I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 249: [The battle is coming again! 】

on Saturday.

early morning.

The bedroom door is open.

"Zhang Wei, wake up." is a professional dress Dong Shanshan.

Zhang Wei was stunned on the side of the quilt. "Fir Shan, why?"

Dong Shanshan hangs a gorgeous smile and said: "What do you say? It's eight o'clock, hurry up, I go to work first, breakfast is reserved for you."

Zhang Hao closed his eyes again, "Well."

Dong Shanshan shot his thigh, "Get up quickly."

"I don't go to work during the day, I know, this will start." Zhang Yi said vaguely.

Dong Shanshan screamed at him, "I looked at the news for inspiration last night? Who told you to promise to record the live broadcast, you, you are doing it yourself, how good it is to do your show, it’s already a good result, definitely It will get better and better, you still have to follow the leadership of a crazy, what live broadcast, live broadcast is really so good, other Internet TV stations did not do it early? Regardless of you, I left."

"By the way." Zhang Yan closed his eyes and waved at the back.

Five minutes after the school flower was gone, Zhang Hao was violently getting up and washing, because it was going to be broadcast live at night, so the daytime leader gave him a vacation and let him get the show. So after eating breakfast, Zhang Wei continued to read the news, and kept lining up the lines tonight, but what made Zhang Wei’s headache was that there was no news that could be ridiculous recently. A lot of current events have been used in his last show. It can't be taken out anymore. This is why he slept very late last night. He couldn't find a suitable topic and entry point.

Give a topic

Can you do something wrong?

Otherwise, how do buddies talk about talk shows?

I have already played the news, and this news has spread on the Internet.


“What is Zhang Wei going to live?”

"Fake news? Or is Teacher Zhang crazy?"

"This kind of thirty minutes depends on the entertainment section of the host's mouth. Can you still do live broadcasts? Or is it a live webcast? This is a big courage for your mother."

"Haha, I have a look at the night."

"I’m looking forward to it, or Zhang’s courage, dare to engage in live broadcasts.”

"I am also very interested. I can expect to look forward to it. Are you sure that there is no problem with the live broadcast? This is not a live broadcast of news and sports. Is it too difficult?"

"Yeah, I heard that Zhang Wei still has no manuscript?"

"Yes, Teacher Zhang Wei seems to be making a full release of the program."

"Professional, dare to go through the draft, dare to do live broadcast, this is the real host."

"We can be brave enough to have Internet TV. I have never heard of a second Internet TV station that dares to do a live webcast. No, you have to look at it at night."

Sure enough, as Feng Guiqin expected, the first gimmick of this Internet TV actually caused a lot of eyeballs, and once again pushed Zhang Hao’s talk show up, although it was not comparable to the first talk show. Shocked, but the arguments caused are not small.

An insider commented: "Zhang Wei is playing with fire. If the live broadcast fails, what is serious, his popularity will definitely be affected. There are many people who smash him online. This is definitely With a rush, he is stable and not good at all, how can he take risks?"

Another company director of the Internet TV station sent a smiling expression on Weibo. "We are also a company, and Zhang Hao is too radical."

Then, a other company, the long-time network host analyzed: "Unless Zhang Wei took the manuscript to the stage, or has a word-raiser, I am not very optimistic about this live broadcast. Work time requirements are too high, no words? All rely on the draft? Basically unrealistic if the general moderator, even if you look at the manuscript, the lines may not be able to say the column of this talk show, because the speed is too fast, the amount of information is too Big, so let alone go out of the draft, when the error is made, you can change it, you can re-record it, you can edit it, you can have a live broadcast."

Everyone discussed the fierceness, and they all guessed whether Zhang Wei would use the manuscript this time. Because Zhang Wei’s first look at Zhang Wei’s talk show, Zhang Wei’s picture of the manuscript was too deep, and the impression left by everyone was too deep. The audience may not pay much attention to and care about these details, how can the industry and peers ignore it? In the eyes of those who are truly knowledgeable, the most powerful thing about Zhang Wei is not his ability to write a manuscript, but his ability to release a manuscript because there are many people who can write a paragraph, but he can get a lot of complicated paragraphs for half an hour. The word is not badly displayed, this ability can be too great, the whole host can do no more than one hand.

Arguing, discussing.

Most of us are an exchange.

Suddenly, a very discordant voice appeared.

A Weibo avatar is a person with a small eye and a beautiful man. Many people have stopped watching it. They all know him. This person is Li Puyu. More than four million Weibo fans are Koreans. This year, they shot in South Korea. A good TV series, although they are generally viewed in Korea, but in the domestic and mainland countries, the number of people watching the Internet is extremely high. I heard that I was a singer before, and I was a former member of a Korean group. This Li Puyu’s popularity in the Republic is now very high. Numerous girls are very sought after, Li Puyu is not a fire in South Korea, only to eat in the Republic, so this year's development focus has been on the mainland, ready to take root here. I don’t know if he will speak Chinese, or if he speaks to an assistant or a translator, anyway, the text displayed on Weibo is Chinese.

Li Puyu: "I have been to a lot of programs. I haven't seen anyone who can release such a performance. The company said that he is a letter from the people. Do you have a letter? Or you have to read a manuscript." Then I took the manuscript and said it again, but it was smashed when I edited it later, so it seems that it is the same as the whole process. It is actually a mystery and an illusion."


"It is Li Puyu"

"Li Puyu, I love you"

"What program are you commenting on?"

"Zhang Wei talk show"? What garbage program, have not seen it"

"Supporting Li Puyu, these domestic programs will be ridiculously falsified or my family Li Puyu is handsome and never swears."

Li Puyu speaks, countless respondents

However, Zhang Wei’s colleagues are not in the same trade. Some of them are competing with Zhangye. Some people also dislike Zhang’s. But after all, it’s a contradiction among the people. You have a bunch of us. The brain of the country is in our industry?

A female TV presenter who is now ranked fourth in the industry responded to Li Puyu: "You seem to understand the same thing. You have been on the show, you have been a guest, have you ever hosted it? Even the most basic recording program you have I don’t know what to say, the industry has long been conclusive. The first issue of Zhang Wei’s talk show is definitely out of the manuscript. As for the manuscript, the manuscript is edited later. Can you say this is a layman, you think the scene Are the audiences stupid-forced? If such a thing has already been revealed, and from the program effect, there is no frame skipping in the middle of the picture."

Several other industry insiders have also counterattacked

Li Puyu only returned two words, "naive."

Even more unrecognized is the domestic netizens, who have Zhang Wei’s fans, and more of them are national cynics. Some angry youths don’t really know who Zhang Wei is, but see a Korean star who is not considered this industry. They even pointed out the lessons of their domestic columns and the host, and they opened up.

"What do you pretend to force you?"

"You know how fart we are with us."

"Go back to your South Korea."

"Is Zhang Yi teacher still a fake draft? I think you are a fake, your mother is fake from face to foot.

"Are you sure that you are just a teacher?" I have a strong feeling that you may be unlucky. Hahaha Zhang is not a kind-hearted person. You are not good at provoke him."

However, the other side also counterattacked, not Li Puyu counterattack, he did not even move, his brain remnants of the Republic rushed up.

"Who are you?"

"Don't dare to slap my family Li Puyu? You are looking for death"

"What Zhang Yi is a talk show is rubbish"

"Li Puyu said that Zhang Wei is a fake and that is false."

"Let's get out of it, don't deceive the audience."

It happened that Zhang Wei, who was watching the news, took a call from a leader to explain things. After hanging up, he swept his eyes and saw that it was a melee.


False release?

Deceive the audience?

Zhang Xiao smiled, but he did not reply anything. After remembering the name of Li Puyu, he went online to check the news about the Korean side.

"There are people in South Korea who say that Chinese characters and printing are invented by them."

"Great people have Korean descent? South Korea once again uttered madness"

"The Korean government has released a message that they want to apply for a world cultural heritage for Chinese medicine. I can't help but ask - what does Chinese medicine have to do with you? 》

A news was found, or a long time ago, or in the near future.

Zhang Xiaocai knows that the South Korea in this world is also fucking. What do you say when you catch something? Is it exactly the same as his original world? There is even a news that Zhang Hao is very angry. This world also exists. The Gangneung Dragon Boat Festival, which was declared by South Korea, was officially identified by UNESCO as "Human Legends and Intangible Heritage Works". The Sino-Korean Dragon Boat Festival, which was once raging, "Shen The battle of the legacy ended with the victory of South Korea

Looking at these news...

Looking at some of Li Puyu’s brain powder and some Korean students studying on Weibo.

Zhang Hao’s eyes must be, I haven’t thought about what this live broadcast says. Now I finally found the topic. He started to sort out the paragraphs in his mind, sort out the needs, and then put them in memory. Confirmed several times, try to be foolproof

This issue is about South Korea.

If such a magical country does not appear in domestic talk shows, it is impossible.

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