. He is a deputy director of logistics work. She is very popular and everyone likes to call her. Husband's fourth brother, so the fourth sister became the title of women.

Staff room.

Zhang Ye hid from the left to the right, hiding the chores all over the floor, "Sister Si? Is Si Sister there?"

In the small office, the fourth sister raised her head with disposable chopsticks in her mouth, "Huh, Mr. Zhang?" She was eating a soup dumpling.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I'm going to shoot a title over there."

The fourth sister said, "Okay, wait for me for two seconds." She stuffed the last bun in one bite. She might have been scalded by the soup, screaming, and then got up and greeted a few people. "Li Zi, Wang Er, work." He took the man and the machine and left with Zhang Ye.

When passing by the clothing room, Zhang Ye stepped forward quickly, said hello to the person in charge, and quickly jumped four or five suits that suit him, and the leader's bow tie also took a lot of colors, and then he pushed the one that could roll. The clothes rack cart came to No. 7 recording studio.

As soon as they entered, several people were stunned.

The fourth sister was surprised: "Hey, why are you alone?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Just me."

"Where are the people in your column group? Where's the deputy director? Who does the filming? How can we shoot without this?" The four sisters are only in the shooting department, but they don't have a plan.

Zhang Ye said: "I am the chief director and chief planner."

After explaining a few words, the fourth sister was dumbfounded: "You can really do it. The group of people in your network TV department are also good enough. They are too snobbish. Who said that your show is definitely not good? Are you afraid to hide? Xiao Zhang, Sister Si supports you. Let them see a column with an average of 500,000 clicks. I will take care of the camera. Will your show be broadcast on Monday? Recorded on Sunday? I will pick you a few well-crafted cameramen on Sunday. Come over and report to you

Zhang Ye was in a good mood, "Then I thank you in advance?"

"You're welcome, tell me how to shoot the title." Fourth Sister asked.

Zhang Ye has already planned, "Simply shoot a few short sections. I will change my clothes for each section and edit them together."

The fourth sister said: "Where is the opening title?"

A cameraman interrupted, "I think the ad slogan for "I speak for myself" is too good. It's a pity that I don't need to be in the beginning of the film?"

"Yes, that word is powerful," the other female videographer also said.

The fourth sister shook her hand professionally, “That’s not good, it’s too formal and too passionate. Although I don’t know much about Teacher Xiao Zhang’s new column, it’s a talk show, but maybe the melody is humorous, right? Get such a serious title, It conflicts with the main melody, it will definitely not work."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "No, just use this."

The fourth sister was startled, "Don't be foolish, Teacher Xiao Zhang, that's really not good."

"Really, listen to me. You'll know after the recording." Zhang Ye was full of confidence, "Are you all tired, set up the background picture for the shooting? I'll change my clothes and prepare some props."


Are there any props?

The fourth sister was not optimistic, but didn't say anything, the greeter began to arrange.

Zhang Ye went to an unmanned workroom in the backstage, changed his clothes, hit his suit and tie, and he became more energetic. He looked in the mirror and was very satisfied. Then he rummaged through the boxes and found a "prop", nodded, and started making props by himself.

It's still time for lunch.

When Zhang Ye came out, he saw a lot of people outside.

Dong Shanshan, Wang Bei, Aqian, Xiao Yu, and a few colleagues who do not know but seem familiar also came, maybe they want to come and have a look.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said, "Zhang Ye, can you help me?"

"No, sit down." Zhang Ye greeted them.

Those people sat down in the auditorium, waiting to see how Zhang Ye could handle everything alone.

At this time, Wang Xiong and a person who seemed to be the leader of the stage, whom Zhang Ye had never seen, came over. They said nothing, and sat directly on the chairs under the stage. It was obvious that Wang Xiong probably didn't worry about him. As the director, the costume and the setting of the scene, Xu is afraid that Zhang Ye will mess it up, so let's confirm whether Zhang Ye can do it alone. If something goes wrong, he, the leader in charge, will also be to blame.

There are many audiences.

The scene is also simply arranged.

The fourth sister said loudly: "Sure."

Zhang Ye straightened his suit and walked under the background wall, "Let's start then."

"Prepare for camera, three...two...one, open" the fourth sister gave an order.

The camera light turned on, and Zhang Ye also stared at the camera and said, "You only smell my perfume, but you don't see my sweat. You have your rules, I have my choice, and you deny me now. , I decide my future..."

Everyone frowned.


Is this still that ad?

Do you still use this as the title?

To be honest, this advertisement is really good, but isn't this a funny column? Isn’t it a section for telling jokes? It's too serious to make such an advertisement. It's not appropriate at all. Sure enough, Zhang Ye alone has limited abilities and energy. How can he be competent for so many positions alone?

Wang Bei Aqian and their faces were expressionless.

Wang Xiong had already begun to shake his head on his own. Yu Bu of the company next to him also whispered a few words to Wang Xiong, which seemed dissatisfied.

The fourth sister sighed. She wanted to stop, but she didn't. She continued to shoot.

Zhang Ye didn't seem to see everyone's expressions. Instead, he became more and more serious, more and more serious, affectionate and devoted himself: "You laugh at me for nothing, I pity you always waiting, you can despise me. When we are young, we will prove whose age this is. The dream is a lonely journey. Questions and ridicule are indispensable on the road, but what about it, even if we are all wounded, we must live beautifully"

Speaking of this, Zhang Ye suddenly made a move that made everyone inexplicable.He grabbed a bag of props he made. It was a bag of sugar and condiments. The trademark was covered, and the finger was attached to it. There is a word-salt.


What does it mean?

"I am Zhang Ye"

"I feed myself a bag of salt"

Seeing Zhang Ye raised his head and poured the props into his mouth, his expression immediately became colorful, clutching his throat, coughing and coughing, and took a few mouthfuls.



All of a sudden burst of laughter

If I speak for myself is equivalent to feeding myself a bag of salt? ?

What do you think? Your god's turning point is your mother's turning point

Dong Shanshan almost laughed, clutching his belly hahahaha

Others, such as Wang Bei and Aqian Fourth Sister, also laughed so hard that they couldn't straighten up their waist. Before Zhang Ye was still looking serious, but in the end, it suddenly made such a contrast.

Zhang Ye put down the props and gestured, "It's time to stop."

After the fourth sister laughed, she gave her a thumbs up and admired her, "This film... is really amazing, Teacher Xiao Zhang, I can convince you."

Several videographers were also convinced, and they thought how long their brains were. The serious advertisement was created. When it was the turn of the advertisement at the beginning of the film, it was obvious that even a single word had not changed, or the words were repeated. It has achieved two completely different effects, one is passionate and the other is funny... It turns out that the title of the column is still filmed like this by your mother.

Wang Xiong in the audience smiled.

The other leader is a little daze

They just believe it now. Zhang Ye can really do multiple jobs alone. In this short film, he not only performed the work of the director, but also participated in the production, planning, costume and prop production, etc.

Going to work in the afternoon, several "spectators" left one after another.

When Dong Shanshan and Wang Bei left, they were still laughing, discussing the opening sequence just now.

However, Zhang Ye was still not satisfied. He felt a little monotonous, so he changed a few suits and recorded a few more shots, and then finished the title. For others, it doesn't matter how important a column is, especially the title of a new column. Having said that, some people are racking their brains for this, and a title may be done for a week or even a month, because this is repeated in every issue. From a certain perspective, it is more important than the content of the column. But Zhang Ye finished the title in only an hour, and no one said it was bad

"I feed myself a bag of salt"

This title is finalized

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