I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 238: [Talk show recording begins! 】

Two days later.

Sunday morning.

Zhang Wei was not screamed by the alarm, but he slept a natural wake up, and stretched out comfortably. When he got out of bed, the door of Dong Shanshan’s bedroom was open. She was busy in the new section these days. This is already going to work, but there are still some mornings with temperature left on the table.

There is soy milk.

There are fritters.

Apparently Dong Shanshan specially brought him back.

Zhang Xin was very warm in his heart. After washing, he ate breakfast, and then he took a hot shower. After he came out, he turned on the TV and watched the news. In the past two days, Zhang Wei was really busy not knowing the southeast and northwest. It was too light to describe it with darkness. The props needed him, the costumes had him, the plan asked him to do it, and the director had his part-time job. Fortunately, it was completed in the final stage. Today is the first day of the recording of Zhang Wei’s talk show. Zhang Wei also came back very early last night. It’s rare to sleep well. No way, I must guarantee a good mental state when recording, otherwise How to record a program?

Morning news began.

“The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets plummeted again”

"This month, there have been three people who committed suicide because of stocks jumping."

“Industry analysts have analyzed that it is only a matter of time before the stock market falls below 1,500 points.”

“The country is starting to promote green travel, not driving, just taking the subway by bus, following the example of foreign countries.”

“The pace of life in the first-tier cities such as Beishangguang has accelerated, and many people cannot afford the fast pace, and they have chosen to flee from Beishangguang.”

Zhang Wei looked at it with great enthusiasm, because he wanted to find some news elements from it, and then decided what paragraph to talk about today. After all, the form of talk show is to keep up with the times, it is caused by current events. Resonance can reach everyone's laughter, so Zhang Hao can't just use his world's talk show to use it casually. There are similar social events in this world. Well, if you want the leader of the unit to know Zhang Hao’s ambiguity until the day of recording, your mom hasn’t determined the content of the show. The leader is estimated to be sitting on his butt, but this is the style of Zhang Wei. He has been doing this since his work. There are a lot of things in his mind, but not everything can be taken out at that time. It must be reasonable and just right, so that he can maximize his knowledge.

At the end of the news, Zhang Wei’s heart probably has a preliminary program content. Without taking notes, he already knows what to say in the first issue.

After taking a look at the Internet, the audience of Zhang Wei’s talk show has ended. The audience is basically a lucky viewer who has registered through the Internet and randomly selected, in addition to some internal tickets. It is possible to enter the market, it is fair, and it can be regarded as an interaction with netizens, which can increase the cohesiveness and attractiveness of the column.

A total of 60 lucky viewers were sent.

"Haha, I got it, it's so lucky."

"What's in the pumping? Lottery?"

"Zhang Wei talk show" show audience ah"

"Hey, what's so good to celebrate, what is the talk show that can look good, I don't want to vote for me, go to sleep in the past?"

"On the top floor, I also admit that the advertisement of "I speak for myself" is very good, and the movement is also very big. The new column is still based on the content of the column. You are all picking up jokes from the Internet. What can you watch? Isn’t this a fool of the audience? Oh, you’re not lucky if you’ve got a ticket. In fact, there are too few people signing up, and whoever can report it.”

"Don't say that, I want to go to the scene to see how much garbage there is in the talk show. Come back, I will spit it out."

"Upstairs is a hero, risking his life to mine for everyone."

"Haha, I am also looking forward to Zhang Wei's new column. I have to see how many people he has to be married. That Zhang Hao is also a very good qualification. Continue to say that history is not good? What do you have to do? I have never seen a column in the world. It’s too dead. I used to like Zhang Wei before, but now it has turned from powder to black. This show is too disappointing. After that, my daily task is to eat and sleep. Zhang Wei’s deep responsibility is cut, Zhang Huan’s this time is a big blow.”

"Oh, unfortunately, it’s a pity."

"He is irresponsible"

"Yes, just go online and find a few jokes to do the show? This is too fooling the audience. What the fools are going to see you?"

The enthusiasm of "I speak for myself" has passed, and many people with black and white have come out again. The doubts and snoring of his new column have begun again.

Zhang Wei has become accustomed to it and didn't care.

But all of a sudden, a Weibo certified person spoke.

It turned out to be the deputy director of the Beijing Radio Station, which was worked by Zhang Wei, who was the one who pressed Zhang Hao against Zhang Wei. The fundamental reason for Zhang Wei’s departure from the radio station was to turn his face with him and saw the deputy director Jia. Dao: "At the beginning, our radio station did not leave Zhang Wei. It seems that it is the most correct decision we made. Some people have become blind and arrogant when they get a little bit of achievement. They think they are smarter than the whole world and can make it. And I started a program that I can't do all over the world. I just feel a little funny now. I am also a big Internet TV station in the industry. I don't understand why you let this junk program broadcast? Your most basic art. Where is the level of appreciation and judgment? As long as it is a person with eyes, I know that the talk show is impossible to succeed."

Then, the broadcaster of Beijing Radio Station Jiayan followed up. This is the relative of the deputy director Jia. "This kind of program is also called a talk show? I think it is more appropriate to call a joke. Is this a new form of programming? Although they didn't publish too much information about the content of the program, I couldn't see what new forms were there, and put together the jokes. What is this skill? Primary school students will be ah"

Then, the children of the comrades-in-arms of the Beijing Radio Station appeared. Zhang Ye, who was the winner of the silver microphone award by Zhang Wei, took his lucky bread. His tone was also very bad. "It’s a mystery, a sensation, a must The world’s first person’s gimmick, I suggest that everyone should not go to see Zhang Wei’s talk show. This kind of column is a waste of time and energy, not worth seeing.”


"Supporting Teacher Ono"

"Say well, this show is too junk"

The following few people's Weibo fans follow the thread.

Zhang Wei didn't get angry, but smiled. He looked at the familiar names. If they didn't stand up, they would forget them. Zhang Hao's enthusiasm on the TV station after the job hopping, so many people didn't have one. The buzz, the result is now Zhang Hao has to change the program to get the show, this group of people look at the public opinion are not good to see Zhang Wei talk show, they jumped out of the stone?

a few small people

Zhang Wei didn't even bother to reply to them, or the sentence, or the words when I left Beijing Radio Station - don't rush, shout, let's walk.

The bell is ringing, and the mobile phone is coming.

Zhang Wei was surprised. The call was from Beijing-based TV station Hu Fei. It was also his old leader. "Hey, Hu Ge, how do you think of calling me?"

Hu Fei asked: "Do you really want to get that talk show?"

Zhang Xiao smiled. "Yeah, are you not optimistic?"

"You kid, courage can be too big." Hu Fei did not say not optimistic, but the meaning in the tone is also very obvious, but euphemistic.

Zhang Yule said: "I can't do anything with this person, it is bold."

Hu Fei was teased by him and said: "Come on, I will wait to see you on time tomorrow. Xiao Lu Dafei, they have always supported you, don't let everyone down."

Zhang Yi said indifferently: "I will."

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Hao looked at the time and went out.

nine thirty.

Weiwei Company No. 7 Recording Hall.

In the backstage dressing room, Zhang Hao sat honestly in front of the mirror, let a female makeup artist give him makeup, count it, this may be the first makeup of Zhang Huan in his life, before the most is to make up the hairstyle, originally on the radio It is obvious that you can't see your face. When you are on the TV station, because Zhang Wei is talking about history, his face is not black, so it doesn't matter. But this time is different. This time it is a series of entertainment programs, so the image of the host is also more demanding. The first time I record, I naturally dress up.

The female makeup artist asked: "What do you want?"

Zhang Wei said casually, "Give me Jinchengwu."

"...Who is Jincheng Wu?" The female makeup artist is puzzled.

"Hey, then it's like a Korean idol star." Zhang Wei saw the female makeup artist burst into tears, and he laughed: "Just kidding, relax."

The female makeup artist said: "So simple?"

"Well, listen to you." Zhang Wei believes in the eyes of professionals.

Just painting, there was a man rushing over there. "Mr. Zhang, what color is the clothes? Or a suit? Or else I will take it?"

Zhang Weidao: "In the first issue, you should be a little more beautiful, red and green will do, and the picture will be festive."

"Well, I will take it." The staff went quickly.

In the headset, there was a new live broadcast of the live broadcast. "The attention of each group, there are still half an hour before the audience enters, everyone is hurrying."

Even if Zhang Wei has three heads and six arms, it is impossible to take all the positions, such as make-up artists, such as live broadcasts, such as chores, so Wang Xiong, the deputy director, has arranged for him to enter six or seven people in these two days. The top person in charge of the column group is Zhang Wei, the top and middle level of the column group are also Zhang Yi, and the employees under the column are these six or seven people.

"Okay." The female makeup artist slammed her finger.

Zhang Yanzhao looked at the mirror and saw that it didn't change at first glance, but in fact the lens will change a lot afterwards, because of the problem of light, "Yes, go"

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