I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 255: [Victory! 】

The live broadcast ends.

The audience stood up and applauded as in the previous issue, but did not leave.

Zhang Ye already has experience in dealing with this aspect and stepped off the stage and said, "Thank you, the show is over. I will invite everyone to the scene next time I have the opportunity. Thanks for your hard work, our staff have to make room to pack things. There are recordings of other sections below. Please come back. Interested friends can follow my meager and posts. We can interact and chat online."

A female audience cheered: "Teacher Zhang, I love you"

A male audience also shouted: "Haha, Teacher Zhang, I love you too"

A young girl said: "You are so good. You are the H.L in the entertainment industry. You are a unique celebrity in China and even in the world. Other celebrities can be replaced. Anyone can be lost but you can't be lost. Teacher Zhang Ye No one can replace you, you said God today"

"Zhang Ye scolded well today" a middle-aged humane.

Zhang Ye folded his hands and thanked him, "Thank you, thank you everyone."

The audience began to leave the venue one after another. According to the usual practice, Zhang Ye will also take five minutes to sign or take photos for everyone who wants to sign.

When all the audience left, there were still unfinished expressions on everyone's faces.Even if they didn't know each other, they got closer through today's column.Everyone went out in twos and threes and talked about today with a smile. A few paragraphs

The door is closed.

All his own people are left.

Zhang Ye just collapsed and sat on a chair in the auditorium. He leaned there, closed his eyes and didn't want to move. The recording of today's issue is more than the previous one. It takes energy and energy, because this is a live broadcast. When it is impossible to give you a break, it is impossible to give you a chance to start again. You must get all the jokes all at once, and you must also ensure that the burden of the jokes is maximized. In one or two paragraphs, Zhang Ye said that it was a bit softer and did not achieve the maximum effect, but the overall effect is also very good, it is not a flaw, it is in the acceptable range, after all, a column is forever It is impossible to achieve the best. Everyone is the same. It can only be said that it is gradually improved and perfected to be better.

"Mr. Zhang, water" a female staff member hurriedly ran over, quickly handed over a bottle of mineral water, and unscrewed it, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Zhang Ye took it and drank.

"Hot towels for you." Another intern came. This was a senior student who was recruited into the Zhang Ye column group when he first came to the company.

"Thank you." Zhang Ye wiped his sweat and wiped his face again.

Over there, I saw Feng Guiqin walking towards the side stage, "Wait a moment."

Many company employees over there watched the free live broadcast in this area and were about to leave, but they were stopped by the leader and turned back one by one.

Feng Guiqin said blankly: "Who knocked the light stand at the beginning of the live broadcast?"

No one spoke, this kind of thing was a bit offensive, but a few people looked in Yang Yang's direction.

Yang Yang knew that he couldn't hide it, so he had to bite the bullet and take a step forward, "President Feng, I accidentally touched it, I, I was really accidental"

Feng Guiqin looked at him, "What is your name?"

"I... called Yang Yang." Yang Yang said with a sad face.

Feng Guiqin nodded and said, "Come with me."

Yang Yang understands that the leader is definitely going to criticize him. It is unlikely to be expelled. However, deducting a bonus and deducting a salary did not run away. He was also depressed. At that time, the sound of the lamp stand falling to the ground was really too loud. This is already considered a live broadcast accident. It must be a bad deal with another host. Fortunately, the person present is Zhang Ye, who not only vanquished the danger and cleverly exposed the incident. , On the contrary, it turned into a funny joke and sent it out. The resilience was jaw-dropping. If Zhang Ye hadn't handled it so well, Yang Yang felt that he had not been expelled much today.

Some people have gone.

Wang Xiong stayed for a while and looked at Zhang Ye who was resting over there. He smiled, "Teacher Xiao Zhang, you have worked hard. I won't say anything in this issue today." He stretched out his hand and raised a big one. thumb. Seeing that Zhang Ye was about to get up, he immediately pressed his hand and said, "Take a break from you, I'm leaving. You should also get off work and go home early to sleep well. There will be a program tomorrow, but the live broadcast will not be broadcast for now. It will be recorded tomorrow afternoon. ."

Zhang Ye took the lead.

Wang Xiong also left.

As soon as the middle and high-level leaders left, the colleagues present also let go, and several people who had a good relationship with Zhang Ye all passed by with a big smile.

Dong Shanshan was troubled, "Why did you mention me again in this issue?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "No way, the audience laugh when you mention your name."

Dong Shanshan smiled and said, "Well, I won't go to the stock exchange this time. I'm a computer expert. What role do I plan to assign to me in the next issue? Superwoman?"

The colleagues laughed.

The fourth sister came up and pointed her eyes and said, "Xiao Zhang, take a look."

"What's wrong with the fourth sister? Have you cried? The eyes are all red." Zhang Ye said.

The fourth sister patted him on the shoulder, "I laughed and cried, and laughed so that my tears popped out again and again, ah, you this issue is great than the last issue"

"Yeah yeah"

"Yes, I also think this issue will break the record again"

"Yes, I thought that the second period would definitely not have the same high attention as the first period. After all, the new columns are all high in the first period and then gradually reduced in popularity, but I knew it when the live broadcast just started ten minutes today. This period will never have lower click volume than the first period"

"Haha, the scale is too big, Xiao Zhang, are you sure that there is no problem?"

"I guess many people will definitely scold Teacher Zhang today, and those experts, 80% of them will be indispensable. It may be another tough fight."

"Hey, Teacher Zhang Ye is afraid of them scolding? You are so funny"

at night.

"Zhang Ye Talk Show" is over, and the Internet has exploded

Many people watched the live broadcast online, and some people waited until the show was over before watching the show video. After the show was broadcast for an hour, the discussion of today's Korean special also reached the highest level.

"I went to open my eyes today"

"What a Chinese man who invented the Korean man ah wow ha ha ha"

"Zhang Ye--I don't know how you are, anyway, I remember this name thoroughly today"

"Hahaha Li Puyu's meagerness hasn't changed since Zhang Ye's scolded him so badly that I dare not let it go. Teacher Zhang Ye is too strong today."

"When it comes to swearing, I think no one in China can compare with Teacher Zhang Ye. He dare to say that he is second, no one dares to call first, whether it is a public figure at home or abroad, or ordinary people. , I’ve never seen any worse than Teacher Zhang Ye when it comes to swearing and hurting others. I bought a watch last year? The photo was posted on the door to ward off evil and put on the bed to avoid pregnancy? This is all from Teacher Zhang Ye’s handwriting what"

Someone posted in a forum.

"In the future, if I don't accept anyone, I will persuade Teacher Zhang Ye to be alone. Your mother is too powerful. It's just a person, just a mouth. It's a simple form of solo performance, and it has played the language to the extreme. It can be called a god"

"Support Zhang Ye"

"Someone should scold the stick"

"I was so excited today. I decided to join the Zhang Ye fan club. Are you posting that? From now on, Zhang Ye’s business will be my business.

"Same upstairs, join the group together, scold the stick together"

"Ms. Zhang is the beacon of the angry youths of our nation, count me, I also joined, and finally your mother found the organization hahahaha"

More and more people follow

Under Zhang Ye's leadership, an anti-Korean momentum suddenly emerged online

Those great brain fans also screamed, but now that the episode of ``Zhang Ye Talk Show'' has just finished, the angry youth and Zhang Ye's fans are the most cohesive moment, the number is also large, and where will they be frustrated. they? One person drowned those people with one mouthful of foam. In the end, those who scolded Zhang Ye didn't even lift a wave, and they were all suppressed.

Time passed bit by bit.

It was eleven twelve o'clock in the night.

In fact, many people are wondering. According to the past, some experts and scholars will definitely come forward when such things happen, and there will definitely be some celebrities who will come forward. What will they say? It's still the third child, why don't you be xenophobic, Korea is also an advantageous nation, what is an angry youth is unacceptable, why don't cut off the bridge of communication between the two countries, what Korean works are compared with many social concepts If we want to be advanced in our country, it is indeed worth learning, and so on.

but none

No one today

There are a lot of angry youths in China, and there are many who hate sticks, but there are also many who like Korean culture. It is impossible that there are not a few expert celebrities in China who stand up to denounce Zhang Ye?

What's going on?

It's a bit unreasonable

A lot of Zhang Ye's die-hard fans have actually stayed up so late, just waiting for them to appear. Everyone has discussed it. As long as they come, they will attack Teacher Zhang Ye with a moral stick, saying that he is not careful. It's okay, it doesn't matter that he shouldn't be swearing on the show like this, everyone rushed to the past to swear, but until now, there is no significant person to speak up

Later, in the post of Zhang Ye's fan club, Brother Dadao, who had never spoken much, just made a noise.

Facing everyone's doubts and doubts, Brother Dadao said: "Don't wait, those who have weight will not scold, at least not today, and it is not impossible. It should be a frustration. Li Puyu is just talking to Weibo. I questioned Teacher Zhang Ye, the result? What are the consequences? Teacher Zhang Ye opened a whole program today for 30 minutes and cursed Li Puyu and Bangzi. What kind of spirit and style is that? Celebrities are not fools either. Now, who doesn’t know that Teacher Zhang Ye is not easy to provoke, who doesn’t know that his temper is a bit jerk? At this time, he stands up and criticizes Zhang Ye for being too nationally angry? Too much lack of public figure professional ethics? Hehe, tomorrow is Zhang Ye's talk show'' The new episode is aired. They can’t weigh the consequences, if it makes Teacher Zhang Ye anxious, since he can hold a special Korean show today, why not open it. A special show about those who scolded him specifically scolded them. This is Teacher Zhang Ye’s own show. He is what he says, and they can’t even stop scolding them.”

"Brother Big Sword, analyze it"

"Yes, I also understand"

"Hahaha Teacher Zhang Ye is notorious again"

"Oh, when I went to chase the star teacher Zhang Ye before, he was just a radio host with little influence. I didn't expect it was only a few months ago. Teacher Zhang is already so fierce. When others want to scold Teacher Zhang Ye again. It’s really awesome to have to weigh the weight.”

"That is, Teacher Zhang has always been very good, OK?"

"Jealous, envious, why didn't my parents give me a mouth like Teacher Zhang Ye?

"Yes, yes, Teacher Zhang just leaned on your mother's mouth, and walked step by step on a rampage to today. This is really a legend."

"After today, Zhang Ye's fans will definitely increase again. At least my angry youth loves him to death. I never chase stars. I also wonder how I like Zhang Ye so much. Later I wanted to understand it because Zhang Ye The teacher is completely different from other stars. He doesn't care about the interests of disgusting people, he doesn't care about the gossip and the opinions of so-called experts and seniors. He has always said what he wants to say, expressing what he wants to express, and may express it. What he said may not be correct, and what he may say may not be beautiful, but every sentence comes from Zhang Ye's heart. He does not pretend to say how elegant he is. He does not conceal his opinion of a petty citizen. Get angry if you want to-isn't this a portrayal of us little people?"

"Good talk upstairs"

"Yes, when I see Teacher Zhang Ye, I seem to see myself"

"Yes, Teacher Zhang Ye represents the voice of our people"

"When you say this, I think it's true. When we usually watch TV with our family, don't we also scold this and scold that? Pretending to be like a cultural person, I dare not say swear words, but that is not our truest side. Teacher Zhang Ye is the truest side of our hearts. We want to say things that we dare not say or are unable to say. We talked about the things we wanted to dare not dare to or were unable to do, Zhang Ye helped us even if we bumped our heads, even if we were blocked, has Teacher Zhang Ye ever changed? Without him, we have always seen That commendatory stream is still the Zhang Ye who dares to fight, dare to kill, dare to speak, dare to do, so we like him."

"There are not many such stars"

"It's not too much, this kind of star who doesn't play cards according to the routine... It's the first time I've seen it."

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