I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 237: [Combine all talk shows! 】


Around ten o'clock.

Most of the company's offices have been out of the light.

Zhang Wei came out from the office area of ​​the camera group. The film was recorded in the afternoon, but the clip was only made by him at night. A lot of things were not ideal. After watching the finished product, the funny strength was worse, so it took a long time to toss. Everyone added a class. For example, the subtitles of the last sentence "I speak for myself" were still played out according to the original words, but after Zhang Hao really fed his own salt, he did an effect later. The letters are "broken" with the effect. In the next second, the subtitles "I feed my own bag of salt" are topped. The extraction of many other facial expressions is also done after repeated discretion. The final version highlights some humor.

The four sisters are tired and say: "Return to treat guests."

Zhang Wei said nothing: "No problem, wait for the show, I invite everyone to eat, today is really hard for you all, four sisters, you go back soon."

The four sisters waved, "You are too."

"Mr. Zhang, see you tomorrow." Several cameras also told him to leave.

Everyone walked to the corridor, and Zhang Hao watched them leave, only then went back to the No. 7 recording hall, went straight to the dressing room and turned on the lights, did not go, but seriously refine the scene layout of the column, accurate to what is needed Decor, what color, what lighting effect, etc., the previous planning case is relatively simple, just mentioning a general, this time since he has assumed the position of all the column groups, it must be him Step by step, this is a process of learning and improvement.

Doing a good job in scene planning, Zhang Wei immediately called the department staff who prepared the scene and equipment, added some of their requirements, told them how to arrange them, and expressed their hope that they would be able to arrange the venue tomorrow. Wish.

That person may have slept at home, "Oh, I know."

Zhang Wei listened to his absent-mindedness and said: "My buddy, I have two or three days to prepare for the show, and I will help you. I will treat you back."

That person can't say anything, "Cheng, Teacher Zhang, don't worry, we will go early tomorrow, and we will definitely make the scene according to your requirements before tomorrow night."

"Thank you." Zhang Yucai hung up the phone.

Then, Zhang Hao went out to the dressing room and went to the recording hall to look at the venue. He also made a plan for his hand. After confirming that his thoughts were no problem, he finally prepared to take a break. Look at the watch, good guy, already 11 o'clock. More, this time is estimated to have no car, and it is too far to go home, so Zhang Wei went to the auditorium chair and prepared to make a night here.


Dong Shanshan's SMS: Come back?

Zhang Wei immediately replied: It’s too late, I slept with the unit.

Dong Shanshan: I still have a meal for you. Let's take a break.

Zhang Wei was moved: Thanks to Dong, you also went to bed early.

Dong Shanshan: Ok, Zhang.

Zhang Xiao smiled and put away his mobile phone and looked at the ceiling with his head. Today, he was tired and tired, but he couldn’t sleep. He was busy this day, so don’t mention it, but the harvest is also great, he The functions of each position have a deeper understanding, and the TV industry has a better understanding and learning. It is a very good charge. If he is to be a new column in the future, he will definitely be more comfortable and he will do it himself. On the talk show, Zhang Wei believes that the effect will be much better than that of his orders. After all, this is all the points that he has thought about. He will not have any omissions and inadvertently copied his world. In the form of talk show, in this experience, he is more clear than everyone else, knowing how to do the best, so tired and willing to be willing, these efforts are rewarded. It’s not safe to give it to someone else, because this group of people knows what talk show, the people of this world have never heard of it.

New column...

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao was silent again.

Can people in this world really accept the art form of talk show?

The talk show is sure to be a fire. Zhang Wei has never doubted this point. There is no doubt about it. However, in his world, the talk show’s popularity seems to have been precipitated after a certain period of time, regardless of the earliest foreign talk show or the domestic introduction. The talk show is like this. The public may need a process that is slowly accepted. However, Zhang Wei can't wait for this process now. The leader asks that the first trial will guarantee 500,000 hits.


Have to make sure

Do you want to strengthen the program content?

Zhang Yiyi sat up from the chair. He decided to make a good grade of the program that was originally decided. It is not that he has no confidence in maximizing the audience, but he wants to do his best. To be foolproof, because this kind of opportunity is not always there. I have already been dismissed by various provincial TV stations and even city-level TV stations. I have finally ushered in the opportunity of Internet TV. If there is a deviation, he will not be able to do so in the future. Mixed, always give something to those who look down or not optimistic about themselves.

Looking at the total reputation of the game interface, "I speak for myself" has brought Zhang Wei a worth of 1.2 million. This is an unexpected joy. Zhang Hao did not hesitate to put this one hundred and two. 100,000 reputations all bought memory search capsules, bought twelve

In the past, what Zhang Wei decided to do was actually Wang Zijian’s "After 8 Talk Show Tonight", and also used memory capsules to put a lot of programs in his mind. Why did you choose it? First, because this section is a relatively "most talk show" section, at least in form, Zhang Wei as a pioneer in the talk show, of course, to be a relatively authentic talk show, can not always Put the "sex talk show" column of "Big Walk" into the stage, and the limitations will be bigger. Secondly, the paragraph of "After 8th talk show tonight" is relatively "independent", comparing "Wanjinyou", which is to summarize some general social phenomena, but specifically what is not mentioned in the incident, even if everyone does not understand This is what Zhang Wei most valued. Otherwise, like Zhou Libo’s "Zhou Libo Xiu Xiu", many events have time and place individuals, which are triggered by a real event, so Zhang Hao is not good to play, after all, his world has Events, this world does not necessarily have to be, even if there is, a few years ago, it is not easy to say.

One by one, "Tonight's 8th talk show" was put on the agenda.

But now, Zhang Huan has changed his mind. He wants to do some more programming. After all, "After 8 tonight talk show" also has limitations on its audience. People who like it are particularly fond of people who like it. There is nothing wrong with it. Some of the paragraphs are really not so funny. At most, it is the degree to which people smile and smile slightly. This is the place where Zhang Hao wants to improve.

How to improve?

Of course, it’s all about it.

Zhang Wei has a bold idea. In his world, because of the problems of hosting styles, the problems of resources, and the involvement of copyright, many things have already been finalized. There is no chance to take advantage of each other, but Zhang Hao can. Zhang Hao has the opportunity to do it. He thought that if he put all the excellent talk shows in his world, based on one column, the classic paragraphs of other columns will be combined to form a column to concentrate all the talk shows. Essence, what will happen to that result?

Ha, think about it all.

Like "The Big Bang", there are a lot of sharp and funny spit in the same kind of talk show. No one can compare with "Zhu Zhou Li Bo Xiu", sometimes a few interesting paragraphs, interesting and unconventional, after reading After that, it can also be thought-provoking, and it is also a major feature, and no one can imitate and there is "Dapeng 噜 噜 ,", although the results are not comparable to the previous three columns, but the style of Dapeng selling is also unique and there is also the capital. The local station’s "Reading Out", which is said to be a talk show, is a bit of a bad performance, but there are also a lot of useful paragraphs that can be used. This is the crystallization of everyone's wisdom, and Zhang Wei is fundamental. Don't worry about the copyright issue, he can pick it up in all the paragraphs. As for the style of hosting, Zhang Wei's host image is not completely positioned yet, so don't worry about it. He wants to say how to say it, just combine these pieces. Ok, don’t be awkward.

what did you say?

Why is there no mention of "Guo Xiu" in the talk show?

Don't make a fuss about "Guo's Show" is a large children's category.

In short, Zhang Yiyue wants to be more excited, and the more he wants to resist, he can't wait to eat the first memory search capsule, and began to recall the "Zhou Zhou Li Bo Xiu" he saw when he went to college.

Then there is the "Big Adventures"...

Then there is "Dapeng 噜吧噜"...

Each capsule works for five minutes in real time, and one hour passes.

After all the twelve capsules were used up, Zhang Wei only memorized 45% of all the outstanding talk show columns in the world. Because the amount of information is too large, it is also image information and voice information. It is more complicated than simple text information, so the consumption of memory search capsules is correspondingly large, but these are enough. Zhang Wei relies on these memory deletions to reduce and reduce the combination, making an eight-ninth column. It’s not a problem, and it will be broadcast in the future. It will also be collected from a steady stream of prestige. He can continue to buy memory search capsules and continue to perfect the Zhangye talk show.


Start organizing memories

Zhang Wei didn't use paper or pen, so he closed his eyes, and the pictures that he had seen in the memory search appeared one after another. Even the talk show host's program had a few times in the eyes. He remembered clearly. Then I will sort out the paragraphs that I think are more suitable in the talk show on the column and the column, sort, merge, or affirm or negate, and then repeat the work.

Zhang Wei talk show

The first column of talk shows in the history of the world

Zhang Wei wants to learn from each other's strengths, and to make this column named with his own name the ultimate

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