I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 246: [The continuation of Zhang Wei’s myth! 】

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Zhang Wei’s sisters, the old leader of the TV station Hu Fei’s, the old radio leader Zhao Guozhou, and the former old colleagues such as Wang Xiaomei Tianbin and Xiao Lu Dafei, who had previously told them that they had broadcasted their own programs. On the phone, some put forward some small opinions, such as Zhang Wei’s stance, because this is not the opposite of the “Lecture”, and there is a platform when Zhang Yipin’s Three Kingdoms At the moment, the recording of Zhangye’s talk show has some side-by-side or top-down shots, so some standing positions are very important. Wherever the hand is placed, there is something particular about it. Zhang Wei also accepts it one by one.

Of course, more people are calling to praise and congratulate.

"Mr. Zhang, congratulations."

"What is congratulatory about this."

"You have a show, and there is no future in the future."

"Hey, I don't know how the results are. I have to look at the clicks for a while."

"I promise that it is absolutely indispensable. After you become famous, you can take care of us. I will always be ready to roll the cover and mix with you, hehe."

"Oh, I can't wait, but I have to let him go."

Zhang Wei and the old TV colleague Xiao Lu joke a few words, just put down the phone and looked at the traffic of Zhang Wei’s talk show. It may be delayed or other technical problems. The click seems to be not refreshed immediately, and now the click volume is still Zero, nothing can be seen.


Hurry up and refresh you

What Zhang Hao can do, and now is the final result. Such a new form of talk show that has never appeared before, can you accept it at first sight? For this point, Zhang Wei said that it is a fake. A new thing always has a gradual cognitive process. Like his world, the talk show has been developed abroad for decades. After being broadcasted to the country, it was slowly recognized by the public, and Zhang Wei was not in the world at this moment, but he did not go through these preparations and depositions. The only good news is that the word on Zhang Wei’s talk show on the Internet is very good.

It’s almost nine o'clock.

Hey, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Zhang Yan walked and said: "Who?"

"I." Outside is Dong Shanshan with a **** voice.

"Well? You don't have a key?" Zhang Wei opened the door for her. After seeing her, she realized that the school flower was occupied by both hands. One big plastic bag was inside, and all the vegetables and meat were inside. "Hey, how to buy it." So many things?" Hurry and reach out and take it for her.

Dong Shanshan gasped and sighed with a sore smile: "These two days are busy, you are working overtime in the unit, I sometimes come back late at night, not eating in a few days. Hey, you broadcast it today, how can you have a good meal? It’s a celebration for you. I’m also wishing my “Network Talent Show” in advance to be able to sail smoothly. You didn’t eat it yourself. ?"

"No, this is not just waking up." Zhang Yi looked at the dish and smashed it. "And fish? Hey, I haven’t eaten it for a long time, OK, then I will give you a handle, it’s all nine. It’s fast.”

Dong Shanshan said: "Well, I have to help you today, you can wash vegetables."

"Get it, give it to me." Zhang Wei went to the pool to work.

Dong Shanshan also went into the kitchen with his mouth open, rolled up his sleeves and began to clean up the squid. While he was dealing with the internal organs, he said: "I looked at the mobile phone on the road. The online program is a compliment to you. I see that there is still An industry person has raised you to the height of the country? But it is indeed such a new column that the world does not have, but it really gives us a domestic entertainment industry."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "There are a few more people who are good at it. I want to see how many clicks are in the end. That is the real reaction. After all, even if a program is good, there will definitely be most people accepting it. No, I don't like it, um, the click hasn't been refreshed yet, because it's just about twenty minutes after the broadcast, and it's almost equal to the meal. I hope to break the million."

In his world, the talk show is more popular than the "Hundreds of Lectures", but it is not the most popular column. The ratings can be seen, and the top-level variety shows are popular in the country. Compared with the % spoon rating, it is still a level, so Zhang Hao did not expect too much. He could be satisfied with one million clicks in the first period. After a million years, his previous gambling contract with Dong Shanshan took effect. Before the two people had another gamble, if Zhang Wei’s show broke a million, Dong Shanshan lost him a kiss.

Stewed fish.


I have been busy for a long time and finally started the meal.

"Come on, try my craft." Dong Shanshan greeted.

"Well, I tasted, um, yeah," Zhang said with amazement.

Dong Shanshan said: "I rarely do fish, I don't know how to make it. Let's eat it."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "It's very good, although it is sour, but I like to eat sour, come and come, you can eat it, and work hard for a long time."

Dong Shanshan stepped on a pair of stiletto heels with a pair of seven or eight centimeters of waterproof platform. The apron was removed, revealing a pair of deep white cleavage and the two pieces of snowy white meat. When coming back, Dong Shanshan took the outside. The windbreaker was taken off, and there was no change of pajamas. Inside she was a black legging and a red low-cut shirt. The neckline was very awkward. Although the bra inside was barely covered, it was almost in one. I have to go to the edge of the light at any time. It seems that I can see her bra again with a little more effort, but I can’t see it. This feeling is the most hooked.

be envious

Showy food

Zhang Wei glanced at her chest and looked down at her two slender legs wrapped in black tights. The hips, the awkward, really want to pinch, he unconsciously put a big Bowl of rice is eaten

Dong Shanshan took the curly hair on his shoulder and ate the fish. "Well, okay."

Zhang Wei put down the bowl and started to eat vegetables.

Dong Shanshan glanced at him. "Hey, is it fast enough?"

"Yeah, hungry." Zhang Wei was embarrassed.

Dong Shanshan licked the fish in his mouth and got up and said: "The bowl is for me, I will give you a grand one..."" I didn't change my slippers when I came back. I also stepped on the high-heeled shoes on the school flower feet. The result was not stabilized and the shoes were twisted. Hey, the fish in the mouth and several fish bones were swallowed. Dong Shanshan’s face changed slightly and immediately slammed his mouth. “Oh,”

Zhang Wei busy said: "What happened?"

"Stab... stuck" Dong Shanshan inhales.

"Quickly drink vinegar" Zhang Xiaofei ran to the kitchen to get a bottle of vinegar to her, he is also very anxious, because as a broadcast host he is the most clear, the people who are in their line, the most important thing is the blind. This is the guy who eats and makes money, and there is no loss.

Dong Shanshan took a sip on his scalp. "No... OK."

Zhang Wei took it past: "You look at me and see where the card is?"

"Several... thorns... all in the eyes... son's eyes." Dong Shanshan opened his mouth and let him see.

Carp and grass carp are more thorns, and most of them are "Y" shaped thorns, once the card owner is very difficult to get, because it will hang.

Zhang Hao looked down at her nephew. "You raise your head again. There is light here. I can't see the black one there. Yes, then I can't look sideways. I saw that there is a thorn that has gone in. There is a slight It’s okay outside, not in the esophagus, all outside the eyes of the blind man”

Dong Shanshan closed his mouth and asked for eye spit.

"Don't stop." Zhang Wei stopped her. "If you swallow it into the esophagus, it's harder to get it. You... well, I will take you out with chopsticks."

Dong Shanshan nodded and opened his mouth again.

Zhang Wei took the chopsticks into her mouth, then the light was found for a long time, then went to the first thorn, but the head of the chopsticks was too big, and it was not flexible. It was so clumsy that it could not be caught, and it was hard to meet it. Also slipped at once

This touch, the thorn and the school flower, she was very uncomfortable.

Zhang Wei didn't dare to move. "Or else, will I give you a hand?"

Dong Shanshan urged: "Hurry up...it's too hard...accepted"

Zhang Wei washed his hands before eating, and now he can't take it to wash again. He bends his waist and squats parallel to Dong Shanshan. The thumb and forefinger are sent to the school flower and soft and charming lips. The control of the finger is naturally very precise. Zhang Wei immediately pinched the first thorn and smashed it out. The hand was already covered with the saliva of Dong Shanshan. He dropped the hedgehog on a napkin and then stretched it. Into her mouth.

The second thorn was not easy to find, looking for a long time.

In addition to saliva on the finger, there is a small tongue sticking to his finger, the tongue is not big, but it is very thick, soft and hot.

A distraction, his eyes glanced down. In this position, he could already see a bra under the open neckline of Dong Shanshan.

Dark blue


It may be that today she wore a little bigger bra. She did not completely wrap her flesh. The bra was slightly turned outwards. Naturally, some of the white flowers in the scenery were cheaper for Zhang Wei.

Zhang Xin’s heart swayed and he held back and continued to stab him.

The next moment, the thorn was pinched, but this was the spur of Dong Shanshan’s nephew. Her slippery little tongue reflected the condition and slid, and Zhang Wei only felt her fingers caught by her tongue. Even the tip of the tongue fell to the front side of his palm, stained with a spit of school flowers.

Zhang Wei ignored her appearance in vomiting, and slammed her hand into her mouth. She barely reached the thorn and pulled it out. "...well."

Dong Shanshan coughed a few times, then swallowed and spit, which exhaled.

"Is there a stab?" Zhang asked.

"No, thank you." Dong Shanshan went to the toilet. "I swear."

Zhang Wei looked at the sticky and wet fingers, and also pulled down the sticky saliva of the jokes. He also quickly went to the kitchen to wash his hands.

After a minute, the two sat back to continue eating.

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "You can't talk when you eat fish."

"It's a coincidence. You take off your shoes first, and you are too tall with your children." Zhang Wei suggested.

"Also, it’s too late to forget to cook quickly." Dong Shanshan did not go to the door to take the slippers, but directly bent down to take off the high heels on the feet, and put the heels on the whole. Aside, barefooted on the wooden floor, the ground was just wiped this morning, not dirty.

The beautiful feet under the tight trousers were wrapped in a layer of black stockings, so they were exposed in front of Zhang Wei, Zhang Yiyi could see it.


Everywhere in the whole body is so tempting.

When Dong Shanshan saw him look at his own feet, he couldn't help but bow his head. "How? Is my stockings off?"

"No." Zhang Yiyi coughed, "The ground is cold, don't catch cold."

"Nothing, the air conditioner is turned on." Dong Shanshan opened the air conditioner and opened the warm air.

After dinner.

Dong Shanshan throws the plate and throws it to the kitchen. "I brush the bowl. You look at it and click it out. Oh, I am too interested in how many people you can watch."

Zhang Wei moved the notebook to the coffee table in the living room. When he opened the sofa, he clicked on the webpage of the Internet TV and checked the Zhangye talk show. When he saw the string of numbers behind, Zhang Wei did not respond. After a moment, I took a look at the head and did not believe it. It’s true that this number is clearly written and will not go wrong.

I rely on

Is there so much?

Zhang Hao is dumbfounded.

Dong Shanshan took out a bowl probe with a washing spirit. "Is the statistics displayed?"

Zhang Hao nodded.

"How much?" asked Dong Shanshan.

Zhang Yan smiled and said: "You guess, you can't guess."

Dong Shanshan blinked. "After a million?"

Zhang Haohe smiled and said: "More than that, you guess."

Dong Shanshan blinked and said: "Can't you? This is only broadcast for two hours. Is it difficult to have two million? Is it not so high? Don't guess, you hurry to say, don't sell off."

Zhang Wei pointed to the computer screen, and the words were amazing: "It has already been 5.3 million."

Dong Shanshan snorted. "I can't see me." She didn't put down her bowl. She also ticks the water. She took the bowl and walked out of the kitchen and bent over to the front of the computer.

Five hundred and thirty-seven thousand two hundred

Dong Shanshan couldn't help but burst into a dirty mouth that was not dirty. "I'm going to have a lung. Do you want to be so exaggerated? It won't be two hours. Even if it starts to increase, it must be slow. It’s not a problem to sharpen up to 7 million hits tomorrow. Are you a new column, or the first issue, the first day, 7 million hits? Since the establishment of the Internet TV station, there has never been anyone and any new columns. In the first day, the number of hits exceeded 6 million. The highest one is a variety show of our competitors' Internet TV station. It was 5.9 million hits on the first day. It only took two hours to exceed it. Already?"

Zhang Hao touched his nose. "In fact, I didn't think so much. I still remember that it would be good to have a million clicks. It seems that everyone is still acknowledging my program."

"It’s just recognition? You are going to go against the sky." Dong Shanshan shook his head and sighed. "On your score, it will definitely cause a sensation. Tomorrow... No, you can refresh the Internet TV program before 12 o'clock today. The history of the first hits, and I think that it won’t be many days before, and your Zhangye talk show may even have the highest number of clicks and average clicks on the Internet TV program. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the evaluation, you really created history."

Zhang Wei is very cautious. "There may not be so many clicks in the future. Today there are so many, 80% is the previous propaganda, such as the plane hijacking, I went to CCTV news, and then "I The advertisement for myself is also a lot of hot discussion. Everyone will be curious. In addition, after the program is broadcast, the reputation is good. Everyone’s evaluation is to give me a big advertisement for free. Many people come here to click to see my program. There may be some people who don’t like to turn it off when they look at it, so it’s probably not so easy to keep the first level of clicks in the future.” He was not stunned by this achievement.

Dong Shanshan’s lips cornered and laughed. “Hey, if my new column can have one-tenth of your clicks, I’m going to die.” Finished, go back to the bowl.

Zhang Wei continued to refresh the webpage and watched his clicks grow little by little.

Ten o'clock.

The school brushed the bowl, swept the ground, and wiped the table.

"Okay, I have to go to work tomorrow, go to bed early." Dong Shanshan yawned and sighed, and stretched out, even if it was stretching, she naturally showed a flattering and lazy. Let Zhang Yan see that he can't bear to look away.

Zhang Wei remembered another thing, didn't say good night, but said with a sigh of relief: "Dong Dong, are you gambling before?"

Dong Shanshan looked at him confusedly. "Ah? What are you talking about?"

"We have made a bet. If the first period of my program breaks a million, is that what? Is it?" Zhang Weidao

Dong Shanshan’s old mistakes were made again, and the hippie smiled and said: “Have I said that? I don’t remember it? What time?”

Zhang Weidao: "Without you,"

Dong Shanshan blinked: "Is it really a bet?"

"Of course it is true. If you lose, you will lose a kiss. If I lose, I will send you a promotional video." Zhang Wei’s hand is helpless: "You don't care."

Dong Shanshan sighed: "Well, even if you are gambling."

"What is it? If you have been gambling," Zhang said without words.

Dong Shanshan went to the toilet. "I will brush my teeth first, and you will brush one at a time."

"Okay." Zhang Wei jumped in his heart and didn't look at the computer. He threw the notebook back into his bedroom. For him, the attraction of the school flower was obviously much.

After a while, the school flower was washed out.

Zhang Wei looked at her and entered the toilet. She began to brush her teeth and wash her face.

When he came out, Dong Shanshan was sitting on the sofa watching TV news, which was replayed during the day.

Zhang Wei walked over to her, sat down, and stopped talking. She smiled and didn't mean to open her mouth. She also watched the news broadcast.

Dong Shanshan said: "Is it finished?"

"Swipe up." Zhang Wei clears his throat.

"Yeah." Dong Shanshan did not speak.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward and a bit embarrassing.

The school flower usually looks very square, and it is very **** to wear and dress. It’s a singular look. In fact, only Zhang Xiao, who has been with Dong Shanshan for so many years, knows that Dong Shanshan’s character is actually Not as extroverted as everyone sees on the surface, on the contrary, she tends to be more introverted. People are contradictory.

Dong Shanshan is still wearing black tights and a red low-cut shirt at the moment, sitting on the sofa, she constantly exchanges Erlang legs, not very natural.

Zhang Wei is even more unnatural. For the enemy, he can always be cold like the autumn leaves, but he has no experience in treating women.

As a result, the two men saw 10:30 from ten o'clock.

After half an hour, the news ended, Dong Shanshan turned off the TV set, and Zhang Xiao smiled sideways: "Hurry up, sleepy."

Zhang Yan sighed.

Dong Shanshan had a lot of little moves. He rubbed his hair for a while, and then he took care of his clothes. Finally, he turned his side to the direction of Zhang Wei. His chin was slightly raised and his eyes closed. No, it should be picked up, and there is another The gap can see the eyeballs.

Zhang Wei took the cup nervously and drank the tea, then he grew strong and courageous. The body explored and went up, and his head was getting closer and closer to her.

"Wait a minute." Dong Shanshan opened his eyes. "Oh, the scorpion is a bit too, I also drink saliva." She came back late, did not give her tea, Dong Shanshan picked up Zhang's cup, also Regardless of the spit on the top, I drank it and drank it. "Well, okay."

A moment of silence.

Zhang Wei slowly probed again, and a mouth bite Dong Shanshan’s lower lip, because saliva will have some odor. This is the experience that Zhang Wei had when he was a pro-Bang Shan, so he did not kiss her. Lips, upper lip and nose are squatting, Zhang Yan smokes and drinks, naturally gives a good image, so the kiss is the lip below her, which is thicker than the upper lip, also very taste, kiss Comfortable.

The lips are connected.

The two men's heads are stuck together.

Zhang Wei still remembers the last regret, that is, did not get his tongue in, so after a kiss, Zhang Wei was afraid that Dong Shanshan ran away like the last time, and immediately extended his tongue and squeezed it into the school flower. In the mouth, I was entangled with the tongue of the school flower.

Dong Shanshan is obviously caught off guard, "唔"

Zhang Wei was very nervous and embarrassed just now, but he is like this. If something is done, it doesn’t matter, and the courage is big. When I bite her tongue, when the tongue is enough, Zhang Wei also Didn't dare to be too much, she took it out of her mouth.

Dong Shanshan shouted and gasped. It seemed to be squatting. He said with a good air: "How come the tongue is coming in? Is there a gambling appointment?"

Zhang Dai said stupidly: "Don't you forget to gamble?"

Dong Shanshan: "..."

Zhang Hao hurriedly said: "There is no saying about the gambling contract. Then, when we make another gamble, we can set the terms in detail."

"And next time?" Dong Shanshan glanced at him and smiled. "You don't have enough money, don't pull it, I am sleeping, and you have to rest early."

Zhang Wei cordially said: "Good night fir."

"Good night." Dong Shanshan returned to the house.

Leave Zhang Wei alone to recall the sweet taste in his mouth in the living room.

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