I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 247: [List of people who are stunned by the show! 】

Sleeping late.

It was also late the next day.

Zhang Hao got up from the bed and looked at it. Good guy, it’s ten o'clock in the morning. He hurriedly got up and dressed. After lying in bed last night, he always remembered the soft taste of Dong Shanshan’s mouth and small tongue. Insomnia, the result of Dong Shanshan may have left very early in the morning, to go to her new column, but he did not call him because of the time. Zhang Hao had already relied on Dong Shanshan’s "alarm" to call him. I got up, the alarm didn't go up, I got it. The result was a blink of an eye. Let's go, don't be late for too long.

The living room is really nobody.

But there is an egg fried rice on the table. It was fried rice yesterday. At first glance, it was Dong Shanshan’s cooking. Zhang Yiyi hesitated and changed his mind. He still took the microwave oven and gave it a meal. Hey, anyway, I’m late, I’ll finish it after I’ve finished eating it, and the school’s rice can’t be wasted.

Go out.

Standing by the road to take a taxi.

Suddenly, a passing young man saw Zhang Hao and suddenly widened his eyes and pointed at him and shouted: "You...you...you are Zhang Wei"

Zhang Yiyi, smiled and nodded to him.

The young man is very excited. "Is it really you and I saw your Zhang Huan talk show yesterday." It’s really fucking."

Zhang Wei was very pleased and said: "Thank you for joining us."

He shouted, another girl saw Zhang Hao, ah, screamed, "Zhang Wei is yesterday's talk show Zhang Wei" She is busy turning her head, a girl waiting for the car in the distance Road: "Dream dreams come on, I see the star is the cold face laughter"

Another girl over there excitedly ran over

"Teacher Zhang"

"Your show is very good"

"Give me a name"

"I want to be a **** fan from the beginning of watching your show."

Zhang Wei is also very happy, signing them one by one. In Shanghai, someone finally recognizes himself. Before he came to Shanghai, he didn’t wear sunglasses. Although it delayed his time at work, it didn’t matter. The fans are his parents.

Although there are still a lot of people around to look at them strangely, they glance at it and leave. Obviously, they don’t know Zhang Wei, but Zhang Wei knows that this is already very rare. His popularity has already been slowly made in China. It’s not just a matter of sticking to the capital, it’s a rise and rise. Of course, he can’t compare with the first-line and super-line stars who are walking on the street, but Zhang Wei is content. I understand that this is the name that Zhang Wei’s talk show brought to him. From this point, I can see how successful the column was last night. Only then can someone recognize him on the street and take care of him. Signed

After a few photos of the fans, Zhang Hao also got a taxi after waiting for their satisfaction. The first thing he got on the bus was to put on the long-lost sunglasses.


As soon as I entered the hall, many people saw Zhang Wei. These people were basically not in the Internet TV department, but they all recognized him.

"Teacher Zhang."

"Come on? Good morning."

Several people laughed and said hello.

Zhang Hao didn't know them, but he still went back. "Good morning."

When Zhang Qi entered his office area, the situation became even more serious. I saw that he had just entered the room, and almost everyone’s eyes in the office area were brushed up.

Wang Xiong is also there.

Zhang Hao was busy greeted with apologetics. "Leader, I can't help but can't help it. I had a late break yesterday. I didn't get up in the morning. I won't be next time."

Wang Xiong and Yan Yue patted him on the shoulder. "It doesn't matter. I know that you have worked hard these days. Is your body okay? If you don't have a rest, I will let you have a day off."

Zhang Weidao: "Nothing, it has already slowed down."

Wang Xiong smiled and said: "Do you see your program clicked?"

"Look." Zhang Wei added, "Looked at last night, five million."

Wang Xiong haha ​​smiled and said: "Then you are the old Huang Li, we are still talking about this thing. In the morning, a company high-level meeting is also talking about your new column."

Zhang Wei said: "Is the company's upper-level meeting saying that I am?"

Wang Xiong pointed to him. "Do you know how much traffic you have in your column now?" said, giving Zhang Wei a form, "This is just the latest statistics without delay."

Zhang Wei took a look.

Wang Xiong directly said: "7.4 million"

Zhang Wei, he thought that it would be more than seven million to grind tonight. I didn't expect this to arrive in the morning. He is really surprised

Wang Xiongdao: "Do you know what this click volume means? It means that you broke the history of the first phase of Internet TV traffic and created a new viewing myth. I have a data here, the first of all new Internet TV programs in China this month. The number of clicks, you are the first, do you know how many clicks are in the second place? It is one hundred and three hundred thousand. Your program is about six times that of the other party. It is overwhelming and there is no suspense. The top ten clicks, the clicks of the other nine columns are all added together, there are not many of your columns, or even one of your shows is twice the sum of the first nine of them."

Zhang Wei said with a low profile: "It may be that there is nothing new in this month."

Wang Xiong shook his head and said: "It's not that their column is not good. The first one million clicks are already quite impressive. It's really too good for you." He turned his head to other people. "Everyone stopped the work at the stop. Everyone knows that this year we are not very good at the results of our network TV stations. We were very pressured by several other Internet TV stations. When we were in a meeting, we would like to mobilize. The goal we are talking about is to surpass them and regain the position of the industry leader. Today, Zhang Wei talk show created all the new columns in history. One year later, let’s let our network TV station reach the top. Should we Send it to Xiao Zhang with the warmest applause?"


"Mr. Zhang is mighty"

"It’s too fierce, more than seven million clicks."

"And it’s less than twenty-four hours. At night, it’s likely to get eight million. The history has been refreshed by more than two million? I am going."

"Bright my eyes"

"Yes, I saw that click in the morning, I am stupid."

"This click is not unexpected. I saw Teacher Zhang’s column yesterday. I laughed at me. I don’t know how many times I shed tears."

"Let's make my network TV finally have a new signboard."


Everyone has raised their hands

Wang Xiong is also the same. He feels very good. "Mr. Xiao Zhang, you will communicate with everyone in the future and teach your colleagues the experience in this area."

Zhang Hao is busy waving his hand. "I am also a newcomer. I feel the stones crossing the river. Everyone exchanges and talks with each other. It can't be said anything."

The leader is gone.

Zhang Wei returned to his desk.

Dong Shanshan is not there, and may go to the recording hall to be busy.

A Qian and Xiao Yudeng came together. "Mr. Zhang, congratulations, congratulations."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "It is the hard work of the team, not the credit of me alone."

"You don't know, hahaha. In the morning, a former colleague called me. He is also in this industry, but he is another Internet TV station." Xiao Yudao: "He came up and asked me, your company. What happened to Zhang Wei? Where did the monks come out?" After a pause, he was very happy: "According to him, people in the Internet TV department were shocked when they saw the traffic of your column last night. "

Zhang Xiaoxiao, "Not so exaggerated?"

"It's really exaggerated." Xiao Yule said: "He can't be wrong in his original words."

At this time, several colleagues took the initiative from afar.

"Mr. Zhang, I know, my name is Li Weipeng, I am responsible for the technology. If you have this in the future, you will find me."

"Mr. Zhang, I am engaged in copywriting. Are you still missing in the column group?"

"Mr. Zhang, hello, what day do you have a meal? I have to ask you about the program, you can't experience it."

Zhang Hao is busy with socializing and shaking hands with them.

For a time, everyone seems to have forgotten the things that were not very optimistic about the talk show before. Zhang Wei has already proved his strength. As long as he is doing the show, he will definitely be fired. "The Late Night Ghost Story" is Zhang Yipin's Three Kingdoms. It’s also a Zhang Wei talk show.

at the same time.

Relevant news reports have also appeared on the Internet.

There is awkwardness, saying that Zhang Wei’s column is too bottomless, just for fun.

Of course, more is praise, and the domestic can give a new and pioneering column. Most of the attitudes are positive.

Naturally, Zhang Wei’s talk show’s hits against the sky have also been reported.

Netizens said that they blinked

"is this real?"

“More than seven million clicks a day?”

"This is your mother is going to rush out of the rhythm of the earth."

"This makes you blink! You are too naive, I see that few people have noticed it? Haha, I suggest you go back and look at the list of the finalists of the Zhangye talk show. After you read it, you will really I’ve been stupid in advance, I’m already stupid.”


"member list?"

"What do you mean? I look at it."

Then many people curiously ran over and looked back. It doesn’t matter, as the person said, everyone cried.

Director system: Zhang Wei.

Director: Zhang Wei.

General planning: Zhang Wei.

Director group: Zhang Wei, Qi Xuan.

Props: Zhang Wei.

Clothing: Zhang Wei.

Makeup: Liu Weihong.

Late editing: Zhang Wei.

Technical Producer: Zhang Wei.

Scene design: Zhang Wei.

Video: Wang Lei, Li Heni, Sun Bang.

A list of almost all positions is actually the name of Zhang Wei

"I rely on you lungs."

“All is Zhang Hao?”

"This is your mother is a nine-time job."

"Mr. Zhang, do you want to be so versatile?"

This list of program personnel is really stunned by countless people.

Not only those netizens sent out one by one to express incredible comments, but even some insiders also sent a few shocked expressions.

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