I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 252: [Ms. Zhang scolds! 】

Zhang Ye "worshiped" the ceiling.

There was laughter and applause followed

Zhang Ye's joke was so timely, it was almost connected in the next second after the loud noise, and it was not the usual rescue speech when the host encountered a live broadcast accident, but it actually brought out a humorous color. I was stunned to describe an accident as a joke, and it made the audience laugh. If it weren't for the live audience, they could really see that a large light stand fell on an area on the left side of the stage, and the light went out. Broken, they really thought it was a scene set up in advance just for Zhang Ye to pick up this joke.


Just as good as dealing with black people


Those who were waiting to see Zhang Ye's joke were all dumbfounded.


"Can this be connected?"

"Is there such a rescuer?"

Those Korean fans who scolded Zhang Ye stopped talking.

Their momentum fell, and Zhang Ye's fans and angry youths scolded while they were hot.

"Haha a bunch of brains"

"Look at Teacher Zhang's joke? You guys are so funny."

"Who is Zhang Ye? How many shows has Zhang Ye done? If you don’t have this adaptability,

How dare the Internet TV station let Teacher Zhang Ye do a live broadcast?"

"You look down on Teacher Zhang Ye too much"

"Ms. Zhang is domineering, this is a perfect rescue."

"Oh, it's no good, Teacher Zhang's sentence,'Let's leave after recording, and poke my smile a little bit hahahaha I didn't know until last week that there was Zhang Ye, but how come I almost love him now? Now, no matter what Zhang Ye said, as soon as I heard him, I wanted to laugh at you. Is there such a situation?"

"Me too, I want to have fun when I see Zhang Ye"

Many people from other Internet TV stations who watched live broadcasts on the Internet and some media colleagues, after seeing Zhang Ye's performance, gave him a thumbs up in their hearts.

on site.

Wang Xiong makes a great deal

Other Zhang Ye’s colleagues and the staff of the “Zhang Ye Talk Show” column group couldn’t help but applaud along with the audience. Zhang Ye’s response, what was supposed to be a live broadcast accident, turned into a miraculous thing. Jokes and jokes, even if they are professionals or even network hosts, they believe that they will never be able to achieve Zhang Ye under this environment and pressure.

Feng Guiqin smiled comfortingly, and looked at Wang Xiong, "I'll just say Xiao Zhangxing."

Wang Xiong had always disapproved of live broadcasts before, but now he is finally relieved, exclaiming: "This teacher Xiao Zhang, the reaction is too fast, haha"

A company leader next to him, the little old man was surprised: "When will our network TV department recruit such a talent?"

Feng Guiqin smiled and said: "Just hired, you were not in Shanghai when you were on a business trip."

The little old man kept nodding his head, "This person is a good recruit. An excellent host with this kind of reaction speed and resilience is rare in China. Even if there are some, they are all recruited by those traditional TV stations. There are a lot of contract restrictions and liquidated damages, so it's not easy to dig. When our company dug this Xiao Zhang, how much liquidated damages did it pay to the other party's TV station? Five hundred thousand? One million?"

Feng Guiqin laughed and said, "I didn't pay any penalty. Xiao Zhang was fired by Beijing TV. He was a white man and had no contract."

The little old man was overjoyed, "Is there such a good thing? Is Beijing TV stupid? Even such a powerful host dare to let it go?"

"The things inside are more complicated, and what I don't understand is very detailed." Feng Guiqin said: "But what is certain is that we did pick a bargain." In fact, before recruiting Zhang Ye, the company had already considered and analyzed it. , They think Zhang Ye is a double-edged sword that can hurt people and themselves. To be honest, they also took a gamble. Looking back, they really bet it right.

On stage.

Several surprises were resolved by Zhang Ye. He was also sweating a little on his back. In fact, only he knew that the reason why this guy was able to react so quickly was because the scene of ``The Talk Show After Tonight'' also appeared similar. The situation was nothing more than the backstage movement. Even if Zhang Ye didn't eat the memory search capsule, he remembered that episode of the show, so he took Wang Zijian's words and used it.


Finally it can be broadcast well.

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Thank you for watching today’s Zhang Ye talk show." I’m the host Zhang Ye. Many people should have heard of today’s show. Yes, this episode is live broadcast, so even as the best in the industry The host, I can’t help but feel a little nervous.” After taking care of the tie.



Audience booed

Zhang Ye didn't seem to have heard it, and he continued cheerfully, "The first episode of the program was broadcast, and the audience responded very well. The click-through rate of the program is also rising. Some praise our program and some criticize our program. Having said that, Zhang Ye, you are deceiving people, you are deceiving consumers, how could you have been out of draft for such a long column? This is impossible, absolutely impossible"

I'm coming

Come straight to the topic

The audience's eyes are bright, and everyone knows who the person who questioned Zhang Ye is, it is Li Puyu and his brain-dead fans.

Zhang Ye suddenly looked at the camera and said, "I want to say, you are right."


"What do you mean?"

"Isn't it out of paper?"

"No, you didn't see the teleprompter?"

Zhang Ye pointed at his empty front to the camera, and he made a vivid gesture to show the shape of a podium, "You guys don't understand the webcast, in fact, the audience can see clearly. Here in front of me, yes, right here. There is a desk with all the manuscripts of my program on it. Some netizens who watched the live broadcast asked, oh, why can't we see it, um, actually I don’t blame you, it is the technical processing of our company. It's too strong. I have a friend... She's Dong Shanshan."

Because of the first issue, everyone can't help but laugh now when they hear Dong Shanshan's name.

Dong Shanshan looked innocent, "..."

Wang Bei laughed, "I told you Shanshan again"

Zhang Ye said: "Friends who have seen the first issue should all know her. She is my university classmate. Yes, the one who went to the stock exchange when she was homesick. When she was in school, she just studied. Especially the computer technology is very superb, so whether it was the last issue or this live broadcast, I begged Mr. Dong Shanshan to help me with the computer processing." He pointed to the camera and said: "The audience friends in front of the screen, You can’t see the table in front of me because it was dropped by Teacher Shanshan. Yes, this table was erased frame by frame.”

p off?

How about the live broadcast

Everyone understood what it meant, and all laughed, "Hahaha"

Zhang Ye said to the audience: "The audience can see this stage, right?"


"Yes, haha"

"Puff there is a stand, I prove it"

The audience also yelled and booed, all of them were happy to death

Dong Shanshan and Wang Bei Aqian were also amused. This is a self-deprecating irony. This kind of joke is generally not easy to use, but I didn't want to be played so well by Zhang Ye. It seems that Zhang Ye has not responded to those doubts. , On the contrary, he admitted, but in fact this kind of irony is more powerful and joyful than direct counterattack. On the face of it, Zhang Ye is self-deprecating, nonsense, there is a platform in front of this deceit, which can be a metaphorical irony , I'm actually scolding those people who don't believe that he is completely out of the manuscript. They have no common sense.

People who watch the live broadcast on the Internet are also crazy

"Ouch, hahahaha"

"Teacher Zhang said it's great"

"Teacher Zhang Ye, you said so. Maybe the Korean stick really believes it. His IQ is infinitely close to zero. Maybe he will post a post and say, look at what I said. Zhang Ye has a suggestion. The device, hahaha"

"I came up to ridicule Li Puyu's low IQ. As expected, Teacher Zhang still had that temper transferred from Beijing to Shanghai, but his temper remained the same."


"Angrily praise Teacher Zhang Ye"

"What am I talking about? Li Puyu, you scold Zhang Ye? You really don’t know who he is. How many months have passed. The top five cursing phrases on the Internet are still firmly occupied by Teacher Zhang Ye. Now, no one can surpass you and still scold him? Didn't you say that he was dead? With his mouth, the living can say that he is dead, and the dead can say that he is alive. Hahaha, see, are you scolded?"

The audience also loved to hear

But they thought that it was over. Teacher Zhang Ye should talk about other topics after a single sentence, but the next moment, they felt that they were too naive.

Zhang Ye stared at the camera and said, "So, the Korean friend who scolded me on Weibo, you guessed it, I was really shocked. I didn't expect this to be seen by you. I used this method. Cheating, alas, it’s so embarrassing. I didn’t expect someone to be outside and there is a heaven and a heaven.”


"Li Puyu is just a second lack"

The next audience shouted so loudly, I heard it

Zhang Ye hurriedly interrupted: "Don't swear, don't swear, in fact, it's enough if you have something to say, it's just that the contradiction caused by cultural concepts and regional differences is understandable."

The man was stunned, "Huh?"

Qian also blinked, "How can Teacher Zhang speak for the stick?"

Other viewers and netizens on the Internet also watched incomprehensibly, no, this is not Zhang Ye's style.

Zhang Ye was unexpectedly very angry, and said earnestly: "I am really helpless when I see those who scold Teacher Li Puyu. Everyone has their own shining points. I want to ask, have you heard his songs? Have you ever watched his TV series? Do you know what kind of person he is?"

Everyone was speechless.

Ask yourself, many of them haven't really seen Li Puyu's play, but the stick is too hateful to criticize.

The young man who had just cursed at the scene even lowered his head, ashamed of what he had done

Is it because Teacher Zhang Ye is polite or is it because Teacher Zhang Ye is magnificent to help Li Puyu speak so objectively

Then I listened to Zhang Ye’s righteous and fair words: "So I have always believed that when you have watched his TV series, walked into his world, and learned about him as much as I did, you will definitely be like me. One thought-what kind of stuff is this?"

The young man who was confessing was stunned, then he covered his stomach with a sigh of relief and smiled and lay down, "Hahahaha, my laughter is out of breath"

Other viewers also stayed for a second

Immediately there was a burst of laughter.

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