I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 250: [The first live broadcast in the history of Internet TV! 】


Six or seven o'clock.

Zhang Wei came to the unit with the moon. According to the company, this is typical of the evening class, and it is also a special approval for the leadership. Similar to traditional TV stations, the general host will not let them busy for too long before the live broadcast. At most, one or two hours before the live broadcast will be ready to go. Otherwise, if they are on the regular shift during the day, they will be busy with everyone. Live broadcast? Not enough energy

On the first floor, the elevator is just open.

Zhang Hao quickly walked into the elevator and caught up.

There is also a man inside, Zhang Jian knows, it is the person who came to the company on the first day of the company to let him fill out the form of the human resources department of the human resources department.

The man is called Yang Yang, and he also saw Zhang Hao sideways, his face sinking.

Zhang Wei did not take care of him, pressed his own floor, and looked like a sneak peek.

Yang Yang didn't talk to him either. The two of them had been yelling at the beginning. Of course, there is nothing to say.

The elevator went down underground first, and Zhang Hao arrived. He walked out of the elevator and went straight to the No. 7 recording hall. He pushed the door into it. Well, it was full of staff.

"Is the signal OK?"

"It's still a little bit worse."

"Then I will adjust it again."

"Light, add a little more here, right"

More than a dozen people are busy everywhere, climbing high and climbing equipment, tossing equipment tossing equipment.

Zhang Wei saw that the on-site commander turned out to be the second-in-command and deputy director of the Internet TV department, Wang Xiong. From here, we can also see how much the company paid attention to the live broadcast of the Zhangye talk show. The department leaders personally went into battle. However, Zhang Wei did not know a rush to a rush.

"Xiao Zhang is coming?" Wang Xiong saw him.

Zhang Wei greeted him, "General Wang."

Wang Xiong licked his face and smiled: "The color is not bad, how is the preparation? What are the manuscripts and paragraphs to be said?"

Zhang Hao nodded. "It has already been set."

Wang Xiong said with emotion: "The art form of your talk show is the first in China and even in the world. There have been no precedents and experience in this field. There are many clerk and editors who write articles in this company, but you They can't really write, they are all first contact, so before they become familiar with this form, these manuscripts still have to be written by you. After they understand it, it should be much better. I will find a writer. The team will do the behind-the-scenes for you, so that you don't have to work so hard."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said: "It doesn't matter to Wang, I am still very comfortable writing this kind of thing."

Wang Xiong reminded: "Feng always let me tell you that the paragraphs are best original, just like the first period. If there is no original paragraph, those online can also be used, but the company will come out. At least the copyright dispute cannot be obtained by the original author."

"You can rest assured." Zhang Wei did not worry about this, and said: "I talked about the talk show, absolutely not found on the Internet."

Wang Xiong is practical. "Haha, that's good, come, you are ready to make up, first make up and change clothes. I have dropped the best people in the department today to help, this is the first live broadcast in the history of Internet TV. The meaning is extraordinary, so we will do it for you in the rear. You can rest assured that the things on the stage depend on you. This live broadcast is not only a concern of many high-level companies, you should also have seen it online. Many of our peers are staring at us. We don't ask for nothing, but we want to do our best."

Zhang Wei said: "I will not live up to the leadership trust."


In the aisle.

The four sisters of the camera department are chatting with the two hosts of Dong Shanshan and Wang Wei. A Qian and Xiao Yu are also there, and there is one sentence to say nothing.

Zhang Yiyi, "Shanshan... Teacher, are you not busy with your show? How are you here?"

Dong Shanshan looked back at him and smiled and said: "My old classmates are broadcasting live today. I am sure I have to come to the show. I have to let go of the busy things."

Zhang Yule said: "Enough."

Dong Shanshan added a sentence, "I am mainly afraid that you will take me back, I have to stare at you."

Everyone laughs.

Zhang Wei then looked at the fourth sister. "The four sisters worked hard."

The four sisters screamed, "What am I working hard, the hardest thing for you is that if you have a live broadcast, your responsibilities can be yours... oh, lick me this mouth." Then I don't say those worried and frustrated. The words, four sisters said: "Right, how do you recruit South Korea's Li Puyu?"

Zhang Wei said: "I don't know him, I haven't even heard it."

Wang Hao said: "That person is really enough for the grandson. I am free to find trouble for you. His sense of superiority is really good. A stick, I think that fans of the two Republics don't know what their surname is? I also tweeted a few words during the day with Weibo. The face of Li Puyu really made people look down, and a pair of high-ups, just say a few words, our brains and brain powder will stupidly give him life, be his Guns, that Li Puyu still seems to enjoy the process, too tempting people to hate"

Xiao Yufuhe said: "I just said that Teacher Zhang is a fake manuscript? Why didn't he die? We were all clear at the scene, and the audience also saw it. Teacher Zhang can read the word from beginning to end. The manuscripts have not been seen, and there is no ear to mention the words. Li Puyu is the deduction of the basin. I think that there are so many online Han Han powders, and all of them are swearing at the audience and swearing at the audience. What is this? ”

Zhang Xiao smiled and snorted. "How big is it, they are willing to say let them say go, I will change clothes and makeup first."

he's gone.

Leave the four sisters, Dong Shanshan, Wang Hao and others to face each other.

Oh, it’s not right, it’s not right. The people in Zhang’s stinky company probably know about it. Others just ask him, Zhang Hao can’t wait to hold the sleeves and confront people, let alone the Korean stick. He is, this is not the style of Teacher Zhang.

A thousand wonders, "What happened to Teacher Zhang?"

The four sisters are also strange. "How big is it? Isn't this a big deal? Is that all right?"

Or Dong Shanshan, an old classmate, knows more about him. He only listens to her smile and said: "This is the mountain rain and the wind is full of buildings. Zhang Wei is brewing emotions. I think that today’s show, some people must be Miserable, and...the estimation is not the same as the general two."

make up.

Change clothes.

This piece of clothing is responsible for Zhang Wei, his own clothes are also his own choice, the makeup artist gave advice, but Zhang Wei did not listen, still insist on wearing a suit and tie, others do not understand the talk show, but Zhang Wei understands In his world, suits and ties are almost a sign of talk show. In this world, Zhang Hao does not want to lose it. He chose a match that he thinks is a good color, and he went to the front.

An on-site director is working with several staff members to move an electronic word processor.

"Are you there?" Zhang Wei went up.

The editor said: "Hey, Mr. Wang said that I will prepare it for you."

Zhang Hao shook his hand. "Let's move, you don't need this thing."

The four sisters who played with the camera looked over. "Mr. Zhang, this is a live broadcast. I definitely have to pay a lot of insurance. You may not be able to use it, but you should be a preparation, otherwise you will forget the words..."

Zhang Wei was very embarrassed and smiled. "Four sisters, there is no such thing. I definitely can't forget the words, and I don't have any manuscripts at all. How do you tell me how to raise the word?"

Choreographer Khan: "Ah? Live broadcast, you have no manuscript?"

"I recorded the program and never used the manuscript." This was what Zhang Wei said before, and I said it again today.

Several people did not dare to be the master, and one person ran to seek the advice of Wang Xiong.

Wang Xiongyi frowned. After looking at Zhang Wei, he said to the staff: "The head of the column group is Teacher Zhang Wei. He said how you do it, don't need to ask me."

The staff member was shackled and did not dare to speak any more.

The attitude of Zhang Wei and Wang Xiong is 100% supportive.

The live countdown is twenty minutes.

The audience has already entered the game, but for a moment, Feng Guiqin and several company leaders also came in from the inner door, did not sit in the first row, but sat in a corner, and some of the company’s employees came, some of them People don't have a seat ticket, but if you want to see it, you can't let it go without a colleague. So there are two areas on the left and right sides of the stage. It can stand up, and the camera lens won't shoot. It's an internal. The special viewing area of ​​the staff, the internal staff who want to see the scene can come, and even Yang Yang, who has the human resources that Zhang Hao has confronted, has come, I wonder if it is curiosity or what.

The end.

The audience came to seven or eighty people.

There are forty or fifty people inside the staff to watch the fun, and they are catching up with the audience.

Dong Shanshan, Wang Hao, they have a seat ticket, they are waiting in the middle of the position, everyone is looking forward to, more worried.

Zhang Wei looked at the time soon, and tried the microphone on the stage. "Hey, everyone, it’s live broadcast right away. Today’s situation is not the same as recording. The pictures and sounds will be transmitted to the Internet in real time, so I hope everyone will try to Don't make a special move, thank you."

The four sister's camera team gestured to him - there are still ten minutes.

After the audience is seated, you are also talking about me.

"Is it online?"

"Go, ah, you said Li Puyu?"

"Yeah, this gang, really **** wicked."

"Yes, it is enough to be disgusting. You said that you can develop yourself, earn our money, collect our fans, and still marry our host?"

"Korea has always been this exercise--"

"Yes, that nation really has a bag and everything is theirs."

"I came to the scene last time. Originally, Teacher Zhang didn't use the manuscript. You see, there is no wordwriter today. This is a live broadcast. When I saw it, I still dare to talk nonsense."

"But what if the situation is out?"

"Oh, too, there will be any accidents on the live broadcast. I hope that Teacher Zhang will give a sigh of relief to our people. Don’t let the stick see jokes."

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