I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 241: [The first talk show ended successfully! 】

on site.

The atmosphere is finally hot

The few buddies who were going to sleep when they first came, were screaming at the moment with their blood.

Wang Xiongzui laughed sour, "this little Zhang"

Feng Guiqin looked at Zhang Wei, who was talking on the stage, and nodded slightly.

"Look at what he said next." Another company leader is also very excited.

Other colleagues have reacted almost like this. It’s just this opening and the hot field. Everyone’s attention is drawn.

The audience is even more so, knowing the shouts and applause.

Zhang Hao pressed the hand: "Well, thank you all." When the applause stopped, he said seriously: "You all know that I have stepped to this day, I have my own fans, I have my own column, it is already A successful person." He took care of his tie. "Celebrities like me, my big star..."

People underneath




Zhang Wei looked at the stage with his big eyes in confusion. "...isn't it a smile here?"

"噗" results, when the audience heard this, the audience laughed even more.

"Okay, okay." Zhang Wei touched his forehead and said: "Today's success, I often think of all kinds of humiliations when I was a child. When I was in school, I was bullied by boys during the day, and at night... I was rejected by girls. Having said that, Zhang Wei coughed and said: "In the era when they were excluded by others because they were too good, they must have thought that I would have today." Zhang Wei looked at the camera and pointed at the camera. "So today I have to say a word to the camera. All the people who saw this show and who had bullied me before, listened well, and your name will appear in the joke without interruption." Lens

"Ha ha ha"

Everyone smiled and applauded.

Of course, there are a few exceptions.

Now is the trading time of the exchange, obviously several men looked down at the phone, as if looking at the stock, one by one frowning.

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "Some people may not know or are not familiar with me. I introduce myself. My name is Zhang Wei, and Miao Honggen is a Beijing-based person. I have been traveling to Shanghai for many days. I often miss my own. My hometown, like me and several of my colleagues are not local Shanghainese. When we are homesick, for example, when I want to be in Beijing, I ran to eat a roast duck. For example, when my two Northeast colleagues were homesick I went to eat a dumpling to solve my homesickness. I also have a colleague and my college classmate. She is Dong Shanshan."

Dong Shanshan: "..."

Come here again.

The people in the audience wanted to laugh when they heard the name of Dong Shanshan.

Wang Hao and Zhang Han also smiled and looked at Dong Shanshan, and touched her with her legs.

Zhang Weidao: "Dong Shanshan is an Inner Mongolian. When she is homesick, it is a bit difficult to do..." He paused and suddenly turned a corner. "So every time I want to be in Inner Mongolia, she goes to the exchange. Zhang Huan waved his affectionately and said: "Look at the endless green."

A few people who are bowing their hearts and cursing how the stock is falling every day, listened to this sentence, and then looked up and then squirmed and squirted.

"a ha ha ha"

"Hey, it’s too funny."

"You thought it was a grassland."

Others who don’t even stock up are also teased and laughed.

Now the stock market is green, and it is falling every day. This section of Zhang Wei just happens to catch up with the current affairs. The effect of the paragraph is of course very good.

Dong Shanshan has no idea what an expression is, angry and funny, the camera frequently hits the camera and captures her expression.

Wang Bei quipped: "Firs, must beat him down."

Zhang Hanzui was also tired and tired. "Mr. Zhang Wei is so funny. I can't laugh anymore and my chin is frozen."

Zhang Wei’s paragraphs are one after another, and the connection is also very harmonious. There is no blunt feeling. “Stocks have been falling, prices have been rising, but wages are not long. Some people have said, like the first line of Beijing and Shanghai. The life in the city is too fast. Is there such a saying?"

This is an interaction with the audience and a major feature of the talk show.




The audience said.

Zhang Wei looked at them. "Do you all agree with this statement?" Everyone didn't understand what Zhang Hao was going to say. He blinked and heard no sound. Then he saw Zhang Weidao: "I don't agree, and I think this. The sayings are very ridiculous and the first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are too fast to live. People who say such words certainly haven’t lived in the first-tier cities.” The tone stopped, and Zhang Hao suddenly sullenly said: “Fam? I am Would you like to ask if you have a car in Beijing, Shanghai? Ah? Are you taking pictures in the company office? Ah? What are you going fast?"

Everyone glimpsed, then suddenly burst into laughter

Zhang Wei does not stop, letting everyone rest or boring time is not given. "I mentioned the problem of the car. I thought of a CCTV morning news I saw this morning. Now I advocate green travel. Have you seen it? ”



"This news has been repeated for a few days."

The audience echoed.

Zhang Wei’s face is helpless: “The news keeps saying that foreigners have bought a car. It’s not open. People’s cars are kept with the family. People who go out to work are taking the subway by bus.” He said that he spread his hand. "Well, I can't do it yet."



"Ha ha ha"

Zhang Wei’s phrase, "I believe it still doesn't believe it," pokes a lot of people's smiles.

The irony is too strong, are you sure that you are really okay to say this?

Zhang Hao said innocently: "I can't easily buy a car when I eat it. I immediately responded to the call for green travel. Ok, I won't open it. The next day... the parking fee will go up. I thought that the car was too expensive to park there. I couldn’t stop it, so I started driving again. The third day... The price of oil went up to the end. It’s really unclear about my mathematical ability. Is it cheap to park there or it is cheap to open?"

The audience laughed constantly, and this words also aroused everyone’s resonance and immediately gave applause.

Zhang Yan sighed: "You have a work in Beijing, do you know?"


"heard about it"

The audience responded.

Zhang Wei’s expression is painful: “It’s a stadium. It’s a game often. I’m a fan. Since the oil price has risen to the point of today, I’ve never seen the ball in the work. Well, it’s not because of parking. Fees are too expensive or there is no place to park, mainly because I drove in the past, the stadiums with tens of thousands of people are shouting oil and cheering, and hey, you don’t know, I am so hearted. He is doing his chest. Helium. This paragraph has hanged up the current events, and it is still the news of these two days.

Wang Xiong clap his hands

Feng Guiqin, the first-hander, couldn’t help but cover his mouth and laugh.

Zhang Yili took care of the suit and took a slight breath. He said: "It's not easy to live. Every day, there are sad things. When it comes to watching the ball and talking about football, I think of the news that I saw a gambling game yesterday. I heard that football. I have been involved in the investigation, and everyone knows about it?"



The audience nodded.

Zhang Wei said: "In these years, gambling has been repeatedly banned, and there has been an increasing trend. Not only do rich people gamble, but players also start to gamble." He said mysteriously whispered: "I am here." There is an internal message, I can't tell others, um, of course, I can't help if the TV is released."

Everyone laughs

Just listen to Zhang Weidao: "Is there a team in the domestic league, what is the ridiculous position? Eleven people play on the court, four people are gambling, that is, a team, almost half of the people are involved in gambling And it is to buy your own team to lose, hey, do you think about this suspense? You must lose, the four players of the team buy their own team to lose, the result is ... ... has not lost yet"



Everyone is puzzled to see Zhang Wei on the stage.

Zhang slammed his mouth and said: "Because the other team... eight people also bought them and lost."

When everyone heard it, they laughed, "hahahaha"

Several female spectators wiped their eyes with napkins and laughed at tears.

This is the paragraph of Zhou Libo's "Zhou Zhou Li Bo Xiu", but Zhang Wei changed some. Zhang Wei concluded: "So now the status quo of Chinese football can basically be described as follows: Football Association Fudge Club - this is called management, club flicker players - this is called operation, players flicker football - this is called personality, football club and The players flicker the fans together - this is called Chinese football.

This passage is very connotative.

Some people understand it after they have relished it, and immediately they are afraid of getting started, "Say well."

The applause rang for a long time.

Feng Guiqin shines brightly

Wang Xiong and another leader around him are also

They thought that Zhang Wei was just a joke that made a turning point. I didn’t expect that even after a fine product, there would be something so fascinating.

Zhang Wei estimates the number of words in this chapter... It’s estimated that the time is almost the same, and he said: “After finishing the recent news, let’s talk about the weather again, the sky is getting colder and colder, and it’s coming to the end of the year. The annual Spring Festival travel is coming again. I believe that the comrades who have withstood the test of the Spring Festival should have a deep understanding. Last year, probably during this period of time, a certain murder occurred in a certain province. The suspect was at large. The local police chief insisted on interviewing reporters. Our investigation department decided that the suspect could not escape from our province. Sure enough, a few days later, the suspect was arrested. A reporter asked him why he had not escaped for so many days. The suspect could not help but swear. You think that Laozi does not want to run. Laozi is fucking. The team that had been in the train station for three days did not buy the tickets. Only this paragraph commemorates the heroes who grabbed the train tickets during the Spring Festival... Of course, I don’t need to grab the tickets. I am so identifiable. People, that are all by plane."




Everyone laughs

Zhang Wei said slightly, "Okay, today's Zhangye talk show" is here, I am your host Zhang Wei, I wish you a happy weekend."

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