I’m Really a Superstar

Chapter 254: [骂 昏 昏 昏 !! 】

The atmosphere is high

Online audience is also applauding

Zhang Wei’s series of satirical South Korean paragraphs have pushed everyone’s emotions to a peak. Everyone watching the live broadcast or watching the scene is joyful and deflated. Except for a small number of people, most people in the country don’t have a good impression of the stick. It can even be said that it is very bad. This nation is too embarrassing. This is theirs for a while. It’s also theirs for a while. It’s been tossed several times. The Chinese people hated them a lot. When they can go, the domestic media also It’s just protesting against protests. Domestic entertainment programs are also ridiculously ridiculing these things, and they don’t hurt at all. Until today, this situation has been completely changed.

There is a show called Zhang Wei’s talk show in China.

There is a guy in the country who is called Zhang Wei’s dare to speak.

Zhang Hao, the main child who is not afraid of this day, is starting from this program, and the Korean program has almost reached the end.


Feng Guiqin from the audience received a short message from a staff member of the company's technical department. She read it down and she smiled.

"What happened to Feng?" asked Wang Xiong.

Feng Guiqin raised his mobile phone. "The number of online users has come out."

Another little old man next to him: "How much?"

Feng Guiqin smiled. "The number of online users is now 2.9 million, and this number is still increasing."

Xiao Laotou and Wang Xiong listened, and some of the company’s colleagues next to them listened, all of them secretly took a breath of air.

When I wanted to see the first issue of Zhang Wei’s talk show, it’s only two million hits after the broadcast. The live broadcast, the number of online users is almost three million? Is this program a rhythm for your mom to break through 10 million hits? What is the concept of 10 million? Everyone wants to think about this new column of Teacher Zhang Wei. It is not only the section with the highest number of hits in Internet TV, but also the first live broadcast of Internet TV. After taking these two reputations, it is still going to impact. Is the highest single-click and average click volume for Internet TV history?

"How long is the live broadcast?" Feng Guiqin said.

Wang Xiong looked at the watch. "There are still six to seven minutes."

Feng Guiqin nodded. "The number of online viewers breaking through three million should be no problem. After 24 hours, it is not a problem to reach 10 million hits in this period."

On Weibo.

The program has been broadcast for more than 20 minutes, and the Internet has also been rumored early. Some people who don’t pay attention to these people, people who don’t like watching entertainment programs, may never take the initiative to care, but provoke this time as a stir-off. The party of the incident - Li Puyu, he obviously can't know, even if he doesn't pay attention to it, even if he doesn't know Chinese, the broker and the translator will tell him.

Then, Li Puyu’s meager silence lasted for a long time and finally spoke: “I have reserved the right to pursue legal responsibility for the violations and personal attacks.” The fool said that Li Puyu’s words were right. Zhang Wei said.

His brain powder echoed and responded

"Zhang Wei is going to die"

"I even angered my family Li Puyu"

"Zhang You, a stupid pig, you will be retribution."

"To investigate his legal responsibility to the court to sue him"

"That Zhang Wei said it is too ugly to make people hate it. How can he say that we Li Puyu, what happened to Korea? Where is Korea better than the Republic?"

Another person has also begun to fight back.

"A bunch of brain powder can't communicate"

"Korea is good? Go to Korea and get out of the way."

"You don't know what it is. Who is the first thing to pick up? It is you who worship and respect you. Li Puyu is the first to smear Zhang Zhang. It is impossible to get out of the paper for so long. It is a falsification. It is a literary device. But the truth is What? Everyone has seen it. This issue of Zhangye’s talk show is live broadcast. Several cameras are clear and clear. There is no mentioning instrument at all. Zhang Wei does not have a headset. It is impossible to edit a speech. More than 20 Minutes, he is alone in the performance and experience to release the manuscript. Yes, there are hosts who can have such strength. There are not many people in the country, but Zhang Wei is one of them. Zhang Wei has done it for you. What are you talking about? What about nonsense? Don’t you tell me? Don’t make me laugh, you have to tell Zhang that Li Puyu and the personal attacking wheel are not able to complain to Li Puyu.

In the middle of the stage.

Zhang Wei enjoys everyone's applause and applause.

The audience all looked brightly and looked forward with the same light. Although they all knew that there might not be a long time left in the column, everyone still hopes that Zhang can say a little more. It is too enjoyable to say a few more words.

But Zhang Wei does not seem to say anything. "Popularize the knowledge of kimchi. Let's talk about other things."

The audience are disappointed and say something else? Don't you say a stick?

As a result, Zhang Hao immediately said: "Forget it, say other things are not interesting, or say Korea."

“Ha ha ha ha” the audience screamed: “咿”

Sure enough, Zhang Hao did not live up to expectations. He said that after so many deaf people, he still did not stop. This is to offend Zhang Wei’s end. This is too vengeful, and it is a master who never loses. You yell at me. ? Then I have to give you ten sentences.

I only listened to Zhang Wei and continued to say: "I have encountered one thing a while ago. You know, I am famous now, and there are many people who care about me."



Zhang Wei spreads the hand: "The result is that a message from South Korea two days ago said, Zhang Hao, you are also our Korean, Smecta. I was shocked at the time. Do you know? No, I? Korean? The relationship between the eight sons can not be beaten, my Miao Honggen is the capital of the city, then the other party said, Zhang Wei, you are our Korean, Smecta, I asked why, he said you see Not many people on the Internet call you so much - cold face laughter"

The audience was confused for a moment, then they all understood

"Ha ha ha ha ha"

"Hey, I’ll go."

"Cold-faced laughter? Co-author is a Korean cold-faced laughter."

Online, a lot of brain powder powder large area screen

"Blocking Zhang Wei"

"He is too wicked."

"The mouth is all nonsense."

"How can Koreans provoke you? Are you so embarrassed?"

At this time, the live director gave Zhang Hao a gesture, and there were five minutes.

Zhang Wei looked at the audience and didn't care much about the time, because he had already calculated his mind. "When this show is finished, you can see it. There must be a large number of Korean artists and fans to swear at me. Hey, actually, I It’s really not appropriate to say this. The offended person is more offended, but... I just said it.” Zhang Yan stared at the camera and pointed at them: “I don’t want you to bite me.”

"Ha ha ha"

"strongly support"

"Yeah, you are coming to bite us."

The audience laughed and laughed again.

Zhang Wei’s expression was just a little sloppy, and there was no such thing as a famous host and writer. But this moment’s Zhang Wei is the cutest in the eyes of many viewers. I am jealous of you, not convinced? Come and bite me.

The company’s leaders and colleagues in the audience also laughed helplessly. It’s really impossible to get Zhang Wei’s teacher.

After teasing those sticks, Zhang Wei is still very excited: "Oh, I said too much today. Well, in fact, it’s not good to say that South Korea is not good. Actually, I want to thank the Republic of Korea here, not hypocrisy. It’s not a fake model. I really want to thank them. It’s you, I’ve made outstanding contributions to China’s entertainment industry again and again, and it’s you, spare no effort to contribute to the Chinese talk show, if not, The magical country, my talk show may end two phases, because I didn’t say it, just when I was worried that I would lose my hair every day, I don’t know how to continue recording for a few more times. I accidentally saw the world map and watched it. When I arrived in the Republic of Korea, I was in a flash of spirit. At that time, I felt that... It’s the most conservative estimate of the 180-year period. I even have a feeling that as long as the Republic of Korea exists for one day, China’s talk show will surely flourish. There will never be no paragraphs to say, so here, I want to give you a glimpse of the camera. I thank you for the Chinese entertainment industry. You are the real behind-the-scenes heroes." Deep bow

The audience is no longer able to laugh.

"Hello, hahaha"

"I have to breathe out."

"Mr. Zhang's mouth is too bad."

"When you finish the family, thank you again? You are too bad."

Today's paragraphs are quite mixed, some come from various talk show columns, some come from cross talk, some come from his world, the Internet comes from the wisdom of netizens, and some are Zhang Yi's own original, he is also a class out. It is impossible to have no ink in the belly.

Time is coming.

Zhang Yan pressed his hand and interrupted everyone's laughter and applause. Then he smiled and said: "Today's show is here. Finally, let's make a summary of today's topic. Koreans invented printing? Koreans invented Chinese characters? Koreans invented the Dragon Boat Festival? Some people can't help but ask, what did the Chinese invent?" Zhang Yi took a suit and said: "I tell you, the Chinese invented Koreans."

There is no dirty word in this paragraph.

However, it is the most embarrassing sentence in Zhang Jian’s paragraphs today.

When the audience heard it, many people rushed and stood up from the seat and applauded. "It’s so good, hahaha."

"Invented Koreans?"

"Yes, they were originally ‘invented, ah’.’

"Mr. Zhang is not a dirty word, but your mother is out of shape."

"Hey, for the first time today, I have some sympathy for the gang, and I’m so stinking that Zhang Wei’s teacher is stinking.

"Too cows"

"Give Zhang Hao a hundred thousand praises"

"Mr. Zhang, you are our role model."

"I seem to see that the sticks that are watching the show are all crying. Hahaha means E) sympathy with IA0"

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