I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 248: [Live broadcast? Nothing I dare not! 】

Four days later.

Friday, morning.

The shock and discussion about Zhang Ye's talk show on the Internet gradually became calm and rational, and the topic was not so hot. Even if a topic is hot, it cannot last forever. It is normal. I heard that someone has been yelling recently. A cosmetic scandal broke out for a Korean star who himself is "purely natural". Everyone is going to discuss this. It doesn't matter if Zhang Ye is on the cusp, because his reputation has already earned enough from this wave.

Weibo has nearly 900,000 followers

The number of die-hard fans in the base camp of the Tieba fan club has soared to 40,000

Even the star ratings refer to that side, Zhang Ye is no longer the bottom of the four-line artists, but has risen by about eight or nine.Although it is still the countdown, the fourth-line and the fifth-line are not a concept at all, this level. The stars in the show are all genuine. They have gone through countless trials and baptisms. There is not a soft persimmon, so when the show was first broadcast, it climbed up to eight or nine. This is already very bad. If Zhang Ye talk show "Continue to maintain the quality of the broadcast, and I believe the ranking will continue to get higher and higher.

Look at the total reputation of the game.

-A total of 2.1 million

Zhang Ye knows that the reason why one program can get so high is mostly due to the talk show, a form of entertainment that has never appeared in this world. This has caused such a big impact and heated discussion, and then it will give He brings so many prestige points. It is estimated that after the second episode is broadcast, there will not be so many. Perhaps half of it will be killed. Each episode has a reputation of about one million, but one million is also very high. For example, when he was with Beijing TV station, only one issue of Zhang Ye Pin Three Kingdoms could bring him hundreds of thousands of prestige. This is more than doubled. Now look back, Zhang Ye chose to work at the Internet TV station this time, obviously. Choose the right way

There is one hour left before work.

Dong Shanshan is not at home, so he is going to work on a new column.

After eating breakfast, Zhang Ye habitually turns on the TV to watch the news, and then clicks on the interface of the game ring by the way, wanting to try his luck in a lucky draw. If I was idle, I was also idle. Click to buy the lottery. Then Zhang Ye didn't look at which area the pointer would stay in, so he clicked to raise and added ten bets.

A total of 1.1 million prestige

The hands began to swing wildly and then became slower and slower

Because that "difficulty adjustment dice" left Zhang Ye too much psychological trauma, the last two draws were also consumable items, so this time he really didn't dare to consume the items. The special category is the best in the draw. If you fail to draw, the attribute and skill categories are also acceptable.

Turn and turn and turn

The pointer stopped slowly

Zhang Ye saw that it was okay, it was a skill area

He took the treasure box from the lottery draw out of his inventory and lifted the lid, expecting to see what was out of it.

【+Computer Network Technology Skills Experience Book】l

Zhang Ye's eyes were black, and he couldn't help but patted his forehead. What kind of **** is this, his show is getting more and more popular, and its popularity is getting higher and higher, but luck is getting worse every day, remember. Last time, when he was in the capital, Zhang Ye got a computer programming skills experience book before he drew Tai Chi skills. Or was it 21 full books, this time? Changed course? This time is the skill book of computer network technology? Your sister, is this the rhythm to let your buddies become computer teachers? Programming is also true, so is network technology. Why do I want it? My buddy wants to be a star, not an IT career

Forget it, that's the end of the matter, it's useless to say anything, eat it first, let's talk about it, in case this broken thing can be used in the future-Zhang Ye is so self-comforting.




Zhang Ye "eats" the skill experience.

As for the remaining 1 million prestige, Zhang Ye was not ready to draw any more prizes. He did not hesitate to buy ten memory search capsules, then ate them, and continued to extract all the excellent talk show columns in his world. This is not too much of his memory. Last time he only extracted a little bit. He will definitely continue to do a good job of the talk show in the future. All these knowledge and memories are extremely necessary. Otherwise, without these things, Zhang Ye is It's impossible to talk so eloquently, these are his roots

Eight forty.

After his reputation was over, Zhang Ye took a taxi to go to work.


It's cloudy today, but it doesn't look like rain.

As soon as he arrived at the company, a staff member came over and called him, saying that Director Feng was looking for him.

Zhang Ye put down his things and went upstairs to the director's office, knocked on the door and entered the room, "President Feng, are you looking for me?"

Wang Xiong was also in the room. Feng Guiqin was talking to him, looking sideways at Zhang Ye. She smiled and waved, "Come on, Xiao Zhang, sit down first."

"Ah." Zhang Ye sat down.

Feng Guiqin looked at him and said, "Recently, your Zhang Ye talk show" has attracted many netizens and viewers to our website, and it has also earned a lot of praise and praise. However, the things that happened on the Internet in the past two days are also compared. More, and the popularity of your column will decrease again. I am afraid that when the second episode is broadcast tomorrow, the results may shrink a little, so I want to add a gimmick and add fire to your column."

Zhang Ye was puzzled: "What gimmick?"

Feng Guiqin smiled and said: "This is just my whim, or my whimsy can't be overstated. It depends mainly on your personal meaning."

Zhang Ye was puzzled: "What kind of gimmick?"

Feng Guiqin paused and said, "I want to do a live broadcast."

"Live broadcast?" Zhang Ye was startled, "Live broadcast?"

Feng Guiqin nodded, "This is very difficult, and I know that there are very few live broadcasts on traditional TV stations. Except for some news programs and competitive games, the others are basically recorded, because the live broadcast is unpredictable, and there will be various events. All kinds of problems and emergencies, even those news programs, there are often errors in the live broadcast. This is still the case of holding a manuscript or having a teleprompter to read it. Internet TV is even more difficult, and this emerging industry has also appeared. For several years, no one has dared to broadcast live on Internet TV shows. This may have been rejected by many people in the industry because they find it too difficult to be foolproof. If there is a problem on the scene, the host is very What is difficult to handle and deal with flexibly is the live broadcast accident. It is better to record and broadcast. However, watching your first talk show on the spot, I have a feeling that others may not be able to, but I think you can.”

Zhang Ye snorted, Mr. Feng's words put him under a lot of pressure, but there was also a wave of blood in his heart. This kind of trust is rare.

Wang Xiong asked, "Teacher Xiao Zhang, what do you think?"

Feng Guiqin smiled and said: "Wang always disagrees with it, and thinks it is too risky. Instead of trying to be the first online TV show that dared to broadcast live, it is better to be steady, but I always feel that You can, you don't need to edit the program, you have perfected the rhythm from beginning to end, and the scale of the discourse is also well grasped, and it can even be said to be just right. No sentence is illegal. As for your resilience, you are a graduate of the broadcasting course. , I have done a lot of columns and have no worse experience than anyone."

Zhang Ye was silent, he was thinking.

Feng Guiqin looked at him and said, "Of course, I also said it. It mainly depends on your opinion, dare you dare to take this risk, dare to be the number one, if you feel wrong, then forget it, let's continue to follow the original Scheduled recording."

About ten seconds later, Zhang Ye raised his head and spoke, "Mr. Feng, I have done radio broadcasts, but this is my first time in TV broadcasts, but...I can try it. I thought about it for a long time. , I don’t think it’s a problem. I dare not say that it is foolproof. At least there won’t be too many mistakes.”

Wang Xiong interrupted: "Teacher Xiao Zhang, you can think about it."

Feng Guiqin said: "Yes, you really have to think about this."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "I think it's good. Other Internet TV stations may not dare to do live broadcasts, but I have a characteristic. I am naturally bold. I dare."

Feng Guiqin was very happy and decided, "Okay, the live broadcast will be on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow night, Xiao Zhang, you should go back and prepare first. It's up to you."

"Okay." Zhang Ye nodded and left.


The colleagues in the office area also got the news that shocked them-"Zhang Ye Talk Show" at 8 PM on Saturday night was to be broadcast live online.

Wang Bei found Zhang Ye at once, "Zhang Ye, do you want to broadcast?"

Zhang Ye gave a hum.

"Are you crazy?" Wang Bei hid her face and made a fainting expression, "You are not a news program, how do you live broadcast an entertainment program?"

There is no way to live news, and there are drafts, just read it. The live broadcast of sports games is more secure, because as long as the commentators of the game are filmed truthfully, it is okay to spoof, and there are some variety shows for singing competitions, although the finals sometimes choose to live broadcast, but since everyone sings in the finals, no matter how bad the singing is There won't be any major problems, but what kind of show is Zhang Ye? He's a talk show, he just leaned on Zhang Ye's mouth without anything. He insisted on not using the teleprompter. If he forgets the word or something goes wrong, it just can't be handled.

Ah Qian came up and asked, "Do you use a teleprompter?"

Zhang Ye shook his head, "No need."

Aqian and Xiaoyu: "..."

An old comrade came over and said, "Xiao Zhang, you are too reckless. All Internet TV does not broadcast live. That makes sense, because it is too difficult."

Zhang Ye smiled, "I'll try it."

Everyone tried to persuade him for a long time, but Zhang Ye didn't listen. He was determined.

In fact, Zhang Ye also knew that Feng Guiqin wanted him to conduct live broadcasts in order to continue to let the gimmick increase the influence of their Internet TV stations.Similarly, Zhang Ye understands better that if others can't do it but they do it, it will be great for themselves. It's good, it really can make his show even more popular



Zhang Ye has no such emotions

In his world, a singer who dare not open a concert to sing live is not considered a singer.

Similarly, a host who dare not live broadcast... No matter how famous he is, he is not an excellent host

If his goal is to be an ordinary host and eat a meal, but he is not, he wants to go higher, so Zhang Ye wants to try it


Dare not?

I dare not fucking

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