I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 242: [A column that shocked the world! 】

When the announcement is over

The scene was silent and quiet

Zhang Ye was embarrassed, and said that the new column of buddy would not be so miserable, right? It's all over, do you give me a reaction anyway?

However, two seconds later, a spectator suddenly stood up from his seat with excitement and clapped his hands desperately with the strength of his entire body.

Second person

Tenth man

Hula wink

All a hundred spectators stood up, and many of them seemed unable to express their feelings and excitement at the moment in words. They turned all these emotions into applause and sent them to Zhang Ye. Some people can see that both hands are covered. It became popular, but it still didn't stop, still standing there clapping uncontrollably, no one left, and no one left, just clapping their hands in place

Zhang Ye hurriedly said, "Thank you, thank you, it's over, please leave the venue under the leadership of the staff." Hands folded to express his gratitude to everyone.


Pop pop

The applause still keeps

Everyone still didn't leave, some continued to clap their hands, some whistled, and others shouted Zhang Ye's name with excitement, shouting again and again

Zhang Ye is also very grateful, and his heart is moved by the scene before him.He knows that his hard work these days has not been in vain. He understands that his hard work these days has been rewarded to the audience-this is the cutest group of people, they don't Like some leaders, sometimes even if you do more and pay more, the leader may not remember you well. They are not like some colleagues who have to consider the pros and cons in everything, and they are not like some so-called experts. They want to say hello. You are fine, if you want to say you are bad, you can't. Audiences-they are a group of lovely people who will respond to you and cheer you as long as you sincerely present good works to them

It's a minute.

The applause is still deafening

Zhang Ye hurriedly said, "Thank you, everyone, please go back, please go back"

The staff had already come up and wanted to lead the audience away, but no one left, they just clapped their hands and gave him the most sincere applause

"Teacher Zhang Ye"

"I love you"

"You are awesome, awesome"

"So this is a talk show"

"Perfect, this is the perfect show"

Everyone cheered

Zhang Ye no longer knows how many thanks he said on stage, "Thank you, thank you"

He even saw that the company leaders such as Feng Guiqin and Wang Xiong actually stood up with a smile, and kept applauding Zhang Ye below.

This is especially true for colleagues such as Dong Shanshan, A Qian Xiaoyu, Wang Bei and Zhang Han

Zhang Ye tried to persuade him to call the curtain several times, but he returned without success, and he still smiled bitterly.

After the audience cheered for about ten minutes, they clapped their hands and became tired. Finally, under the leadership of the staff, they left the recording room No. 7 and left. However, many people rushed to the stage during the period, and Zhang Ye asked for an autograph. Otherwise, he would take a photo with him. Of course, Zhang Ye did not refuse. They met everyone's requirements one by one. Otherwise, these audiences don't know when. Let's go.

This scene is really something that Viva Internet TV has never had. They have been doing Internet TV for several years. They have recorded hundreds of programs, large and small, but there has never been a time when the audience is so emotional after recording a program. This is so rare

Sent away the audience.

Zhang Ye has pulled a chair and sat down. He has been talking for half an hour without stopping. He has been exhausted. This kind of recorded program is not ordinary talking. It is not too much to talk to friends for two hours. Tired, but he is doing a show, and he can't just say what he says. He has to keep sorting out his language and adjusting his thoughts in his head. What's more, there are almost no clutters in other people. From beginning to end, Zhang Ye is basically alone. Speaking naturally consumes a lot of energy and stamina. Just look at Zhang Ye at this moment. He is sweating on his forehead and back. Of course, this is also related to being hit by countless lights for a long time.

"Ms. Zhang." A female staff member hurried over with a bottle of mineral water, "You have to drink some water and take a break. Thank you very much."

"Thank you." Zhang Ye unscrewed the lid and drank, and drank a whole bottle.

The result was not enough. Another on-site director saw it and brought a bottle.

Zhang Ye drank half of the second bottle again. Then he exhaled and eased a little bit. However, his emotions relaxed and he realized that his voice had become dumb. He stood up and said, "Everyone has worked hard."

The fourth sister came up and punched Zhang Ye in the chest with her fist without saying anything. "You really have you, so this is what you call a talk show. I really thought it was a joke splicing. It turned out to be not just a joke. It’s also linked to current events and every piece is too **** ingenious. I wonder what is in your mind.”

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I didn't say it was a pile of jokes?"

"But everyone thinks so" the fourth sister laughed.

Feng Guiqin and Wang Xiong and the other three leaders were whispering to discuss matters. Finally, Wang Xiong smiled and walked over, "Mr. Zhang."

He used to be called "Xiao Zhang", but now he has added the word "teacher".

Zhang Ye quickly looked over, "Director Wang."

Wang Xiong said: "We just discussed, don’t wait for Monday, Sunday, that is, tonight, your show will be broadcast at 8 o’clock. This is the best time slot for our Internet TV station. Director Feng meant that This time slot is reserved for you, other shows will be postponed"

Zhang Ye said, "Is this suitable? I'm a newcomer, isn't it..."

Wang Xiong waved his hand, "You don't want to come to this set, ha ha, the prime time of the weekend, there is no more suitable column than yours. The leaders have already set it, and you can keep it if you have any comments."

Can Zhang Ye have any comments? He is eager. It will be broadcast on Sunday or the prime time broadcast at 8 o'clock on Sunday. That is not the same concept as the broadcast on Monday.

Feng Guiqin looked at him with a smile, "Don't thank us, this is your own effort. Just a few days ago when you submitted this column, several senior executives, including me, were not optimistic about your new column. What kind of talk show? What is a talk show? I have never heard of it. We naturally have some subjective biases, but today, you let us know what a talk show is. To be honest, after listening to your show, I It was shocking. I believe that everyone present was a little bit shocked and surprised. You said before that your show must be okay? It turns out that you are right. Do you remember what you said to us?"

Zhang Ye chuckled, "Nonsense, nonsense."

Feng Guiqin smiled and said: "No, that's not nonsense. You said that we can't deny your most basic judgment as an artist - it seems that it is indeed the case now."

Zhang Ye hurriedly said, "No, I have a quick mouth for a while, and my temper is rather anxious. That's why... Don't forget to say something wrong."

Wang Xiong was in a very good mood, and he smiled, "If we can produce a good show like Zhang Ye's Talk Show" with one sentence, we would like someone to like us every day.

Feng Guiqin said: "We just talked about it, and we are very optimistic about your new show. You don't need to watch the first episode of the click rate. If this kind of show does not have 500,000 views, it would be a big joke. Click It must be over half a million. Now it’s the question of how many clicks. Well, you are going to record the second episode of the show. Every Saturday and Sunday at 8 o’clock in the evening, it will be the time for your Zhang Ye talk show. The best time and resources of the Internet TV station are left to you, Xiao Zhang, don’t let everyone down.”

Zhang Ye said: "Definitely."

VW Network TV has been a bit hard this year. It's hard work, and many programs are unsustainable. Those who have done well before have fallen into the stereotypes one by one, losing a large number of viewers, basically relying on a star interview column to support As for the Internet TV station, other programs with 600,000 to 700,000 views are considered relatively good programs, and the overall quality is getting worse and worse. This is also the reason why Weiwei recruits a large number of network hosts to do new programs. They hope to inject some fresh blood into their network TV stations through the new programs. The leaders of Dong Shanshan's new column are looking forward to it, but there are no surprises, because this kind of program is more common on TV.As for Zhang Ye's column, everyone has always been unfavorable, but it happened that Zhang Ye blurted out as soon as it was recorded today. "Show" unexpectedly gave everyone a great surprise and astonishment, that emotion is beyond words

This is the talk show?

Just a lonely person, just looking for an ordinary mouth, unexpectedly spread out such a new column that pioneered the world

In China, whether it is a talent show, other singing competitions, and some popular variety shows, they are actually borrowed from or even plagiarized foreign TV. A large part of it is bought foreign program copyrights, local things. Very few, and even more creative ideas. This thing is simple to say. It is too difficult to sit up, because there is a magical department in China, called the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. Many programs and variety shows are strictly blocked, like foreign countries. Many excellent programs, if they are produced in China, they will not pass the review. This will affect the creative development of domestic programs. They have always been half-dead eating leftovers from foreigners.

But now

But today

Zhang Ye Talk Show" is out

This is a novel program format that has never been connected to the whole world at home and abroad. Several leaders of the company even have a hunch that the talk show created by Zhang Ye may not only make a national sensation, but may even shock the world. what

Talk show?

What a talk show

This is the show they need

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