I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 251: [Zhang Wei's continuous danger is Yi! 】

One minute and one second

The live broadcast of Zhang Wei’s talk show started right away.

At this moment, the Internet has also watched countless spectators, and they waited on the webpage of the Internet TV station to wait for the live broadcast. After the Li Puyu’s picking, the program is now divided into two factions, one of which supports Zhang Wei’s face. Let the Korean sticks see what is going on and the live broadcast. Have you not seen it? You are not saying that it is impossible? OK, then let you see what you can't do with the host on the stick today. The host of our republic can do it. The other party is dedicated to the black Zhang, who is a fan of Li Puyu or Hahan. powder

Both sides are in the same fire

When I met, I was in the comment area below the Internet TV.

Today’s first message is an old iron man from Zhang Wei. I don’t know what it’s like to know who the other person is. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. The sticks have been coming for a long time without swearing. My big knife is again and again. Again and again, again and again, hunger and thirst

"The big brother is fierce."

"I am also here to prepare for the opening."

"What about sticks? Sticks? Come out soon"

Zhang Wei’s fans are crazy and can’t wait

Some online games and some insiders are still sensible. They want to see if Zhang Wei can successfully do the first live webcast in history. I also want to see if he can really release the draft, but Zhang Wei’s Fans and some national cynics who don’t even watch Zhang’s shows are not so sensible. Those who may not even know Zhang Wei are **** sticks. When they have battles, they will fight chicken blood. It’s coming, no matter who is Sanqi 21, no matter who Zhang Yi is, whoever is jealous of them?


This is a bunch of angry seas.

Of course, Li Puyu’s fans are not showing weakness, the number is large, and the cohesiveness is also very high. They don’t tell you the truth at all. Anyway, they think Li Puyu’s is definitely right.

"Let Zhang Yi get out."

"Zhang Wei, you are a stupid pig."

"I dare to scream with my family Li Puyu? OK, let's see who has more fans."

"Also live? Not right, we Li Liyu said right, Zhang Wei is a liar to record and broadcast, the live broadcast must be ugly, you wait and see"

"Hey, everyone is waiting to see Zhang Wei’s shame."


at the same time.

Zhang Wei’s father and mother are in front of the computer and waiting for the live broadcast.

Zhang Wei’s big sister, second sister and third sister also came together in a lively way. The old couple didn’t use computers very much. The live webpage was made by several sisters.

"I am going to do it? Is it really off?"

"Nervous, my brother is not good at small memory?"

"Those hahan powder really hate you, dare to marry my brother, I will not chase Han Xing anymore, don't let me see them see me."

"Beginning started"

On the other side of the capital.

Rao Aiming made dumplings at home, pinching one by one.

Chen Chen stared at the computer and suddenly cried: "The film is coming out, you are watching."

Rao Aimin said: "There is nothing good about that stinky boy."

"You are not afraid of Zhang Wei's loss? Many people marry him." Chen Chen said.

Rao Aimin laughed and said: "Is that kid able to suffer? Just his mouth, he can eat and lose."


Hu Fei also watched TV at home. He connected the signal of the Internet TV station to the smart TV, so he could sit on the sofa and watch it.

Xiao Lu, Da Fei, Hou Ge, Hou Di, also watch live broadcast at home.

Including Zhang Wei’s older colleagues and older colleagues, such as Zhao Guozhou, Wang Xiaomei, Xiaofang, Zhou Dajie, Sun Ayi, Tian Bin and his wife, etc., Zhang Wei’s talk show was so hot on the Internet. I also fought with Korean powder. Even some outsiders knew that this thing ran over to join in the fun to help Zhang Han fight against Han Han brain powder, let alone them, they could not have heard of it, they were all very concerned. Some are like Xiao Lu and Xiao Fang, both of whom are tempered, all wearing vests to swear.

There was a scuffle outside the field.

On the scene, it is more uniform with the enemy, because the people who sign up are more like Zhang Wei, and they are hateful to the stick.

However, there are exceptions on the spot.

A foreign black-eyed white-eyed bead turned and stood out.


"Live on the air"

After the film was released, the live music also rang.

Zhang Wei sighed in the background and looked at the dark curtain. He finally took a sip of tea and moistened the scorpion, handed the cup to the staff next to him, and his face suddenly turned to the stage. I still introduce myself to myself: "Below, let us welcome famous hosts, famous poets, famous advertising planners, famous program planners, famous writers, the Republic of the United States, the world's talk show brother... Zhang Hao debut" A long list of words, he didn’t even breathe and he finished.

He grandly staged.

The audience laughed and applauded before and after, and they still groaned in their mouths.



"Go down"

"Haha, you still have to be shameless."

If other stars and public figures have given themselves so many famous titles, they will certainly suffer, and they will certainly be suspicious, but they will say that their own appearances are from Zhang Wei’s mouth. I feel very normal, and I really want to laugh.

Live broadcast has started

Suddenly, the black man sitting in front of him actually took a piece of paper out of his pocket and spread it out. He raised it to the top of his head and wrote a few words on it - Zhang Wei is a pig.

The audience is a piece

The company’s leaders and colleagues in the column group also changed their faces.

"Who is this?"

"Who let him in?"

"What does he do?"

"This is live broadcast."

"The camera lens is moving away, don't give it to the audience."

Four sisters rushed to call the camera

However, when the audience applause and laughter were just filmed, the camera has already been hit. Now it is too late to withdraw. The netizens must have seen it. This black man did not know whether it was Hahan powder or was instructed to be hired by someone.

Feng Guiqin’s face is not good

Wang Xiong’s face is also dark, almost went to beat people.

However, Zhang Wei was very calm, and he looked at the man with a smile. The picture had already been broadcast. He did not deliberately avoid this. It was not normal. I saw Zhang Wei said to him: "Hey, let's be here. There are black friends? But you are not very good, maybe a few days, and enjoy life.

"Ha? Why?" The blacks are still exalting the words of the monks, but they are obviously suspicious. They not only understand Zhang Wei’s words, but also speak Chinese, which is not very standard.

Why can't I live for a few days?

Zhang Hao’s old-fashioned licking fingers counted for a moment, then pointed to him, “because you are black in the hall.

The audience glanced and then they laughed and snorted.

“Hahaha Yintang is black?”

"This is a sign of death."

"He is a black man, Yintang can not be black, hello."

"Zhang Yu teacher is too bad, but... I like it."

When the black man saw Zhang Wei, he was not angry. Instead, he also damaged him. He was so stunned that he couldn’t help but retract the slogan in his hand.

A very troublesome thing, even let Zhang Yi resolve the words in a few words, but also did not suffer at all, and turned the other party out.

Wang Hao Ledao: "Zhang Wei is still Zhang Wei"

Dong Shanshan smiled and said: "I will say it, he is lacking in his mouth."

A Qian admits to the five-body cast, "Mr. Zhang's paragraph is one after another. This is obviously an accident. But Teacher Zhang gave me a real service with a paragraph." Before, A Qian’s goal was actually not a column plan but a host. People, he also wants to stand on the stage, he also wants to be eye-catching, this idea has not been extinguished until today, but after seeing Zhang Wei’s performance on the stage, A Qian’s heart to become the host has finally faded. He feels that his heart is no worse than others. He now understands how big the gap between himself and those really good hosts is.

Feng Guiqin breathed a sigh of relief.

Many colleagues are also relieved.

Just when Zhang Wei wants to say that the first paragraph is about to open, there is an accident.

Yang Yang, Yang Yang of the human resources department was originally listening to the side field. With a lot of colleagues in it, there was a bit of squeezing there. He wanted to move back a bit and step back. As a result, he accidentally touched a light shelf behind him. I fell down and squatted on the ground, making a big noise.


Yang Yang is stupid

Everyone around them looks at him wrongly

Yang Yang vowed that although he had a hatred with Zhang Wei, he could not understand him, but he knew what the occasion was today. He just really didn’t mean it.

The audience did not see it, just heard a deafening noise

A wave of unrest has risen again, everyone has a white face, how to do it? How come out again? This is a live broadcast, how do you end it?

Wang Xiong angered: "What to do"

The people in the column group are also very stunned. After this is the real live accident.

The audience can hear it so clearly, and the scene is turbulent, and the netizens who watch the live broadcast in front of the computer will not mention it.

There is indeed a frying pan on the Internet.

Those hahan powders are full of spirits

"Hey, what am I saying?"

"If something goes wrong, let's get an accident, let's live."

Many people in the field were gloating, and many of the colleagues in the field were so anxious that Zhang Wei was still at ease. The next moment, he looked at the ceiling in front of the ceiling in horror, and his hands clasped twice. "I can't help you, disturb you, let's go after we finish recording, and leave when we finish recording."

Under this circumstance, the audience stunned and squirted.

"Ah, hahahaha"

"Do you want to be so funny?"

"Mr. Zhang, who are you talking to?"

"Hey, I can't do it, are you talking to the spirit of the studio?"

"This is the spirit of the studio that shocked the elderly? Hahahaha"

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